Tourism Development In Spain: Exploring Mediterranean Coastal Regions

Background of the Study

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The best time that can be, spent for the purpose of an exotic holiday could be the idea of a coastal visit. Spain is one such destination in the world that would help in getting a cheap package with some amazing scenic beauty. The present study deals with the country Spain along with the exploration on the ground of Mediterranean coast. The study moves to deal with the tourism industry along with the analysis of the condition of the Spain. The improvement that has been successfully, implemented by the country to enhance the experience of the tourist in the Mediterranean coast (Rutty and Scott, 2010).

WWF that is the World Wide Fund makes Spain and the Mediterranean coast to be one of the important areas having all the beautiful regions of biodiversity in the world. All round the world tourism is one of the best industries that help in gaining the largest revenue that helps the countries (Bulleri and Chapman, 2010). Spain is one of the countries that are trying to retain the ecological balance. Though there are feud with the international borders and the international boundaries still Spain owe a chance to get one of the best experience for tourism and holidaying. This is retained by the country with the exploration of the international water such as the Mediterranean coast.

It is due to the international trouble the in the 1960s and the 1970s there have been certain issue with the Mediterranean cost. This has been, made better in the later years that are from 2007 that has helped Spain to come of the economic crunch of the country. Apart from this, Scott and Lemieux (2010) opine there have been special initiatives that have been taken by the government in making the long stretches that is Barcelona and Algericas. The traditional look of the country and the coast was, changed to attract the tourist and help people around the world explore the beauty of the country. This development has been better and intense in the areas of Reus, Girona, Valencia, Malaga, Alicante and more (Moreno, 2010).

However, Michalena and Tripanagnostopoulos (2010) mentions there are certain areas that still hold the traditional look of the country and the retention of the traditional culture. These areas make the tourist explore the ancestral beauty of the country. This is to give the taste that help in the exploration of the taste that is original to the country. The hills and the Mediterranean coast make the combination that gives the urge to tourist to attract the customers. The privately owned villas on the coast are the best idea that helps in getting the idyllic spot that can be, explored with boats. Apart from this, the castle of the country gives the unique satisfaction with the coastal scenery that could be viewed from the castle (Moreno, 2010).  

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Aims of the Research

The research aims at understanding the methods that are applied in the tourism of Spain. This also makes analysis of the exploration of the tourism in Spain with respect to the Mediterranean coasts of the country.

  • To understand the current condition of tourism in sprain
  • To know about tourism and the interest of tourist in the Mediterranean sea
  • To find out the interest and the advantages that are found in the packages of the tourism industry
  • To find out the perception of the tourist and the analysis of present initiative of the tourism programs

Tourism in Spain is the contributor to about 6.4% of the national GDP. In the year 2007, this country has been the second most visited place round the world. This has been one of the best global places to attract tourists internationally. Dickinson et al. (2011) put forward the packages and the national interest of the government to improve the condition of the people has been one of the best experiences. As per UNWTO Spain have been, placed with tourism income reaching nearly $ 53 billion in the year 2010. This is only next to US receiving an amount of $ 93.9 million. Spain is the country that ranks in the list of 141 countries that are, enlisted in the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index that was, published in the year 2015 by the World Economic Forum (Ladkin, 2011).

In case of Spain, the Mediterranean the agricultural economy along with the prospect of fishing and other biodiversity method has been effective. Sedgley et al. (2011) indicated this is to ensure the fact that along with the, posh development of the areas there is development in the staying methods. The hotels and the restaurants of the local areas give the experience that is original to the country. The invasion of the tourist helps in administering the culture of the country along with the retention of the international customers.

The Mediterranean coastal regions are very much open and likely to have contact of tourist of different culture. This region attracts native sailors who bring news from different countries and tourists from worldwide. The Mediterranean coast offers a broad range of opportunities for travellers depending on types of holiday they want (Ciccarelli, 2015).  The cheap deal package of the trip based on modern resort makes the coast to be graced from north to south. Torremolinos is a resort near Marbella which has attracted a wave of tourists to visit the coastal region of Spain. There other great resorts like Benidorm or LIoret de Mar that attract a huge number of tourists from northern Europe who want to spend one or two weeks in beach of the sea (Martínez-Ibarra, 2014). Through a massive development of Barcelona and Algeciras the traditional Mediterranean coastline has been changed to a modern city which is now accompanied by all the leisure facilities like aqua parks, cinemas, golf- courses.

Objectives of the Research

Intensive development has been made to make the coastline flat where the hills have come down towards the sea (Xiang and Yayun, 2015). Perhaps there will be only one village in the whole Mediterranean coast that has not faced a change by influx of travelers.

Spain is considered to be as most important place of tourist destination in all over the world. The major economic activity of Spain is tourism (Prytherch and Boira Maiques, 2015). It makes 10.5% of GDP and makes 12% of employees of the total workforce. Mediterranean region fulfils the amenities demanded by the tourist which make their visit more attractive. The region also fulfils the activities like water sports, nightclub needed to enjoy the leisure time (Wildish, 2014).

The most important part that Spain has with respect to the Mediterranean Sea is the following:

  • The Costa Brava, Costa del Maresme, the Costa Daurada are very popular spots in the country along with the resorts like Salou that is part of Barcelona.
  • The Costa Blanca is another popular spot that is visited by the international tourist that helps in generating the revenue.
  • The Costa Calida is part of a lagoon called Mar Menor, which is another beauty that is shared by the Mediterranean Sea.
  • The two archipelagoes of Spain namely the Belearic islands and the Canary Islands are part of the Mediterranean Sea.

In a study by UNESCO, thirteen cities of Spain have been, declared part of the World Heritage Cities. Spain is one of the cultural hubs along with the declaration of the place to be one of the finest areas having fashion. This is a country having one of the best retention of styles and fashion that, attract tourists round the world. The designers opt for this place to contribute to international fashion (Ashworth and Page, 2011). In the recent areas, the growth of the tourism with the cultural and the fashion sphere has been one of the key determinants that have helped the country to make its renowned place round the world. The coastal areas of the place give the feeling of an exotic holidaying with many of the adventure sports and witnessing the shore beauty of the place. The projected growth of the sea has been with respect to the attraction of the tourist but also maintaining the ecological balance. Vanhove (2011) refers there have been massive killing in the marine life along with the depletion of the natural resources. This has been one of the key issue and concern that has been looked after by the countries that share the international waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Spain has also taken the initiative to make the tourism a better experience in order to deal with the natural ecological concern. This has made the necessary enhancement in the tourism sector along with the improvement in the natural habitat (Stergiou and Airey, 2011).

Type of investigation

There are types of research investigation that is mostly, found in methodological process, which includes positivism, realism and interpretivism. In the present case, the method that is used is positivism. This makes the study more comprehensive along with the statistical analysis (Papatheodorou et al. 2010). This makes the study scientific. There is presence of hypothesis that makes the study scientific and precise. The researcher in the present case is aware of the fact that is used in the present case to deal to with the in depth analysis. This helps in structuring the research and the process in the most perfect manner that helps in reaching the findings successfully. The other process that is realism and interpretivism is not taken used in the present study as this makes the study vague in certain aspects. Mason (2010) indicates these processes are at times tome consuming that might change the scenario in the present case of study. Positivism maintains a well-defined structure that is effective in continuing the research within the rules and regulation of the research.

Literature Review

The research approach that is, used in the present case is deductive method. Out of the two research approaches that are inductive and deductive, deductive has been, selected in the present study. In the deductive method the ideas that is persisting is used along with the research findings to deduce to the conclusion (Garay and Cànoves, 2011). This makes the study strong, along with the present research finding other findings carried on similar ground is used in order to carry out the research successfully. In the deductive method, the process that is used includes the understanding of the concepts or theories. This theory or perceptions lead to the formation of the hypothesis. This hypothesis helps in gathering the required amount of information through observation. The researcher can get the required information from the studies or the analysis found in the previous research. The knowledge derived from the previous research helps in making the interpretation in the present condition of tourism in Spain. In case of the inductive approach, the theories or the ideas are tested. In the present, study the retesting of the perception in the tourism industry helps in delivering the best without the formation of new ideas or theories (García-Ruiz et al. 2011).

In the tourism industry, the determinants remain to be service, attraction, successful implementation of the strategies that is analyzed clearly in the deductive approach. Both the reasoning the might be general or specific can be analyzed in the present research through the implementation of deductive approach. There is an expected pattern that has been used in the present case to know about the persisting perception in the tourism industry.

Figure 1: Process of Deductive Approach

(Source: Ashworth and Page, 2011, p. 13)

In the present study out of the three-research design, that is exploratory, explanatory and descriptive research, the researcher chose descriptive. In the present topic, the research that is used includes the use of the description that helps in analyzing both the positive and negative aspect of the study (Smith et al. 2011). The broader perspective is, understood by the research with the implication of the information. The researcher gets the required amount of information by developing individual ideas that help in the final analysis of the research. This also includes the use of the information along with the practical process, which is implemented by the researcher in effectively.

In the present study descriptive research have been used correctly in order to know about the perception of the respondents. The description in based on the research, the respondents and through any of the method like case study, observation or survey. In the present case, as Tung and Ritchie (2011) opine the research the method used is survey. This makes the study cohesive as the response of the participants helps in the description of the views generated through research. The usual phenomena and the perception of the respondents are described in the present case to know about the persisting characteristics. These respondents have the usual drive that is, discussed in the present research to know about the feelings that they have regarding tourism in Spain (Brent Ritchie et al. 2011).

  • What are ways in which Spain is getting benefitted from the Mediterranean sea?
  • What are the special initiatives that have been taken by Spain to improve the experience of tourists?
  • Which are the ways in which the natural habitat of the Mediterranean Sea is retained?
  • What are the ways in which Spain is implementing both traditional and modern experience in tourism industry?

Methodological Process

The two major research methods have been followed in the present study that includes the use of both quantitative method and qualitative method.

Quantitative research method is carried on through the tourist who visits the country, Spain. This process helps in the statistical or the empirical research method. The research process is both important for the statistical analysis. This makes the study more comprehensive and the percentage and calculation helps in identifying the most of the drive. In case of the quantitative, research the answers of the interpretation that is mostly found from the respondents helps in coming to the conclusion about their views (Denzin and Lincoln, 2011). The perception of the respondents helps in driving the basic need. In the present case, the question asked to the tourists who act the participants of the research helps in channeling the research process. The tourists have answered the question through the process of survey method. The survey includes a closed end questionnaire that helps in getting the research methods appropriate. This also helps in limiting the time that is required to answer the questions that is there in the questionnaire. However, the interpretation of the answers through the graphs, charts helps in getting the percentage that is mostly opted by the respondents. This finally helps in the analysis. In the current scenario, the tourist answer about their drive to come to Spain and explore the Mediterranean cost in the most breathtaking way. The respondents have been surveyed though the survey done through e-mail.

In case of the qualitative research the methods that have been, followed by the researcher includes the use of interview. The interview is to analyze the versions or the opinion that the mangers of different tourism organization have in their mind. The interview is carried on by the semi-structured format that is decided by the researcher. This helps in understanding the emotional quotient and the answers are not specific (Silverman, 2010). Qualitative research on the mangers helps in getting their view about the different projects and the initiatives that they take to enhance their service. This also includes the use of the methods that they take to attract the tourist Spain with special intention of making Mediterranean areas better spots or visit. The answers that have been, given buy the managers have been kept as transcripts that help in delivering the answers related to the tourism in Spain. The interview has been conducted through video calling (Kazdin, 2011).

In the present study, it is found that the perception that is present in the respondents of quantitative research helps in the analysis of the understanding of the services in the tourism industry. As discussed in the review of literature the country has excelled in the tourism department. This is with the perception of the respondents that it has been found about their experience. This makes the study comprehensive as with the traditional services along with the modern methods of food and lodging helps in getting the views of the respondents. They move to answer the natural habitat and the beauty that they experience in the country especially with the Mediterranean coasts. The respondents also help in understanding the areas that have attracted them and the reason Spain has been one of the popular destinations in tourism round the word. The global interpretation of the respondents is analyzed in the present condition along with visit of different cities like Barcelona and others. This makes the respondents help in understanding the culture and the tradition that has been part of the country. The respondents answer to the question regarding the expedience and the reason they chose the destination.

In case of the managers, the major aspect that has been done by the interview id to know about the special initiatives and packages that help in attracting tourists round the world. The assessment helps in understanding the pros and cons of the packages and the way the mangers deal with the programs that makes international tourist interested in the country. This also includes the understanding of the scenic beauty of the seashore and the different festivals that attract tourist to the coastal spots. The mangers gave the interviews, which shed light on the natural beauty like the lagoon or the archipelagoes that the Mediterranean Sea have along with the understanding of the packages of the resorts. The managers help in understanding the programs that have been, decided with the governmental policies that makes the destination and the cities best according to different international organization.

There are different forms of sampling methods and sample size that can be selected in case of any research project. These can be the form of probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method.

In the given research project, the researcher will   the population of tourists of Spain who come to visit there. In addition to this, the researcher will also select the tourism managers of Spain. The target population of the researcher will be initially around 100 tourists and 12 managers of the different tourism organizations. However, due to lack to time, the researcher will be able to approach around 80 tourists and 8 managers. It can be also inferred that many of the respondents may not fill up the questionnaire in an accurate basis. Therefore, for the feasibility of the research, the researcher will select around 60 tourists and 5 tourism managers to complete the research effectively. Due to this reason, it is of great essence for the researcher to carry out the researcher in an effective timely manner.

In the given case, the selection of the customers wills the done through the analysis and implementation of probability sampling method. Under probability sampling method, the researcher will select cluster random sampling method. This will further help the researcher to select the customers only who come to visit Spain.

In case of selection of managers, the researcher will select non-probability method of sampling to select the managers of different tourism companies of Spain.

In order to plan and conduct the research the experimenter has fulfilled several obligations to meet the standards of ethics. The research project has made in such away way that it minimizes the chances of misleading. The research has also planned to meet the ethical acceptability. The researcher has taken steps to protect the participants form unethical factors. Researchers also ensured that the dignity and welfare of the participant have maintained during the time of research. The participants of the research have been protected from harm, unnecessary risks, and physical discomfort. The special population like children and clinical population needed for this research are consulted by the expertise in this kind of population. Research has been conducted in compliance with laws and regulations.

Secure policy for access of information is maintained and clearly specified. The policy is proportional to the risk and sensitivity of the information. The database of this research has been kept encrypted and separated from the sensitive data. As per The Data Protection Act, 2002 the researcher has kept his data in such a way that it cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons.

The researcher has interviewed managers of many organizations to collect information about the research work. The managers of the organization are interviewed with the consent of gatekeeper. The interview was conducted in a formal manner to avoid any misunderstanding between the interviewer and the researcher. The researcher has kept in mind that the valuable time of the managers should not be wasted. The interview was conducted honestly to get right information.

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