Trade Promotion Strategies Best Practices – BHP Billiton Case Study
Fair Trade Practices Implemented by BHP Billiton
Discuss about the Trade Promotion Strategies Best Practices.
BHP Billiton is the leading global resource organization and committed to conviction that goals of the business can be attained through fairness, integrity and Honesty.The Company focuses on fair trading, providing quality product and following government rules and regulations (Burrell and McGinn, 2009). The company understands its rights and obligations while dealing with suppliers, wholesalers and other businesses. Fair trade practices will help the company to compete fairly with their competitors in the market. BHP Billiton make agreements with their competitors to rig bids, fix prices and profit sharing. The customers are protected from being cheated and provided with appropriate products and services. The strategies that have been taken by the company in order to encourage fair trading are as follows:
- The organization follows the anti-bribery act as per the rules and regulations implemented by the government of Australia.
- The company has established a specific set of rules and policies for the working partners and stakeholders
- The code of ethics set minimum standard for fair trade practices that are followed by the managers and employees.
- The price of the products and services are set by the company as per the government policies and regulation.
The policies, standards and guidelines section includes policy statements and many key areas of conducting business. The employees should comply with the regulations and laws relating to the business conduct (Griggs et al., 2012).The company follows rules and policies as stated under competition and consumer Act 2010.It includes understanding of the regulations and laws relevant to the work and complying with the policy and legal requirements of the nation. The company operates in many countries and has to follow the laws such as fair trade practices in Australia, anti- trust law in CCA as mentioned with depicting the Cartel provisions which are found in Part IV, Division 1 of the CCA (Code of Business Conduct, 2016)
The employees of the company work within the rules and regulation that helps to provide quality goods to the customers as well as building relationship with the stakeholders. An appropriate trade agreement with the suppliers, contractors and partners will help to establish fair trade business as well as avoiding any conflicts with them. The managers play a significant role in developing trust and loyalty with the customers, communities and communities in which the company operates (Miller, Sims and Miller, 2013). The company has appropriately followed the rules and policies of Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The rules and policies adopted by the company help to promote fair trade practices within the country. The competition in the market increases with the increase in fair trade practices. The strategies are implemented such encouraging unilateral deductions on the imported goods tariff and following trade hours and rules within the territory or state boundaries. The rules of Competition and Consumer Act 2010 are also followed by the company such as equal employment opportunities, fair trade practices etc. The price of the products is set by the company as per the market demand and government rules and regulations. Breaches of the competition law would be considered as serious consequences for the company and individuals who are involved. The company has implemented these strategies to conduct fair trade practices and prohibiting breach of competition laws as per the Cartel provisions which are found in Part IV, Division 1 of the CCA. The increase in market shares and profitability shows that the company is conducting a fair business practices as well as working as per the interest of the customers (Thomas, 2010). BHP Billiton is fully committed to compliance with the competition law, active cooperation and engagement with the competition laws and enforcement of the laws against third parties who acts in anti competitive manner.
Compliance with Competition and Consumer Act 2010
BHP Billiton can improve its management activity in the competition law compliance. An effective competition and fair trade practices will help to increase the sale of products, value for the customer and drives productivity. The goals should be clearly described and to be followed by the staff members. Direct communication by the chief executives and other members of management department underlines the significance of competition law compliance. The company should provide adequate training in the field of marketing and delivery quality product and services to their customers as well as building healthy relationships with the stakeholders (Tony Ciro,, 2014). Making very clear to the staff members and managers that breach of the competition law policy of the company will be considered as misconduct as per the Cartel provisions which are found in Part IV, Division 1 of the CCA. The rules and regulations of the company should be clearly stated in the annual report of the company. Establishing an appropriate system with the senior management through which the staff members can anonymously and confidentially alert the compliance management within the company. The customers should be provided with quality product and service as well serving the interest of the community. The managers should determine and evaluate the risks associated with the competition law and it often depends on the size and nature of the business. The business rules and policies should be implemented under which the managers should show their commitment to the competition law compliance which is described as per the Cartel provisions which are found in Part IV, Division 1 of the CCA. The role of the managers is to fix prices, increasing market shares and sharing confidential and significant information with the competitors indirectly ort directly (White, 2009). The business contracts should include clear terms and conditions and following the policies implemented by the government. The financial statement shows the actual position of the company in the market and it is responsibility of the auditor to analyze financial report during a period of time. Therefore, the preparation of the financial statements should be appropriate. The aim should be to create value for the shareholders in long run through development, acquisition, discovery and commercialization of the natural resources. The policy of the corporation should be accurate, fair and understandable that should be disclosed in documents and reports are described as per the Cartel provisions which are found in Part IV, Division 1 of the CCA (Borgeon and Cellich, 2012).
Improvement in Competition Law Compliance
The case considered for Bungee World Ltd depicts accident that took place unknowingly. It thereby shows the incident that occurred determines the fault of the manager who is at the post of the safety operations of Bungee World Ltd. It is responsibility of the manager to cross check the equipments used in the sport of Bungee and thereby the considerations must be undertaken with solving the faults during checking of the equipments (Ong, 2007).Competition and Consumer Act 2010 puts emphasis on fair trade practices and it is important for the company to do business ethically. According to the stage (ii) competency standards of Australian engineering depicts the breaching of personal commitments obligation to community, value in the workplace and the technical proficiency of the 2012 competency standards of the National Professional Engineers Register (Engineers Australia, 2016). As per the Act of negligence of Australia, individuals planning to bungee jump must meet the criteria to limit health which is determined as another risk factor. Sufficient control of medical conditions are prohibited for the following or related conditions as it is crucial to seek professional counsel with a physician or nurse practitioner which are provided below:-
- Unusual blood pressure
- Unusual heart rate or rhythm
- Back or leg problems
- Problems in Breathing system
- Problems of Circulatory system
- Head injuries
Bungee jumping is a danger pursuit. Various injuries are occurred during bungee jumping like Eye Injuries, Spine Injuries, Neck Injuries, and Death, as for that safety is very much necessary during bungee jumping (Shaw, 2003). The safety harness seems to fail to operate in an appropriate manner for Loki who is the investment banker. The operations that are carried out by the organization Bungee World Ltd depicts the risks and life threatening sport with thereby depicting the awareness against the people with the consideration of their precious lives. The enhancements made helps in creating the values and thereby the considerations are created for mitigating the risk factors. In the given case, the act of Bungee World Ltd is an act of negligence as per the Australian law. Due to the negligence of the company the incident happened and the company is responsible for that as per the tort law. As per the Civil Liability Act NSW 2002 Sec 5, the elastic rope is responsible for the Bungee Jumping incident and thereby the considerations are created which are used for the commercial operators in the factory who produced braided shock cord. This generally consists of many latex threads which are included for creating a tough outer cover and thereby creating a tough outer part. It thereby also helps in the enhancement of the coverings that are represented for making it bouncing which seems to be elastic in nature.
Case Study: Bungee World Ltd
With all the considerations made in this case, the law represents that the steel platform has to be attached with the safety rope which created the main problem. It also consists of the hands in creating the public damages and thereby also provided the various physical damages that are considered in this case. The law of engineering default is depicted which shows untied safety rope and the weakening of the rope produced by the company. This improper maintenance created by the manager helps in indicating the negligence act conducted. With the consideration of providing recommendations, the consideration of the analysis is created with damaging the public relations and thereby the solutions can be depicted in an appropriate manner for the enhancement of the problems (Nottage, 2010).According to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the companies should operate their business fairly and providing quality services to their customers. It thereby focuses on the recommending the changes which must be made is related to the steel platform and the corrosions that had taken in the case helps in considering the issues that are depicted for the enhancement of the case study. . The civil liability act can be used by the company to defend itself and showing that the company is not responsible for the act. The changes regarding the structure of the platform must be changed and thereby the considerations are created as per the law of the negligence. As per the Civil Liability Act NSW 2002 Sec 5, Bungee World Ltd states that the incident undertaken represents the negligence of the managers of the company and thereby the act seems to be implemented on the case
Therefore, the above mentioned laws are implemented with depicting considerations made for the case study. It clearly indicates the law of negligence that is undertaken for Loki and thereby it sets the example for the negligence undertaken by the manager with also indicating the construction faults as indicated in the rope as per the Civil Liability Act NSW 2002 Sec 5 is indicated in this case.
Henceforth the recommendation that is provided that the decrement in elasticity is very much essential for the enhancement of the Bungee Jumping and thereby the problems can be easily mitigated with considering the values lives of the people or the public. With the increment in the elasticity, the enhancements are depicted as forth the impact is created in focusing on the physical damages that are made. In order to reduce the threats regarding the lives, the changes are very much essential for the purpose of creating a profitable organization. Henceforth the case depicted represents the dangers for the common people who would like to try the game and thereby the case depicts that Loki’s life was in danger but fortunately he was saved.
Importance of Fair Trading and Competition Law Compliance
The National Employment Standards (NES) are minimum employment entitles that are provided to all the employees of the organization. The National Minimum Wage helps in the creation of the minimum entitlements for the employees seems to be fixed in Australia. The award seems to be related employment contract with creating appropriate agreement or the other registered agreements which are provided with not less than the ten conditions of national minimum wages or the NES. Henceforth the NES in this case cannot be excluded (Fair work, 2016). The discussion provides the appropriate definition of NES which must be included for the appropriate enhancement of the company. The entitlements of NES are maximum weekly hours, flexible working arrangements, parental leave, annual leave, personal carers leave, long service leave, community service leave, public holidays, fair work information, termination notice and redundancy pay.
All the employees present in the system of the national workplace relation seem to be covered by the NES regardless of the award which is registered by the agreement or employment contract which is applied (Australian Fair Work Act 2009, 2013). The casual employees only receive the NES entitlements which are related to the following:-
- Unpaid compassionate leave
- Unpaid community service leave
- Unpaid carer’s leave
- The fair work information statement
- Flexible working arrangements
- Annual leave
- long service leave
The long casual leaves are also eligible for some case of the service leaves and thereby the emphasis is created. This helps in the systematic regulation of the employees and thereby the rotation of the 123 months period is included for each and every employee (Towards more productive and equitable workplaces, 2012). The appropriate benefits are mentioned above helps the employees to receive the benefits in an appropriate manner from the Company BHP.
For ensuring that the company BHP is not contravening the standards, can only be depicted by the appropriate judgment of the standards of NES being implemented on the employees in an appropriate manner. The standard is followed by the company BHP Billiton that are as follows:
- Maximum Weekly hours of the work must be appropriately depicted.
- Requesting the flexible working arrangements
- Parental leave and the other related entitlements
- Annual leave consisting of four weeks paid leave per year plus the additional week of the certain shift workers.
- Personal/career’s leave with the compassionate leave
- Community service leave
- Long service leave
- Public holidays
- Notice of termination with the redundancy pay
- Fair work information statement must be provided to all the workers with determining the information about the freedom of association and the termination of employment is also included (Understanding the Fair Work Act, 2011). The respective roles of the fair work must be included with the creation of the consideration in this case.
The case study depicts that Rebecca is a self-working woman who is only able to communicate in English at a basic level. The consideration of the case helps in depicting the appropriate representation of the Dave of which Rebecca received a random call from the “Free Plumbing services”. Dave explained all the details to Rebecca and thereby it seems to that the Rebecca is seemed to be forced with depicting the nature of the case(Australian Law & Legislation, 2016). With all the enforcement being made by the Dave to Rebecca, the net outcomes that she was agreed to take the product Ono water filter from Dave for which she signed the agreement without going through the document. Then she paid to Dave $2000 in cash and then he installed the device.
Recommendations for Enhancing Business Productivity
The case clearly depicts the enforcement of selling of the products as per the Australian Consumer law. The case simply depicts the enactment of the enforcement of selling the commodity to the customers with pressurizing the customer. As per the Australian law of the Consumer Act under the case study of Richard Johnstone and Christine Parker, ‘Enforceable Undertakings in Action – Report of a Roundtable Discussion with Australian Regulators’ (February 2010), the seller is not liable to pressurize the customer for buying the product and henceforth if disobeyed then the according to the Act, the consumers are liable to take legal action against the seller which simply depicted in this case study (Competition and Consumer Act 2010, 2016). It thereby also helps in enacting the customers which seems to be liable for the enhancement of the law; thereby it also depicts the enhancement of the conduct that seems to be created in the case of the Commercial Bank v Amadio: High Court Decision: The HC develops certain “special disadvantages”. These include poverty, language, age, infirmity, education levels Section s20 of the ACL has codified these disadvantages. The Australian Consumer Law of section 22, Part 2-2–Unconscionable conduct is also depicted in this case of Dave and Rebecca. These simply depicts that the Rebecca is liable for taking legal actions against the enforcement made by the seller Dave for the product Ono water filter (Malbon and Nottage, 2013). As per the ACCC act with depicting the protection of the consumers, Issue 3:Terms that unfairly restrict the consumer’s right to terminate the contract, depicts the cancellation of the contract for Rebecca.
According to the Australian Consumer Law of section 22, Part 2-2–Unconscionable conduct, the unconscionable conduct affecting the customers seems to be related to this case and thereby the considerations are created with the enhancement of the general customers. Dave enforced Rebecca to buy the product for the purpose of completing the target provided to the Dave and thereby the unconscionable conduct was conducted by Dave in this case. It includes that the enforcement of the customers must not be undertaken with creating the conduct unconscionable. Dave forced Rebecca to purchase the water filter and it would be considered as an unconscionable behavior. The provisions that are made connected to the section 3 of the consumer guarantees and thereby the protection of the customer is seemed to be enacted by the section 21(Tarakson, 2007). The significance of this case is depicted as per the case study of Christine Parker, ‘Restorative Justice in Business Regulation? The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Use of Enforceable Undertakings’ (2004) 67(2) The Modern Law Review 209, with thereby considering the consumer purchase and thereby the legal considerations are undertaken with depicting the views of the product and henceforth the enhancements are made accordingly as per the states of the mind is depicted. The misleading conduct is applied which is undertaken in this case study and thereby the considerations are created with the contract that seems to be created accordingly (Nottage, 2010).
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