The Role Of Total Quality Management In Supplier Partnerships
Total Quality Management and Product Quality
Total Quality Management is the aspect of making sure that the quality of a product is maintained at the highest level it can. The intention of making sure that the quality of a product is not compromised is to boost the level of customer satisfaction. It is essential to note that the quality of the products that are manufactured in an organisation has a lot to do with the number of customers who come to purchase the product. Total Quality Management looks into different perspectives when trying to better the quality of a product. The perspectives include the sourcing of the raw materials, the availability of resources, and the input of the employees. Each level of production becomes essential, and this is one of the reasons why the word “Total” is included in the term.
Supplier partnerships are the agreements that are made between an organisation and the suppliers. Suppliers are the organisations or investors who come from the manufacturer and the consumer to make sure that the goods or services reach the intended customers. Suppliers have a significant role. The reason behind it is because they help in making sure that the manufacturer reaches the targeted customers even without outlets or initiatives to reach the customers.
Total Quality Management plays a significant role when it comes to supplier partnerships. It is essential to note that TQM is aimed at making sure that every process of manufacturing meets the needs of the customers. Therefore, it is evident that the finished products will always be of high quality. From the perspective of the supplier, quality is an essential aspect that cannot be ignored. Quality is an advantage that attracts many customers that want to purchase a product or a service. Therefore, when a supplier is about to enter into a partnership with an organisation, he or she considers the quality of the product. In this respect, it is evident that the role of TQM in supplier partnerships is to attract more suppliers. The suppliers are in the market to make profits, and they cannot do so if the products they supply are not of a higher quality. Therefore, the quality of the products of an organisation dictates if many suppliers will be interested in supplying the products for the company or not.
According to Stuart Mueller’s supplier partnerships are results and also ingredients of TQM. Supplier partnerships become ingredients because of the effects that the partnerships have on organisations. Organizations are in the market to make money, and therefore they do all they can to boost their profits. The suppliers, on the other hand, are on the market to also make money, and that pushes them to work with the best organisations. Organizations know well that if they manufacture goods that are not of high quality, they are likely to lack suppliers to supply their products. Therefore, they promote TQM so that they can have quality products that will foster supplier partnerships. In this respect, supplier partnerships push for organisations to promote TQM and that makes them the essential ingredients of TQM.
The Importance of Supplier Partnerships
Supplier partnerships become the results of TQM when high-quality products attract the suppliers. High-quality products go a long way in promoting increased sales. The suppliers are in business to make profits from the products that have been availed by the manufacturing companies. When an organisation becomes the best manufacturer in the market, many suppliers are attracted to working with the organisation. Therefore, TQM, in this case, fosters supplier partnerships. However, it is essential to note that at this level, the organisation works on TQM and after the products have proven to be of higher quality, supplier partnerships are fostered.
Supplier partnerships are both an ingredient and a result of TQM
Supplies partnerships promote TQM by encouraging the manufacturers to manufacture quality products, and that makes them ingredients of TQM. Supplier partnerships become results of TQM when the suppliers are attracted to the products of a company because the company manufactured high-quality products.
They say quality performance is based on customer expectation/demand
The reason why goods are presented in the market is to make sure that the customers purchase them. Therefore, it is evident that the expectations of customers dictate the quality of the goods. For example, if an organisation is serving customers who are sensitive to minor details, the organisation makes sure that the needs of the customers are looked into. However, if the customers are not very sensitive, the organisation is reluctant because it is aware that the customers will purchase the products anyway.
Supplier processes are in singular control by the main party, everything is centralised and processes minimal variation
The supplier and the manufacturers might be linked in one way or another, but their processes are independent of the other. Even though the processes of the manufacturing company come to affect the relationship with the supplier, the supplier and the manufacturer are independent.
Supplier partnerships reduce the risk of recalls and defects/increased productivity
The same way supplier partnerships promote TQM; they affect the organisational operations positively. Due to the need by the organisations to be in partnerships with the suppliers, they make sure that defects are reduced. The engagement of the supplying partners has an effect, and in this case, it boosts the productivity of the company so that the company can have enough supply for the suppliers.
They say TQM only emphasises on continuous improvement
TQM does not only focus on continuous improvements, but it also focuses on the immediate needs of the customers. TQM focuses on all aspects of improvements without paying close attention to only one type of improvement. It is essential to note that TQM looks at the overall strategy of making sure that quality in an organisation is not taken for granted. Therefore, it is evident that TQM does not only pay attention to one improvement, but it pays attention to all tools and improvements that have an effect on the quality of an organisation’s products.
The Role of TQM in Supplier Partnerships
TQM tools are not only to improve quality but also to ease the process of innovation towards new product creation
As seen in the case of promotion of improvements, it is evident that TQM also promotes innovations. This point is echoed by the previous point which talks about overall strategies to make improvements. Advanced quality and innovations go hand in hand, and that is one of the reasons why improving quality promotes innovations. In some cases, for the quality of products to surpass that of the competitors, there is a need for an organisation to be innovative, and this is where the link between TQM tools and innovations come in place.
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