The Value Of UML Profiles In Modelling Process

Background of Unified Modeling Language

Patterns in the program design and in system development are very much important for the present time. Application of the patterns was first used for designing the programs. Now, the patterns are used in the data analysis, system architecture and project management (Bonfè, Fantuzzi and Secchi 2013). Patterns are a part of the Unified Modeling Language which is a commonly occurring reusable piece which can provide certain functionality. So, patterns in the UML can help to keep the design of the system standard and more important is that reduces the complexity of the system.

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The class diagram is used in the Unified Modeling Language to identify and capture the patterns in a specific system (Dennis, Wixom and Tegarden 2015). The document will describe the Unified Modeling Language profiles, and further, it will discuss the value of them in the modeling process.

The Unified Modeling Language is a typical standardized modeling language which consists sets of diagrams that are integrated into the system (Rumbaugh, Booch and Jacobson 2017). This modeling language is developed to assists the systems and the developers of the software that helps in the constructing, visualising, specifying and documenting the software systems.

An important part of the UML is the patterns in the system software.  Implementation of the patterns in the Unified Modeling System helps to make the process of the software development easier by reducing the complexity of the software. Patterns are actually is the set of functionality which occurs several times in the software system. The patterns need to be captured and documented successfully so that it can be used for the future reference and in this context the UML is the perfect tool to perform this operation. The class diagram of the UML helps to identify and capture patterns in a system.

Profile is another important aspect of the Unified Modeling Language (Guillén et al. 2013). The profiles are used in the UML because it can provide or generate an extension mechanism which is generic for the customization purpose of the UML models in specific platforms and domains. This extensions mechanisms can allow the refining standards in a strict additive manner. This prevents them from the contradiction of standard semantics.

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There are various types of UML profiles are available but in the context of the software development the main two UML profiles are the SPT profile, and the other one is the QoS profile or the Quality of the Service profile. The other UML profiles are the UML-RT profile, TURTLE profile and Z.109 profile.

In the SPT profile, the SPT stands for Schedulability, Performance and Time. This profile is for the real time modeling (Aziz, Mohamad and Jawawi 2013). This SPT profile is the model to the quality of service, time, resource and concurrency concepts. This profile of the UML provided the modeler a set containing stereotypes and tagged with values to annotate the models of the UML. This UML profile can be divided into two sub-profiles. These are the general resource model package, and another one is the analysis modeling package.


Quality Service Profile of the UML is a typical emerging profile which adopts the quality of service manner in a large factor (Ebeid, Fummi and Quaglia 2013). This UML profile is relevant to the real time modeling of the software. This is also relevant to the real time modeling as this was presented as a complementary of the SPT profile of the UML. The SPT profile and the QoS profile is quite similar to the each other but the QoS provides the program designer to outline any set of quality of services and to perform a specific analysis, and this analysis can be relevant for the aspect of the safety and criticality of the of the real time software system. The QoS profile UML model contains the information on bindings and bound classes.

  The UML-RT profile is a type of real time profile, and it was developed by Rational Software (Posse and Dingel 2016). Extensibility mechanisms are used by this UML profile which is a built-in feature of the UML for capturing the concepts which are demonstrated in the real time object oriented modeling. While it is compared with the previous two profiles, it not only just annotate a design model with the information that allows performing quantitative analysis. This profile of the UML helps the designer to make complex designs, possibly distributed and event-driven real time systems, but this does not support any type of timing and time constraints modeling. The UML-RT includes two types of modeling which are the structural modeling and behaviour modeling.

The TURTLE profile of the UML is used for the formal validation of the real time systems which are complex in nature (Selic and Gérard 2013). This uses the mechanism of extensibility which can enhance the structuring of UML and behavioural expression power. The TURTLE profile brought two types of main extensions. These extensions are the structural extensions, and the other one is the behavioural extensions.

The Z.109 profile is another UML profile, and this is combined with the SDL. The Z.109 profile describes subset specialization of a UML and one to one mapping to SDL subset (Kraas 2014). Thus in the Z.109 profile, SDL is used as a formal semantics. The Z.109 provides the main concept of the SDL to the UML model with equivalent stereotypes.



Tool Support




Formal Semantics


OMG Industry

RT Studio Rhapsody

Real-time and generic

Schedulability of performance

Resource concurrency, Time




Rational RT

Event-driven system


Async messages, Capsules



Industry ITU-T


Critical system


SDL concepts





Distributed System





OMG Industry

Generic and real time system


QoS Characteristic


In the context of the UML profile, there are several challenges which are related to the UML profile. These challenges are the general issues and deficiencies which includes the use of slangs without a glossary, teasing, absence of examples, BNF rules mistakes and no rules for the element names.

Previously the glossary parts were there which helped to understand the meaning of fancy terms, used in the UML profile specifications. Unfortunately glossary part removed in later which created challenges for the system designers. Teasing is another annoying specification in UML profile. Understanding the meaning of the teasing implementation is very much challenging for the system developers. Also, the UML profiles describe thousands of words through a diagram as this is a visual modeling language. Thus an understanding of UML profile diagrams takes a huge amount of time which slows the system development process (Iqbal et al. 2015). Further, the BNF rules mistakes make the UML elements so much annoying. Another challenge regarding the UML profiles is that does not deliver any type of specific rules for the names of the elements which again creates a problem in the diagram understanding.


Form the above discussion it can be concluded that the Unified Modeling Language is very much important in the aspects of the system development. It has also been assessed that the patterns are an important factor in the UML as this minimizes the complexity of a particular program or a system. This minimizes the complexity of the program by identifying a reusable piece of the programs which provides a specific set of functionality. By reusing this code whenever required, this reduces the complexity and improve the time for development. In this document background of the Unified Modeling Language has been discussed thoroughly which described the importance of the patterns and the UML diagrams. Following that various types of UML profiles has been discussed and a comparison between them has been given. Further, a challenge regarding the UML profiles has been discussed in this document.


Aziz, M.W., Mohamad, R. and Jawawi, D.N., 2013. Critical evaluation of two UML profiles for Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems Design. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Appl, 7(3), pp.137-146.

Bonfè, M., Fantuzzi, C. and Secchi, C., 2013. Design patterns for model-based automation software design and implementation. Control Engineering Practice, 21(11), pp.1608-1619.

Dennis, A., Wixom, B.H. and Tegarden, D., 2015. Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented approach with UML. John wiley & sons.

Ebeid, E., Fummi, F. and Quaglia, D., 2013, September. UML-based modeling and simulation of environmental effects in networked embedded systems. In Digital System Design (DSD), 2013 Euromicro Conference on (pp. 787-794). IEEE.

Guillén, J., Miranda, J., Murillo, J.M. and Canal, C., 2013, September. A UML Profile for modeling multicloud applications. In European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (pp. 180-187). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Iqbal, M.Z., Ali, S., Yue, T. and Briand, L., 2015. Applying UML/MARTE on industrial projects: challenges, experiences, and guidelines. Software & Systems Modeling, 14(4), pp.1367-1385.

Kraas, A., 2014, September. Towards an extensible modeling and validation framework for SDL-UML. In International Conference on System Analysis and Modeling (pp. 255-270). Springer, Cham.

Posse, E. and Dingel, J., 2016. An executable formal semantics for UML-RT. Software & Systems Modeling, 15(1), pp.179-217.

Rumbaugh, J., Booch, G. and Jacobson, I., 2017. The unified modeling language reference manual. Addison Wesley.

Selic, B. and Gérard, S., 2013. Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems with UML and MARTE: Developing Cyber-Physical Systems. Elsevier.

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