Tools And Techniques For Research: A Comprehensive Overview
Research Philosophy
The tools and techniques that were required for the research has been described this chapter. In order to successfully accomplish a research, the selection of most suitable tools is extremely vital and therefore, this chapter will list the methods that have been considered for collecting data and analyzing. Each of the methods will be evaluated and justification for the selection of tools will be discussed. The methods that has been considered for accomplishing the research are philosophy, approach, purpose, strategy, data collection procedure, sample selection, data analysis procedure and ethical considerations.
According to Tuohy et al. (2013), consideration of research philosophy is the most important aspect before analyzing rest of the tools. Research philosophy helps in setting the source, nature and development based on which the entire research will be conducted. On the basis of research aim, the philosophy will be evaluated. Following are the important points that are proposed for a research through research philosophy:
- Setting up the belief for constructing the research
- Creating most important points and setting up the assumptions before collecting data
- Creating a basis on which useful information will be collected
There are three types of research philosophies, which are Positivism, Interpretivism and Realism research philosophy. According to Choy (2014), positivism philosophy helps in collecting fact oriented data concerning the research topic and therefore, analysis becomes more prominent and authentic. The analysis that is based on positivism is completely dependent on quantifiable information and therefore, the collected data is quite reliable and trustworthy, which ultimately helps in enhancing research outcome quality. While considering the viewpoint of Gale et al. (2013), it can be said that interpretivism research philosophy helps in collecting data that is socially constructed. This helps in collecting real information about the research topic. However, since this tool is socially constructed, hence the collected data becomes extremely subjective and therefore impacts the quality of research outcome. Finally, considering the realism research philosophy, it can be said that it is the mixture of both Positivism and Interpretivism philosophy tools and therefore, is most suitable for mixed method of data collection.
Figure: Research Philosophy
(Source: Roberts 2013)
While considering the three types of tools, it can be said that positivism research philosophy is the most suitable for the research. This is because socially constructed data is mixed with feelings, emotions and perceptions from responses provided by individuals, however, this research will be completely based on factual information collected from various sources. Therefore, with the use of positivism philosophy the most authentic and unbiased data available from secondary sources has been used.
According to Gummesson (2014), research approach ensures the data collection accuracy that is to be collected from the most reliable sources concerning the research objectives. The most relevant and accurate information is collected through selection of accurate research approach. Two most commonly used research approaches are inductive and deductive. Lather and Pierre (2013) pointed out that through inductive research approach new ideas are created after the data analysis. Therefore, inductive approach indicates developing new models and helps in identifying research themes, specific patterns and conceptual framework. However, deductive tool facilitates in collecting ideas from various literature available from theories that are already constructed. Inductive approach is more time consuming but new ideas are generated as a research outcome, which is not possible through deductive approach.
Research Approach
Figure: Research Approach
(Source: McCusker and Gunaydin 2015)
While considering the two types of tools, it can be said that inductive tool is most suitable for the concerned research objective. This is because based on the facts available from secondary articles; new ideas can be generated in the form of recommendation. Even though this has been time consuming, however analysis was more accurate. Therefore, inductive approach has been chosen for this research.
According to King and Mackey (2016), investigating the research topic helps in developing proper research outcome and for that research purpose creates the pathway or the guideline for gaining knowledge of research variables. There are three most common types of research purposes, which are explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. The explanatory purpose helps in constructing the research variables. Identification of independent and dependent variable is confirmed and accordingly research objectives are set. Explanatory purpose also helps in creating the interrelationship among variables and confirms that construction of univariate, bivariate or multivariate research. On the other hand, Žiki? (2016) pointed out that exploratory purpose involves in finding the background and social causes surrounding the research topic. However, evaluation of social issues is mostly subjective, due to which authenticity and accuracy of data is not achieved. Finally, descriptive purpose aims in gathering deeper concepts, ideas and theories for analyzing the research issue. Analytical procedure through descriptive process is more time consuming and collection of factual data is the most important.
While considering the three types of research purposes, it can be said that for this research explanatory purpose is the most important. This is because the data that has been collected are from secondary sources and therefore those are not socially grounded. This research is based on variable identification and therefore explanatory purpose has been most suitable.
According to Gabriel (2015) strategy tool helps in collecting data from the most suitable source concerning the research topic. It also ensures authenticity and accuracy of data collected. The most common research strategies are case study, focus group, interview, and survey. Focus group is the most suitable when there is large number of respondents and survey is related to collecting data. The survey process is more budget consumable and data often need to be tampered to make the analysis error free. Therefore, it can be said that collecting of data through suitable strategy is the most important tool.
While considering the research strategy tools, it can be said that case study is the most suitable strategy because this research has been based on data collected from secondary sources. There has been no primary data and ideas from only secondary sources were gathered. Therefore, case study was the most suitable from where most important data was collected. These case studies were available in the form of journal articles, therefore previously done research.
Research Purpose
According to King and Mackey (2016), collection of data while doing a research is the most important part as it directly links the outcome with objectives. Therefore, selection of appropriate data collection procedure is very important. The two most widely used data collection procedures are primary and secondary. Through primary data collection procedure current data is collected directly from respondents. There are two methods of collecting primary data, which are quantitative and qualitative. In qualitative procedure open ended questions are designed and in quantitative procedure closed ended questions, which are directly provided to responders in the form of questionnaire. This process of data collection is known as survey. On the other hand, Žiki? (2016) pointed out that in secondary data collection procedure, only past data is collected, which does not involve any survey, questionnaire or interview. Data collection through secondary method involves journal articles, books, company reports, case studies, websites, empirical articles and all other forms of sources, which have been already published on the internet. However, secondary process involves more time in collecting data.
Advantages of Primary Data |
Advantages of Primary Data |
Ø Detailed feedback from respondents possible Ø Can add up to the need of business Ø More in-depth market analysis is possible Ø Certain information is gathered, which are not known to competitors Ø Specific sample size can be selected and controlled as per researcher |
Ø Aids in collecting data from existing sources Ø Less expensive to collect information Ø Easier to collect data and less time consuming Ø Market overview as well as competitive position of company is analyzed Ø Wide category of information can be accessed with large sample size Ø Good quality analysis from inaccessible subjects |
Advantages of Secondary Data |
Disadvantages of Secondary Data |
Ø More time consuming while conducting survey Ø More expensive as huge respondents are addressed |
Ø Does not provide sufficient details for analysis Ø Business competitors can also access the same sources for evaluation |
Table: Data Collection Comparison
(Source: Roberts 2013)
Figure: Data Collection Types
(Source: McCusker and Gunaydin 2015)
Considering the above types of data collection, it has been identified that for the research study secondary data collection was more convenient. This is because both time and investment were quite limited for accomplishing the study. For survey and questionnaire huge capital would have been required which was not feasible. Therefore, through historical article analysis the entire research has been conducted.
According to Gabriel (2015), collection of data creates the base for data analysis, which helps in developing recommendations. The two most widely used data analyses are statistical and thematic. Data collected from quantitative method is evaluated and analyzed through statistical analysis that helps in ensuring numerical and quantifiable output. Thematic analysis is the best suitable for secondary data where multiple themes are designed based on the research objectives. Each theme consists of data collected from various secondary sources and tables, graphs and charts are presented. On the basis of such data, entire analysis is done in descriptive method, which satisfies the research objectives.
Considering the types of data analysis, it can be said that thematic analysis was the most suitable for this research. This is because data was collected from secondary sources and presented in the form of tables or graphs. Therefore, such data was considered as authentic as those were derived from mostly scholarly articles. Finally, based on the research objectives analysis was done in the form of themes.
Research Strategy
While considering the viewpoint of Lather and St. Pierre (2013), secondary data involves certain ethical consideration, which is quite different from primary data collection. Individual subjects and return for content issue are the most identifiable concerns. For this research there has been no indication of respondents or individuals. Moreover, the information collected has not been shared publicly and will also not be used in different platform. The researchers in previous articles have been respected throughout. There has been no manipulation of data and each author has been cited for justifying the authenticity. Furthermore, this research will be pertinent to only academic purposes in future.
While summing up, it can be said that the research has been completely based on secondary data collection technique with inductive approach. Secondary articles available on the internet fetched from Google search engine, case studies, online libraries and websites constructed the entire findings section of the research for the concerned company. Furthermore, in order to analyze data, thematic process has been selected where each of the themes have been constructed based on research aim and objectives. The following chapter will present the findings and analysis of the research.
Tesco is concerned about appraising the performance level of the employees towards assessing their performance in comparison with organizational performance standard. However, the organization is still inclined to use traditional performance appraisal process for assessing the performance level of the employees. As per Norman and Kabwe (2015) the organization uses forced choice appraisal method for appraising the performance level of the employees. In this appraisal method the performance appraisal managers of Tesco are forced to assess the employees based on some available criteria. Moreover, the rater does not have much control over assessing the performance level of the employees. The raters are to choose between only positive and negative set of choices of employee behavior to choose from (Saeed 2016). However, such appraisal method does not provide much scope to the employees towards improvement, as their potentiality is not assessed too much.
Tesco also uses paired comparison method for appraising the performance level of the employees. In this method, the appraisers compare the performance level of one employee with other employees. Such comparison mostly considers the employee attributes like job skills, talents, tasks and others. However, such appraisal sometimes disappoints the employees in unnecessary comparisons among the employees. From the findings of Angrave et al. (2016), the ranking and grades used in this appraisal method sometimes gets biased with the biased view of the appraisers. Therefore, the employees of the organization do not often get right appraisal benefits for their efforts in organizational success. On the other hand, the organization also used management by objective for appraising the performance level of the employees. In such method, the organization set the goals and objectives of the organization and employees’ role and responsibilities in an agreed term. After that, the performance level of the employees is assessed against the set performance standard of the organization. This performance appraisal is also assessed on an agreed term between the appraisers and employees. However, the appraisers of Tesco often avoid the agreed terms of documented in the appraisal terms. Therefore, the effectiveness of performance appraisal in Tesco gets affected with lack of adherence to the agreed terms of performance appraisal (Den Hartog et al. 2013). In this way, the Tesco mostly uses traditional method of performance appraisal over the modern method of performance appraisal in assessing the performance level of the employees.
Data Collection Procedure
UK retail industry is now highly concerned about appraising the performance level of employees both for enhancing overall organizational performance as well as individual organizational performance. Sainsbury has perfectly managed to enhance the performance level of the employees. According to the findings of Aikens et al. (2014) the organization uses almost all modern methods of performance appraisals for assessing employee performance. In this way, they can perfectly assess the performance level of the employees with the overall performance standard. Moreover, the organization mostly uses Management by Objective method performance appraisal for appraising their employee performance. Apart from annual review, the organization also reviews the performance of the employees quarterly, so that the employee performance remains consistently with overall organizational standard. As per McDermott et al. (2013), quarterly review of the employees also better identifies the training needs of employees and develops frequent training programs for enhancing their performance level. Therefore, the employee has better improved their weak areas towards enhancing their performance level. It has ultimately enhanced the retention rate of the employees with reduced employee disappointment.
On the other hand, ASDA is appeared to be more concerned with long-term productivity enhancement of the employees. This organization mostly uses 360 Degree appraisal method for assessing the performance level of the employees. The performance appraisal managers mostly conduct such appraisal in an annual basis for measuring annual performance level of the employees. Moreover, the organization uses proper criteria for measuring appraising employee performance for their proper assessment. According to Owens, Johnson and Mitchell (2013), the organization majorly focuses on the performance criteria like productivity, job efficiency, teamwork, job skills and many others. Therefore, it becomes easy for the appraisal managers to assess the performance level of the employees in proper manner. Furthermore, the organization also effectively compensates the hard working of the employees with lucrative rewards and recognition for keeping up the performance level of the high performing employees (Tims, Bakker and Derks 2013). For example, the organization offers performance bonus, quality incentives, profit sharing bonus and lots more. Furthermore, the organization also offers international promotional opportunities for valuing the hard work of the employees. In this way, the employees are less likely to seek for any better job opportunity in other organizations. Therefore, the organization has become able to reduce the turnover rate of the employees by enhancing their performance level.
Tesco mostly uses traditional method of performance appraisal for assessing the performance level of the employees. However, such traditional method often does not fit for the performance appraisal in modern organizational system. Moreover, the performance checklist and ranking method measures the overall performance rate of the employees and does not focus on specific performance areas of the employees (Gelens et al. 2014). Furthermore, the organization does not provide attractive reward and recognition, which is ultimately discouraging the employees and hampering the performance level of the employees.
Data Analysis Procedure
Figure 1: Employee Performance Level of UK Retails
(Source: Alagaraja and Shuck 2015)
Tesco is concerned about appraising performance level of the employees for measuring the performance level of the employees. However, the intension of the organization is only concerned with enhancing the overall performance of the organization. It does not have any concerned about employee benefits for their high performance. Moreover, in the annual performance review, the organization does not properly identify the training needs of the employees for improving the performance level of the weak employees. From the finding of Topham (2016), it can be seen that in the year 2014, the organization has cut cost by 40% with layoff of 300 employees, who were underperforming. It was quite frustrating for the remaining employees that the employees did not get right appraisal and being laid off rather than improving their performance. Furthermore, the organization does not also provide attractive reward and recognition to the employees for their high level of performance. Moreover, the organization does not provide overtime pay or bonuses to the employees for their extra work and contribution in the organizational success (Metro 2016). Therefore, the employees of the organization are more inclined towards leaving their current jobs for seeking more beneficial job opportunities. Furthermore, such appraisal system also makes the employees disappointed, which reduces their overall job performance.
Apart from that, there is also lack of transparency in the performance criteria for appraising the performance level of the employees of Tesco. Moreover, the managers of the organization do not clarify the performance appraisal criteria to the employees properly. Therefore, the employees do not get right track for enhancing their performance based on the performance criteria. In this way, the performance level of the employees ultimately gets hampered. On the other hand, the appraisers of Tesco often include biasness in appraising the performance level of the employees. As per the findings of BBC News (2016), the organization is claimed with discriminating between the male and female employees in offering recognition for their higher performance. Moreover, male employees are more likely to get higher post than their female employees even if the female employees demonstrate more productivity than the male employees. According to the newspaper report Metro (2016), it has been found that the organization also has lack of quarterly review regarding the performance level of the employees. Therefore, the managers become failed to identify the core improvement areas of the employees over the years. In this way, the annual performance level of the employees is reduced with lack of training or development over the year.
Advantages of Primary Data
Performance appraisal can act as the motivation tool for the employees towards improving their productivity level. Proper performance appraisal system enhances the motivation of the employees towards their productivity improvement. Moreover, the employee productivity is automatically increased, when the goals are clearly defined, performance challenges are identified and proper career development solutions are provided to the employees. However, in case of Tesco, the managers of the organization do not properly clarify the goals of the employees (Posthuma et al. 2013). Therefore, the employees suffer from role ambiguity, which de-motivates the employees. Moreover, the employees cannot properly focus on their own job roles with ambiguity in their job roles. The employees also face role conflict at their workplace, which ultimately reduces their productivity level. In this way, the performance level of the employees is reduced with lack of clarity in the job roles. On the other hand, the biasness and discrimination in the performance appraisal process lead to confliction between the employees and employers. Such confliction ultimately becomes the source of employee dissatisfaction in Tesco.
Figure : Employee Satisfaction in Tesco
(Source: Dalal, Bhave and Fiset 2014)
From the above figure, it is clear that the satisfaction level of the employees in Tesco is gradually decreasing year after year. The biasness and discrimination in the appraisal system has caused such gradual decrease in the satisfaction level of the employees. Furthermore, lack of overtime pay or proper reward and recognition is undervaluing the contribution of the employees in overall organizational success. Moreover, as per Singh, Winkel and Selvarajan (2013), Tesco offers only 5% of the employee salary as the turnaround bonus to the employees. It seems to be quite less in comparison with other retailers in the retail industry of United Kingdom. Therefore, the employees are more likely to shift in other organizations for seeking better job opportunities. In this way, such issues in performance appraisal are ultimately reducing the retention rate of the employees in Tesco. Moreover, biased appraisal system is increasing the turnover rate of the employees over years. From the finding of BBC News (2016), it has been found that in the last year, the turnover rate of front line employee in Tesco has been increased by 25% from the previous year. Therefore, the overall productivity of the employees is being reduced with high level of employee turnover.
Figure: Employee Turnover Rate in Tesco
(Source: Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli 2015)
Advantages of Secondary Data
Performance appraisal phrases are mostly used for ensuring the effectiveness in the appraisal process for perfect evaluation employee performance. Accountability ensures transparency in the performance review process. The findings of Topham (2016) have demonstrated that the managers of Tesco are being incapable of maintaining transparency with the employees in terms of clarifying the exact performance criteria. Therefore, the employees are being failed to focus on their job role having lack of clarity in the performance appraisal process. Commitment ensures the eagerness of the employers to provide the committed reward and recognition to the employees. It also ensures the willingness of the employees towards getting the committed benefits to be offered by the employers. However, the employees of Tesco are limited to get their rewards based on overall profit level of the organization. As per the review of Metro (2016) the amount and level of recognition often gets modified with the overall profit level of the organization no matter what the committed rewards were for the higher performers. In this way, the employees of Tesco are gradually being disappointed, as they are not getting their committed rewards. It is also affecting their performance level of the employees in Tesco.
Reliability and equality in the performance appraisal system ensure equal distribution of performance pay among all the employees based on only their performance and not on any other factors. In case of Tesco, it has already been alleged with discrimination of performance pay between the male and female employees.
Figure: Performance Distribution Pay
(Source: Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli 2015)
Cooperation level of employers ensures assistance to the employees for enhancing the performance level of the weak employers. However, Tesco does not provide adequate training and development program to the weak performer towards improving their performance (Dalal, Bhave and Fiset 2014). Therefore, the weak performing employees get frustrated with completing complex types of jobs. They do not get any confidence on doing their job roles effectively. In this way, their performance level is ultimately diminished with lack of proper skills and talent improvement opportunity.
Proper and effective employee performance appraisal can act as the best tool for enhancing the performance level of the employees. Tesco is having huge issue in enhancing the performance level of the employee due to issues in appraising employee performance. The employees are mostly disappointed due to ineffective appraisal system conducted in Tesco. However, Tesco has huge scope in enhancing the performance level of the employees through using effective performance appraisal method. Moreover, the appraiser mangers should properly clarify the role and responsibilities of the employees. The managers should also set proper criteria for performance appraisal so that the employees can properly concentrate on those performance criteria for enhancing their performance level (Norman and Kabwe 2015). On the other hand, the organization should also conduct quarterly review of the employee performance so that the managers can keep track on the employee performance over the year. It will ensure that the performance of the employees would not deviate from performance standard set by the organization.
Data Collection Comparison
Tesco should enhance the effectiveness performance appraisal through rewarding and recognizing performance of the employees. Moreover, the managers should provide attractive reward and recognition for valuing the high performing employee. It will motivate the high performing employees in keeping up their performance as per organizational standard. Moreover, such attractive reward and recognition will also encourage the weak performer in improving their performance level for getting rewards and recognition (Angrave et al. 2016). Apart from that, effective performance appraisal is largely dependent on proper training and development program arranged for the weak performers towards enhancing their performance. Therefore, the organization should arrange proper training and development program towards improving their performance level. Moreover, effective training and development program would also enhance the confidence level of the weak employees towards performing complex task. Therefore, it will ultimately enhance performance level of weak performer.
While concluding the research study, it can be said that Tesco has huge issue in appraising the performance level of the employees. Moreover, the organization mostly uses traditional appraisal method in assessing the performance level of the employees. Such traditional methods of performance appraisal are incapable of assessing the core improvement areas of the employees. Therefore, the organization is being failed towards improving the performance of the employees properly. On the other hand, the managers of the organization do not also use transparent criteria for assessing the performance level of the employees. Therefore, the employees do not get right track for enhancing their performance. The organization has also been claimed with underpaying the employees for their hard work and overtime work. In this way, such appraisal methods are reducing the overall performance level of the employees.
The phrases of performance review are also getting hampered with lack of accountability, equality and commitment. Therefore, the organization should initiate quarterly review employees’ performance management for keeping track on the employees’ performance over the year. Apart from that, the organization should also provide set proper performance criteria so that the employees can concentrate on those performance criteria for enhancing their performance level. Furthermore, Tesco should provide attractive rewards and recognition to the high performing employees for keeping up their performance level intact with the organizational standard.
Objective 1: To recognize the effects of performance appraisals on employee’s performance of Tesco
This objective is perfectly aligned with data analysis section for reaching at better research result. Theme 2 and Theme 4 have been aligned with these research objectives. From the linking of this objective with the data analysis section, it can be understood that ineffectiveness of the performance appraisal is reducing the satisfaction level of the employees, which is ultimately reducing their performance level.
Data Collection Types
Objective 2: To identify the performance appraisal process of Tesco towards assessing employee’s performance
This research objective has been perfectly aligned with the data analysis section. Theme 1 has been linked with this research objective for achieving accurate research result. From this linking, it has been found that Tesco mostly uses traditional method of performance appraisal for assessing the performance level of the employees. Furthermore, the organization also uses the modern performance appraisal method like MBO approach. However, the criteria for such appraisal are unclear to the employees.
Objective 3: To assess the issues related to the performance appraisal of Tesco
This research objective is perfectly aligned with the data analysis theme like theme 3 and theme 5. From linking this objective with the thematic analysis, it can be seen that the major issue of Tesco’s performance appraisal is lack of proper reward and recognition. Such lack of reward and recognition de-motivates the employees towards enhancing their performance level. The managers of Tesco do not clarify the performance criteria of the employees. Therefore, the employees do not get right track for enhancing their performance level.
Objective 4: To recommend the best of improving employ’s performance of Tesco though effective appraisal
This research objective has been linked with theme 6 of thematic data analysis. From this linking, it can be said that Tesco should use clear and transparent performance criteria for assessing performance level of the employees. On the other hand, the organization should also use attractive reward and recognition for valuing the excellent performance level of the employees.
Tesco should use proper performance appraisal criteria for assessing the performance level of the employees. Moreover, the organization should use clear performance criteria like productivity, job skills, job efficiency and others. It will help the employees in focusing on their performance based on the criteria, which will enhance their overall performance level.
Reward and recognition is extremely important for appraising the performance level of high performing employees. Moreover, reward and recognition help in valuing the highly performing employees for their excellent performance. Therefore, it assists in motivating the highly performing employees, which will help in keeping up the performance of the high performers as per organizational standard.
Effective training and development program helps in enhancing the talent and skills level of weak employees. The Tesco should arrange effective training and development program for enhancing the performance level of the weak employers. It will also increase the overall performance level of the employees in the organization.
The main issue performance appraisal in Tesco is that it uses traditional method of employee performance appraisal. Moreover, the organization should use modern performance appraisal method for assessing the core improvement area of the employees. It will ultimately help in effectively assessing the performance level of the employees.
Every academic research is associated with some limitation. Such limitation can hamper quality of ultimate research result. This research study was associated with lack of access to more authentic secondary sources due to budget limitation. Lack of proper access to the authentic data sources can hamper the quality of ultimate research result. On the other hand, the research result can also be hampered due to time limitation.
This research study can be an effective secondary source for the further researches. Moreover, this research study can provide effective secondary information to the further researches, which are based on same types of research study. Furthermore, the research study can also help the organizations towards solving their performance appraisal related issues for enhancing employees’ performance.
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