The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People: Overview And Analysis

Essential Characteristics of Successful Individuals

The book named ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ was published by Stephen R. Covey. I tried reading the book and it was fascinating in nature and the concepts were interesting in nature wherein there was a sale of more than 15 million copies which was issued in English and other thirty-seven languages. The respective book was shortlisted and this was the most persuasive books of business management. There was an audio version of the book and there was a sale of more than 1.5 million copies among the public.

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Furthermore, the book starts with a quote of David Starr wherein this has been stated that in the entire real world, there is no such real kind of brilliance that can be separated from the right kind of existence. The main initiative which has been taken by the author about the respective book is that more than twenty-five years of his life has been spent in university, settings related to family along with marriage wherein the author had come across different kinds of individuals wherein more than half of the population have been successful in different aspects of life, yet they are destitute of the inner kind of fulfilment.

The book helps in describing the seven most essential characteristics which are inbuilt among the most successful kind of individuals in the society. These are the different kinds of features which can be found among the different individuals in diverse disciplines of the life. On the other hand, the main aspect of the book is based mainly on the overall business sector. I feel that the respective book helps in determining the different characteristics along with helps in determining the different types of benefits which will be gained by the business atmosphere from the respective kind of characteristics.

As per my observation, the possession of our character is the composition of the different habits which are being possessed by us. With the help of the different habits, our character is being possessed and this assists us in analysing the different kinds of effectiveness along with ineffectiveness. The explanation has been provided by Aristotle which is as follows:

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

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Moreover, after reading the entire book, I have tried finding that there has been proper identification of the different seven habits by the author among the different effective people on the common place earth. From the book, this can be analysed that these seven habits are essential in nature which are required to be learnt by the ones who have no such idea of the different habits (Covey 1989).

Habit 1: Be Proactive

With the help of these habits, the different individuals will be able to lead to successful life in the future. The previous literature helps in considering the characters which is successful for the attainment of success. On the other hand, the different literature helped in considering the different characters as the basis of the overall success. Lastly, the success if defined as the function of the different behaviours, public image along with characters.

The most essential kind of characteristic of the most persuasive kind of individuals which has been analysed by Stephen Covey is the proactive kinds of actions which is being referred to the different influence of the behaviours after the entire existence of the overall event. On the other hand, I was captivated that Stephen Covey tried to perform the different activities one step ahead wherein he tried to mention that the main aspect of the proactive kind of attitude is not only taking the different kinds of initiatives, but also accepting the overall responsibility in an efficient manner. There are major three factors that are referred to as the societal mirrors which helps in accepting the overall responsibility as well. I tried in analysing that these factors help in analysing the overall determination among the individuals in an efficient manner. The different factors are inclusive of the following: Generic Determination, Psychic Determination and Environmental Determination.

The author helped in defining that generic determination is being adopted from the ancestors and this is transferred to the person with the help of ancestry and genes. Furthermore, the psychic determination is defined as the aspect or the resolution which will be obtained through different kinds of personal characteristics which is inclusive of the different kinds of personal characteristics. For instance- This is the determination in order to engage which will help in shaping the entire body through the physical strength of the individuals. Lastly, the environmental determination is the resolution which is derived from the overall environment wherein the people tend to work in a harder manner which is different from the different kinds of co-workers wherein the different co-employees perform the best.

Therefore, I tried in analysing that these different kinds of characteristics along with the determinations can be derived from the aforementioned kinds of characteristics in order to become proactive in nature. On the other hand, Covey has tried in analysing that the once the activities are determined, this will be imperative in order to take the different initiatives in order to accomplish the significant kind of achievements. With the analysis of the different initiatives, this will allow the different individuals to make proper more recognition with the help of the success of the product.  

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Stephen Covey has assisted me in realizing the overall significance of the proactive kind of behaviour which is the initiative along with the responsibility at workplace and the enhancement of the determination have been described in an effective manner as well. After the overall analysis, I tried in determining that psychic determination is lying inside me as I had degree in Bachelors of Civil Engineering. This has helped me in providing me an upper hand in tackling the different kinds of issues related to management regarding the process of engineering. Apart from this, looking for the entire opportunity in the competitive kind of work environment, this will become helpful in nature towards the effective kind of character which will assist me in future in enhancing the determination with the help of the different kinds of environmental aspects.

This helps in refining determination with the genetic kind of determination which will help me in becoming proactive in nature. From this, it can be analysed that I should be becoming proactive in the workplace by analysing the different kinds of aspects which are necessary for increasing overall efficiency of the workplace. This kind of respective initiative helps me in granting the chance in order to prove my skills and this will help me in fulfilling the different kinds of respects in an effective manner.

The second most essential attribute of the different effective kind of individuals which has been mentioned by Stephen Covey is that the main work or task is considered by analysing the different ultimate kind of ideas in mind. In the entire analysis, I tried to learn to analyse the difference between the two interrelated terms which is conscience and Imagination. Covey tried to analyse that the imagination is defined as the perceptual kind of state of the mind in which this can be seen that this helps in establishing the potential of the individual in an effective manner.

This helps in allowing the different individuals in order to experience the world which is uncreated in nature and this is establishing by the potential of the person. On the other hand, the different kinds of perceptions are not practical in nature and Covey tries to mention that Conscience helps in allowing the different individuals in able to make the proper considerations which are on the basis of the fact. Therefore, Conscience incorporates security, wisdom and guidance and power to establish the overall future state wherein one can perform the different activities effectively. Furthermore, I tried to find that the different guidance which was established under conscience is essential which helps in determining the different kinds of guidelines which is essential for the final state which will strive in future.

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Covey has tried in analysing that the different successful kind of individuals utilize the conscience in order to establish the reality which is relating to the future aspects of the life and this has helped in achieving the different goals of the business in an efficient manner. Before analysing the book, I tried in considering that individuals need to aim for finding a proper future aspect which must be totally based on the facts. I tried in discovering that this will help n forcing the different individuals’ efforts in achieving the goals rather than forcing and focusing him or her in achieving the multiple type of goals.

With the help of the aspect to my knowledge, I tried in realizing that imaginations-based decisions help in the career of the different individuals. The decisions which are being made by the individual is required to be based on realistic kind of estimates which is the conscience. In this regard, I require to perform a project which will be based on the making of the different considerations for the achievement of the future objective along with the future state wherein the project is required to be reached.

 In performing the same, this is essential in nature that the different decisions are required to be based on the Conscience and not the imagination. Furthermore, I try to make the proper use of the wisdom, security and guidance while performing the same and this helps in ensuring that the future direction of the different projects or the career is attainable along with realistic in nature as well. I need to analyse the energy in performing the same which will help in attaining the different goals and this will assist me in overcoming the confusion which have been created from the unrealistic kind of goals and the choosing of the desired path which will lead to the different directions which will be helpful in nature.

The third habit which is required to be analysed is first things is required to be kept in the first position and this is essential and critical for the success of the business. The self-awareness, conscience and independence are required in achieving the different goals. Along with them, the independence is the fourth endowment of the human beings which will allowing to make the effective kinds of decisions which will be helpful in managing the different activities in an effective and efficient manner. The different responsibilities which are being managed helps in managing the nonprofessional and professional life of human beings.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

In the business, this is essential for the individuals to analyse the different kinds of significant kind of disturbances as this will provide a solution in forecasting and reducing the different issues effectively. Furthermore, in order to check the performance of the employees, Stephen Covey tried in guiding which was certainly helpful and this helped in prioritizing the various tasks. With the implementation of prioritization of the tasks, I have found that Covey has devised simple along with helpful matrix which helps in allocation of the different kinds of tasks along with responsibilities.

With the help of the different tasks, the tasks are required to be divided into four major axis such as urgent, not urgent, important and the not important in the X-axis and Y-axis. The diagram will be helpful in managing the different performance and level of urgency as well. I felt that the respective technique is helpful during the role management wherein the first kind of quadrant helps in representing important and the different tasks which are urgent in nature and this helps in ensuring the overall completion on time.

The fourth habit is thinking win-win in which all the parties are involved and I tried to find that I was unsuccessful during the bilateral kind of relations which is owing to the selfishness. On the other hand, the respective book I found that such kind of efforts helped in leading to the opposing kind of results. The managers in the organization tried in finding that the lose their reliance from the different employees and this helped in considering that the managerial environment will help in leading to better kind of outcomes in long run.

Ion this scenario, I found that Stephen Covey has pointed that the different managers in the organization must show the courage and consideration while discussion with the different counterparties. I found that the approach of win-win helps in demanding unique kind of blend of the features wherein the failure can lead to damaging kind of results to one of the groups. The entire approach can be analysed with the help of the matrix which will help in analysing the courage and consideration during the bilateral discussions.

The fifth attribute is related to the fourth attribute wherein this helps in benefitting in solving the different problems of the organization and development of the different strategies which will be essential for the success of the firm. I find that the respective characteristic will be essential in managing the overall effectiveness of the different activities performed and the managers consider the employees as the laggards. Covey has tried to rightly point that managers in the organization try to listen to the employees and sometimes, this result in unproductive results.

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

There are different managers in the organization who either I) ignore the overall request of the different employees II) pretending in order to listen wherein the actual insight is in imposing the personal thoughts III) selective kind of listening in which only few statements are paid in attention in order to obtain the gist of the different statements. The major importance of this characteristic is devising the different strategies and discussion of the different techniques which will be helpful in managing and achieving the different organizational objectives.

The sixth habit is the ability to synergize which was mentioned by Covey and this helps in defining the capacity o derive the various types of benefits by the product combination which will be beneficial from the component. This can be experienced in the daily activities which was performed by me, however I was not clear in analysing the usage of the same in daily life. The practical concept of synergizing can be analysed through the diagram which can be seen as follows:

From the diagram, I tried to make myself clear that the different managers are required to work as this helps in maintaining trust and cooperation which will be beneficial from the effect of synergy. This will be helpful when the manager will be introducing open line of the communication and the synergy will be helpful in such aspect. For instance- When the manager will be requiring the different kinds of activities in an effective manner in the organization, this is the entire duty of the manager to take care of the various tasks performed by the employees in the organization as this will help in managing the tasks effectively.

The last habit is related to continuity in which this helps in determining the characteristics integration into the personality and not the one period step. This assisted me in analysing that the skills integration from the first day to the last will be helpful in implementing the different activities and gaining more competitive advantage.

Stephen tried in assisting reader by maintaining the list of the various activities which helps in better kind of integration of the different features which will be helpful in sharpening the best assets which are the won selves. From this habit, I have found the same very pleasing in nature as this helped me in raising my spirit and this helped in analysing the importance of the stated activity.

Covey grouped the different activities in physical, mental, social and spiritual activities wherein I tried in discovering the different kinds of exercises which helps in mentioning the different activities which helps in strengthening the different groups and this will be useful for the success in the different sectors.


Therefore, this can be concluded that the respective book is excellent for the person which will be helpful in the sharpening the professional career of the individuals in an efficient manner. I tried in finding that the different features which can assist the different individuals in sharpening their daily activities performed by them as well. In this respective kind of aspect, I tried in finding that Covey has tried in carefully deriving the various types of benefits which has helped the readers in memorizing them in a diagrammatic manner.

The different seven habits which have been discussed above has assisted in making the different career related activities more efficiently. The book has motivated me in performing the different activities and I will be recommending the different individuals to read the book as to maximizing their knowledge effectively.


Covey, S. R. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic. New York: Simon & Schuster.

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