Transforming The Corporate Culture At Heinz Australia

The Significance of Change Management Process

In today’s business world, being adaptable to change is an essential quality of any successful organization.Modern organizations are considering change management process as a significant factor. Mostly, this happens in the condition where an organization has to develop to a desirable state which would allow it to attain its vision and objectives effectively. Changes are considered to be essential in any firm because they allow it to stay competitive in the industry (Burke, 2017). The major objective of this report is to analyze the given case i.e. “Transforming the Corporate Culture at Heinz Australia”to identify the problems which exist in the organization.The case indicates that how Heinz Australia went through change and advantages of the changes to the company and its employees. In this context, this report assesses this organization by applying the change management theory i.e. cultural web. The major reason behind applying this theory is that this company is making changes in its cultural environment. In addition to this, there is the discussion about the key forces for and against change.Then, it describes the key strengths of Heinz Australia which are defined in the given case study. At the end, some specific aspects areexplained whichthis organization needs to be monitored and sustained.

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Cultural Web is a change management tool which was introduced by Johnson & Scholes (1988).This is a significant change tool that identifies a number of elements which can be used to define or affect the organizational culture (Piercy, 2016). This framework of change includes 6 key elements which are interlinked to create a paradigm that is the core of this web. It provides the management with the cultural audit of organization so that both strengths and weaknesses can be analysed. In this way, the opportunity is given for the people managing the change process to go deeper to bring the hidden norms along with values and beliefs which can be recognized more willingly (Innovation For Growth, 2014). Implementation of this theory assists the managers to prioritize their s change objectives and apply the most appropriate process for change management.Considering the significance of culture and its components, Heinz needs to place powerful organizational culture as a strong source to gain competitive edge because it cannot be imitated by others.

(Source: Morris, 2017)

In context of Heinz Australia, different elements of cultural web are discussed below:

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The core of organizational culture is showed by the paradigm that lies at the centre of cultural web framework.This includes the aspects of organizational life which are hidden and invincible. This aspect indicates the mission and values of an organization. At Heinz,the main problem is that the dominant attitudes andbehaviours had resulted in delay along with the fear. Additionally, the changes will be insignificant in the company till these assumptions are challenged and brought to surface (Morris, 2017).

Cultural Web Theory

By analysing the case, it can be stated that paradigm at Heinz Australiawas negative prior the implementation of Widdow’s change. The organizational culture was punitive with lower risks. At Heinz, the emphasis was much inward whereeverythinglooked like very complex and included various efforts. In the organization, Widdow has brought the feeling of positivity and transparency that assisted in instilling the morale and confidence its employees.

Control systems are the processes which are placed to monitor the things which are going on in an organization. This aspect is nothing but it is the measurement of reward system. Al the people who had contributed to with their ideas and opinions were innovative. These people were rewarded by top managers and Widdows as well. At Heinz, it worked as a significant motivating factorfor others. This action has motivated the people who have contributed their opinions and ideas for the benefits of organization. It is a continuous process where each and every person working in routine activities can make a decision to perform in better way and give the recommendations to the senior managers (Hogan and Coote, 2014). At Heinz, the conditions were different from what this was prior because employees were scared of thinking and speaking loudly.The changes implemented in the culture and attitudes of company assisted all the organizational people to become more positive, confident and open.

In the cultural web, power structures are the people who make important decisions of company. In this organization, power structure was its top managers. They have role in implementing and managing the changes at workplace. As an effective leader, Widdow had taken the charges of change process. In the process, Widdow put focus on eliminating the power structure and it had showed to the staff that company really care for them.Heinz had taken many initiatives like work life balance, flexible working week, elimination of staff supervision etc. Additionally, employees can take off on Fridayto balance their social life.These effortsassisted the company to develop sharedtrust between employees and employer (Kuipers, et al, 2014).

Symbols are the designs and logos of organization but it also includes other symbols like working place and structure.At Heinz Australia, behaviour of staff showed the symbolic expression relevantto great working place.The employees were alwaysready to contribute and give creative ideas for the betterment of firm.It was very difficult task to do but still Widdow could attain that by continuously communicating the same to staff. In this context, the company has made the changesin the working manner of employees (Heinz Marketing, 2016). In restructuring process, Heinz has shifted to Southbank Melbourne. It has not mademore changes in this aspect.

Analysis of Cultural Web Elements at Heinz Australia

Rituals and Routines are other aspects which may become more usual and habitual to the company than necessary. About Heinz, Widdow defined a mantra that it is a “Great place to work”.It can be showed in the everyday rituals and routines in the organization. They were showing respect to each other and taking the opinions of every person (Heinz, 2018).Thus, the changes in company promoted the positive and caring culture. Top managers were supposed to frame good behaviour to employees. In addition to this, the company and its top management made more focus on the well-being of employees.

Under cultural web model, this component is formed about the events and people and give the message about thatwhat is valuable in the company. Throughout the company, the top management spread the stories indicating the “Walk the Talk”techniquein the behaviour of every employee. Widdow had led the organization with the thought that people should behave with others in the way as they expect the behaviour from others.The organization has made more focus on dealing with thepunishments. It was not rewarding the employees if they had not attained something good and profitable. Apart from this, Widdow served the organization as a role model for all the employees (Jones and Van de Ven, 2014).

Organization structure includes hierarchies, reporting authorities and the ways through which the work flows in an organization. In change implementation process, the organization structure was altered at Heinz Australia. The major changes are made in this dimension by decreasing the salaried employees by 25% and reorganizing the board by bringing the new members from middle level management (Heinz, 2018).It makes clear that company is taking ideas from both middle and lower levels of management.The previous organizational structure was very complex at Heinz that was made easier in change process. Moreover, the company has taken various initiatives to enhance communication among different management levels. The new organizational structure has made the process and operations easier (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

Thus, the case states that company has made various changes in its different components. Under the leadership and management of Widdow, Heinz has implemented various changes. The company has made more emphasis on the wellness and wellbeing of employees. The company had taken varioussteps and projects to implement change. The change process assisted the company to enhance its corporate culture and attain its overall objectives. In this way, the leadership of Widdow was focused to overcome the negativityamong employees about the organizational culture (Alvesson and Sveningsson, 2015).

Forces for and Against Change at Heinz Australia

Cultural web analysis indicates that the company had taken various cultural elements into consideration when implementing the changes. The above analysis of Heinz Australia indicates thatthere are some forces for and against change at organization.These forces are stated below:

On the basis of organizational structure component of cultural web, it is obvious that company has reframed its structure by including the employees from middle level management and boosted their inputs.This factor will work in the favor of change to be applied in the company because people will be more responsive and receptive to new changes (Pugh, 2016). Moreover, symbol aspect describes that there were changes in the behavior and attitude of middle managers. This has become morefriendly and approachable to new and innovative ideas.It showcases the belief in company’s vision and employees are expected to show the same behavior with their juniors. This positive working environment had played a significant role in applying changes which were recommended by Widdow. By developing good working environment, the company was able to increase the employee morale and decrease the employee turnover rate at Heinz.In addition to this, Heinz adopted a great mantra i.e. “great place to work” that was supportive in the formulation and implementation of change process. This assisted the company to build a friendly and positive environment for employees (Carnall, 2018).

In addition to above favorableforces, there are some factors which can oppose the process of change implementation.At Heinz Australia, the major forces against the change were recognized in the analysis of rituals and routine aspect. It indicated depressing and adverse working environment, lack of trust and confidence from top management that made the employees feelthat each job is very difficult (Appelbaum, et al, 2015). This forced the employees to go against the change implementation process. It takes the faith and optimism out of the workplace and it has become an inward focus.Additionally, the power structure aspect recommended that board did not comprise ofone of the middle managers therefore there was very much independenceat higher level.The company’s senior management needs to consider that it is very important to become more innovative otherwise company cannot survive.In the case of Heinz Australia, innovation was note there before the joining of Widdow. Furthermore, punitive culture in the organization could be a major force against the changed implemented by Widdow.

For Heinz, it is essential to consider both the above factors so that the changes can be implemented effectively.


The case study indicates that Heinz Australia has confronted various challenges. In order to overcome these challenges, the organization’s leader has implemented various changes in the processes (Kraft Heinz, 2017). The changes in the organization can lead the organization towards the attainment of its overall objectives. Key strengths of company’snew culture are given below:

Behavior and Attitude of Employees

It is one of the biggest strengths of its new culture i.e. changes in the behavior and attitude of employees.After implementation of changes in the culture, employees treat one another with the respect and listen to each and every person. It makes sure thatno body at the workplace is considered for granted.The major belief of this firm that was prior inward focused which was now moved to the great place to work where experimentation and creativity are promoted. It was clear from the senior managers that they want to make changes, exist and grow with the assistance of operational effectiveness and employee engagement.

Positive working environment

This is also abig strength ofHeinz’s new culture as before these changes there was too much adversity in its working culture. To overcome this issue, the company has made various changes in the employee behavior and Widdow’s leadership approach. It has made efforts to create changing attitude of workforce at workplace. It assisted the top managers to develop confidence and trust among people. This strength is very important to develop loyalty among employees towards their employer (Cameron and Green, 2015).

Commitment and Loyalty

At Heinz Australia, other key strength of its new culture is that its staff has created loyalty towards the firm which can be seen by its reduced attrition rate. In this culture, level of communication with the seniors is very high. It makes sure that new knowledge and learning remains at workplace. It is beneficial for the growth of organization in the future.It is possible as the staff has replied the question why this company provides a great place to work.

These are the key strengths of company’s new culture which can support the organization for its continuous improvement and future growth.

However, Heinz Australia had implemented effective change processes and Widdow had taken various steps to apply changes successfully. Still, there are various areas which need to be monitored and sustained to ensure that it does not slide back into the old ways of working and thinking.Here are some recommendations which are given below:

One of the major aspects that organization needs to monitor is that after being successful and profitable, company’s management should not be more complacent.The fundamental behavior of common trust and respect has to succeed for company to take a hike. As the firm becomes more mature and productivity becomes a routine, Heinz tends to be stagnant and satisfied.The case organization needs to make sure that there is a culture of innovation and creativity. Moreover, there should be continuous communication about the vision of management. Moreover, the company needs to focus that environment of company is constantly changing due to changes in external and internal factors (Hon, Bloom and Crant, 2014).

To sustain this positive working environment, the company needs to monitor and supervise the processes in a regular time intervals. The leaders at the Heinz require thinking aboutthe change plan and its impact on organizational culture.It has to sustain its working mantra i.e. Great place to work. It needs to make sure that employees have higher morale and they are engaged in their tasks and responsibilities. At Heinz, Widdow has taken various steps to implement the changes. He worked as a perfect leader for the organization so his story of selfless and heroism actions should be recorded as the story aspect of cultural web model. By focusing on above recommendations, the company will be able to gain more competitive advantage in the future.


Thus, it is hereby concluded that Heinz Australia had become the company that had implemented the changes effectively and successfully. The above report includes different elements of cultural web which need to be considered by the company in change implementation process. Under the leadership of Widdow, the company is going under the changes. There are various forces which can support or oppose the change implementation. Before making changes, there was low risk, negative environment present that had negative impact employees’ perception. Change management was an effective process to make improvement in its processes andretain the employees for a longer time.


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