Tools For Producing Escherichia Coli Colonization: Research Proposal
Title of the Project
Comparative Study Of Tools For The Production Escherichia Coli Colonization
The shape of Escherichia organisms are rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacilli which commonly live in the large intestine and they are excreted in faeces. The urinary tract is majorly the site of E. coli infection. There are several diseases which are brought as a result of E. coli such as urinary tract infections, meningitis, bloody diarrhoea and sepsis which can lead to the death of an individual (McWilliams & Torres, 2014). E. coli is also made up of several properties that include: the production of enterotoxins and haemolysin and also the capability to adhere and attack. There is the manipulation of the mouse by the use of antibiotics to overcome the colonization resistance. Non-pathogenic E. coli strains also has several benefits to the host, which involves the provision of vitamin K and B12.
Escherichia coli colonizes the infants and thus creates a resident in the intestinal microbiota in humans (Hall, 2018). Enterohemorrhagic E. coli severely causes bloody diarrhoea which thus eventually, after some time, develop into hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. The primary reservoir for EHEC is the ruminants including cattle, and this pathogen is passed to humans through digestion of fecally contaminated water or food or through contact with the ruminants (Stromberg et al., 2011). EHEC then colonizes the epithelial cells after ingestion. The main goal and objective of the research study were to come up with different tools that are helpful in the production of E. coli colonization.
EHEC serotype 0157: H7 is major as a root of a very significant epidemics and also the periodic cases of the hemolytic uremic syndrome, the hemorrhagic colitis and also enhances diarrhoea (Goldwater & Bettelheim, 2012). The analysis of genetic population demonstrates that E. coli 0157: H7 and 0157:H- isolates belong to a geologically spread duplicate complex which independently developed virulence genes from the other EHEC isolate.
The long-term goal of this research is to come up with a well-researched and outlined tools which enhance the production of EHEC colonization. The main objective of the research is also to be able to do more research and find out the means of infestation and spread of E. coli from ruminants to humans. By being able to find out different tools that enhance EHEC production, this will play a major role in the field of research in finding different ways to prevent the effects and diseases caused by EHEC. The need for gaining knowledge about the diseases that affect humans due to EHEC infestation. Particularly the study also involves the following sub-objectives:
- To provide and outline the diseases that come up as a result of EHEC colonization.
- To develop a mechanism that can be used in the control of EHEC.
- To address the means of infestation and transmission of EHEC.
The result of this research will be highly valuable to people in finding ways of evading the attack by the EHEC and also giving them the prevention methods. This research will also enhance the discovery of different methods which can be applied in the prevention, control and also investing the best suitable treatment method of diseases caused by EHEC.
The research will dwell and outline various diseases that are caused due to the effects of EHEC. There are also several effects which result from E. coli. The sides effects also may result in the formation of mucosal inflammation in the intestines of a human.
Several questions will be discussed in the research proposal, and they include:
- A suggested explanation of the new tools required to produce EHEC colonization
- The various diseases brought out as a result of EHEC Escherichia coli.
- Assessing the side effects of E. coli strains on the mucosal inflammation.
I plan to explore and do critical research on how and which tool are being used in the production of EHEC colonization (Sperandio & Nguyen, 2012). How relevant and favourable they are to the survival of EHEC. My research will comprise the use of CONV mouse models in the study of E. coli colonization. This is because of it being the most reliable animal model, and there is previous research that has been done using the same animal model. There was a positive result of colonization being observed. CONV mice are of major advantage due to its importance of assessing interaction and competition with a compound microbiota. CONV mice have the presence of facultative anaerobes which hinder the growth of invading E. coli strains.
There will be the use of animals in carrying out the experiments, and all this will be done by strictly following the Guide that is stipulated to majorly care for the animal use in the laboratory (Munera et al., 2014). Non-pathogenic E. coli K-12 strain Mg1655 and 0157: H7 EHEC strain 278F2 will be isolated from a human patient for research to be undertaken. Water will be applied as a negative control, and EDL933 will be used as a positive control.
There will be two mice that will be used, a female and a male with the microbiota of CONV. There will be handling and inoculation procedures that will be done in a sterile environment with sterile instruments.
There will be Tukey’s tests to be carried for drawing out comparisons about the levels of colonization in the intestinal samples and the faecal samples, intestinal inflammation in the CONV mice and the mean weight of the body (Eppinger et al., 2011). Histopathology scores comparison will be tested by use of Kruskal-Wallis test. OBGS will be the best method that will be applied on pattern examination of PCR amplification products which are produced by using primers. The use of the PCR assay will determine the distribution of the genome that is extremely represented, and they will be performed in duplicate.
There is the presence of mammalian gastrointestinal tract, which plays a role in harbouring microorganisms that is responsible for offering protection against the colonization of the pathogen. The hemolytic uranium syndrome, which affects humans, is always brought out due to the effects of EHEC resulting from slight to severe bloody diarrhoea (Benzer et al., 2018). The primary reservoir for the EHEC is the ruminants. The pathogen is directly passed to humans from the ruminants by coming into contact or the digestion of the food which are fecally contaminated. There is then the colonization of the colonic epithelial cells after ingestion, and this also involves the carrying of both the suppressors and the inflammatory stimulators. The EHEC colonization majorly takes place in faeces and also in faecal. The enterohemorrhagic E. coli is a foodborne pathogen which has side effects on the human intestines. The areas that are mostly affected by the EHEC shows the signs of mucosal and also the genes which have the swelling appearance.
Streptomycin treatment is the common mechanism which enables E. coli to be able to overcome the mice resistance by suppressing the facultative anaerobes (Viazis et al., 2011). There is also the use of antibiotics in the manipulation process of the mouse microbiota that commonly has means of overcoming colonization resistance. Though this type of treatment has its limitations. There is the lack of licensed treatment which can be used for the clinical trials of the EHEC infections, and thus there is a lot of need for the introduction of new tools which can precisely be used to study the colonization of EHEC. Streptomycin also has limitations that have small significant colonization factor expression reduction that could impact the interaction of the host-pathogen. This treatment also leads to an increase in the histopathological changes, thus leading to the intestines being more irritable.
In conclusion, the gastrointestinal tract inflammation plays a greater role in pathogen control. The inflammation response that occurs during the EHEC is majorly stirred by the bacterial components that include flagellin, Shiga toxin and the endotoxin (Loos et al., 2012). EHEC plays a major role in encountering the inflammation by discharging the effector proteins that are used as its survival tactic.
Benzer, M., Candan, C., Demirkol, D. & Sever, L., 2018. Outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia-coli-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome in Istanbul in 2015: outcome and experience with eculizumab.
Eppinger, M. et al., 2011. Genomic anatomy of Escherichia coli O157: H7 outbreaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(50), pp. 20142-20147.
Goldwater, P. N. & Bettelheim, K. A., 2012. Treatment of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) infection and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). BMC medicine, 10(1), p. 12.
Hall, G., 2018. Dextran Sulfate Sodium Colitis Facilitates Murine Colonizationby Shiga Toxin-Producing E. Coli: A Novel Model for the Study of Shiga Toxicos, s.l.: Boston University.
Loos, S. et al., 2012. An outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O104: H4 hemolytic uremic syndrome in Germany: presentation and short-term outcome in children. Clinical infectious diseases, 55(5), pp. 753-759.
McWilliams, B. D. & Torres, A. G., 2014. EHEC adhesins. Microbiology spectrum, 2(2), pp. EHEC-0003.
Munera, D. et al., 2014. Autotransporters but not PAA are critical for rabbit colonization by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O104: H4. Nature communications, 5(1), pp. 1-9.
Sperandio, V. & Nguyen, Y., 2012. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) pathogenesis. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, Volume 2, p. 90.
Stromberg, Z. R. et al., 2011. Pathogenic and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli colonization and host inflammatory response in a defined microbiota mouse model. Disease models & mechanisms, 11(11), p. dmm035063.
Viazis, S., Akhtar, M., Feiertag, J. & Diez-Gonzalez, F., 2011. Reduction of Escherichia coli O157: H7 viability on leafy green vegetables by treatment with a bacteriophage mixture and trans-cinnamaldehyde. Food Microbiology, 28(1), pp. 149-157.