The Use Of Mobile Devices For Educational Purposes: A Literature Review

Effective uses of mobile technology in the classroom

The literature study investigates about the perceptions of teachers and young children concerning the impact of employ of mobile devices for educational purposes. Sarrab, Elbasir and Alnaeli (2016) stated that the mobile learning stands for a way to tackle number of educational issues. The devices like smart phones, tablets are enabled for modernization furthermore helped the young children and teachers to gain access to the digital content. The mobile devices are used of 4G/3G connectivity which is required tools to get better teaching in addition to learning. The mobile devices by means of cellular connectivity improve children learning and engage both them along with teachers. Keengwe and Bhargava (2014) argued that mobile technology is a way to offer innovative content along with ease informational access everywhere the children is positioned. It facilitates and connects the mobile learning in a mode that can convert learning environment for the young children in and out of the school.

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This literature study is written to analyze the aspects of the mobile education and mobile learning in educational field. The literature review has measured probable sources of the available research on the chosen topic for the mobile teaching along with learning. The main focus is on mobile technology on how it is being employed in the educational institutions. The literature study is based on effective uses of mobile technology in the classroom, current mobile education plus technologies, benefits of reading application among young children and assessment of issues in usefulness of mobile applications for young children. It also analyzes necessity of developing standards for mobile design and development.

In present world of technology, it is critical to imagine the school without the computers as well as internet. Various type of educational websites provide information to students help them in exams. In the era of tech-savvy, the outcome of mobile learning is trendy as well as it is powerful source of effective mobile learning. Katz (2017) shown that the mobile technology is a tool for teaching and learning experiences increase efficiency among the young children towards learning. The mobile device ownership is increasing in United Kingdom. This study analyzes about the benefits to employ of mobile in education. The young children and educational institutions are discovered benefits of employ of mobile technology within the classroom. Domingo and Gargante (2016) stated that it is easier to employ of mobile device for improving right to use the information. Whether the information is related to course, the mobile devices help the teacher to gain access to the information faster. As per the teacher, usage of mobile technology helps and allows for quicker and provides easier feedback. The young children are agreed that there is faster communication among the lecturers as well as colleagues with use of the mobile devices. Kearney, Burden and Rai (2015) discussed that technology can provide new opportunity to do things in various ways. One of the major features of mobile technology is creativity used to build work effective as well as achieve of higher results. The teachers are used of technology to make learning more efficient, and there is creative use of the technology into the classroom.

Current mobile education and technologies

Zydney and Warner (2016) analyzed that technology is powerful and it is used to make both teaching as well as learning powerful. The teachers are used of audio recording feature in the Smartphone for offering personal as well as quality feedback to young children. This study is based on proven that the young children are not liked feedback provided in traditional way, but they are preferred to use of Smart technology for getting feedback (Keengwe and Bhargava, 2014). The teachers can exploit of chat features of the mobile devices for creating online discussion forum to motivate the class participation on the contented topics. The children can chat as well as discuss at home on the subject into the classroom to increase an understanding of the concepts. Traxler and Crompton (2015) stated that quick response codes are one of the way to employ of mobile technology into the classroom. Technology is powerful and benefits to make the work effective. It can also raise productivity plus help to achieve better results in the work which make the mobile learning more effective.

Ally and Prieto-Blázquez (2014) pointed that in regard to usage of mobile technology, the types of learning through employ of mobile phones is done through sound, short text messages, graphical display, information gathered from the data, internet search and video clips. According to Voogt et al. (2017), sending of educational texts via the cell phones in the education has positive effects on the educational field. The positive effects of the mobile phone are improvement of learning plus rising an understanding of various concepts. Briz-Ponce et al. (2017) stated that constructive is used of time which prevent the time for being wastage. Kim and Shin (2015) said that recent development in the software as well as hardware, qualities will let the teachers produce and patent the qualities of young children. The mobile phones are cheaper; therefore interest of young children to use mobile phones will facilitate learning. Communication with use of mobile phones is collaboration tool which can facilitate proper social relationships with the learners.

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The mobile technologies are penetrated in the society in short period of time. The technologies are referred to the Notebooks, iPods, PDA, tablets and Smartphone. Lee et al. (2018) illustrated that advent of those technologies can consider an interest among the educational institutions and mobile learning. Yoo and Lee (2015) argued that the mobile devices can change pattern of learning because of its portability as well as support to access learning materials. As per the below provided pie chart, it is seen that PDA is used for educational as well as learning purposes. Smartphone is used devices which are mostly used into educational institutions to provide support to learning. The devices are examined based on efficiency of the information, satisfaction level and outcomes related to learning.


Figure 1: Mobile devices used for m-learning

(Zydney and Warner, 2016, pp-7)

The mobile learning is implemented in dissimilar educational contexts such as formal, informal as well as non-formal. According to See (2017), scenery of mobile learning enlarges its confines of the formal education towards informal education context. It is analyzed that frequency of usage of mobile devices is higher in case of non-informal educational contexts as compared to both formal as well as informal educational contexts. Keengwe and Bhargava (2014) revealed that m-learning activities are superior engaged the students into the learning processes. Access to the mobile devices through utilizes of handheld smart devices enables to access into m-learning platforms. Into the m-learning environment, the total number of learners are huge as well as access to data in real time may need to access networks by means of Wi-Fi.

Benefits of reading application among young children

According to Zydney and Warner (2016), there is a challenge for the teachers to get the young children engaged in reading as well as getting them to enjoy. The teachers are used of electronic and technology based strategies to develop learning plus interest in words. The technology based strategy is based on digital tools as well as resources to evolve learning impending which is probable when technology as well as media is division of the instructional combine. Yoo and Lee (2015) analyzed that nearly 100% of the schools in United Kingdom have internet access towards information along with communication technologies. The purpose of this section is to analyze benefits of reading application and its reading and learning issues. With increase in visual world, m-learning becomes primary means of the communication. Parsons (2014) argued that one of the concerns to educators is development of the academic language.

 Page (2014) stated that the mobile applications for the educational institutions have done for the young children, and made learning process easier. In changing times, the young children are driven towards utilize of the mobile phone. The world becomes at fingerprint plus the young children can get access to the information from anywhere. It also reduces time to visit the library and searches for the data. Ciampa (2014) concluded that the mobile based application is therefore used for reading and learning purposes. Each of the mobile application has innovative feature to offer set of services. Following show key significant role of reading and learning application such as:

New learning methods: Introduction of the reading and learning applications in education sector lead to introduce new learning methods. There are also fun games on the application which indulge the young children throughout learning processes and helping them to know things from a variety of perspectives (Glaser, 2018). The young learners are attached to activities like crossword puzzles, world-building and others.

Enhance parent teacher communication: The application should help to build strong parent teacher relationships beyond wall of the educational institutions. It facilitates the teachers to respond to question from the parents concerning expansion of ward. It helps to maintain simplicity amongst the educational sector (Zydney and Warner, 2016).

24-hour availability: For the schools, the young children can follow particular timetable. The children can get access to the mobile learning application whenever they want regards to time of the day (Ali et al. 2015). The mobile application is accessed by kid at anytime while just needed a Smartphone or tablet with installed learning application.

Decrease into communication gap: Through the traditional method, the educational institutions are not paying attention to the children (Katz, 2018). The reading and teaching mobile based application makes possible to impart the information to each children, so that they are informed about new schedules, conferences as well as social school activities.

Make tech-savvy children: According to Sánchez Prieto, Olmos Migueláñez and García-Peñalvo (2014), children of 5 years become tech savvy due to mobile learning application. On daily basis usage of the learning application makes the children confident as they can handle same technology tools and gadgets.

Assessment of issues in usefulness of mobile applications for young children

It is seen that the mobile applications are used for various purposes which make easier for institution to keep the young children informed about the activities related to the school. The mobile applications can ease the problems related to children along with facilitate the learning (Bannan, Cook and Pachler, 2016). The mobile applications are future of the educational sector, leading towards educational development.

Bannan, Cook and Pachler (2016) stated that creating educational software for the preschool as well as primary school children has preoccupied in the educational research, since introduction of the personal computers in the classroom by early 1980s. With the interactive as well as mobile technologies, the criteria to assess quality of the mobile products are targeted children as young as age of 5 years. Oakley (2018) referred to usability issues of mobile application which emerge interactive activities with the applications like lack of feedback associated with use of soft buttons.

Boticki et al. (2015) stated that getting evaluation of mobile application becomes critical problem because of enormous number of self-proclaimed educational application in Apple plus Google digital stores. According to Deaton, Herron and Deaton (2018), in design analysis of learning applications, there are issues related to visual design, interactive design, layout and navigation, makes lack of quality plus adaption based on child development. The learning application for preschoolers as well as kindergarten kids should provide priority to learning process rather than the product which provides opportunities to motivate children and involve in own learning. The applications are available for the young children to build the communicational skills, pre-math skills, science skills and other.   

Poore (2015) explained that the young children can access to the mobile device to use in plus outside of the class. When the young children are getting distracted, the learning activity keeps them engaged by use of mobile gadgets. Rapid pace of the change in adoption of mobile devices in classroom has evaluated competence of the current mobile learning strategies. The mobile learning is stand alone activity which is a challenge for the teachers to identify how to use of the mobile devices within classroom has improved academic performance of the student. Ellaway et al. (2014) illustrated that the mobile technology has potential to make sure that there is learning experiences which add to higher academic outcomes for children. Following are challenges which impose by implementation of mobile learning application in classroom for young children:    

Privacy issues: The mobile devices in the school can access to sensitive data, academic results, professional data and managerial information. Sometimes, those data are not protected. Sarrab, Elbasir and Alnaeli (2016) criticized that the learning management system prevent unwanted online safety problems throughout automatic backup, protection of password and strong setting to access level for the users. The educators should make sure that the mobile application in classroom is not used for any other purpose other than learning.

 Management issues: The management team of school is required to define policies and technical support for widespread implementation of mobile application. Lack of management support is cited as challenge (Kearney, Burden and Rai, 2015). Change among the management level is an issue as it can change in attitudes, behaviors of managers in educational sector.

Necessity of developing standards for mobile design and development

Design issues: Traxler and Crompton (2015) stated that design issues occurred due to not proper design of application which is instructional design, interface design and screen design. User interface design is a required factor for successful implementation of mobile learning, therefore issues in this design type affects the implementation work.  

Technical issues: Parsons (2014) analyzed that the technical complexities are a key important feature in implementation plus combination of mobile technologies in school. Ali et al. (2015) listed some of the technical complexities like installation, accessibility of technology, faster web connection, and maintenance along with technical support. Those issues are resulted as of speedy change in the mobile technologies, moreover devices. Boticki et al. (2015) concluded that connectivity as well as bandwidth is required to consider at the time of development of mobile learning. Ellaway et al. (2014) pointed that there is lack of application quality, technological support and protection of the learning applications.

Cultural and social issues: Parsons (2014) stated that there are cultural in addition to social concerns while getting of deployment of mobile learning. The ethical implications like resistance to change among the lecturers, unease related to social practices, increase in time required to store information, data security and cyber bullying are cultural and social issues related to development of learning application in school. Zydney and Warner (2016) explained that the cultural dissimilarities in relation to attitudes towards technology are key issue in support of getting type of technology as well as future usage. The research study is reported that resistance to change plays a key function in acceptance of knowledge in the educational sector.

Keengwe and Bhargava (2014) stated that selection of mobile applications is an importance s development of mobile learning application can support the young children in learning. Kearney, Burden and Rai (2015) argued that quality of the mobile application can target childhood based on two conditions like taking consideration for development stage of children and employing interactive design towards children’s cognitive development. Ciampa (2014) introduced some of the guidelines which are found in development of application like applications are educational, interactive, encourage the child to remain in control and encourage collaboration of teacher and parent. Oakley (2018) pointed that when the mobile application gets uploaded to digital stores, and then there is high competition among the developers turns into violent. It can also strengthen connections between home and school furthermore does not contain any violence. With more than 80% of the mobile learning applications in the digital store attractive to the children and parents are faced with choices regarding selection of right application (BBC News, 2018). The following table shows examples for the mobile applications which are used in mobile learning.

Aspect of mobile learning



Technology characteristic




Portable e-learning


It directs wired connection and it is least flexible.

PDA, Smartphone and iPad

Instructional materials with the audio and video lecturers

Tasks and learning assessment

Classroom learning

Local area network


Global system for the mobile

Laptop, PDA, cell phones and computer

Regular emails and forum discussion

Assignments and interaction among students and lecturers, collaboration


Networking standard found in the devices. It has no power requirements.


IEEE standard 802.11 wireless networks


Infra red light

Rural mobile learning

Wide area network


Global system for the mobile

3G cell phone, Smartphone and PDA

Segments to the lecturers and flash card trainer

Interaction with the students and teachers, assignment and exam


Promised wireless and broadband network


Code division multiple access

Table 1: Mobile applications used in mobile learning

(Source: Traxler and Crompton, 2015, pp- 511)

Introduction of ‘User-led’ education through the application of the mobile technology and its advantages

Recently there are certain changes in the field of education. According to McCarthy, Maor and McConney (2017), higher education institutions in United Kingdom is making their presence in the word through the usage of mobile technology.  The way of learning through the usage of mobile technology is attractive the global education structure. The use of mobile technology is set up the user-led approach of learning.

According to Schwendimann et al. (2018), a new generation named ‘Generation C’ has been introduced. The generation is technologically enhanced. Earlier generation was interested about their own interest. However, the new generation is more inclined toward digital use of everyday’s functionality. In this case, it can be said that the teaching through the digital medium can be beneficial for the current and upcoming generation. The new users in this case, are the new generation who are relaxed with the use of digital technology. According to Ashraf et al. (2016), it has been seen that with the implementation of the digital learning, many international students are getting the access of the online courses provided by renowned universities. Different online platforms are providing certified courses from different universities, which can be used by the students. Apart from that online monitoring systems are provided by these learning platforms so that the performance of the students can be evaluated in a right way. According to Schwendimann et al. (2018), these online learning platforms are helping the students as well as the working professionals. With the compilation of the project the students are getting the certificates along with that professionals are also enhancing their knowledge which eventually help them in the work place. According to Ashraf et al. (2016), there are certain advantages of learning through mobile technology. The online courses help to save the time and the cost of the students and the users. Apart from that the universities can also face the diverse student base, which enhances the culture of those universities.

The use of mobile technology driven education is also helpful for the children. According to Jang (2015) it has been found out that the use of mobile technology in the education allows more practical implementation of the learned things than the traditional way of education. The practical implementation of the theories helps to enhance the decision making ability of the students. Pedro, Le and Park (2015), stated that using the mobile technology and the wireless medium has not certain disadvantages. This technique of learning enhances the accessibility of the learning resources. Moreover, the use of mobile technology fulfills the basic criteria of distribution of the knowledge and education among the maximum number of people. This can be considered as philanthropic characteristic of the learning.

Keengwe and Bhargava (2014) analyzed that the term e-learning or e-education in the circumstance of using mobile and wireless technology for learning. The discussion of this paper is based on the perception of e-learning. The author has described the advantages and the challenges those can be encountered during the e-learning process.  According to this paper, e-learning can be beneficial for both the education providing entity and the students and the users. However, there are certain challenges like possibility of the unethical practices by the users during the learning and lack of monitoring while the evaluation of the performance of the students in the e-learning process (Ng, Alexander and Frith 2018). Moreover, in most of the cases, online courses are not regarded equivalent to the tradition education system.

Ali et al. (2015) stated that at the time of allowing for the implementation of the mobile devices, the schools must spotlight on considering fit in current curriculum. Keengwe and Bhargava (2014) observed that the entire teaching environment is not suited with the m-learning environment while preference is given to the information based classes. Adoption of the mobile learning within the learning context is predisposed by the organizational as well as interpersonal factors. Domingo and Garganté (2016) suggested that educational institutions are required to contemplate that they can offer training as well as technical support needed for the implementation of mobile learning. All the stakeholders are required to involve in development of adoption plans. The implementation of mobile learning is consisted of mixture of the online learning as well as materials learning downloaded in handheld devices which help to lessen the cost in addition to in-convince of the disruption of signals. A flexible approach towards development work is required where the technologies and standards are evolved. According to Traxler and Crompton (2015), it is required to deliver learning and offer support services to the learner’s mobile phones.    

Lee et al. (2018) defined mobile learning as learning course as it rises in path of the person-to-person communication using mobile devices. The facilitation of improved communication along with interaction among staff as well as student is done in university environment via the mobile technologies. Bannan, Cook and Pachler (2016) discussed that the mobile technologies can support for timely communication. Delivery of the administrative support along with timely course content is a key to engage competitive communication environment. Current thinking into the educational context emphasizes the importance of play into the learning processes. Oakley (2018) contributed to discuss usage of the mobile technologies in relative to gaming all through its relationship with mobile learning project. Deaton, Herron and Deaton (2018) analyzed that the computer game helps in encouraging learning among young children. The mobile learning has become a focus due to its technical issues for the instructional technology. It reviews literature which can deal with mobile learning and distinguished it from the traditional learning method. Due to implementation of mobile learning, the entire process to learn and teach becomes easier so that entire process becomes faster along with cheaper (Traxler and Crompton 2015). Therefore, the learners can able to understand how mobile learning and technologies will become benefit for them in the educational institutions.    

Yoo and Lee (2015) proposed a learning model for effective usage of the mobile technologies for teaching in the school that suggested eight criteria to determine choice of the technology. Ali et al. (2015) investigated that right technology is selected as important aspect to evaluate the mobile learning. The eight criteria are as follows:

  • Appropriateness of the mobile technology usage in the classroom
  • Ease of use plus reliability
  • Cost of the mobile technologies
  • Teaching as well as learning approaches
  • Interactivity of the mobile application
  • Chosen novelty to use of existing technology
  • Speed to analyze how the system can develop

Kim and Shin (2015) described that trial of wireless tablet and PC engaged thee student into the higher education. The young children are encouraged to discover functionalities of the tablet PC to hold up of the casual elements for learning purposes in mutual group work. Keengwe and Bhargava (2014) concerned on patterns of usage with the tablet PC are indicated that the team workspaces have greater potential for team collaboration. The activities those are performed on using tablet PC are email, creating documents, watching the videos, programming, internet text message and keeping records of the work and management of time. Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) and other pocket devices are being found rising acceptance, owing to perception of expediency when it is contrasted with traditional PC as well as laptops (Bannan, Cook and Pachler 2016). Mobile learning is represented more than simple moment of the technological attraction.

Ellaway et al. (2014) discussed that there is high value of deployment of mobile technologies in service of learning as well as teaching which appears to obvious as well as inevitable. It is identified that modern learning environment where the mobile infrastructure attainment the end of being enveloping, educators need to acclimatize from position as the transmitters of information to guiders of learning materials plus incomes. Kearney, Burden and Rai (2015) discussed that the mobile learning is subset of the e-learning as it is required to consider in learning strategy in similar way that the educational institution requires to view the learning delivery methods. Mobile learning is a method to engage learners on own terms for those who can class as non-traditional learners. It helps the learners to develop literacy skills and identify existing abilities and capabilities. According to Sarrab, Elbasir and Alnaeli (2016), mobile learning is used to persuade independent as well as collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, it can help the learners to stay focused for longer period of time. It helps to raise self-esteem and also self-confidence.

The use of e-learning in the education system is becoming popular nowadays. According to Wanzala (2017), in this situation the impact and the future of the e-learning are needed to be evaluated in a proper way. This evaluation will help to indicate the direction for the educational institutions regarding further spreading of the e-learning process.  According to this article the e-learning process is needed to be supported for teaching of both internal and external students of the organizations. The internal students are the current students of the organization. On the other hand the external students are the students enrolled for distance courses through online (Keengwe and Bhargava 2014).  The implementation of the live projects and the teaching through the video conference can enhance the knowledge sharing among the students. In this case, the demonstration of the live projects in the class room will help the students to get familiar with the real life problems (Schwendimann et al. 2018). On the other hand through the video conferencing the professors and lectures from the other universities around the world can take classes of the students. This brings the diversity and proper sharing of knowledge in education.

However, in order to enhance the process of e-learning certain steps are needed to be taken. The use of the emerging technologies sin the development of the e-learning structure like deployment of the cloud computing system can be beneficial in this context (Ally and Prieto-Blázquez 2014). The use of cloud computing can enhance the storage space and the availability of the learning resources can be contacted by the students and the users at any instance of the day. Apart from that the real time update of the course materials and the events of the course are given properly at the online portal. In some cases, time frame for the submission of the course work can be implemented. According to Jaipal-Jamani et al. (2015), the main things for the execution of the enhanced e-learning system is the ease of the communication between the teacher and the students. In this case, uploading of the study materials and creation of the discussion forums can be helpful.

According to Cattaneo, Motta and Gurtner (2015), it has been seen that 45% of the educational institutions said that the blended education system of the online and the traditional education system is resulting positive outcomes. Whereas 17% of educational institutions said that they are no providing online education or e-learning to the students. Interestingly, it has been seen that these institutions are willing to implement the online education system alongside of tradition education system for the overall improvement of the quality of the students and institutions.


It is concluded that schools in UK is continued to explore way in which the mobile technology can support both learning as well as teaching aspects. As use of the mobile technology becomes prevalent among the young children, the schools are seeking to acknowledge by integration of technology into teaching as well as learning field. It is part of objective to equip young children with skills for working within the digital age. The education system will support development of skills among young children. The proposed mobile application is termed as Reading Tutor which can provide learning and teaching benefits to young children so that they can develop in the educational field. Academic research attempts to assess impact of the mobile technology on both teaching as well as learning. The application can praise long way with the learners those can struggle in reading as well as learning field. It offers the learners with free educational materials and resources. The concerns about impact of the digital technology offers return of investment, therefore it is increasing importance among the tutor for the teaching purpose. Teacher training as well as best practice guidelines is required for successful deployment of education in the classroom.

It is discussed that the mobile technologies are appropriate embedded in addition to network with enhancing abilities for the social interactions plus web connectivity. The technologies have greater influence on the learning field. It is moving more exterior of the classroom and in environment of the beginner. The mobile technologies become a personal collaborative tool in the classroom. Chances for dispersed collaboration along with mobile team working will enhance in the digital age. It is confront for the educators along with developers to uncover ways to make sure that new learning is greatly situated, private, collaboration along with long term benefit. The mobile learning helps the learners to engage in learning.


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