The Utility Of Design Thinking For Attaining Innovation: Challenges, Processes, And Tools

Assessment Criteria Presentation

Innovation is the key factor towards attaining success from business. In the highly competitive business environment, innovation plays a very significant role for the corporate entities to be distinguished from that of the crucial competitors which is very much needed to secure a strong position in the market (Yeager et al., 2016). Creativity is one of the most significant aspects of innovation that helps in integrating effective idea at workplace.

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Present paper will shade light on the utility of design thinking. The issues towards implementing design thinking will be discussed in the paper. The problem, which can be mitigated through design thinking process will also be identify. This paper will put forth the discussion of effective tools and techniques of design thinking for attaining innovation. Different steps of executing innovative solution in business will also be discussed in the paper.  

Design thinking is the user-centered approach to innovation, which helps in running the internal functionality of a company in an innovative manner. However, there are certain challenges, which can be faced by the managers towards executing design thinking. It is true that, design thinking is an effective tool for solving impending problems. Still, lack of knowledge among the staffs can create reluctant attitude among them to adapt design thinking (Liedtka, 2015). This can make it utterly difficulty for the mangers to implement the process of design thinking. Design thinking is one of the major processes of solving impending business related issue. There are multiple factors such as skilled staffs, ample monetary resources in order to run the process in a systematic manner. The companies, especially small businesses lack these resources, which create potential barrier for them to initiate this process. Language is the greatest challenge to implement design thinking process. As the process of implementing design thinking process may require outsourcers (Frow et al., 2015). Different linguistic background of these people can make it difficult for these people can make it difficult for the people adapt and cope up with this process with utmost efficiency. This can result in negative perception towards design thinking.

Design thinking is the procedure of exploring potential direction for companies in future. However, as the business environment is changing in regular basis, it has become important factor for the companies to identify the current stakeholders. Geissdoerfer, Bocken & Hultink, (2016) commented that there lies the negative aspect of design thinking which restricting in exploring the most potential stakeholders and thereby hampers the public image of a company. Lack of systematic implementation may also hamper the consistency of design thinking. 

Assessment Criteria Report

As the uncertainty in the contemporary business environment is rapidly increasing the organizations are showing intense commitment to rethink about their business process. Such uncertainty is acting as a driving force behind the companies to restructure their business process. Building empathy among the employees is the greatest challenge, being faced by the contemporary corporate entities. This is the key of coping up with the volatile business environment. However, this is utterly challenging to building empathy among the employees due to the obstruction among them to adapt changes in the workplace (Liedtka, Salzman & Azer, 2017). Lack of flexibility in the organization can make it difficult for the management of corporate firms to initiate the process of business restricting. Such rigid working process creates barrier for them to go beyond their conventional setting. At the same time, lack of skill and competency among the employees is also a great challenge to implement design thinking. As the new business process requires improved skill and higher efficiency. Therefore, the employees can show negative attitude toward business empathy for not having adequate skill (Liedtka 2014).    

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Still, as the competition in the market is rapidly increasing, it is the prime responsibility of the management of companies to make plan for making the staffs much more productive and oriented towards workplace which can serve them with the ability to cope up with the changing business environment. There lies the benefit of design thinking, which can help in transforming the emotional feeling of the staffs to an attribute in order to strengthen the mental connectivity of the employees. As design thinking is the most critical approaches to solve problem, it supports in building multidisciplinary team of workers who can play a significant role in satisfying organizational goals and objectives (Frow et al., 2015).

As accelerating skill among the staffs is the major aspect of building empathy, design thinking can help the companies to enable the designers to explore the requirements of the employees and plan accordingly to generate motivation among them. As design thinking is a human centered approach, `it makes any kind of valuable solution in a very quick manner and keep the evidence of all the solutions, so that the leaders can support the idea and implement them in action (Norman & Verganti, 2014). Empathy is one of the most significant aspects of design thinking which means discovering new things. This helps the organizations to explore and assess the need of design thinking.     

Challenges towards implementing design thinking process

Design thinking plays a significant role in exploring a new way of thinking regarding an impending problem and thus identify the probable solution in accordance with the nature of problem. There are multiple tools of design thinking, which are as follows:

  • Visualization

This is nothing but the way of imaging which deals with the visual thinking. It is the way of unlocking different aspects of business. With the assistance of this tool, the managers of corporate entities can be able to assess the need of building empathy among the staffs. This is the way, through which new ideas can also be presented.  

  • Journey mapping

This tool deals with the research method, which is highly required for initiating any kind of change in the organization. Through this tool, in-depth research can be carried out for exploring the areas along with the steps, which must be initiated by the customers in order to accomplish the objective of service. (Anderson, Poto?nik & Zhou, 2014). This tool can also help the staffs in exploring the requirements of customers that have not been resolved.   

  • Value chain analysis

This tool highlights the way of interacting with the stakeholders before taking any critical decision. As the companies are aiming to generate empathy and higher commitment among the human resources, value chain analysis will help them to figure out the stakeholders and execute an effective communication tool to maintain a cordial communication with them.  

  • Mind mapping

This tool is generally used for presenting new ideas. With the assistance of this tool, the process of generating, visualizing, structuring and classifying ideas which is the key of designing the process appropriately.

  • Concept development

This tool helps in gathering the hypothesis, which is very much needed to figure out new business opportunities. Through this way too, extensive research is being made for the sake of acquiring lucrative concepts (Cook, 2016).  

  • Assumption testing

This tool focuses on making assumptions regarding the durability of new business ideas. It is imperative for the managers to assess the accountability and mental connectivity among the staffs.

  • Rapid prototyping

This tool is highly critical for making the new ideas tangible among the business partners and customers. Therefore, it is imperative for the managers to keep the customers about the new business process along with the benefits, which they might get.  

  • Customer co-creation

This technique enable the managers to incorporate with that of the customers while generating new ideas. It is important to engage diverse range of customers and provide them with the necessary data regarding the new business process.

  • Learning launches

Assessing a problem which can be improved through design thinking process

The fundamental aim behind this technique is to make in-depth assumption regarding the new growth technique. This is the way, through which relevant market driven data can be gathered in a timely and cost effective manner (Reiter-Palmon, 2016).

  • Storytelling

This is the mode of implementing new ideas and implement them in the real aspects.

Innovation is an extremely significant factor in contemporary market place. Therefore, it is important to follow some steps for launching innovative solution. Problem identification is the initial step of innovative solution which deals with figuring out the appropriate issue. The managers should assess the need of process restructuring. Analyzing problem is the second step of innovative solution. This is the mode of assessing the issues that are leading the companies to restructuring the business process. Classifying the decision is the third step which deals with making effective decision to launch innovation (Liedtka, 2014). This is the mode of standardizing the decision. Selecting the best solution is the final step of launching innovation which helps in implementing customer-centric solution.


To conclude the discussion, it can be said that design thinking is the critical factor towards integrating creativity in the business process, which is truly the fundamental factor for strengthening the position of a company in the market. Generating empathy among the human resources is the key factor of coping up with the uncertainty. Therefore, it is imperative to implement design thinking technique for making the employees much more committed towards their roles and responsibilities.  Thinking in an innovative way of attaining immense success from business. There lies the significance of design thinking that supports in exploring innovative solution to any impending problem. Design thinking is defined as a systematic method of resolving any kind of critical business related issue in a creative manner.

Reference List:

Anderson, N., Poto?nik, K., & Zhou, J. (2014). Innovation and creativity in organizations: A state-of-the-science review, prospective commentary, and guiding framework. Journal of management, 40(5), 1297-1333.

Cook, P.J., (2016). Leading innovation, creativity and enterprise. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(6), pp.294-299.

Frow, P., Nenonen, S., Payne, A., & Storbacka, K. (2015). Managing co?creation design: A strategic approach to innovation. British Journal of Management, 26(3), 463-483.

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