Transformational Leadership: Empowering Teams And Managing Challenges

Understanding the Roles and Qualities of Effective Managers

We are a group of 5, and have successfully completed the PechaKucha presentation. While doing the presentation we have brainstormed through a lot of peer reviewed journals and databases to understand the roles, and the qualities of a manager in an organization. The PechaKucha format is short, concise, entertaining, unexpected but is greatly effective in telling stories, with a pinch of fun and humour in it.

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While researching for the role of the managers, I have also come across several incidences of conflict of interests among the managers and the employees. Furthermore the report will also discuss about the present day challenges faced by the managers related to achieving a stretch goal, hiring suitable employees and responding promptly during financial crisis of the company. It will also provide insight to the different issues that occurs in managing teams such as trust issues, conflict of interest and miscommunication. The final part of the report presents the learning outcomes of this report.

During the course of my journey of preparing the pecha kucha presentation I have identified three issues related to leadership in managers. One the issues that I have faced with my leader are the communication problem, the conflict of interest between the leader and the team members and the building of an honest relationship between the team members. While making the pechakucha presentation each of the team members collected different information, which had a great job on part of our leader to assimilate the ideas. We often had communication problem with him but our leader has always welcomed new innovative ideas. Conflict of interest is quite common while working in a group hence it is the leader’s role to manage them honestly and carefully. While assessing the information while preparing the PechKucha presentation, we have gained knowledge regarding the different leadership styles and their implementation by the managers in different courses of their career. I have learnt how the managers motivate and empower the employees by training and nurturing them. They are the one to establish targets and yardsticks for measuring the success of the organization (Ohland et al. 2012). I have also learned how the managers develop strategies for pulling new teams together. 

Managers have the power to make and break the organizations. Great managers help the employees to achieve their full potential and to help the organization to surpass their target and goals (Braun et al. 2013). While working in the team I have understood that there are some key roles that a manager should possess to become a good leader. The most important part of being a manager is honesty. The moment a team stops believing that the leader is not telling the truth, things would fall apart and the employees would no longer consider him as the boss (Kelloway et al. 2012). While working inside the team I have understood that a team cannot be managed, but should be led in order to combat hurdles. My team leader has been a transformational team leader who believes in motivating the employees to achieve excellence and takes the team to the elite level. Although the manager’s job is to plan, organize and coordinate. The mangers have to take themselves to new level where they can inspire and motivate the other employees. Transformational leaders’ works in a team by identifying a needed change, creating visions to guide the changes by inspiring the team members and executing the changes with committed members in a group (Kelloway et al. 2012).

Examining Challenges Faced by Managers in Organizations

Maintenance of High performance workforce is extremely important for an organization and in order to do that the managers needs to inspire the team members. I have seen that the transformational leaders have charismatic appeal for changing the organization. Transformational leaders should be able to promote constant mission, vision and values to the members in order to work optimistically and enthusiastically (Braun et al. 2013). My team leader always had that charisma to foster teamwork and commitment. Critically discussing, there is a small difference between the managers and leaders. In most of the cases, the managers solely think about the production of the company. On the contrary, the leaders tend to be more motivational and should also care for the well being of the team members (Lian and Tui 2012). Unfortunately all managers do not posses leadership qualities. Thus it is rightly said that’ leaders are not made, and are born’. Kelloway et al. (2012) have stated that managerial positions are usually a part of the job description and are followed due to the designation. A manager who is a leader should not only be able to meet the organizational goal but should also be able to look into the grievances of the team members (Lian and Tui 2012). 

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The current ambience featured by uncertainty, organizational instability and global turbulence calls for a transformational type of leadership (De Vries 2012). A manager following transformational type of leadership would be able to manifestation high levels of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The main aim of the managers is to constantly make efforts to transform the organization through considerable leaderships.

In a nut shell the managers following transformational leadership style will be inspirational, motivational, would believe in providing autonomy to the employees after training, and should posses the courage to take difficult decisions, share collective organizational consciousness, welcome new ideas and adaptability (De Vries 2012).

 Lian and Tui (2012) have opposed that transformational leaders in spite of being inspirational can have face challenges in managing the teams. Managers having transformational leadership qualities can exploit impression management and lend itself to amoral self protection by the leaders. This self protection can be quite detrimental for a team. 

Working as a team can be great for achieving a shared goal as they workforce gets separated reducing the loads form the members, yet there are several challenges while working as a team. One of the most common challenges that I have encountered while working in a team is the communication between the team members. The team members have to interact among themselves for achieving their common objectives (Hauschildt and Konradt, 2012). Poor communications among the team leads to inefficiencies, redundancies and misunderstandings (Ohland et al. 2012). I have made sure that I communicate openly with my peers during the project, such that I get acquainted with their mindset and can incorporate their innovative ideas in my presentation.  Lack of trusts breeds in teams over time and can affect the team integrity (Lian and Tui 2012). In order to set a robust culture thrust is the main key (Hauschildt and Konradt,  2012). Another issue that I have faced while working in the team is the absence of team identity. As stated by Graves et al. (2013) there are certain members that do not feel mutually accountable to one another, hence there is a lack of commitment and effort among the members (Lazaroiu 2015). Conflict may occur between the personal goals and team goals. Each team member my come up with new ideas, but it is always not necessary to implement all of them in to practice, and this is where the leaders come in to the play (Lian and Tui 2012). Whenever the group of people works together, conflicts are quite common as personal motivations may come in to the way (Lazaroiu 2015). However conflicts should be viewed as vehicles for growth. Conflicts can be exuberated by tensions and personal verbal attacks (Mendenhall et al. 2017). I have made sure that there is an open door for new ideas, which lead to the accumulation of a number of ideas. It can be said that increased maturity level of teams leads to cohesiveness (Graves et al. 2013). Proper, well functional teams should have clear objectives. I have learnt that we the team members should participate in constructive debates serve the needs of the clients, support and guide each other and should review our performances for sorting out the ways to improve it. 

The Benefits of Transformational Leadership in Inspiring and Motivating Teams

I have understood that I had been less proactive while communicating with the team members, which could have otherwise helped me to develop interpersonally. I believe that I should adopt more acceptance towards the all the team members and should keep a scope for innovative ideas from the others.

I have worked in teams and have understood that an ineffective leadership can fail a team by not developing a compelling vision for the team. A leader has to be transformational for managing a growing team (Ohland et al. 2012).  I have learnt that a leader should be able to provide empathy and support to the employees, as the team members play the pivotal role in earning the revenue of the company. I have learnt how the leader articulates a perception that is appealing to his followers. In my course of the study, I have learnt high ethical behaviors from the transformational leaders, as they can be the role models for high ethical behaviors, gaining respect and trust. I believe that transformational concept of leadership can spread equally to all the sectors of the society. The leadership qualities of the transformational leaders have made be believe in the saying” courage is the greatest virtue”,(Liao et al. 2013) .I believe that it is necessary to take risks, challenge assumptions for fostering creativity in the team members and the organization.


It can be said from the report that transformational leaderships can be strategically significant and can have impacts on the work force of a team. Transformational leaders have been found to be successful in empowering the team members and foster within them knowledge of self confidence and self integrity. Finally, with the increased usage of the team culture in the corporate sectors and the needs for preventing brain drain, the psychology of the team should be understood and managed accordingly. Finally I have learnt that a proper manager should ensure that a team gets profited optimally by the shared knowledge. 


Braun, S., Peus, C., Weisweiler, S. and Frey, D., 2013. Transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and team performance: A multilevel mediation model of trust. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), pp.270-283.

De Vries, R.E., 2012. Personality predictors of leadership styles and the self–other agreement problem. The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), pp.809-821.

Graves, L.M., Sarkis, J. and Zhu, Q., 2013. How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee proenvironmental behaviors in China. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 35, pp.81-91.

Hauschildt, K. and Konradt, U., 2012. Self-leadership and team members’ work role performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 27(5), pp.497-517.

Kelloway, E.K., Turner, N., Barling, J. and Loughlin, C., 2012. Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: The mediating role of employee trust in leadership. Work & Stress, 26(1), pp.39-55.

Lazaroiu, G., 2015. Employee Motivation and Job Performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, p.97.

Lian, L.K. and Tui, L.G., 2012. Leadership styles and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating effect of subordinates’ competence and downward influence tactics. The Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 13(2), p.59.

Liao, F.Y., Yang, L.Q., Wang, M., Drown, D. and Shi, J., 2013. Team–Member Exchange and Work Engagement: Does Personality Make a Difference?. Journal of business and psychology, 28(1), pp.63-77.

Mendenhall, M.E., Osland, J., Bird, A., Oddou, G.R., Stevens, M.J., Maznevski, M.L. and Stahl, G.K. eds., 2017. Global leadership: Research, practice, and development. Routledge.

Ohland, M.W., Loughry, M.L., Woehr, D.J., Bullard, L.G., Felder, R.M., Finelli, C.J., Layton, R.A., Pomeranz, H.R. and Schmucker, D.G., 2012. The comprehensive assessment of team member effectiveness: Development of a behaviorally anchored rating scale for self-and peer evaluation. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11(4), pp.609-63

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