Training And Development Needs Assessment: Importance And Methods

Training Needs Assessment

Discuss about the Analysis Of Training And Development Needs.

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The present study provides an overview on the training and developments needs assessment of a particular organization. Training and development has been intended to enhance mastery of different skills as well as technique of detailed as well as routine work adoption. Assessment of the training needs is one of the integral parts of the training programs. Needs assessment is the method that helps to convince the management of the enterprise that training program to be integrated is appropriate. Analysis of training and development needs has close connection with planning exercises in which best planning is generally preceded by recognizing different needs or problems (Arneson, Rothwell & Naughton, 2013). The outcome of training needs assessment is the vital inputs in the procedure of planning. The enterprises in today’s world are considering on scope and location for using cost of training as well as other resources effectively. This study highlights on the significance of training and development needs assessment in an Australian organization. The methods to be selected to conduct training needs assessment is discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the training needs assessment procedure used for determining necessity of training and development is also analyzed in this report. The study also explains about the possible result if training needs assessment is not properly planned or conducted in an organization.

Training need assessment refers to the strategic step for finding out appropriate training program for the employees and enterprise. Assessment of the training needs is vital since it gives information about the knowledge and skill level of the enterprise’s human resources. Before adoption of training and development program, the enterprise begins with assessment of the training needs. It has been opined by Ford ( 2014) that, training needs assessment is the critical stage in training cycle. The management of the organization basically identifies existing knowledge gap and strength as well as weaknesses in procedure, which enables training programs being delivered.

The training needs analysis is usually undertaken for identifying certain areas of behaviors that training requires to achieve with the learners. This analysis basically considers the outcome the enterprise requires from learner and what skills as well as knowledge  the learner currently has. This generally concludes with recognition of what skills as well as knowledge  the learner should gain and this creates performance gap. Based on the needs as well as resources of the enterprise, the training assessment might range from detailed skills analysis to review of the performance results. It has been opined by Jehanzeb & Bashir (2013) that, more complete this assessment of training, more likely the workers training will contribute results to enterprise. The workers needs training for different reasons that lies into two categories-

  1. Training for filling the performance gap as recognized during performance management procedure
  2. Training to fill growth gap , which is to fill another position in an enterprise.

Methods for Conducting the Training Needs Assessment

The ultimate objective of training needs analysis is to determine present and desired performance. The difference or gap between these two is learning, which must arise and the basis for effective training design (Jen-Chia, Tseng-Chang, & Chen 2012) The main reasons for undertaking training needs assessment are given below-

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  • Determining whether there is any requirement of training and development
  • Ensuring that the particular training will be connected to the needs of the enterprise.
  • Determining the main reasons of poor performance and what or who is required to be trained
  • Determining the desired performance or training outcome
  • Providing baseline of the data.
  • Identifying what and how it is to be measured.
  • Identifying content as well as scope of training.
  • Gaining participant as well as enterprise support. Furthermore, the base line is that needs assessment facilitates in pinpointing the main problem, confirm the issue, and thus seek solutions .

Poorly designed training needs assessment might lead to the training which-

  • Addresses the in appropriate competencies
  • Provides training to the wrong individuals
  • Utilizes the wrong methods of training

Needs assessments could be undertaken at any time period but are usually done after hiring of individuals, during performance appraisal times, requirement of performance involvement, for development of career plans or the succession planning or during changes in the organization includes changes in jobs of employees (Phillips, 2012). It is valuable to perform all these needs assessments periodically for measuring changes in workers knowledge as well as skills and also effectiveness of training program. The methods generally used for conducting the training needs assessment are explained below:

Step 1- Identifying the needs of business

Identifying the training needs analysis is the basic step for any effective training program and hence is vital for the succession planning.  By conducting this needs analysis permits an enterprise to concentrate its efforts on certain training areas that are essential for workers to effectively carry out the goals of organization, make optimum utilization of the enterprise’s training dollars and also motivate the employees by making contribution to their development of career. The individual conducting this training needs analysis must clearly know the whole organization and the department goals as well as priorities (Pollock, Jefferson & Wick 2015). This in turn can help to assess all kinds of training options and also identify the training opportunities that will contribute to the success of workers, business units and the whole enterprise.

Step 2- Performing the gap analysis

Performing the gap assessment includes analyzing the present state of the department or workers performance and hence comparing it to desired extent. The main difference between existing and desired state signifies the gap. Kaufman & Guerra-Lopez,  (2015) opines that there are several various methods to conduct the gap analysis. The process for recognizing the gap might depend on the situation as well as organization. Based on this situation, it might be facilitating to utilize one or several gap analysis procedures. Few gap analysis tools involves-

  • Individual interviews-
  • HR records- This include job descriptions as well as competencies, grievance filings, attendance records, , performance evaluations, exit interviews and other enterprise records such as sales, cost records and production.
  • Focus groups- Utilizing focus groups includes simultaneous questioning number of people about the training needs. However,  best results will occur with particular group of workers who might have similar needs of training.
  • Self- assessment, surveys and questionnaires- Surveys usually use the standardized format and thus can be in the form of writing, phone or by electronic method. Based on this situation, it might be facilitating to conduct the surveys with workers and the customers.
  • Observations- Some of the sources for the observation involves- work settings job simulation etc.

Step 3- Assessing training options

The gap assessment generates specific list of the training needs. The list is then assessed based on the target as well as priorities of an enterprise. Moreover, it would be measured using certain scale such as critical, important and non important. Thus, this step helps the enterprise to reduce the cost of training and find the solution to any workers performance problem.

The Outcome of Training Needs Assessment

Step 4- Reporting needs of training and recommending training plans

The manager should report all the findings from training needs analysis and making recommendations for long term as well as short term training plans. If the training has the timeline such as date or any legal compliance, then training might be the priority for budgeting as well as scheduling. The report might involve the summary of the methods used for completing this assessment and the recommendations of training with a common timeline.

Training needs assessment is basically the first step before conduction of the training program and thus an extremely important method of allocating training and development effectively. For producing the appropriate training program, it must be based on appropriate initial step. Additionally, being the basis of the determination of the training, this needs assessment also gives the measurement for anticipating the future problems. By determining the appropriate training program for the employees would value the enterprise as the outcome of the training program.  It has been opined by Kaufman, R., & Guerra-Lopez (2013) that, there are mainly three stages of evaluation of training needs analysis process for determining the necessity of training as well as  development such as organizational analysis, individual analysis and operational analysis.

Organizational analysis- Organizational analysis helps to determine the place where training will be conducted within the enterprise. This analysis basically concentrates on the enterprise as the whole, involving the assessment of enterprise goals, analysis of resource, efficiency analysis, and analysis of enterprise climate.  At the enterprise level, training needs must be analyzed according to the organizational goals as well as strategies. Furthermore, analysis of external as well as internal environment of enterprise is also extremely important. This analysis is crucial for obtaining information such as trends of business strategy, total attendance, turnover, productivity and workers behavior in the enterprise. All these information helps to determine the objectives of training to be achieved.

Individual analysis- Individual analysis is basically required to know about the performance of each employee. In this stage, the training requirement of each worker is determined. In fact,  the difference between desired and actual performance is the basic need for individual training. Moreover, standard performance that is generally set at the operation level is the performance that is to be attained. Information about employee’s performance can be attained from the data of individual performance, supervisor assessment, interviews, attitude survey and so on (Daley, 2012). Furthermore, gap between performance that is to attained and the actual performance will be filled with this training.

Evaluation of Training Needs Analysis Process

Operational analysis- Operational analysis basically determines the way workers perform a particular job. The objective of this specific assessment is to determine the task that is to be provided to the employees , so that they can perform the work according to that target level. Operational analysis mainly needs careful testing of work that is to be performed after this training (Salas, E., Tannenbaum, Kraiger, & Smith-Jentsch 2012).  However, this analysis involves: 1) systematic collection of information that accurately explains how the job is performed. 2) Determining the performance standards for the job. 3) Determination of the work to be done for meeting the standards. 4) Determination of skills, knowledge, abilities, and several other characteristics that is needed for an successful performance.

From the above stages of evaluation of strategic need assessment process, it is necessary that enterprise analysis is based on operational analysis and this operational analysis is based on individual analysis. However, the Australian organization must analyze these stages of needs assessment process if training and development is necessary for the enterprise.

The possible outcomes that might occur if the training needs assessment is not properly conducted or planned are given below:

  • It might increase the overall cost of training and development program
  • It might leads to several issues and hence cannot identify proper interventions
  • It might lead to inaccurate quality of the policies or the program decision
  • It might not lead to subsequent decision regarding implementation of design, project evaluation and the programs (Topno, 2012).
  • It can also create conflict within the employees and managers , thus affecting the culture of the enterprise.
  • It might lead to revaluation of the process of training needs program


From the above report, it can be concluded that training needs assessment is required to planned as well as systematic in order to attain effective outcome. The Australian organization must adopt strategic analysis of the needs assessment in order to attain competitive advantage against their rivalries. Moreover, by conducting needs assessment, the Australian firm can  anticipate faulty training that is the main reason of training failure. Additionally, it will also reduce overall cost and time of the human resource development (HRM) of the enterprise.


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