The Role Of Technology In IT Application Development Project Management

Project Management in IT Application Development

In recent times it can be stated that technology is one of the areas which is playing a significant role in the life of the common people and organization. Technology is helping people to achieve the desired need which prevails in the sector of the innovating their daily life and on the other hand the concept of the technology is changing the organization implementation and how they perform their daily activity (Kucharska and Kowalczyk 2016). There are different factors which are linked to the concept which directly involved in the implementation of technology in organizational life or working. Technology can directly alter the formation of business when it is implemented within the context of the project.

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The project which is taken into focus in the report is the IT application development project. The IT sector can be considered as one of the vital areas in context of the organizational activity which play a dominating and helping to excel of the life of the common people. the different sections of the report take into consideration different variety of operation involved into the sector.  

The project which is focused on the report is the IT application development project. Technology in recent times is moving fast in keeping with the demand of the business for the development of application development. It directly requires programmers to be experienced in any domain ranging from HTML 5 and java to Android to Swift. Alert Logic can be considered as a leading industry provider of on demand compliance of IT and security solutions (Hornstein 2015). The different solution of the organization provide organization with the easiest way which is related to the secure aspect of networking and the compliance with the regulation and the policy (Braglia and Frosolini 2014). The headquarter of the organization is placed in Texas, Houston and the changing the way IT compliance and the solution of the security are delivered, designed and utilized. The organization takes focus on the aspect of development IT applications which directly involve the need of the customer and help the transform the need of the people into reality. 

The project management process can be considered to be one of the factor which play a vital role in the section of the reaching a project to the desired level of success. This is due to the factor that there are different sections which are included in a project which is related to the IT application development.

Requirement Gathering

Requirement gathering

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 We all know that the requirement gathering in the process of the project management relating to any it project is very much important (McKettaJr 2017). The gathering of the requirement can be considered as one of the top best practice relating to the project management process. The requirement gathering is done usually by the project manager, team and the stakeholders. It can be stated as a collective process. Few of the sector which are involved in the requirement gathering process are stated below:

  • Functional and business requirement: This step is usually taken into consideration by the project team member and the users or the client. The consideration which is taken in the step directly involve the sector of the documentation and the defining the project and the various functionality which is related to the project (Aragonés-Beltrán el al.2017). It defines the term what is the project going to execute.
  • Design requirement: In an IT project relating to the application development the section of the design is one of the most important factor which should be focused. The design section is usually formed and focused upon by the project manager with the help of the esigning team which would be engaged in the working of the project.
  • Project phase: After the above phase the project phase is taken into focus which defines the exact project functionality which would be included into the project (Braglia and Frosolin 2014). The team in the process defines the overall working of the application and starts the different processes which is included in the development phase.
  • Project schedule: The team in the context creates the plan of execution which directly defines the different stages which would be used in the section of the working of the project.
  • Test plan: The test plan is mainly considered by the team of members. This basically takes into consideration any aspect of bugs which can be included into the phase of the working of the project. The main aim in the sector would be the detection of problem in the sector of the working of the concept.
  • Completion: The project manager is directly involved into the sector which defines to check if everything is completed in the working of the project and the working is done in a proper manner (Hornstein 2015). The concept of checking is very much important before hand over of the project is done.

Tools used in the project

There are different tools which can be used in the section of the requirement gathering. Some of the tool in the sector are stated below:

  • Context Diagram: The context diagram can be used in the section of the requirement gathering relating to the system boundary. It mainly focusses on the aspect of the surrounding environment and entities which are interacting. The identification sector which is majorly focused is the internal and external system, customer identification and third party vendors.


Figure 1: Context Diagram

(Source: Kerzner 2018)

  • Use case diagram: The use case diagram directly takes into aspect the interaction which would be provided between the users and the system (Mir and Pinnington 2014). Each of the role which is played by the user is termed as an actor and different functionality which is represented for proper manipulation using the concept of diagram.

Figure 2: Use case diagram

(source: Kerzner 2018)

  • Sequence diagram: The sequence diagram directly takes into the sector of interaction between different from of object over time. IT depicts the normal functionality which would be involved in the application (McKettaJr 2017). It provides a top to bottom view of the different message which is being sent back and forth from the different interacting objective in the system.


Figure 3: Sequence diagram

(Source: Hornstein 2015)

The deliverables of the project mainly depend on the requirement of the customer or the client. In the domain of the IT application development the users demand can be considered to be a factor of concern. The main factor which can be included into the sector is the usability aspect of the application and the concept of the development of the project (McKettaJr 2017). The sector of the deliverables can be divided into two phases which are mainly the tangible and intangible.

Validation and approve

The method which is related to the concept of the validation and approve can be concerned with the aspect of demonstrating the completeness and consistency relating to the design with focus on the need of the user. The functional area is the building up of the version of product and implementing the validating stage against the requirement of the user. The process which was focus can be explained with the help of a diagram which is stated below


Figure 4: Process of Validation

(Source: Alias et al. 2014)

The aspect of the design validation according to the definition states the evaluation of the software during the product development and at the end of the phase of implementation. The aim which is related to the validation and approve is the satisfaction relating to the end user product and environment with the evidence that the satisfaction level of the product is reached.

Support requirement consideration

The project which is focused is a traditional project management process as the project is seen to be directly progressing through the feasibility study to the recording of the cost, duration and the effort which is linked to the concept. It can be considered that the main recommendation which is taken into focus is the whole of life project management prospective (Tenera et al. 2014). The main concept which is focused is that equal importance should be given to the project after the phase of the delivery as it is given during the phase of the development process.

Design Validation

The main tools which were used in the project was in the sector of the adaptation of the concept of cloud computing. The cloud computing concept can be stated as one of the technology which is adopted by most of the organization due to the involvement of different sector of benefit attached to the concept. The concept directly takes into consideration different aspect relating to the platform and software dependencies which is related to the building of the application. 

Approach included into the sector

The concept which is related to the approach of the cloud computing can be very much beneficial for the organizations point of view in the sector of the generation of different protocols relating to the development of application. In the domain the cloud computing is a service which is based on the concept of renting (Hornstein 2015). The basic aspect which can be indicated here is that there is different sector which can be used and different resources which can be used. These all sectors can be used in the framework of renting. The aspect of renting can be very much beneficial in different aspects. The resources in the section can be increased and decreased according to the need of the organization. In most of the cases organization usually pay for the resources which are used by them hence the sector of the budget which is seen in the sector can be minimized. This can be very much including optimal resources allocation and the section of the usage of different resources in the domain of building up of the different application using the concept of the cloud computing. The different services which can be used in the section are the software as a service, platform as a service and the infrastructure as a service (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). These each of the service in the section can be adopted by the organization depending upon the need of the organization and the support they would be needing in the domain of the application development. One of the important concept which can be stated here that the availability of the resources in the cloud computing which can be very much advantageous for the organization.

Market approach

In the sector of the application development it can be stated that the market places a very important role. This is due to the factor it has to take into focus the basic need of the customer and what the customer actually wants. There are different methods which can be used in the sector of getting the demand of the market or the client which is linked to the concept. One of the aspect is the survey in which the organization takes into consideration different valuable feedback from the customer in which the focus is the need of the customer (Kerzner 2018). If the project does not take into consideration the market it can be stated as a failure project. The data which is gathered from the aspect of the survey can be directly be used in the sector of the detection of the need of the customer and the phase which is can be related to the reaching to the desired need of the customer.

Whole of Life Project Management

Offer evaluation

The sector of the offer evaluation can be stated as an areas of access can be done just after the market is taken into consideration. The main section which is done in this is the giving the customer what they exactly need in a budget. This would be giving the organization a competitive advantage relating to different organization which would be helping the organization to excel in their internal working. The market approach can be directly linked to the concept of the offer evaluation, due to this factor it can be stated that the market evaluation can be very much important. There are various prospective which can be seen in the sector (De Felice et al. 2015). The offer should be directly matching the requirement of the client or the customer and should directly accompany different domain of offering by which the customer would be trying to get themselves involve into the concept. In recent times it can be stated that offer which is given to the customer should be convincing so that they can easily indulge into the concept of adaptation of the application.

The approach which is seen in the sector of the different functionality can be stated to be very much advantageous due to the factor that it directly takes into consideration different aspects which is related to the demand of the market. The main focus which is applied to the concept is in the sector of the reaching to the need and the expectation of the client or the customers. The project manager mainly takes into focus the approach which would be utilized in the sector of the working. The detection of the fault in the approach can be considered to be one of the factor which is very much important so that the approach which is implemented in the sector can be directly be utilized by the organization which help them in the excel in different competitive sector (Alias et al. 2014). According to the domain of the implementation in the sector of the IT application development it can be stated that the approach is very much justified.

Contract formation

The main sector which is seen in the justification of the contact can be done by the process which is related to the activities, related roles and responsibility and the interactions. The main control mechanism which the organization has taken into focus is the agreement which is made in the sector of the establishment of the project as well as different supporting material related to the closure of the project.

Cloud Computing in Application Development

The sector of the contract closure mainly involves verification of the different work which has been completed and mainly takes into consideration weather it has been done satisfactorily and correctly. The sector of the updating of the record of the contract reflects the final result and achieving of the different information which can be used in the future. Some of the activity which can be used in the sector of the working of the sector of closure mainly involve the following:

  • Confirming of the different projects which can be seen in the addressing of the terms and condition relating to the contract.
  • Confirming the sector of the completion of the exit criteria for the contract closure.
  • Validating of the exit criteria relating to the different expectation of the client.

There is different fundamental which is related to the concept for example project requirement gathering. The stages mainly involve the sector of the requirement access which is related to the requirement of the customer or the client for whom the application would be developed. This step can be considered to be one of the important factor which directly decides the fate of the project and the delivery standard of the project.

The information which is related to the sector of the contract information can be very much important documentation part which would be resolving risk and gaining of the data which is linked to the concept. Hence the documentation of the risk factor can be stated as a concern area due to the factor that if there are any problem faced in the near future it can be easily be mitigated. The data which is generated in the concept should be safe guarded so that the integrity of the application can be maintained. 

Administration negotiation

It can be stated here that in the sector of the administrator negotiation there are different forms of control mechanism which should be implemented in the sector of the working. There are different sectors of manipulation which should be given so that there is no issue faced within the working of the implementation of the technology. One of the important factor which should be taken into focus is that there should not be any problem faced within the quality and the standard of the service due to the factor of the negotiation which is done in the sector. Hence the senior official should be directly involved into the section of the working so that there is no problem faced within the sector of the implementation of the technology. The evidence which is related to the step can be stated as a physical proof of the output or the functionality of the product or the application which is manufactured for example text, audio or image. This directly indicates the procures which have been accomplished in the section of the development of the application and reaching the end user (Hornstein 2015). These steps mainly take into consideration the stage of validation and approve of the requirement.

Market Evaluation

Dispute resolution

The sector which is related to the dispute can be considered as one of the factor which can directly lead the project to the factor of failure. In most of the cases it can be considered as a factor which should be given top most priority due to the factor if this gets included into the working can alter the success rate of the project. The factor of dispute can come from different areas and it can be a primary factor to take into consideration a mitigation plan for the risk factor. There are different tools which can be used in the section of the mitigation of the dispute resolution and strategy involved into the sector should be focused. It can be a hectic job if it is not taken into consideration the basic need and the framework which is related to the process. Project management process divide the overall task of the project into different processes which help in the sector of accommodating and executing the different task in a proper manner (Crawford 2014). Risk matrix in the sector can be implemented which would be beneficial in the sector of the identification of the different factors so that the risk factor would not be getting involved into the sector of the operation. Hence operation standard can be one of the crucial sector in the formation of an application and the proper working.

The process which is related to the contract closure mainly involve planning and anticipation as an early possibility approach relating to the project life cycle. This is taken into consideration often possessing in the project life (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). Some of the stages which is included into the sector of the contract closure mainly involve:

  • Conduction of the post assessment of the project.
  • Ensure the direct transfer of the project
  • Verification of the acceptance of the final deliverables of the project.
  • Achieve and complete final record of the product.
  • Resources of the project disburse – staff an automated system.

Transfer of knowledge

The transfer of the knowledge can be considered to be one of the important factor in the sector of the working of any project. These can be stated as one of the factor which can be involved into the successful completion of the project and the different working which is related to the project. In some of the cases it can be stated that the sector of the transfer of the knowledge can be very much important in the sector of the mitigation of the risk which would be involved into the working of the concept. Hence it can be stated that there is different implementation sector which can be seen in the knowledge which is related to the concept (Zwikael 2016). The transfer of knowledge is mainly between higher authority for example the project manager and the lower level employee so that they can directly indulge into the different sector of utilization of the resources which are readily available in the sector of the working of the project.

Offer Evaluation

Manage of the project

The organization in order to process the project had undertaken different sector of the working which is involved into the sector of the operation which is included into the process of the project. There is different sector of the working which is linked to the process which directly include the functionality which directly the proper execution of the different process which is related to the working of the process (McKettaJr 2017). Hence it can be stated here that proper utilization of the resources is one of the aspect which should be taken into consideration. In majority of the cases it can be stated that there is different aspect of working which is related to the concept. The risk factor can be considered as one of the consideration which is taken into focus in the sector which play a vital role in the sector of the working of the project and making the project reach to the success factor without any lagging aspect involved into the concept. More than different concepts are involved into the working so it can be stated that there is different opportunity which can be involved into the concept so that risk mitigation aspect can be involved into the sector of working. 

Lesion learnt

The main lesion which is learnt from the sector of the project is that there are different sectors of operation which is related to the application development which is seen in different sector. The main lesion which is learnt is in the domain that the actual requirement gathering which in the process of an application development is very much crucial (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). This is due to the factor that there is different requirement of different customer so it should be taken into consideration that each of the requirement is focused and worked upon. Another important aspect which play a precise important role is the security of data which would be prevailing in the application. In most of the times it can be stated that there are different forms of important data which is feed into the application which has to be maintained securely (Kerzner and Kerzner 2017). These all lesions can be stated to be not a short run process but an elongated approach which would be helping in not only application development project but also in different sectors of development relating to the IT. The project manager’s role in the sector can be stated another factor which is very much important which drive the factor of the success of the project. There are different lesions which can be learnt by a project manager in the tenure of the execution of the project and the different working which is related to the project from the start of the project to the delivery of the project.



Recommendation 1: The main recommendation which can be stated here is that the overall requirement which is relating to the customer need and demand should be one of the most priority sector.

Recommendation 2: The application which would be developed should be easily accessible by the customers without and form of complexity seen in the approach.

Recommendation 3: There should be different sort of security implication which should be implemented within the working of the project which would be enhancing the security of the data which would be prevailing into the boundary of the system.

Recommendation 4: The user interface and interaction of the user and the application should be very much precise which would be directly enhancing the security of the data as well as the fulfilling the justification of the application development (Hornstein 2015). This drive the desire of the client or the customer to get involved into the working of the project.


The report main focus point was to give a clear idea of the overall sector of working which is related to the development of an IT application. The organization in the sector is majorly taken into consideration to give an overview of the different functionality which is related to the operation. In majority of the cases as seen in the report the sector of the deliverables of the project is very much important and it can be one of the factor which directly drive the project to the success factor. The main aim is to reach to the desired level of success with the consideration of time and budget involved into the working. Optimization of the resources and the usability of the resources are few factors which are very much important in the domain of the IT application development. These factor are few of the factor which are taken into consideration by the team and the project manager so that there is no issue seen in the implementation and the execution of the project. 


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