Training And Development At Tesco And National Health Services
On the job Training
- Explain the difference between training and development. How have changes in customer expectations affected Tesco and its need to train staff?
Training refers to the process of providing knowledge and skills to the employees so that they can effectively carry out specific tasks in the organization. The process of training provides new teaching skills that helps the employees to understand their roles and develop skills to comply with them as well. Whereas development refers to the process of helping a person to grow and expand their scope of capabilities. Development increases knowledge and capabilities of employees learned in the process of training (Lin, and Peng 2018).
Further, the expectation of customers has changed to one stop shopping. Now the customer does not go to grocery store just to shop food and clothing, instead the customers demand banking, electrical and telephone equipment etc. services as well. So, the company needs to train the employees in such a way so that they can work in all fields without facing hurdles. All employees of the company are trained to be all-rounder.
- List the methods of training carried out by Tesco. Describe how training needs are identified.
Below mentioned are the training programs used by the company:
On the job Training
- Buddy Program: An experienced member of the company guiding fresher will their job role.
- Job Rotation: trainee gets the opportunity to cover their target position by taking responsibility on temporary basis (Walsh 2015).
- Coaching Manager helping the trainee with the process of working in the organization.
Off the Job Training
- Professional training organizations qualifying people to work in Tesco.
Identification of training Needs
Training needs are identified by setting new targets for business to achieve. Completion or deficiency in these targets helps the company to analyse the areas where the employees need improvement. Based on the business targets to achieve, the management analyses the gaps in knowledge and skills of the employees and training them accordingly.
- Analyse Tesco’s method of developing its employees. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of such a programme.
The company handles the development of employees as a form of shared responsibilities. The primary responsibility is implied to the specific department but other teams also help the employees to learn and develop. The management of the company initially analyses the deficiencies in the skills and knowledge of the employees and then develop a personal development plan for every employee to work on them and grow (Samantara, and Sharma 2015).
The PDP provided by the manager helps the employees to identify the areas where they have to focus. It also creates a career plan for the employees that make them more focused towards the activities of the company.
It reduces the scope of differentiation among employees and induces them to strictly follow the path otherwise, growth would not be achieved. Along with this, huge amount of time and money is invested in developing the plan. The focus of manager is also invested on employees due to which operations are left idle.
- Evaluate the benefits for Tesco in providing a structured training programme. To what extent do you think the training has achieved a Return on Investment?
Structured training refers to the process of developing the professional skills and efficiencies of the employees to perform a better job. The main aim of this type of training is to attain business objectives for the business growth. In order to attain benefit of this type of training, the employees are needed to put into realistic scenario with necessary conditions to create and support a planned sequence of task performance (Fund 2016).
Off the Job Training
This type of training is an effective method to increase the growth scale by providing quality services to the customers. Quality services are provided by training the employees to perform according to the business objectives of the company. They are provided different types of professional skills and abilities to deal with specific issues of the company. The trained employees act as an asset for the company and this type of training increase their skills and capabilities with the passage of time.
National Health Services is a publicly funded organisation or national healthcare system for Britain. It is one of the four National Health Services for each constituent nation of the United Kingdom (Ainscow, et al. 2013). It is the largest single-payer healthcare system in the world. There are around 1.4 million staffs working under it (Darling-Hammond and McLaughlin, 2011). It is having hybrid organisational structure with roles and responsibilities clearly defined within the organisation.
The smart goals for the organisation are:
- Specific: They aim to build the best talents in the world by training the employees with the help of new type of technologies as well as establishing more numbers of training centres at the workplace.
- Measurable: They aim to make personal and professional development for all the employees by the end of June 2019 by analysing the gaps in their performance.
- Achievable: To enhance the productivity of the employees two times by the end of 2020. This will do by improving the learning culture at the workplace.
- Relevant: To improve the patient’s satisfaction level and they must feel that they are getting the best types of treatment. It also seeks to adopt continuous improvement approach for enhancing their performance.
- Timely: To improve the communication standards of the employees by the end of 2019.
In order to achieve all the above mentioned objectives, the strategies that can be used are:
- Team culture: In order to achieve the set objectives, it is crucial that company improves the practice related to team culture. Employees need to learn from each other’s expertise. They must take the help of the each other in the learning process (Hopkins and Harris, 2013).
- Personal and professional development plan: It will be effective to take use of personal and professional development plan so as to understand the requirements of each employee and hence develop the training programmes accordingly.
- Communicational training: Communication is the base of the nursing industry hence NHS has to give additional training to the staffs from all the sections of the society (Hanko, 2018). Since UK has a diverse population hence it is essential for the organisation to ensure that their employees especially the front line staffs are capable of speaking and understanding at least two or three types of languages.
- Promoting Self learning: Company needs to promote self-learning by giving additional opportunities to the employees for their growth. This will help the firm to reduce their efforts in training the employees.
- Regular training for continuous improvement: Since the company is destined to adopt continuous improvement approach hence regular training is very much essential (Oborn, Barrett and Exworthy, 2011). This must be done in every six months so as to enhance the skills of their employees and getting them ready for different situations.
Benefits from this policy
This development policy is a demonstration of commitment of NHS to continuing PPD of its staffs and its support for lifelong learning activities. It contributes to the performance of its staffs.
Purpose of the policy
The purpose of the policy is to make sure that all training and development and education of the staff is relevant, timely and is effective. This policy defines the roles and responsibilities of all the involved individuals. It gives framework through which board provides continuous program of organisational development and staff (Macfarlane, et al. 2011). This policy is making sure that they are supporting their staffs appropriately for delivery of effective, safe and person centred care. Policy outlines daily procedures in the staff’s development process.
Policy Statement
Company recognises that for achieving objectives successfully quality of the employees is essential. Due to this, company is dedicated to promoting and fully using their personal development, knowledge, skills and commitment of the staffs. Learning is the only way to improve individual’s effectiveness consistent with organisation’s goals.
- Policy covers all the staffs. Specific arrangements for volunteers training is specified in policy on volunteering.
- Policy has clear association with company’s procedures and policies:
Equality and diversity policy
New staff’s induction
Capability procedures
Personal development planning procedures and Joint Development Review
Managing conduct
Guiding principles
- All staffs needs to show continual development both personally and professionally.
- All development opportunities are taken from a formal training course. Range of developmental opportunities must be given to employees which includes both informal and formal tasks. Person’s learning preferences needs to be taken into account.
- For assuring the quality, all the development programs will stick to good practice guidelines irrespective of fact that who delivers them.
- NHS with work with partners so as to share resources for organising such events (Haywood, et al. 2012).
- Employees have access whenever requires to the training programs.
- The development programs must be designed according to individual’s requirements.
Roles and responsibilities
- Staffs: They must be committed to continuous improvement. They must have a PPD plan agreed upon by line managers and hence must be active in identifying the laggings.
- Line managers: They must assist the staffs in identification of the staff’s need by reviewing their PPD plan. They must communicate the needs to the staff development managers.
- Staff development section: They must provide training based on the requirements. They must make annual training plan based on the agenda for change.
- Senior management team: They have the role to provide adequate resources for training and must make staffs free from any budgetary constraints.
- Staff governance committee: For daily purpose, board delegates its formal responsibilities for making sure that firm implements the national Governance standards to Staff Governance standards (Tritter, 2011).
- All line managers have a role for assessing and agreeing the development requirements of their employees in phase with corporate goals.
- Staffs must discuss with line managers every six months about their development needs.
- Staffs needs to upgrade themselves according to the national and professional standards.
- SDM must give organisational training plan that highlights the priority areas from local delivery plan.
- Revalidation must be provided to all the clinical members so as to state that they are fit for practicing. It supports CPD as it encourages them to identify their needs (Lewis, 2011).
Meeting development needs
- Different learning styles can be used and purely depends on employee discretion.
- Staff development programmes such as health and safety training, formal induction day, management development programmes are established for making holistic development (Haines and Warren, 2011).
- In case of financial constraints, final decision must be made based on the consultation with line managers.
Formal training positions
All arrangements for the training must be made based on the requirements.
Study leaves
This leaves must be taken in advance by consulting line managers and training must be completed within the paid leaves. Any other type of study conducted by the staffs must be monitored by the staff governance team.
Identification of training Needs
It the personal responsibility of the staff to take care of the CPD and anybody failing to do so must consult with the line managers. The resources are available at Scotland GP Appraisal.
Budgets must be provided by senior management team and must be maintained by staff development managers. This includes all the facilities like libraries. All the educational equipment must be available in the library (Curtis, Sheerin and de Vries, 2011).
Online materials
All the modules of learning must be available at the NES website and should be up to date.
- Line managers are responsible for course briefing and following the discussions. Regular reviews must be made for achieving long term impact on the performance.
- Staff development managers must maintain the record of the undertaken training.
- There must be four level of evaluation Reactionary evaluation, knowledge evaluation, behavioural evaluation and business results evaluation (Currie and Finnegan, 2011).
For identifying needs
In order to identify the needs of learning the method that has been used is questionnaire. This must be both paper based and through online sites. In this questionnaires various questions regarding the need of the company and the individual is asked. This includes the skills they have while compared with what is required within the organisation. This questionnaire in both ways helps the line managers to understand their requirements and sort out the things that are actually required for the training process (Lammintakanen and Kivinen, 2012). On evaluating these questionnaires the line manager will highlight the strength and weakness of an individual according to which they will make individual’s PPD plan.
For meeting the needs
As mentioned in the policy for meeting the needs different types of tools are used such as external training courses, national vocational qualification, in house training courses, journals and books, Blended/E-learning, mentoring, secondments, coaching, action learning and coaching (Lewis and West, 2014).
I am targeting to become a senior manager in a unit of NHS. For this I will have to work on different types of weaknesses and more focus will be given on improving my strengths so that I can use them to grab those limited opportunities.
For understanding my personal strengths and weaknesses against the professional standards required in NHS, the table is provided below.
S.NO |
Skills and Competencies |
Score |
Score by line managers |
Differences |
1. |
Skills of tackling challenges |
8 |
9 |
-1 |
2. |
Team formation and management |
6 |
7 |
-1 |
3. |
Active listener and advisor |
9 |
7 |
2 |
4. |
Research qualities linked with innovative concepts and methods |
9 |
7 |
2 |
5. |
Giving motivation |
9 |
8 |
1 |
6. |
My efficiency and effectiveness |
8 |
6 |
2 |
7. |
Quality standards |
7 |
8 |
-1 |
8. |
Effective team mate |
7 |
7 |
0 |
9. |
Leadership style |
9 |
7 |
2 |
Positive differences show my strengths while the negative ones show my weaknesses. Based on these strengths and weaknesses the opportunities and threats that I may face are:
- I have an opportunity to become a team leader.
- I can have growth opportunities where I can become a manager.
- I can effectively work for bigger teams in future where I can motivate others.
- I can effectively work on different types of tasks as per the roles assigned.
- I need to work on my listening skills so as to make better coordination.
- I may loose from others in terms of quality that is required in the firm.
- I need to work more on ways in which issues are to be handled. This must be done so as to ensure that all the challenges are handled.
Based on the personal SWOT analysis and the job role which I aim to achieve the personal and professional development plan is as follows: |
Learning objective |
Current skill |
Target skill |
Chances of development |
Criteria for judging success |
Time scale |
Evidence |
1. |
Efficiency and effectiveness |
At present, approaches that are used for this purpose is effective |
Adopting new techniques and methods will assist in attaining desired outcomes |
Guidance by senior managers |
Utilising performance report |
5-6 months |
Administrator’s judgement |
2. |
Leadership style |
Presently, using autocratic leadership style |
It is important to transform it into a democratic leadership style |
Learning from other senior managers in the clinic might be effective. Along with this simulation training will be more beneficial |
Judgement reports by senior managers |
3 weeks |
Top management’s report |
3. |
Motivational level |
Poor and negative self -motivational levels |
Positive and high motivational level is required |
Conferences and seminars might be effective. For self -assistance use of self- motivational theories will be beneficial |
Judgement by team mates can be effective |
3 months |
Judgement report by team mates and other co-workers |
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