Transport Application – Christmas Parcel Delivery Calculator
Test Case
Step 1: Initialize the variable to store the data
Step 2: Display the Welcome message
Step 3: Display the Menu
Step 4: Get the menu option from the user
Step 5: If the User Selects Setup Cost Per KM option perform step 6 and 7 else move to Step 10
Step 6: Get the costs per km for a package to be sent for 100KM or less distance from the User
Step 7: Get the costs per km for a package to be sent for over 100KM distance from the User
Step 8: Display the details entered by the user
Step 9: Go to Step 3
Step 10: If the User Selects Enter Parcel option perform step 11 to 17 else move to Step 18
Step 11: Get the receiver name of the package from the User
Step 12: Get the weight of the package from the User
Step 13: Get whether the insurance is required for the package from the User
Step 14: Get the number of KMs the package wants to travel from the User
Step 15: Display the details entered by the user
Step 16: Compute the delivery date of the package
Step 17: Go to Step 3
Step 17: If the User Selects Display Parcel Delivery Costs option perform step 18 to 23 else move to Step 24
Step 18: Compute the transportation cost by multiplying the distance and its corresponding cost
Step 19: Determine the insurance cost if the insurance is required for the package
Step 20: Compute the total cost i.e. transportation cost + insurance cost
Step 21: Display the cost details
Step 22: Display the delivery date of the package
Step 23: Go to Step 3
Step 24: If the user select the Exit System option perform step 25 else go to step 27
Step 25: Display the Exit message to the user
Step 26: Terminate the program execution
Step 27: If the user enters none of the option; Display the message of invalid choice and Go to Step 3
package transportapplication;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TransportApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
// Display the header message
for(int i=0;i<40;i++) {
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
System.out.print(” “);
Expected Result
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
System.out.print(” “);
System.out.println(“Christmas Parcel Delivery Calculator”);
System.out.println(” Developed by Arslan Ahmed, Student ID: 30338159 for ITECH1000 Summer 2017″);
for(int i=0;i<40;i++) {
boolean loop=true;
// variable to store the data
float costLessThan100=0, costOver100=0;
String receiversName=””;
float parcelWeight=0;
String insurenceRequired=””;
int distance=0;
float INSURENCE_PARAMETER=(float) 0.53;
//date to store the current time
Date deliveryDate=new Date();
// format in which date should be displayed
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy”);
//display the menu
//get the choice from the user
int choice=sc.nextInt();
case i:
// When Setup Cost Per KM is selected
System.out.print(“Enter how much it costs per km for a package to be sent 100KM or less: $ “);
costLessThan100=sc.nextFloat();// receive costs per km of the package sent 100KM or less
System.out.print(“Enter how much it costs per km for a package to be sent over 100KM: $ “);
costOver100=sc.nextFloat();// receive costs per km of the package sent over 100KM
//display the cost of the package per km
System.out.println(“The cost for a parcel to be sent 100km or less is $”+costLessThan100+” per km.”);
System.out.println(“The cost for a parcel to be sent more than 100km is $”+costOver100+” per km”);
case ii:
// When Enter Parcel is selected
System.out.print(“Enter receivers name: “);;//receive the receivers name of the package
System.out.print(“Enter weight of parcel: “);
parcelWeight=sc.nextFloat();//receive the weight of the package
System.out.print(“Do you want insurance (Y or N)? “);
insurenceRequired;//receive the insurance status of the package
System.out.print(“How far do you want to send the parcel (km)? “);
distance=sc.nextInt();//receive the number of km the package must be sent
//display the parcel package information
System.out.println(“You have entered the following details:”);
System.out.println(“Receivers Name: “+ receiversName);
System.out.println(“Parcel Weight: “+ parcelWeight );
System.out.println(“Insurance: “+ (insurenceRequired.equals(“Y”)?”true”:”false”) );
System.out.println(“KM to be sent: “+ distance);
//calculate the delivery date of the package from the distance
case iii:
// when Display Parcel Delivery Costs is selected
System.out.println(“ntt+++++ Calculating Costs +++++”);
float transportationCost=0;
//calculate the transportationCost based on the distance the parcel requires to travel
if(distance<=100) {
} else {
float insurenceCost=0;
//calculate the insurence cost based on the insurence requirement of the package
if(insurenceRequired.equals(“Y”)) {
// calculate the total cost of the package
float totalCost=transportationCost+insurenceCost;
// display the cost details
System.out.println(“ttTransportation Costs: “+Math.round(transportationCost*100.0)/100.0);
System.out.println(“ttInsurance Costs: “+ Math.round(insurenceCost*100.0)/100.0);
System.out.println(“ttTotal Costs: “+Math.round(totalCost*100.0)/100.0);
System.out.println(“nttThe parcel will arrive at: “+dateFormat.format(deliveryDate));
case iv:
// When Exit System is selected
System.out.println(“nThank you for using this calculator!”);
loop=false;//set loop to false to stop the loop
System.out.println(“Invalid Choice- Please enter the correct choice”);
private static void displayMenu() {
System.out.println(“nMain Menu”);
System.out.println(“1. Setup Cost Per KM”);
System.out.println(“2. Enter Parcel”);
System.out.println(“3. Display Parcel Delivery Costs”);
System.out.println(“4. Exit System “);
private static Date getDeliveryDate(int distance) {
Compute the delivery date by considering it takes 1 day to travel 10Km
Date date = new Date();
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, distance/10);
return calendar.getTime();
3.Testing Base Requirement:
Test Case |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
The user selects the menu option: Setup Cost Per KM |
The user is prompted to enter the travel cost (per KM) for a package sent under 100KM and sent over 100KM |
Enter how much it costs per km for a package to be sent 100KM or less: $ 0.59 Enter how much it costs per km for a package to be sent over 100KM: $ 0.86 |
The user selects the menu option: Enter Parcel |
The user is prompted to enter the receivers name, the weight of the parcel, if they want insurance and how far the parcel is to be sent |
Enter receivers name: Greg Enter weight of parcel: 100 Do you want insurance (Y or N)? Y How far do you want to send the parcel (km)? 512 |
The user selects the menu option: Display Parcel Delivery Costs |
Displays calculation of the transportation, insurance and total costs |
Transportation Costs: 440.32 Insurance Costs: 53.0 Total Costs: 493.32 |
The user selects the menu option: Exit System |
Quit the program with a message to the user |
The program terminates with the message Thank you for using this calculator! |
The user selects the menu option: Not of the above choice |
Displays the message Invalid Choice- Please enter the correct choice |
Testing Standard Requirement:
Test Case |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Modularity |
Modularize the code |
The code is modularized with two function displayMenu() and getDeliveryDate() |
Comment |
The code is commented |
Adding Magic Numbers |
float INSURENCE_PARAMETER=(float) 0.53; |
Testing Advance Requirement:
Test Case |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
The user selects the menu option: Display Parcel Delivery Costs |
Displays when the parcel will arrive |
Transportation Costs: 440.32 Insurance Costs: 53.0 Total Costs: 493.32 The parcel will arrive at: Sat Feb 24 19:30:26 EST 2018 |