The Vital Importance Of Teamwork And Independent Thinking For Creativity In Enterprises
Reflective Essay on Thoughtful and Grave Discussion for Effective Creativity and Vision
This essay is my personal reflective, which is based on my personal evaluation and what I have learnt. The creative as well as cultural industries that play a significant role in the evaluation of understanding the way communication, teamwork, improved interpersonal skills can facilitate imagination and creativeness in an enterprise. The thesis statement of my reflective essay is the vital importance of teamwork and independent thinking in incorporate creativity in the establishment of an enterprise. My essay will focus on my evaluation on the way thoughtful and grave discussion leads to develop effective creativity and vision to an organization by shedding light on the 3Rs strategy for public sector turnaround.
During my learning session, I have been instructed to gather necessary knowledge from the Bloomberg Business Week to comprehend the benefits of various aspects of discussion and team collaboration to help in enhancing the value of an organization. A thorough evaluation of the daily has effectively portrayed the advantages of collaboration at any enterprise. We must understand the importance of group at any given space. If a team or group is regarded as an art form of culture, then the assemblage of these teams must be considered as artistry whereby we human beings will learn to cultivate and explore certain innovation and creativeness within an enterprise (Alahuhta et al. 2014). Global society in recent times implements teamwork to create wealth, consumer service as well as several other indicators in relation to the productivity of any organization. Reading the corporate daily has made me enhance my knowledge about the benefits of team collaboration in order to produce creative and innovative products in similar sense the way an artist would require his art tools to illustrate his thoughtful ideas and imagination. However, I must take into consideration the immense contribution of science in the formation of a team in an enterprise. In recent times almost every book, articles and magazines shed light on the significance of collaboration for innovation. Earlier the sole creator was being told about the amalgamation of members that led to group thinking further leading to develop areas of consensus as well as convergent thoughts and ideas (McKenna-Cress and Kamien 2013). Teamwork and group thinking have been considered as a central theme to creativity and innovation because of several reasons. During my class sessions, I have gained knowledge of the way association; speed, relationship; power and implementation play a vital role in developing new and unique ideas and improve the power of the vision of the members related to the enterprise. Teamwork helps in improving the probabilities of association occurring between originating ideas that result in a unique combination of individuals. It must be taken into account that the inventor may not work on originating the idea but might assist in uniting his incomplete thought with another individual of the team to identify a pioneering configuration. This further facilitates in developing the level of performance and activity in an enterprise. Group thinking further increases the pace of organizational functions. An inventive explanation is generally regarded as a combination of thoughts from conception of the idea to its delivery (de Guerre et al.2013). Group thinking according to me not only increases the speed of the chain of thoughts but also result in some creative visions. However, executives can implement the Pyramid Principle of Barbara Minto that has been considered as an effective communication process to interact with anyone without caused any complexities or arguments. This tool can further increase the value business and public sector service chain as has been taught to us in the class. This pyramid tool not only paves way for new and unique ideas but further help in providing services as well as positive outcomes to its full potentialities with ultimate delivery value to the business. As a leader, this tool can be an effective implementation to work with their stakeholders in order to work on any significant assignment. It further gives growth of relationship building which facilitates in a rise of new ideas. Another importance of group thoughts is that it helps in providing power to control the ongoing functions of the enterprise and further assists to rise above the expected resistance power within the team.
The Significance of Team Collaboration and Independent Thinking for Enterprise
The primary area of my study lied on the significance of several approaches to improve and grow the level of communication of an organization further working on its talent retention procedure. Through my evaluation, I have identified the role of talent retention and employee satisfaction can be indeed a challenging role to play for any inventor or owner of an enterprise. A contented and successful organization must adhere to a 3Rs strategy in order to improve growth of its enterprise. The most effective approaches to retain and maintain a strong employee base must include the three elements namely, recruitment, referrals and retention (Eshiteti et al. 2013). In recent times, the level of expertise and knowledge of an employee can be gathered much prior to the job he or she begins to perform. Glassdoor and several other portals for jobseekers help any individual to put his or her feedback on a prospective company even if there is no direct association (Cervellon and Lirio 2017). A reputation and status of an enterprise relies on the number of hires it can attract. Thus as per my thoughts, it is highly essential for a company to treat all its candidates with equal level of importance and respect that it intends to extend to its labour force. Referrals and rewards also play a very vital role on the effective functioning of an organization. Through my evaluation, I have understood the strength of a labour in an effective productiveness of an organization. A properly structured referral program assists in the development of an enterprise. It must be noted the way an inventor can empower and benefit its workforce in the selection procedure by reducing the cost of employment and time required to hire new talents. In similar sense, an enterprise owner must give utmost significance to the hiring strategy whereby shall encourage the value of the current employee base. Organizations with excess rate of retention must work of changing the areas of engagement of its current employee base. It has been understood by me, that the importance of team collaboration and the implementation of 3R strategies have strong alliance with an effective process of communication amongst employees. An effective communication not only facilitates enterprise owners in setting objectives and associations but also evidently states the defined goals and purposes (Oshri, Kotlarsky and Willcocks 2015). However, according to my analysis a chief component of communication depends on the listening skills of the members of the team. One must offer a team to share a communicative process to share individual knowledge and ideas. Even though companies have introduced several communication and interactive policies but very few have adherence to them.
Therefore, from the above discussion, I have come to this conclusion that effective communication is the key to establish a successful team building which results in a diversified work environment which permits the workers to work with unique and innovative skills to give rise to a great team. Through my evaluation, I comprehended how communication helps in developing teams and the way these teams result in originating several innovative ideas and thoughts. I will truly acknowledge the way team collaboration helps in the facilitation of expressing one’s thoughts with utmost respect, which would have otherwise been confined into minds of an individual. In addition to this, the role of 3Rs strategy must also be taken into significance that has given a definite impact on the retention level of an organization. However , for both these approaches effective and inter personal communication functions as a fundamental aspect for both team collaboration and employee retention process to improve the successful growth of the organization.
Alahuhta, P., Nordbäck, E., Sivunen, A. and Surakka, T., 2014. Fostering team creativity in virtual worlds. Journal For Virtual Worlds Research, 7(3).
Cervellon, M.C. and Lirio, P., 2017. When employees don’t’like’their employers on social media. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(2), p.63.
de Guerre, D.W., Séguin, D., Pace, A. and Burke, N., 2013. IDEA: A collaborative organizational design process integrating innovation, design, engagement, and action. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 26(3), pp.257-279.
Eshiteti, S.N., Okaka, O., Maragia, S.N., Odera, O. and Akerele, E.K., 2013. Effects of succession planning programs on staff retention. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(6), p.157.
McKenna-Cress, P. and Kamien, J., 2013. Creating exhibitions: collaboration in the planning, development, and design of innovative experiences. John Wiley & Sons.
Oshri, I., Kotlarsky, J. and Willcocks, L.P., 2015. The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring 3rd Edition. Springer.