The Significance Of Treaty Of Waitangi In Maori Community Healthcare
Treaty of Waitangi
Healthcare needs and achievement of the same for the indigenous population varies due to their different historical, political and social circumstances. These differences determine their access to better healthcare and wellbeing sources (Milne, 2017). In case of Maori community. The disparity between Maori and non-Maori healthcare needs are easily visible from the era of British colonization and this disparities include several factors such as differences in socio-economic factors, lifestyle related factors, availability of quality healthcare facilities and presence of racial discriminations and social discriminations in the society (Aust, 2013). There are several means which has been used to diminish this disparity of Maori healthcare treatment and in this course, The Treaty of Waitangi was signed between representatives of crowned British government and the representatives of Maori community in the year 1840 (Dutrich et al., 2012). This treaty involved healthcare policies and respected the value of Maori culture while receiving healthcare treatment and approaching healthcare services throughout the country New Zealand (Orange, 2015).
This Treaty of Waitangi was inclusive of all the administrative, safety, emergency and values related needs so that while providing healthcare facilities to the community, they can feel culturally and mentally safe and secured (Milne, 2017). Besides this, it helps to prevent the healthcare related discrimination, which contributes majorly in developing social stigma for the Maori community in New Zealand (Wheen& Hayward, 2012). The primary purpose of this assignment is to connect all the theories learnt in the class and connect them to the real healthcare and clinical experience. In this course, the Treaty of Waitangi will be discussed and its significance in achieving healthcare for this community will be discussed. Further, this will be linked with the Patient Whanau Centred Care. Besides this, this essay will discuss the famous Maori healthcare model TeWhare Tapa Wha and in the course four examples of this model will be discussed in the essay. Finally, the definition of registered MIT and the evaluation of their impact on the patients with Whanau centered care will be discussed.
The Treaty of Waitangi is an agreement or settlement which was signed between the crowned emperors of England and the representatives and leaders of the Maori community, in the year 1840, when the British claimed their colonisation over New Zealand (Orange, 2015). This settlement holds major importance for the history of New Zealand as due to this settlement Maori community and British colonies were able to live with any discrimination under a common set of rules and regulations (Dutrich et al., 2012). This treaty further helped the Maori community to protect their lands, forests, their rights, treasures, and their fisheries while handing over their control over the English government and allowed them to rule over them (Wepa, 2015).
Significance of Treaty of Waitangi in the Healthcare of Maori community
The treaty of Waitangi reads that, the Maori community owned the land of New Zealand, prior to British government and also helps the community by protecting their culture, and protect their identity as Maori community (Orange, 2015). However, this treaty also provides the ability to the British government to prepare laws and implement them for the betterment of New Zealand and accepted the British colonisation in the society (Dutrich et al., 2012). Further due to this treaty, the Maori community received the similar rights of British community within New Zealand. This treaty was written in English and Maori language and due to this the interpretation of the Treaty is a matter of controversy even in the recent times (Wheen& Hayward, 2012).
This Treaty is an important aspect for the healthcare and wellbeing related rights and regulations of Maori community (Wheen& Hayward, 2012). There are three principles of the Waitangi Treaty determined for the healthcare of the community and these principles are partnership, participation and protection which is followed by the healthcare department of the country New Zealand and the Maori community leaders (Orange, 2015). These principles hold tremendous importance in achievement of health for this community in which partnership works by involving all the indigenous community in the strategic development and implementation of the healthcare interventions so that the community gains by achieving the benefits of the policies (Wepa, 2015). Further, participation requires the community to be a part of the healthcare process so that shared planning, decision making, development and delivery of the healthcare could be achieved (Wheen & Hayward, 2012). Finally, the protection related principle is for the government to protect all the above mentioned rights for the Maori community so that the community can achieve their rights without any discrimination (Doutrich et al., 2012).
The healthcare department of the New Zealand government was established in the year 1930 and since then the intension of the government and the health department was to provide easy and quality healthcare to each community of the country.However from the beginning of the 20th century, the Maori community started taking part in the helathcare policies and promotions and since then they started taking active part on disease prevention and healthcare promotion (Banwell, Ulijaszek & Dixon, 2013). This was an important move as due to the promotional events, a pattern of healthcare achievement for the Maori community increases that helped in the identification of factors that hinder the quality healthcare achievement and increases the achievement of health for the community. as per my own interpretation, the significance of Waitangi treaty in maintaining and determining protection of rights of Maori community is very important as it helps to protect the healthcare related rights of the community (Wheen & Hayward, 2012). This treaty is an important factor for the community as the 20 person chairperson helps to make them achieve the healthcare needs of the community. Therefore, reconciliation between Maori and Non-Maori community and the tribunal process helps them to protect their rights for healthcare (Banwell, Ulijaszek & Dixon, 2013).
Further, in this aspect, the Whanau centred care should be defined so that the complete significance of the Waitangi treaty and community or patient centred care could be understood (Wheen & Hayward, 2012). The Whanau patient centred care is the process in which patients are involved in the care giving process and while providing interventions, their needs, their cultural aspects and others should be respected. This care process is directed towards the involvement of Maori and Whanau community in the care process and understanding their care needs so that proper interventions directed to their needs could be identified (Glover, 2013). The primary aim of this Whanau centred care was to provide the community with safe, effective, person centred, valued, timely and efficiently equitable care. The primary aim was to change the healthcare process of the northern healthcare system and in the process change the governance and leadership process so that by influencing all the healthcare needs of the Maori community and Whanau community, individual patient level in service and organisation level could be achieved (Bernay et al., 2016). Further, this person centred care was aimed to help the northern health services to be completely engaged in the healthcare service so that starting from recruitment to the implementation of the healthcare needs; the professionals can support the community appropriately. This is the most important factor in the Maori healthcare as the northern population and the community of Whanau living there suffer from the socioeconomic factors, inequalities, aging, financial issues, social stigma and others due to which they suffer from such issues while receiving healthcare and interventions in the community (Annan & Priestley, 2012). Hence, this patient centred care helps the community by decreasing the hospital readmission, and despite their financial issues they will be provided with quality healthcare and in this aspect the patients could be provided with experience of service. These were the core concepts of the Whanau patient centred care for the Whanau and Maori community of the northland (Banwell, Ulijaszek & Dixon, 2013).
Te Whare Tapa Wha is the model using which the concept of Maori health could be identified. There are four cornerstones or sides of the Maori health structure which is known as the four models of the Maori health structure (Glover, 2013). These four structures or symbols of the Maori health are equal and in this aspect the wellbeing of the community is determined by the healthcare needs of the community (Annan & Priestley, 2012). If one of the aspects gets damaged or one of the aspect is not being accepted by the healthcare facility then the health of the community will suffer and the patient will not be able to maintain a balanced healthcare needs of the community (Bernay et al., 2016). The four aspects of this model are Taha tinana which means the physical health, Taha wairua or spiritual health, Taha Whanau of family health and the Taha hinengaro of the mental health which are the foru main aspect of the community’s healthcare which the Waitangi treaty determines to achieve (Glover, 2013).
This aspect of the healthcare model of the Maori community determines the capacity of the growth and development of the community as it mentions that for development and growth of the person, it is important to have a good physical health so that optimal growth of the personality could be achieved (Annan & Priestley, 2012). As per the treaty, physical health is an important factor as it supports the essence of our personality and helps to shelter us from the external environment so that the community and its mental, physical and spiritual and family related aspect could be achieved. Further, in the healthcare of Maori community, the primary need of this community is the physical health and due to this factor the physical health of the community should be achieved and this model should be applied in the healthcare needs of the Maori community (Bernay et al., 2016). For example, the rate of diabetes and cardiac health in the community is higher and the healthcare ministry of new Zealand and the Waitangi treaty helps the healthcare professionals to help the community by providing them with the physical health related needs so that while achieving the healthcare needs their spiritual, mental, and family related aspects could also be achieved in this course. This two ailments are affecting the complete Maori community as they are unaware of the educational, preventive studies are so that while achieving physical health of the community they can be educated about the process and could be provided with all the information so that they can take care of their physical health on their own (Glover, 2013).
This is the spiritual health of the community. Spiritual health is an important aspect of the healthcare without achieving which; no one can achieve mental and physical health. The Maori community is very spiritual and their spiritual strength is important for their growth and development and hence, while providing them with the healthcare needs they should be provided with their spiritual needs so that they can achieve healthcare (Glover, 2013). The spiritual health as per the community is a matter of unseen energies which helps people to achieve help without any medication (Bernay et al., 2016). Further, they also think that the faith and communication among community helps the community to achieve healthcare faster than only healthcare or medication interventions. This spiritual health is the aspect due to which the person and his spiritual essence helps them to achieve everything on life by providing the much needed force for their growth and development (Pitama, Huria & Lacey, 2014). The spiritual health of each community and every person in the community is a personal thing and it differs from one another. Further this individual spiritual strength helps to create a collective shield in the community. Therefore while providing care to the community their spiritual needs should be assessed and then care interventions should be designed. For example, their communication and beliefs should be completely determined and then their healthcare needs should be mentioned in the intervention list so that with physical and mental health their spiritual health could also be addressed (Annan & Priestley, 2012).
The Maori community beliefs in the family centered actions and their actions and decisions are always centered to their family so that a collective benefit for all the family members in any situation could be achieved (Bernay et al., 2016). Due to their strong social connection, the family centered care becomes one of the major factors for the growth and development of the healthcare needs and achievement for the community. As per this model, family centered care is the need of the community as well as for an individual for their achievement of health in the community (Pitama, Huria & Lacey, 2014). As per their belief, family or Whanau is the aspect due to which they receive all the strength for their life and are able to fight with adverse conditions, these strengths are also provided by the ancestors of the community which helps them to find out their future and present by connecting it to their past or historical background (Glover, 2013). Therefore, for example, while providing care to each of the member of the community, the healthcare professionals should be able to include their families so that decision making and informed or consent of the healthcare intervention could be received for the family of the patient. This is an important factor as for this community; Whanau or family helps them by contributing in their achievements of health and also assist them to achieve curing for their illness. Therefore, the family of the patients of this community should be provided with fundamental understanding of Maori community so that while providing care to the community, the family could be provided with responsibility of providing appropriate support (Annan & Priestley, 2012).
Like the other communities of the world, mental health s also an important aspect of the healthcare needs of this community (Pitama, Huria & Lacey, 2014). As the community suffers from social stigma and discriminations, their mental health is already affected and hence, the better way to provide them with interventions is to communicate with them so that they can understand their need in the country and could help in the growth and development of their community and country (Bernay et al., 2016). The primary interventions which should be used in this aspect are the capacity to communicate, and to feel that their physical health and mental health inseparable. Further while providing care to the community their thoughts, feelings and emotions should be respected and used in the care process as this community thinks that health could be achieved only after incorporating body and soul (Annan & Priestley, 2012). For example, while providing mental health, the patient should be counseled by a healthcare physician so the mental health of the person could be understood and process of healthcare interventions becomes easier for the professional as well as the patient (Glover, 2013).
In this process, the MIT or MRTB or the medical radiation technologists board should be mentioned as it helps in achieving Maori health and wellbeing. It discusses about the culture and cultural competency which is required in the medical Imagining process and the people in this community works in effective manner so that while achieving healthcare for this community the workers and their effectiveness and engagement in the care process could become successful (Banwell, Ulijaszek & Dixon, 2013). Due to the cultural competence, they are able to take part in all the patient centred care process and achieve better healthcare for the community. This process helps to achieve maximum benefit for the community in the healthcare achievement (Glover et al., 2015).
Maori community and its achievement of health is an important factor for their growth and development as a community in New Zealand and hence, in the year 1840, while British colonisation, the Maori leaders signed the Treaty of Waitangi so that their possession of the land and its resources could be determined and then their needs and care could be achieved without any major concern. This assignment mentioned the details of the Treaty of Waitangi and determined its significance in the healthcare related needs of the community. Further in the process the model of Maori healthcare “Te Whare Tapa Wha” and its four aspects such as Taha Tinara, Taha wairua, Taha Whanau and Taha hinengaro was mentioned and an example of each of the model was mentioned. Further the MRTB and its significance in the healthcare needs of the patients was determined.
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