Theories On Determination Of Personality And Traits In The Workplace

Personality and Traits in Job Roles

The personality and the intelligence of every individual affect the consecutive job roles of the individuals. The application of the different factors of the personality and their traits has helped in determining the different aspects of the performance (Otto & Dalbert,  2012). The theory proposed by Holland has helped in the understanding of the different behavioral traits in the people. On the other hand, Gardner proposed a theory of determining the intelligence of the workforce, which helps in determining the effectiveness of the functions undertaken by them. It helps in determining the smooth functioning based on the adaptability of the people in the team.

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The report aims at discussing the different theories based on the determination of personality and traits in the workers and the manner in which it affects their respective job roles. The theories proposed by Bandura and Maslow helps in justifying the various behaviors based on the environment and the personal emotions of the concerned person.  The proper understanding of the psychological factors has helped in determining the performance at work and the efficiency of the workforce.

The theories on personality helps in determining the different aspects of the performance in the organization meant for its progress. The theory proposed by Bandura helps in determining the effects of the environment and the external situations on the behavior of a person. It helps in determining the different aspects of the personality in different situations based on the traits of the person. According to Bandura (2012), the person, the environment in which the person is and the behavior that is being exhibited by the person is interconnected in a manner that influences the three major aspects of the personality and the traits of the person (Refer to Appendice 1). The holistic approach of the organization has helped in the understanding of the different factors that affect the personality of the person. The differences in the cognitive abilities of the person and the beliefs determine the personality. On the other hand, the environment to which the person is exposed to creates a havoc impact on the behaviors of the person. The working environments and the objectives that are being enforced on the person help in determining the different factors. However, the Maslow’s Hierarchy of the needs helps in determining the needs of the person to grow and evolve. It focuses mainly on the needs of the people based on the self evaluation. According to Erkutlu and Chafra  (2012), self evaluation can be counted as the best measure for understanding the needs of the behaviors in a workplace. It helps in determining the different behavioral traits that affects the performance in a workplace. Maslow believed that personality of a person is the general tendency of the person in fulfilling the criteria of the Hierarchy of Needs (Refer to Appendice 2). It helps in justifying the primary objective of the individuals in undertaking work. The work that is being undertaken by the individuals is characterized by the approach with which they function in their work place.   

Theories on Personality Determination

On the other hand, Holland’s theory of personality examines the different traits of the personality that is being portrayed by the individuals for the bringing in improvements in the performance of the individuals. The six personality types that are being proposed in the theory helps in determining the different personality types that are required in the workplace (Refer to Appendice 3).  It helps in the identification of the social nature of the people, the realistic, investigative and the artistic attributes (Barrick, Mount & Li, 2013). It helps in determining the efficiency of the functions in the workplace resulting to the different levels of performance. Hogan  (2017) believed that self actualization will be helping in determining the potential of the employees which determines the performance of the individuals in the workplace. According to Thompson, social relations also help in determining the attitudes and the potential traits of the people.

Intelligence of the person also affects the performance at work. According to the theory proposed by Gardner, the different aspects of the personality are being rated through the factors of the cognitive abilities of the individual. It is also characterized by the visual, musical and the fitness of the concerned person (Chirumbolo, 2015). The interpersonal and the social relations are among the considerations that help in determining the different aspects of the fitness. The integrated functioning of the body and the mind of the individuals in the workplace helps in enhancing the performance. The consideration of the social capital, which is being proposed by Thompson, is supported through the determination of the personality traits of the person (Johnson et al.  2012). 

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Therefore, the proper coordination of the environmental factors helps in determining the personality of the individual. It depends on the synapses of the individual, which is determined by the reactions of the person in different situations. The environment and the circumstances to which the person is exposed mainly define the attitude of the person towards work. The theories help determining the different aspects the traits of personality and the manner in which it affects the work. According to Yesil and Sozbilir  (2013), the personality of the person helps in determining the approach of the person towards the assigned work and the performance. The cognitive abilities of the person and the general intelligence help in determining the performance of the person in the workplace.

The behavior and the outlook of a person are based on the personality traits of the individuals for bringing in performance in the workplace. The theories that are being enumerated in the earlier section of the report helps in determining the different aspects of the behavior of an individual and the impact of the same on the performance in the workplace. The Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs helps in determining the circumstances that helps in understanding the situations in which the person is compelled to work in situations that might not be favorable (Lester, 2013). The performance of a person in a workplace is based on the interests and the abilities of a person. Suppose for example, an artist might not feel compatible to work in an international BPO with lower scopes of innovation. The expertise of the person and the mental abilities might lead him to different deluded situations where the performance tends to matter. On the other hand, the necessities of the person make the person undertake the work in which expertise of the person is challenged. The determination of the abilities of the person and the circumstances to which the person is posed to helps in determining the aspects of the needs that drives the person to perform the work (Refer to Appendice 2).  On the other hand, Bandura’s theory on personality helps in determining the different aspects of the environment that affects the personality of the person to a greater extent. The external factors that affects the personality of the person is characterized by the pressure and the work load that affects the performance of the person while undertaking the respective duties of the job role (Cervone  & Pervin,  2015). 

Bandura’s Theory of Personality

The interlinking of the behaviors, the outlook and the environmental factors affects the personality of the person. It helps in determining the cognitive and the logistic abilities of the person. The cognitive and the logistic approaches help in determining the performance of the person in the workplace. The cognition of the issues faced in the workplace and the application of the logics on the issues is based on the intelligence of the person. However, according to Freud, consciousness plays a major part while determining the proper functioning of the individuals in the workplace. It helps in determining the different aspects of the performance of the individual. Holland’s personality types helps in determining the different aspects of the personality that is desired for the smooth functioning of the workforce. According to Holland, an individual who is working with a team consisting of people with the similar personality types helps in enhancing the effectiveness and the performance of the work. Suppose for example, a lecturer cannot simply go and work with a mason, or a mason cannot simply join an IT sector. It is based on the abilities of the person and the outlook that the person has towards the work that determines the performance at work. However, the diversity that is observed in the workplace in the recent years has helped in determining the different benefits of the intermingling of the personalities for bringing in success.  According to Sikalieh and Mkoji  (2012), diversity in the workplace has helped in improving and empowering the workforce with possibilities of higher performance. The intermingling of the abilities of the workforce helps in determining the steps that are taken by the workforce for achieving the common objective of the organizations. The important functions of the theory are based on the application of the same in understanding the capabilities of the workforce through the abilities (Saxena,  2014).

The cognitive, logical and the other aspects like investigative, artistic and social functions help in determining the intelligence of the workforce resulting to the desired performance.  On the other hand, Gardner’s theory of intelligence helps in determining the different traits of intelligence that is required for enhancing the performance of the workforce. The performance of the individuals in the team helps in determining the performance of the team. Therefore, a team well constituting people focused on their work helps in enhancing the performance. The performance made by the workforce or he teams is directly dependent on the behaviors and the outlook of the people working in the team. According to Singh and Jain  (2013), the experience of the people and their personality and intelligence helps in determining the performance. The intelligence of the individuals helps them in innovating ways to resolve the discrepancies. On the other hand, the behavior and outlook towards the work that is assigned to the people helps in predicting the effectiveness of the functions.  According to Taylor  and Kluemper  (2012), job satisfaction plays a major role in determining the behavior of the employee towards  the assigned job role. Apart from the abilities, an individual is satisfied with the job that interests the person. Therefore, job satisfaction comes from the desired job and it results to a stress free situation for the person helping the person to bring in improvements in the productivity and performance. On the other hand, the job insecurity poses a major threat to the behaviors of the individuals, as the fear of losing the job works within the individuals and the lack of meeting the organizational target might get them expelled. The fear affects the productivity of the person and thereby results to lower performance. Srivastava (2013) stated that the major aspects of the performance is based on the job satisfaction of the employees. It helps in determining the interests and the stress free environment that helps the people in improving their productivity (Javed,  Balouch  & Hassan,  2014). 

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


Therefore, from the above analysis it can be stated that the personality traits and the outlook of the people characterize the performance of the individuals in the workplace. it is noted in the report that the intelligence of the individuals play a major role in the functioning of the workforce. The intelligence helps in determining the problem solving virtue of the individuals. Whereas, the outlook of the people helps in determining the motivation that helps them in performing their respective duties to the work assigned to them. The various aspects of the personality and their relative impacts on the performance in the workplace are being discussed in this report. The application of the theories proposed by Freud, Maslow, Bandura, Holland and Gardner helps in determining the memory and the cognition of the people in the workforce. It also helped in the clear understanding of the needs of the people and thereby justifying the situations faced by them in the workforce. The situations that are faced by the individuals help in determining the different behavioral traits and the approaches towards the work. The different interpretations of the theories is being stated as a part of the report for ensuring he lucid understanding of the different aspects of the situations that create an impact on the behaviors of the individuals towards their work. 


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