Time Driven Activity-Based Costing And Its Application In Adelaide Brighton Ltd

Overview of TDABC and its Features

The contemporary environment of business irrespective of the size whether small or big firms requires that the administration must have a lucid understanding of the cost and it is easy to understand that the model of costing will be quickly able to identify the variations in the trade when they take place. The current report is reliant on the understanding of the TDABC together with the understanding of its necessary features. The current report would moreover reflect the means with the help of that the system of the TDABC is not the same from the methods of ABC costing and Traditional ABC methodology of analysing cost. Additionally, a detailed assessment of the costing will be conducted concerning the application of the TDABC in Adelaide Brighton Ltd.

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The Adelaide Brighton Ltd is considered to be one of the leading Australian integrated constructed materials and lime manufacturing company. The company manufactures and supplies the wide variety of goods related to the construction of building, infrastructure construction and processing of minerals across the country (Drury, 2013). The main business purpose of the company includes the business of importing and delivery of the lime products, building material goods, glue and premixed concrete. The company wide base of operations facilities prompted the supply to its customers and enabled strategic balance of the production capacity to meet the demands across the nations. This enables the company to provide a supply package which is flexible and supported with transportation and supply of the logistics across the regions of Australia and Asia. 

As evident the ABC method of costing is presently regarded as the full method of costing which is subjected to greater amount of criticism for the approach that has been adopted and a large number of users have put an end to use this method (Hemmer & Labro, 2016). The original method of activity based costing provides an improved method of costing different types of goods and service but the new TDABC has the ability of recording greater degree of variations and complication by providing better quality of data minus limitations associated with the system of ABC.

The customers of the modern day are highly focused on the business that provide the customers with the multiple range of products to choose from. The customers of the modern day often provide their assistance to the big firms that are having strong supply chain management system to meet their practical sustenance.

Adelaide Brighton Ltd and its Business Operations

As evident there has been a rise in the number of customer service which requires the management of the customers and sufficiently management of the profit (Klychova et al. 2015). The system of ABC has pulled the attention of differentiated costing amid the upper and the lesser amount, custom and standard products. The system of TDABC is better to provide superior information regarding the earnings and frequency of profitability by reflecting the differences in cost amid the customers with lower demand and ease of service than the higher demand complex customers.

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The method in involved in TDABC will be able to identify the amount of each unit or process along with the allocations of cost to the resource group concerning the cost objects depending upon the time required to perform the activity. As evident, it is found that the demand for the work in the work under these department is under the TDABC that can guesstimate the extent of resources released (Quinn 2014). The costing system of TDABC will be able capture the different features of the activity with the help of time equation which consumes times according to the activity and the same is viewed as the function of the different features. The features of the TDABC is mentioned below;

  1. The costing model of TDABC is regarded as easy to understand and quickly creates a precise model.
  2. The methodology of the time driven method of costing is regarded to be best suitable for the organizations that accumulates data. The method of time driven method of costing helps the organization in improving their enterprise resource planning method for improved customers relationship and ultimately making the system highly active.
  3. The model of TDABC drives the cost to the transaction and orders by making use of the particular features of such as process of order, materials and consumers.
  4. The method of time driven method of costing possess a noteworthy feature in respect of the records that are maintained by the business based on month to month basis.
  5. Another feature of this model is that it provides visibility in processing the efficiencies and utilization of capacity.
  6. Another feature possessed by the model of TDABC is forecasting of demand for the resources as the organizations will be able make budget for the resource capacity depending upon the anticipated volume of order and complexity (Deegan, 2013). 

As evident in the current situation the model of TDABC provides variation of the ABC since it allows easy and approachable execution of functions that is required to produce product and services that are offered (Bebbington, Unerman and O’Dwyer 2014).

The method of traditional based costing generally distributes the overhead that are involved in production in respect of the cost driver activity. This method particularly allocates the direct hours of labours that is needed to manufacture the product.  

A noteworthy element that is involved in the occurrence of cost is primarily the cost driver. These cost drivers are generally the machine hours and the direct cost of labour that are associated with the production of goods.

Under the model of ABC, the cost involved in manufacturing the product is assigned for the activities that is needed to produce an item (Angelopoulos and Pollalis 2017). Whereas, the model of TDABC it is easy to measure the effectiveness of the procedure at the certain level of accessible capacity against the utilization capacity. More importantly the equation that are involved in the cost is easy to understand and it is economical under the time driven method of activity costing that the method of traditional ABC costing. 

Comparison between TDABC and Traditional ABC Costing

An important emphasis is required to be placed in respect of the time driven method of activity costing is that the system is regarded to be highly reasonable. This method of costing is regarded to be highly controlling than the methods of activity based costing (Hoozée and Hansen 2014). It is worth mentioning that the time driven method of activity based costing is regarded to be effective in distributing the cost to the cost unit directly. As an alternative to this, the traditional method of costing assigns the cost that is produced from the employment of resources to assess the resources that is required for each of the unit of cost.   

As stated by Mahal and Hossain (2015), it is evidently noticed that the mechanism of TDABC only requires the time estimations so that It can process the customers’ orders and it is not necessary that such cost must be equal. The reason behind this is that the mechanism of TDABC provides the estimations of the several times depending on the specific features of every application by making use of the imitation of the variables and equations. Under the method ABC, the rate of cost drives is put into use to allocate the cost to each department of the cost object. Concerning the TDABC the definition of resource consumptions by the cost activities is not taken into the considerations and therefore it is not necessary to distribute this costs. The differences between the time driven method of costing, ABC and traditional costing are as follows;  

Time Driven ABC


Traditional ABC

Identifies the several groups of resources  

This methodology recognizes the various activities of overhead (Kaplan 2014).

Allocates the manufacturing overhead to each unit manufactured

The method of time driven ABC guesses the entire sum of cost that is associated with every unit of the resource group.  

The process of the ABC method of costing distributes the cost involved in overhead to the many unalike activities with the help of resource driver  

This method employs the norms where the medium of volumes serves as the means of engineering the cost of overhead.

This method of costing practically ascertains the ability of resources that are available during the working hours.

Identifies the driver for each of the activities

Under the traditional method of ABC the accountants allocates the production costs only into the products

This method of costing is regarded to be advantageous in determining the unit cost of each of the resource group through division of every unit under the applied volume.  

This method determines the cost driver that are associated with the activity by means of applicable amount (Almeida and Cunha 2017).

The method of traditional accounting is unable to distribute the non-production cost that is related with the manufacturing of an item namely the management expenses.

Taking into the considerations the applicability of the TDABC in the Adelaide Brighton Ltd an assertion can be bought forward by stating that the model is simple to understand and implement, economical and powerful than the other methods of costing such as the ABC and the Traditional ABC. An important specification of the Time driven methodology of the activity costing is that it facilitates easy determination of cost and eliminates the traditional method of survey (Kaplan and Anderson 2013). This offers the organization with the facility of distributing the resources of cost to the determined activity prior to allocating them to the cost object.

In the present context of the Adelaide Brighton Ltd emphasis can be placed regarding the application of the TDABC as this would serve as the medium of the distribution of the resources significantly in the cost objects. (McLaughlin et al. 2014) The TDABC model calculates the cost required in supply of resources capacity. In context of the Adelaide Brighton Ltd the department that are concerned with the processing would be better able to keep an eye on the orders of the customers with the application of the TDABC since this method would serve as the technological advancement for the organization.

TDABC and Customer Service Management

To ascertain the resource cost of the department the method of TDABC is beneficial, as this would enable the company to make use of the cost capacity rate for projecting the demand of resource required by cost objects. In agreement with the instances of the customer, order department the TDABC model would only require the estimation of the time required in Adelaide Brighton Ltd so that the company can process the order of the consumers (Öker and Ad?güzel 2016).

TDABC helps in stimulating the original procedure, which is used to perform the work for the Adelaide Brighton Ltd. The traditional method of costing suffers from the disadvantage in the areas of determining the changes in the demand whereas the new method of time driven method of activity costing would enable Adelaide Brighton Ltd to combat the changing needs of the economy. More specifically the method helps in storage of data, projection of data and resource processing in the organization. By using the TDABC, Adelaide Brighton Ltd can sustain the difficulties rather than being forced to make use of the easy, imprecise ABC model in its business (Stouthuysen et al. 2014). 

In the present context of the Adelaide Brighton Ltd the application of the TDABC would assist the organization in determination of the cost capacity of the department. Additionally this model would help the company in processing the cost to each department. The TDABC system would assist the company in estimating the cost object with ease and quantitatively.

Numerous organizations in Australia have ERP system for recording data on packing and delivery. Such kind of information, which is order specific, helps in providing particular type of demand for any of the order to determine at a rapid pace (Kaplan et al. 2014). As evident in the case of Adelaide Brighton Ltd the TDABC would assist in recording the complexity of the business in an easy manner for transactions that are varying in nature. In the present context of Adelaide Brighton Ltd the model of TDABC can be implemented to reduce the complexity of the time equation. As a result of this it would help Adelaide Brighton Ltd in implementing the mechanism of TDABC.


On the conclusive note the study has clearly represented the differences among the ABC and TDABC. The comparative assessment of the model has presented the qualitative as well as the quantitative approaches that are different approaches in producing the cost of products. The ABC costing method assist in pooling the resources to the activities in respect of the pillar of resources while the method of TDABC helps in pooling the information under the sub heads of the activity rows. The model has been able to overcome the problems in providing the managers with the methods which would help in integrating the data in the ERP and CRM system. 

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