The Supremacy Of United States Of America In Present International Society

New World Order and Terrorism

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The concept of New World Order is originated as a doctrine that deals with the supremacy power of group or nation over the others throughout the world. In order to cause damage to the supremacy of one state, some of the groups take initiation to concur the power of that particular state. In this regard those groups are mainly obtains religion as the weapon to influence innocents in relation to accomplish their inhuman goals.

In present international society United States of America is the most powerful and the strongest nation. The supremacy of America over the international society has been accepted by most of the nations of the world. In the current scenario, America plays the most significant part in the globalization and all other countries quite familiar with the power and supremacy of USA.

On the other hand, there are number unlawful organizations which are concern about the power and supremacy of USA over the world. These organizations are mainly originated in the Islamic countries throughout the world. They are mainly concentrates, upon the breakdown of the American power.

As opined by Machiavelli and Marriott that the power and supremacy of USA has increased the concern of the illegal organizations. For the purpose of affecting the superiority of America over the world terrorist groups tries to cause damage to the organizational structure of the nation. It not only causes harm to the nation but also causes harm to the innocent people.

In the earlier 1990s war, crime and drugs were the two most dangerous elements, which used to provide in the hands of the youth dangerous weapons and made them criminals. In the same era nation was concentrating to intensifying the strategies in relation to the executions of the firearms laws to prohibit illegal distribution and sales of weapons to the criminals throughout the territory of the nation. Era of Cold War has promoted new resources and opportunities in relation to the domestic war.    

As argued by Phillips that the patriotic movement of the Islamic countries is may be good for them but it is harmful for the rest of the world. In some cases this kind of patriotic movements are devastating for their own interest and security. In other words, patriotic movements of Islamic nations mean violence and terrorism for the other countries, especially for America.

In the year 1996 Violence Policy Centre emerged that the legislation of McClure-Volkmer spawned an uncontrolled proliferation of gun shows. It resulted easy availability of fire weapons and ammunitions to the criminals. Even street gangs were able to buy guns and ammunitions easily.  

The Supremacy of USA and Islamic Terrorist Organizations

A number of terrorist attacks have been inflicted upon the American society. The famous attack of 9/11 has been shacked the American society along with the entire world. It has been found by the intelligent agency of the nation that this act has been done by Osama Bin Laden and he was making the plan in relation to affect the American economy and to convey a message that they are terrorists, doing terrorism in the name of religion. Though, Laden has to suffer later for that act of terrorism.

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden is the other name of terrorism in the international society. He has caused most damage to the USA and for that purpose America has punished him by causing his death. The main and foremost motive of Laden was to damage the organizational structure of USA and to diminish the supremacy of America over the world. The main way of achieving the goals of Laden was terrorism.

It was known by the diplomats of America that Arafat is one of the most dangerous terrorist in the world, not only for the death caused in Israelis but also for the death caused to American diplomats and Ambassador Cleo Noel by Arafat. The death of Cleo Noel has been done by order of Arafat in Khartoum, in the year 1973. Though, this fact has been ignored by Washington in order to win a bigger game in relation to the end of Arafat that was the cold war. In a number of social media posts made from the Islamic nations suggesting the executions done approximately continually.  

When it was declared by the US embassy that Arafat or any other Islamic person cannot take arms with them in United States, Arafat has already made a notion that USG is forcing him to change his self image and demeaning his pride. Fidel Castro has blocked all ways of Arafat to escape and finally he has to enter with ammunition into the Assembly and he got his way. Though, a bigger plan was there framed by the US in relation to control the activity of Arafat. At the end Arafat has been killed in the year 2001.

ISIS is the most dangerous terrorist group in the recent international society. In each and every case the main target for the terrorist group is the America due to the immense amount progress and development of the American society. America has become the best among all other countries in every field like culture, finances, standard of life etc. The failure to appreciate the essential elements regarding the differences among Al-Qaeda and ISIS has led towards the formation of the dangerous decisions. Abu Baraa was authorized to maintain the YouTube channels regarding the Islamic laws. According to the channel of Abu Baraa, negotiation cannot be done by the Baghdadis, either they have to do war or they will be removed from Islam.   

Patriotism of Islamic Nations and Terrorism

After the above discussion it has become easy to say that to diminish the power and supremacy of America over the international society, terrorist organizations are fascinating the goals. It is true that due to some of the terrorist attacks America has suffered to a certain extent but because of the immense power and strength this attacks could not damage the system of the nation. On the other hand, whoever has showed any aggression to the US, has to suffer much more than the sufferings of the US.  

Abu Musab al Zarqawi has taken the responsibilities of Al-Qaeda and he has emerged devastating ideologies in the group. He started to build the organization by introducing new and young people to the group. The introduction of the young blood in the organization was made by influencing them in the name of religion. Zarqawi convinced the people to join the group in the name of patriotic devotion; this was known as ‘Jihad’.

Zarqawi has inflicted the concept of jihad in each and every person in the group and he makes them understand that they are serving god by virtue of doing terrorist activity. It was also taught to them that if they will be able to do this work perfectly then they will go to Jannat that is paradise. By this kind of efforts of Zarqawi Al-Qaeda has become very effective and very dangerous. Hence, it can be said that Zarqwai has done a good job as a sub leader.

Zarqawi and his followers took the initiation to counter the consequences of another botched job and they showed more aggression towards the American security, though, Zarqawi has to pay for that in later. Whether ‘baya’a to the caliph was incorporated or not was completely irrelevant for the actions of Al-Qaeda. In this regard the United States wanted to embark on the crusade of modern day and kill muslims. Zarqawi used the weapon of jihad among the young followers.

Amilcar Lopes Cabral has emerged certain ways to deal with the menace of terrorism this ways and principals are known as doctrine of Cabrel. In this doctrine the way of dealing with the terrorists is very clear and unambiguous. According to Cabral, the only way to finish terrorism is that to finish terrorist. The concept of ‘no mercy’ has been introduced by Cabral and he also emphasized upon the ground depending upon which has made the conclusion of this doctrine.

The Rise of ISIS and Its Threat to the USA

Cabral also argued that terrorism is a menace not only for the American society but also for the entire human society of the world. If it is not stopped at the earliest possible time then, inhumanity will rule over the humanity. Terrorists are not concern for anyone other than their own object and by virtue of that they are causing damage to the human society. Hence, there should not be any mercy as to secure the interest of the humanity some parts should be compromised.  

PLO and Hames has been emerged as one of the greatest rivals in the international field in relation to terrorism activities. They started to fought from the intense civil war of 2007. Battles in street in Gaza has become one of the most significant part of the history as it was commenced after the after the victory of Hames in the year 2006, in the Palestine Authority legislative elections, by virtue of that the monopoly of PLO has been broke and the dominant faction has been overruled. In the year 2007, PLO fighters have been overwhelmed and the control of the Gaza strip has been taken by Hames. 


Al-Rasheed, Madawi, and Marat Shterin. Dying For Faith. London: I.B. Tauris, 2009. Print.

Bongiorno, Frank. The Sex Lives Of Australians. Collingwood, Vic.: Black Inc., 2012. Print.

Butt, Usama, and N Elahi. Pakistan’s Quagmire. New York: Continuum, 2010. Print.

Curtis, Edward E. The Columbia Sourcebook Of Muslims In The United States. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. Print.

Lutz, Brenda J, and James M Lutz. Terrorism In America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print.

Machiavelli, NiccoloÌ€, and W. K Marriott. The Prince. [Waiheke Island]: Floating Press, 2008. Print.

Packer, George. The Assassins’ Gate. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. Print.

Phillips, Kevin. American Theocracy. New York: Viking, 2006. Print.

Ramakrishna, Kumar. Radical Pathways. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Security International, 2009. Print.

Rasmussen, George H. U.S. Counter Terrorism Efforts In Africa. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science, 2009. Print.

Slavicek, Louise Chipley. The Chinese Cultural Revolution. New York: Chelsea House, 2010. Print.

Al-Rasheed, Madawi, and Marat Shterin. Dying For Faith. London: I.B. Tauris, 2009. Print.

Bongiorno, Frank. The Sex Lives Of Australians. Collingwood, Vic.: Black Inc., 2012. Print.

Butt, Usama, and N Elahi. Pakistan’s Quagmire. New York: Continuum, 2010. Print.

Curtis, Edward E. The Columbia Sourcebook Of Muslims In The United States. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. Print.

Lutz, Brenda J, and James M Lutz. Terrorism In America. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print.

Ramakrishna, Kumar. Radical Pathways. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Security International, 2009. Print.

Rasmussen, George H. U.S. Counter Terrorism Efforts In Africa. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science, 2009. Print.

Machiavelli, NiccoloÌ€, and W. K Marriott. The Prince. [Waiheke Island]: Floating Press, 2008. Print.

Phillips, Kevin. American Theocracy. New York: Viking, 2006. Print.

Packer, George. The Assassins’ Gate. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. Print.

 313424_1726438982_Patriotic politics.


 Declaration of war.

 ISIS declaration of war.



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