Tools And Techniques For Project Managers To Solve Project Problems Using Systems Thinking
General systems management
The techniques that would aid the managers solve the problems would be good management techniques. Those management techniques are discussed in this paper. Senior managers that will allocates junior managers to project team depending on how specialized they are and how accessible to perform a given task within a given time. They also check availability of the managers to perform a task given their obligations. Exploiting given time is very important in ensuring that managers meet the required time limit. They are required to meet the strict deadline to avoid inconveniences. Ensuring that the time set is utilized well to perform the project task and that it does not fall behind. The subsequent difficult of this measures is that senior managers have to distinguish that it is necessary that all scheme group associates labor well structure on a scheme. A task that has pronounced attainment is most probable made up of a group of individuals who could labor well together, irrespective of their individual dissimilarities. People are required to put aside any indifference when performing any project to ensure all factors that are needed in the project are met (Ramseur, 2010).
Project team members are said to work well in collaboration or as a collective in overseas projects and not to fail in their management such as what occurred with the Texas City and DeepWater horizon since they did not have a common point of objective. They can therefore put more effort in that common point of objective to manage create a cultural collective behaviors which would last a long period of time once the project comes to an end (Haines, 2016)
The main problem that occurs in these international projects is lack of having a good comprehension of the culture dissimilarities; therefore, they need to have a good communication and coordination among all the team members. This is a very important thing to undertake among the team members (Board & National Research Council, 2004).
When managers are confronted by a dilemma that is between two people working together, they should solve it in a wise way. such can be two people working together in a certain project but they cannot get along well. Both individuals should co-ordinate to ensure they are successful in their project. There are no connections or communication, which is required to have a successful project. After a specified period of time, like two months, they have to complete the project, and if not the should be fire all at once. The manager is supposed to give them warning prior in case poor results of their projects (Haimes, 2015).
Organisational structures, forms and culture
The senior managers should ensure that they command the junior managers in order to perform well in their projects. They are supposed to ensure that they reach their targets. In case of any indifference, they should ensure they resolve their indifferences and come together as a team to handle the project without having any problem. They are supposed to face any conflict they may be having between them directly and go through their problems with the objective of finding a solution to their problem (Sebok, 2006). The managers should recommend that junior managers make a strong bond by recommending an exercise they can both do to end their conflict. Some rules ought to be established and a code of conduct to ensure there is cooperation between the them. The rule should state the reason to cooperate and the reason to have a collective work altogether. The person who goes against the code of conduct ought to be punished through a stated fact in the statement of the code of conduct. This would ensure there is a good interaction and co-operation between the two to bring about good performance.
General system Management refer to the different ways managers go about accomplishing the goals of the project they are working on. It comprises of the way managers make decisions, how they plan, and organize work within the organization, and how they practice their power. There are different types of management, which includes autocratic, authoritative, persuasive, authoritative, democratic and Laissez-faire (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017). These management vary depending on the individual person, level of management and even the company or an organization itself. One is style of management is mainly because of many different factors that are both from within and outside the organization. These factors include internal and external environments of the business, and the type of employees the managers are working with. There are a number of things we seek to know in this research: of the management styles the one which is our dominant style, the situation in which the management style will be utilized effectively, whether there is a best style and the best of leader to use multiple management styles.
The dorminant management style is autocratic since it has variations that are authoritative, persuasive, and paternalistic. Its increased number of variations make it the most controlling with the least dominant style being Laissez-Faire. Autocratic managers carry out the overall decision making process of the organization such that their decisions are the final and a downward way of communication applies whereby communication flows from the manager down to the employees. Employees’ do not participate in the decision making of the organization and have their roles clearly defined and are expected to adhere to the instructions given and are supervised as they carry out their duties. In this style of management, work tends to be very rigid and at the same time, creativity and out-of-box thinking is not encouraged (Shafritz, Ott & Jang, 2015).
Engineering risk, risk management
This refers to how the business is organized and how it is capable to follow the things it does in its daily activities in order to accomplish a project. The mission statement of any company is to be organized and having working structures for its existence and survival. Often, the organizational structure makes the organization to have the ethics, values and standards of the company’s management. As a result, when creating a business plan, the company’s values, standards and mission statement are underpinned by particular features in the management, social responsibility, technology, operations and marketing segments of a business plan. It is important for these segments of the business plan to transparently and appropriately constitute the organizational structure, forms and culture (Scott, Mannion, Davies & Marshall, 2018).
Risk is an extreme occurrence to an organization which can be attached a probability value. There are various types of the risk in every project ranging from financial, staffing, managerial risk and is necessary for any management to develop a mechanism on how to manage its risk. On other hand, risk management is a process that entails identification, analysis, evaluation and monitoring of the risk by coming up with policies relevant to the firm and the risk established by the firm. The methods used to measure and identify the risk will always differ depending on the level of involved in coming up with risk management policies in regard to their expertise and the capacity they hold in the organization thus is notably important that the best level management that will handle risk in fullness and cover of all details to better wellness of the firm be identified (Modarres, 2016).
There are different kinds of Portfolio alignment that are necessary for making effective decisions in a project. Making of routine choices and judgments is one of the Portfolio alignment. This Portfolio alignment will help you come up with the choice that best suits you as an individual or a project. Influencing outcomes is another critical Portfolio alignment towards strategic decision making (Rahrovani, Kermanshah, Pinsonneault, 2014). For instance, having a project at hand, the task one will be having is to establish the time period needed to accomplish the project. Here optimism counts a lot since for one to achieve the desired outcomes one have to embrace a positive thinking and be found committed to ones decisions. Placing competitive bets is another important Portfolio alignment in strategic decision making since in the market one still have other businesses and the performance of a business will be best measured when compared to that of the other existing businesses (Mishra, Garbajosa, Wang, Bosch & Abrahamsson, 2017). The most effective strategic decision making process will be considerate of the moves of a business rivals.
To ensure effective and efficient project value, managers must exercise their five roles in organizing, planning staffing, controlling and directing must be implemented in its daily running. Planning involves formulating a strategy or a proposal on the various steps and procedures which should be undertaken to achieve the set goals and objectives in a project or an organization.Notably, every employee and other members working for the business must participate to achieve the set goals. As a manager, planning must be done where on must arbitrate on the various steps that the business should take to achieve these goals. Essentially, managers should take steps such as ensure more advertisements are made or offer more discounts for customers who make more purchases (Gomez-Uribe & Hunt, 2016).
Businesses involve mobilizing the materials or resources and the set team to achieve the set goals. Therefore, managers need to assign roles and duties to the various and required employees. Managers are responsible for making sure that the required resources are provided in the various fields to ensure employees utilize them to achieve increased sales (Pearson, 2016). Importantly, to see to it that a company runs smoothly, supervisors need to ensure that there are adequate resources and staff.
Portfolio management process cycle is where the manager communicates, supervises, motivates and leads the project assistance towards a common objective.This cycle is a bit crucial since the manager needs to play the role of monitoring and directly engaging with the employees in all the divisions in the company. It is always important since this ensures that managers and delegate roles are seen by employees. Notably, workers in any institution will carry out their duties as instructed by the managers but they will ensure effectiveness and efficiency if the same instructions come from their managers (Turner, 2014).
The manager has to ensure he or she continuously scrutinizes or inspects the job and corrects where the responsibilities are not conducted as required and expected. Additionally, controlling entails checking the course of work from the planning stage to the directing stage. One has to make sure that the team’s output and performance is similar to the set goals and objectives therefore reducing risks. Additionally, one need to correct and assess the performance of the employees.
In addition to the above management roles, managers must possess leadership skills and exercise strategic leadership and management. Strategic leaders are disciplined and courageous where they spend most of their time thinking and strategizing on activities with extensive future outcomes and are not afraid to take risks. They are open-minded where new inventions and ideas are always accommodated and explored (Larson & Gray, 2015). Further, they are enduring since some strategies will not always provide a simple journey. They are also accountable where they accommodate the weaknesses of their employees and are persistent on improving performance to yield results. Strategic leaders are insightful and visionary as well and work hand in hand with their team to accomplish the set goals and objectives. Supervisors should also exercise balanced commitment, be positive role models, be persuasive, exercise effective communication skills and have a positive influence on their team.
Exercising portfolio management process and leadership is not easy and therefore leaders need to possess tactical management skills in times of crisis and growth in an organization. This way, during times where the resources are scarce or are just enough, for instance, the leaders can ensure that they are evenly and properly allocated. Further, managers must exercise their basic roles effectively to achieve the set goals and objectives as well as have an effectual and useful team.
Organisational maturity shows how an organization is structured in the right manner to accomplish a certain project. The management of an organization will start by observing the need that ought to be attended to or corrected within the organization and orient themselves with the facts at hand about the organization and make the appropriate decisions regarding the organization and finally act on the decisions (Gomes, 2018). This way of organizating an organization is a good one for the organization because it is very simple and straightforward (Bourne, 2016). Paired comparison analysis is the other decision making that is usually much appropriate especially when the business is involved in tough and complex decisions. This mthod helps in decision making by drawing a list of all the available options to the business, marching the options against each other, and establishing the most favorable option. This decision method helps an organization in picking the best option for the organization at a situation where there are options which are competing with each other at a go (Gomes & Romão, 2015).
In conclusion, process and strategic thinking are two complementary things since strategic thinking is usually a process of deciding what to do and how to do it while process defines the steps undertaken to do a project hence achieving one’s objective or goal. As a result, for an individual or a project to engage strategic thinking there must a process into that hence the two depend on each other.
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