The Theology Of Mission: Understanding The Holy Trinity And Salvation
The theology of mission
The following response paper will deal with the important aspects related to the Christian missions and their correlation with that of the Holy Trinity. Many issues are indeed interwoven with the liturgical theology and the mission of the Holy Trinity. The theology of mission has been a relevant matter in the discussion over the past few years. The theology based on the Holy Trinity has not gained that much importance as this theology of mission. Some of the critics have argued that the development of the missionary theology has been a very important aspect for the understanding of proper theology. It has also been a positive development of the theology as well. The Holy Communion of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit has been regarded as a crucial incidence for the development of the Christian theology. The development of the Trinitarian basis of the Christian Mission does have many theoretical underpinnings for Christian theology.
The Trinitarian mission of the Christian theology has been regarded as one of the central points for the development of the theological aspects. The Trinitarian mission has not been involved as the source of the notable issues within the religion. The theologians have proclaimed over the years that the entire God has been included in each Member of the Holy Trinity, namely the Father, The Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. One term is very much associated with this issue as Missio Dei. This term has been used widely in many areas and it has become very common in many articles related to the Christian theology. This term was derived in the missionary conference in Willingen in the year 1952. They have also suggested the outcome that the missionary theology is not at all a human work but a completely the work of the trinity of Gods.
According to theology experts, the mission is only directed by the will, desire and actions of the Holy Trinity. The context of Pentecost is also very deeply associated with it as well. The Trinity can be considered as the obstacle to the mission and dialogue of the Christian theology. On the contrary, some critics have also argued over the fact that the Holy Trinity can be taken as the means of salvation for the human beings. The nature of God can reflect in the Trinitarian theology as well. Another important thing in this context is that God is only one but not the triune or the trinity. It is a concrete matter of argument that the existence of God, Son and the Holy Trinity should not be kept as a static issue beyond the existence of the human beings. The human beings are expected to celebrate the glory of the life of the Jesus Christ, understand the sacrifice He made to make the human beings free of sins and bring the salvation for them. This is why the human beings should always acknowledge the glory of the God in the best ways indeed.
The followers of Jesus Christ had complete faith in Him and they believed that He is the ultimate person to bring them the desired salvation. However, Jesus once told His disciples to believe in Him as well as believe in God. This became very confusing for them since they understood that Jesus and God were different persons. One might ask the relevance of the Holy Trinitarian mission as Jesus Christ is perceived as the God but He is the Son of God as well. Thus the followers might question the importance of having different Gods to pray to. The followers of Jesus heard Him pray to His Father and talk of His Father. Then they got to know about the deity of Jesus Christ. The matter of the Trinitarian Mission as initiated by God has some implications for salvaging the sins of the people. However this suggests that God had sent His Son and the Holy Spirit to make the people free of their sufferings. This factor has some important critiques as well. The Christian culture has been developed on the basis of this fact in some ways indeed.
Importance of the Trinitarian mission
The triune of God i.e. the God, the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will work together to salvage the sins of the human beings in the world. However, the emphasis has been put in the work of the church in several ways than the mission of God. In the earlier times the mission theology had been target points through the apologetic proofs that were based on the Bible. These proofs were mainly collected to spread the Christian culture all over the world by the collective efforts of the Christian missionaries and the churches. The conversion of people of other religions into Christianity had become a serial matter. The Christian missionaries had often made the differences between the ontological trinity and the economical trinity. The Christian missionaries who have described in favor of the ontological trinity have focused on the inter relationships between the three persons of the Holy Trinity.
All the three persons have taken up the complementary roles to salvage the human beings. The Trinitarian work of the redemption will have to be undertaken in several ways by these three persons. In the opinion of some theologians the human beings will have to go through the suffering for their evil deeds. However, God had sent Jesus Christ to salvage their sins in the new ways. The role of the Holy Spirit has been regarded as one of the most significant issues for the Church to deal with. The human beings would not be able to believe the abstract truths without the proper expression of those truths. There are some crucial truths from the Scripture on the nature of economical trinity. The missionaries of the church had played a very significant role in making the people understand about the basic issues from the scripture.
Some of the theologian experts like Calvin has exclaimed that this universe is entirely the creation of God. Some people also have argued in contrast to this statement by saying that the God does have three different personas that look after different issues indeed. The Church had also declared that the God was the first missionary who had sent His Son in the likeness of the sinful human being. He had to sacrifice his life for salvaging the sins of the human beings. The God has taken forth many works of redemption and this has been the basis for Him to redesign the world without the existence of the sins. The theologian like Newbigin has also exclaimed that the true reign of the God has been the foundation stone for the entire cosmic history of the universe. According to the Trinitarian missionaries, the aim of God was not just to eradicate the sins from the world by sacrificing the life of His Son but to create a new cosmos with a new natural order.
As the theologians have expressed their opinion, they say that the God has also suffered with the act of crucifixion of His Son the Jesus Christ. The mission of the Son or Jesus Christ could be seen from the perspectives of the missionary in the realms of the Missio Dei. The Father or God suffers with the sins of the human world and he also glorifies His Son to preach His messages to the human world. Apart from that the God is also seen as the benefactor who raises Jesus Christ from the realm of dead and give Him the Kingdom. However, the mission of the Holy Spirit is also very closely linked with that of the Son or Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is the one who gets united the Son and the God forms the Holy Spirit in its ultimate way.
As per above discussion, the paper can be concluded that the Holy Spirit can be considered as the base for the Trinitarian Mission of theology. All the three parts of the Holy Communion or the Holy Spirit have their own purposes or missions in this world. The motive of all these purposes is the salvation of the human beings and creating a new world order for the human beings to live in. The purposes of both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will lead to the freedom of the human beings from their sins. The experts of theology have viewed their opinions in trying to unify these three personas.
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