The Social Problem Of Child Poverty In New Zealand And A Business Idea To Address It
Business in Context: Child Poverty in New Zealand
Business in Context: Child Poverty in New Zealand
Description of Business Idea and Its Help in Solving the Problem
Discuss about “The social Problem Child Poverty in New Zealand”.
The group settled on a social problem that most people ignore though it affects many under age children in New Zealand. The social problem in this case is the child poverty which is the concept that most children live under deplorable conditions. It mostly affects the street families and those children from the poor and humble backgrounds such that it is hard for them to access their daily and basic needs (Unicef, 2007). Some in most cases are orphans and have limited resources in raising them and others have none of the resources with which they can comfortably live their lives. In such cases, these types of children live under bad conditions such that their living standards are not to the minimum standard of living for the children.
It is worth noting that not only do such children who live in deplorable conditions come from poor and developing countries, they are also found in developed countries like in New Zealand which has many people who enjoy a good life and live above the poverty lines and hence can afford a decent life. Legally, children under the age of eighteen need to live with their parents or under the care of their guardians as they can provide the basic needs for them as they become mature and handle their lives. Children who experience poverty lack in many areas of their lives that make a human being complete like the lack of materialistic things and the lack of a healthy and functional spiritual life as well as the emotional imbalance that they experience. Such children do not live a standard life hence are not in a position to enjoy their rights and their childhood and have a smooth transition to adulthood without issues that they later fight in their adult life.
The child poverty issue is wide and it created a void that the group identified it would fulfill through acting on some agreed upon actions. Such actions that the group will act are discussed therein below (Wilkinson & Pickett, 2011). After a brainstorming session within the group members, it was agreed upon that the best and viable business idea would be indulging in selling healthy snacks to offices in the city centre. Such would involve selling of healthy foods that would move very fast from the shelves of the investment as people are in touch with their healthy side and need to make healthy choices in terms of their feeding.
Business Idea and Addresses to Stakeholder’s Concerns
A meeting held within the group members came up with businesses ideas that would help in raising a sustainable amount of money that would help in reducing the rate of child poverty in the street. Many ideas came forth from then members that would help in establishing the right step in reducing the poverty levels especially in the worst hit areas with poverty (Unicef, 2005). After a lengthy discussion we agreed and argued that people will always be on the lookout for food as it is an ongoing basic need for the human being.
The corporate offices were the main target market for the foods that we would make and sell. This is because such a target market is willing to spend more funds on healthy foods as they remain healthy for their careers (Blackstock & Trocmé, 2005). Most of the people in the offices are always busy and have no time to go out to get lunch and may sometimes rush out for a few minutes to get a quick fix in terms of unhealthy foods like fries.
Our idea of selling the healthy foods at a standard price of about 12$ is affordable and the fact that we will make the deliveries to the offices will enable them purchase the food packages at their convenience (Valletta, 2006). The caption of healthy foods and a good presentation will enable us make high sales. The target are for the corporate offices is the Queen Street area in the Auckland Central Business District. We have the confidence that the business will pick and sustain itself within a short time and with time we will expand on the type of foods that we sell to the offices. There was also the idea that we would target more offices with time.
The business idea will help in solving the social problem of child poverty albeit indirectly. This will happen through using the proceeds from the sales of the foods by taking a certain percentage and provision of healthy packages in the kindergartens and the primary schools. The healthy food choice is the fruit bags as they are readily available and cheap while at the same time having high health benefits to the children (Wilkinson & Pickett, 2010). The target area in supplying and the distribution of the fruit bags is the areas worst hit by the issue of poverty especially in the low socioeconomic areas. Such areas have a higher number of children who do not have the access of the recommended three times per day of food.
Justification of Business Idea
Their families do not earn a decent income that would enable them provide all the basic needs comfortably. The major target areas are the Auckland place like the Otara area and the Glen Innes which according to the survey we conducted are the most affected. The economic factors that limit the people in these areas are evident from the lack of the basic nutrition, and the accessibility to clean and safe drinking water and the sanitation services they require (Pearce & Dorling, 2006). Fruits will help the young children as they are rich in vitamins and nutrients.
It will also help in ensuring that the children get the right nutrients they need as they are young and will help in sharpening their minds. They will also feed and will concentrate more in their studies. They will also look forward to the classes as they will know they have the chance to enjoy a fruit package. Children will look forward to attending schools and they will access the education facilities for a better chance in life in the future (Pearce & Dorling, 2006). Most children drop off from school at an early age due to the lack of economic factors and the cycle of poverty continues as they do not have the education form of opening their minds to greater thinking. The group decided that education is an important factor in the life of a child and the foundation created at an early age becomes the leading and guiding factor in their life. For long term sustenance, the business idea is tangible and will survive despite the economic performance of the economy of the New Zealand area.
The business idea will last for a long time as long as we sell the healthy foods to the target market and with time we can expand to other block of offices. Most of the stakeholder’s concern is that the business might distract the normal functioning of the life of the students which will not happen. Selling of the healthy foods will sustain itself as people seek for healthy alternatives in finding solutions that will help them in leading healthy lives. The business idea will develop through the actions and effort of the group members as they learn to learn the balance in their studies and the business (Fletcher & Dwyer, 2008). Most of the stakeholders concern is that it may affect the normal working offices hours as workers leave their offices to come get the food. The idea we have is that we will provide the foods and make the deliveries at the stipulated and agreed time to the offices. Such will ensure that we do not interfere with the daily operations of the office. We will also take special orders of the foods and deliver depending on the customer requests and may add fruits to the food we deliver. Other ideas to sustain the food idea are through supplying drinks. Such will calm the concerns from the stakeholders as we look forward to expand our ideas for higher incomes of the business idea that we had in the beginning.
There is need to justify the business idea through the theories that exist within the business field and the business models. One of the ethical theories is that every human being should treat the other with dignity as human life is precious to every person. Such applies in the Golden Rule that one should treat the other person as they would like to get treated. Such ethical guidelines will help in ensuring that we treat the other people whether strangers of friends on the right way. It also creates the environment where as a group we will ensure that we treat the children and the targeted people that we intend to help in the right way (Chen & Corak, 2005). Ethically and in a moral view of the actions that we have towards the eradication of the poverty in the states identified, we are helping in the improvement of human life and contributing positively to the welfare of younger children. We feel we are doing the right thing as we are helping in improving the quality of life of the younger generation as they start their education journey.
The humanitarian ethical idea is the guiding rule for the business idea and the possibility that the business will last long hence increase the number of children that the group feeds. We can increase our target of feeding the children to the lower class children hence reaching to more people. The ethical humanitarian ethical guideline helps in ensuring that people engage in activities that they do not expect payments as it is a work that one does out of will. The humanitarian spirit helps in improving the quality of life of the targeted people that the organization would like to help while at the same time ensuring that people enjoy and in this case, reduce the cases of poverty in children (Marmot et al, 2008). Children should get a better chance in life and through the provision of services and products like the basic requirements that will help in their academics and other aspects.
Our corporate social responsibility lies in the provision of services to the community by helping those who do not have the power to sustain their life. This is through the acts of charity and the sacrifice that will happen in the activities and the savings that we will make in the long run. It will help in impacting on the life of the children as well as their well being (Collier, 2008). The local community will benefit from the activities as it is an ethical investment. There are guiding principles that will guide our organization in its activities and such include the effective communication of all proceeds from the sales to ensure the accountability of the charitable activities.
There are many business models that we could base our business idea on in order to ensure that it can support itself by making a future balance in the activities of the business (Creswell & Clark, 2007). One business model of the ethical behavior is the control and overview of all activities that happen within the organization hence ensuring that all members work towards the same goal in the business model. With proper management of the resources and the right accountability, the business idea will move in the right direction in terms of sustainability.
Our business is sustainable as we have looked at all angles. We have analyzed and identified all loopholes that exist that we will rectify in order to reduce the social problem affecting the children (Dale et al, 2006). They are young and innocent and should be given a chance in life through provision of all important services that will help give a conducive environment. Collective responsibility of well-wishers in reducing the social problems will help in reducing them with a bias in child poverty.
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