The Role Of Renewable Energy In The Modern Generation
Contribution of Renewable Energy Sources to the Sustainable Development of Islands: An Overview of the Literature and a Research Agenda
Renewable energy is a kind of energy which is collected from various renewable resources like the solar system and wind energy. This type of energy system provides energy into the main four sectors such as air, water heating, transportation, rural and electricity generation. The main objective of this report is to understand the fundamental concept of renewable energy and the role of this energy in this modern generation. It is observed that most of the energy is generated with the help of renewable system and around 70% of electricity has produced by the solar renewable system. Almost 1 million people on the U.K. are using renewable energy system because they are very efficient and more effective.
Jaramillo-Nieves, L. and Del Río, P., 2010. The contribution of renewable energy sources to the sustainable development of islands: An overview of the literature and a research agenda. Sustainability, 2(3), pp.783-811.
The title of this article is Contribution of Renewable Energy Sources to the Sustainable Development of Islands: An Overview of the Literature and a Research Agenda that was written loraima jaramillo and Pablo del rio. According to this journal paper, renewable energy resources have the ability to contribute to the economic, environmental energy and social sustainability of Small Island (Jaramillo-Nieves, and Del Río, 2010). The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the importance of renewable energy in this advanced generation. According to the author, RES is very popular today because most of the energy is generated with the help of renewable energy resources like solar, wind, rain, and geothermal heat. In which the author used the qualitative research process and relevant information is collected from various resources like a research paper, online websites and books. The main drawback of this paper is that the researcher did not use a quantitative approach to analyse the importance of this advanced energy generation technology.
Panwar, N.L., Kaushik, S.C. and Kothari, S., 2011. Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(3), pp.1513-1524.
The title of this journal article is the role of renewable energy source in environmental protection that was produced by the N.L.Panwar, S.C.Kaushik, and SurendraKothari. According to the Surendra Kothari, the renewable techniques are defined as a source of energy and use of this energy has increased by the 30% between 2014 and 2016 (Panwar, Kaushik, and Kothari, 2011). It is identified by the authors that there are main two primary sources of solar energy such as light and heat and Sun is one of the important key element of any renewable energy resources. The main purpose of this research paper is to obtain the role of renewable energy sources for the protection of the environment and their impacts. According to this paper, the sunlight and heat both are absorbed and transformed with the help of various processes for example biomass technique and wind energy. Both these are very common approaches for the generation of electricity by using renewable energy sources. The main benefit of this article is that the researcher uses both qualitative and quantitative research analysis for understanding the concept of renewable energy. But the author did not provide the negative impacts of this advanced energy system by which the reader cannot enhance their knowledge in the area of the energy system.
Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: a review
Denis, G.S. and Parker, P., 2009. Community energy planning in Canada: The role of renewable energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(8), pp.2088-2095.
The title of this article is Community energy planning in Canada: The role of renewable energy that was developed by the Genevieve. Denis, and PaulParker. The main goal of this journal article is to identify and analyze the concept of renewable energy and working principle of this type of energy source with their importance (Denis, and Parker, 2009). According to the author, the renewable energy source is very popular in Canada that has the ability to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gas. In this journal paper researched used both primary and secondary data analysis process to enhance the effectiveness of the research. Writers did not provide an overview of the different types of resources which are used in renewable energy.
Wang, W., Chen, Z. and Zha, H., 2016. Role of Renewable Energy. Smart Grid Handbook, 12(1), pp.1-20.
This article was written by the Weisheng Wang Ziyu Chen and Hao Zha in the year 2016 which is completely based on the renewable energy system. According to the Weisheng, there are various characteristics as compare to the fossil energy for example wind and solar energy systems ( Wang, Chen, and Zha, 2016). It is identified by the author the rate of renewable energy is growing rapidly that impacts on the smart grid technology. The main aim of this investigation is to describe the basic concept and characteristics of renewable energy technologies and their impacts on smart grid technologies. With the help of this article, readers can understand the importance of a renewable energy system with their advantages and disadvantages. This paper does not provide the future scope of the renewable energy source and they used only qualitative analysis processes that provide only theoretical information about the research topic.
Jebli, M.B., Youssef, S.B. and Ozturk, I., 2016. Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: The role of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and trade in OECD countries. Ecological Indicators, 60, pp.824-831.
The title of this journal article is testing environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: The role of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and trade in OECD countries that was printed by three writers such as MehdiBen Jebli, Simon Youssef, and IlhanOzturk. According to the author, the non-renewable energy increases with the CO2 emission that means the emission of CO2 gas is directly proportional to the renewable energy (Jebli, Youssef, and Ozturk, 2016). This journal paper identified the relationship between GDP, CO2 emission, renewable and non-renewable energy consumptions. With the help of this research paper, readers can analyse the importance of renewable and non-renewable energy consumptions in the OECD. In which a survey is conducted by the researcher to analysis the views of other experts and participants.
Community energy planning in Canada: The role of renewable energy
Denholm, P., Ela, E., Kirby, B. and Milligan, M., 2010. The role of energy storage with renewable electricity generation.UNLV, 10(1), pp. 4-6.
This article was provided by P. Denholm, E. Ela, B. Kirby, and M. Milligan in the year 2016. According to P. Denholm, there are main two resources used in the renewable energy such as solar and wind that has potential to address the fossil fuels and greenhouse gases in the field of business industries (Denholm, et al., 2010). This article describes the concept of energy generation by using renewable source and different types of energy sources used by this technology. It is identified by the author the solar PV and wind energy has uncertain output and variables which are generally used during the generation of electricity in the United State. According to this paper to find the major role of storage in the energy system it is very important to identify the technical and economic effects of renewable energy resources. In which the researcher used only the qualitative data analysis process to gather theoretical information about renewable energy source. But they did not involve any statistics or data in their research due to which readers are not able to identify the value of renewable energy in the next 5 or 10 years.
Weitemeyer, S., Kleinhans, D., Vogt, T. and Agent, C., 2015. Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in future power systems: The role of storage. Renewable Energy, 75, pp.14-20.
The title of this article is Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in future power systems: The role of storage which was developed by different writers such as StefanWeitemeyer, David Kleinhans, Thomas Vogt, and Carsten Agert. The main goal of this research paper is to highlight the key factors that influence the size of storage and efficiency of the renewable energy system (Weitemeyer, et al., 2015). In this research one option is considered by the author that is the use of prospective power system is a more effective process to control the electricity generation by renewable energy. It is not yet identified which type of storage devices and equipment’s are used during the generation of power. In a recent investigation, it is studied that around 50% of the electricity can be developed by both wind and solar energy system without using any storage devices. The main drawback of this study is that the author provided only theoretical information about the renewable energy system.
Role of Renewable Energy
Tan, K.T., Lee, K.T. and Mohamed, A.R., 2008. Role of energy policy in renewable energy accomplishment: the case of second-generation bioethanol. Energy policy, 36(9), pp.3360-3365.
The title of this article is Role of energy policy in renewable energy accomplishment: The case of second-generation bioethanol which was written by Kok TatTan, Keat TeongLee, and Abdul Rahman Mohamed. The main goal of this research paper is to describe the significance of energy policy in renewable energy and their advantages and disadvantages (Tan, et al., 2008). According to the author, the main benefit of this type of energy system is that it is a more effective process that can produce a large amount of electricity. Although original biofuels can possibly supplant non-renewable energy sources as the fundamental wellspring of vitality supply, its creation is encompassed by specific issues like tropical backwoods’ devastation. Rather, second-age bioethanol, which uses non-eatable sources, for example, lignocellulose biomass to create ethanol, has been appeared to be more appropriate as the wellspring of the sustainable power source. This paper is based on the mixed research methods that contain both primary and secondary process and author provided in-depth research in the field of renewable energy. In this journal article researcher also evaluated the challenges and issues faced by the renewable energy and resolved the research gap in the previous investigation. The cost and implementation both are very common problem occur during generation of electricity but in future, this issue will be addressed.
Ben Jebli, M., Ben Youssef, S. and Ozturk, I., 2015. The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption and Trade: Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis for Sub?Saharan Africa Countries. African Development Review, 27(3), pp.288-300.
This article was written by Mehdi Ben Jebli, Slim Ben Youssef, and Ilhan Ozturk and in which the author describes the key factors that influence the issues and threats in renewable energy. In this article, the researcher used a panel cointegration approach to identify the relationship between CO2 emissions and renewable. The main objective of this study is to define the main significance of renewable energy resources like solar and wind (Ben, et al., 2015). There is an aberrant short?run causality running from discharges to a sustainable power source and circuitous short?run causality from GDP to a sustainable power source. In the long?run, the mistake revision term is factually critical for emanations, sustainable power source utilization and exchange. The long?run gauges recommend that the rearranged U?shaped EKC theory isn’t upheld for these nations; trades positively affect CO2 outflows, though imports negatively affect CO2 discharges. In this research author used secondary data process and relevant information are collected through various resources such as journal articles, online websites, recent surveys and books. There are many advantages of this investigation, for example, in-depth research, provided complete information about renewable energy, and also addressed the research gap of the previous study. The main drawback of this paper is that the researcher did not explain the negative impacts of renewable energy on the environment.
Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: The role of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and trade in OECD countries
De Vries, B.J., Van Vuuren, D.P. and Hoogwijk, M.M., 2007. Renewable energy sources: Their global potential for the first half of the 21st century at a global level: An integrated approach. Energy policy, 35(4), pp.2590-2610.
This journal article was provided by Bert Vries, Detlef P.van Vuuren, and Monique M.Hoogwijk and it identifies the potential of both solar and wind sources for the generation of power. The main purpose of this research paper is to highlight the working principle of renewable energy and their global potential during the 21st century. In which the author indicates the potential production approach which is completely depended on the chosen land scenario. With the help of this investigation, individuals can enhance their skills and technical knowledge in the field of electricity generation (De, et al., 2007). Theoretically, it is observed that renewable energy is a more effective technique to produce electricity and in a few cases the potential production method can reduce the impacts of renewable energy. The author used a mixed method to expand the effectiveness of this research and also involved the opinion of other experts and previous investigation.
Ben Jebli, M., Ben Youssef, S. and Ozturk, I., (2015) The Role of Renewable Energy Consumption and Trade: Environmental Kuznets Curve Analysis for Sub?Saharan Africa Countries. African Development Review, 27(3), pp.288-300.
De Vries, B.J., Van Vuuren, D.P. and Hoogwijk, M.M., (2007) Renewable energy sources: Their global potential for the first half of the 21st century at a global level: An integrated approach. Energy policy, 35(4), pp.2590-2610.
Denholm, P., Ela, E., Kirby, B. and Milligan, M., (2010) The role of energy storage with renewable electricity generation.UNLV, 10(1), pp. 4-6.
Denis, G.S. and Parker, P., (2009) Community energy planning in Canada: The role of renewable energy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 13(8), pp.2088-2095.
Jaramillo-Nieves, L. and Del Río, P., (2010) Contribution of renewable energy sources to the sustainable development of islands: An overview of the literature and a research agenda. Sustainability, 2(3), pp.783-811.
Jebli, M.B., Youssef, S.B. and Ozturk, I., (2016) Testing the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis: The role of renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and trade in OECD countries. Ecological Indicators, 60(2), pp.824-831.
Panwar, N.L., Kaushik, S.C. and Kothari, S., (2011) Role of renewable energy sources in environmental protection: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(3), pp.1513-1524.
Tan, K.T., Lee, K.T. and Mohamed, A.R., (2008) Role of energy policy in renewable energy accomplishment: the case of second-generation bioethanol. Energy policy, 36(9), pp.3360-3365.
Wang, W., Chen, Z. and Zha, H., (2016) Role of Renewable Energy. Smart Grid Handbook, 12(1), pp.1-20.
Weitemeyer, S., Kleinhans, D., Vogt, T. and Agert, C., (2015) Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in future power systems: The role of storage. Renewable Energy, 75(2), pp.14-20.