The Role Of Organizational Vision In Idea Generation For SMEs
Context Setting
The following journal is based on the findings on the role of the organizational vision in providing a proper and effective guidance to the idea generation within the different SME contexts. Each and every organization irrespective of their size and capabilities have the requirement of new ideas and innovations to ensure their survival and growth in the modern competitive business world. The absence of any such ideas within the organizational context will lead to the sudden failure of the business organization in the market (Perkins Lean and Newbery 2017). One of the most key contributors to the success of the following process of generating new and compact ideas generally depend on the extent to which the organizations provide an effective control mechanism. The following paper has generally the aim to gain a thorough knowledge of the ways and processes that are undertaken by the organizations to bring in or innovate new sets of ideas and different forms of unique strategies for their success and sustainability in the market. The following paper has used an in depth analysis of the different forms of outlined framework and models that are utilized by the management of the different organizations after a thorough consideration by the managers in charge to bring in quality changes in the following organization. The introductory part is succeeded by the context setting and then the philosophy and the evaluation of the following paper.
The modern day organizations along with the different kind of traditional organizations have the most critical task of ensuring constant innovation in the business. The presence of innovation in the business is the most important consideration for the survival and success of the business organizations in the modern day competitive market (Perkins Lean and Newbery 2017). The more unique is the thought process of the management of the company, the more is their chance of survival in the market. The emergence in the number of different small and medium industries in the market has seen a spurt in the following activity and even in the absence of a proper managerial setting and limitation in the fund of the organizations, the companies makes it a point to ensure the presence of a sound innovation policy that helps the organization to ensure the sustainability of the business organization in the market (Hermano and Martín-Cruz 2016). The presence of a sound innovation policy is also one of the major sources of the organization to gain a healthy advantage from the competitive side of the business. The gaining of the competitive advantage in the market will again help it to become a top leader in the market. The following paper provides with an effective and compact literature that discuss the policies and process that leads to the innovation process and shows how the management of the organizations lines up the idea generation processes (Love and Roper 2015). The context provides an idea about the total structure of the following research on the role of the management in the innovation process and ultimately helping the organizations to stay alive and shine in the market. The main aim of the following paper is to find out about the exact role of the managers and other officers of the management to control the innovation process of the organization. The literature as explained in this particular paper has highlighted the need and the importance for the leaders in the organization to show a path to the employees or the others in the organization to follow. This path is believed to be the exact path that will lead to innovation and will help in the development and stability of the organization in the business market. Therefore it can be said that the creative process is one of the key factors in the success of the business in future. The context setting thus provides the readers with the idea about the future scope of the research and the path that it will follow to identify the results of the particular topic.
The use of the factual knowledge to test the research hypothesis can only be completed by the implementation of the interpretive research philosophy. The data that has been received during the conduction of the particular research has been analyzed in a scientific manner and the statistical methods applied in this particular philosophy has helped the research to be trustworthy to other researchers or other sources who used the research for reference (Klewitz and Hansen 2014). The in depth idea about the use of the innovation processes and the ways by which innovation is implemented and the innovative decisions are made in the organization is one of the most important analysis of the following research (Perkins Lean and Newbery 2017). The interpretive research philosophy has also not limited the credibility of the different kinds of research findings and the study was there to seek whether there was any convergence or divergence of different kinds of ideas. The main theme of the study was totally based upon the Small and Medium sized organizations of South West England as this particular part of the country is mainly dominated by SME economy. The interpretive philosophy has been helpful for the researcher of this particular paper to consider the different perspectives of the different individuals in regards to the research topics (Klewitz and Hansen 2014). The meaningful observations and the emphasis on the study of the nature of the organizations in regards to the innovation process has been considered which is helpful for the analysis of the following research topic (Hermano and Martín-Cruz 2016). Apart from this the interpretiveism research philosophy is also helpful for the research as because it helps to have a clear understanding about the rich insights of complex subjectivity of the living experience. The following philosophy helps to make out the differences on the impact of innovation on the employees of the organization and the social factors related to the impact of the innovation taken up or implemented by the management of the organization. The interpretiveism research philosophy is important for the researcher to verify the research from the selected research point of view (Hermano and Martín-Cruz 2016). The complexity of the total innovation process and the unique features of the different process and models of innovation followed by the different kinds of SME’s in UK, the selected research philosophy is the best suited in such a case. The interpretiveist approach is the most suitable in this particular case and management research for organizational innovation, sustainable innovation practices and many more as such.
According to, Nijstad et al. (2014) qualitative research aims to discover the views, perception and the opinion of the different groups and individuals through different process. The following research has stressed on the importance of productivity and in fact provided a clear and strong view on the different types of productive or innovative measures that are generally adopted by the small and medium sized organizations to ensure the success along with the sustainability of the business in the highly competitive market. On the other hand creativity as defined by Nieves and Segarra-Ciprés (2015) in the review part of this particular research is defined as the generation of new ideas that are essential to the success of the business. It also refers to a particular social process that relies on fluid, open structures and a proper and effective business culture. The SME does generally have a large number of different kinds of models in their disposal which they implement accordingly to their needs. This includes the models of human influence, human creation, domain and field models and many more as such. The main idea about the finding of the creative thought is generally referred to some lateral thinking that is generally facilitated by problem immersion. As mentioned in the context part earlier there are generally two different aspects of creativity namely divergent and convergent aspects. The two different aspects of innovation thus, require two totally different forms of skills and processes. The research has therefore segregated the two different processes accordingly and arranged them into two totally different types (Nieves and Segarra-Ciprés 2015). The following process has been named as “Idea Generation”.
There is often the absence of the clear idea as to how to mix the two particular stages of ideas and make them a single process. The generation of ides generally involves a much diverse thinking and is never limited in nature. Love and Roper (2015) has defined as the pulling together of the different information, concepts and experiences in order to produce something totally new and innovative in nature. There are a number of conceptual models on the innovation process which helps to further justify the decision about the separation of the different kind of ideas and make them into a different phase of creation. The following model on the other hand separates the ideas of “Knowledge Creation” and “Idea Screening”. However, Klewitz and Hansen (2014) has described that the idea generation in the different Small and Medium Sized Organization can be derived by different ways. As said earlier the limited success factors because of the absence of a strong funding from the investors are some of the reasons for the vulnerability of these kinds of organizations. Apart from this the absence of adequate human and financial resources are also one of the main reasons for too much threats to these companies. However, the management of these companies makes it a point to ensure the presence of an adequate innovative plan that can be helpful for the sustainability of the business organization in the market. The companies generally have a Research and Development unit that helps in the formation and implementation of innovative ideas and policies to stay in a strategically advantageous position in the competitive market. The main factors that are dependents on the innovative process include the likes of both the internal as well as different external factors. Market pressures include competitor’s decisions like innovation, pricing, product range and many more as such. The consumer decision or needs on the other hand includes innovation in price, products, range of the products and similar needs. Apart from this the designing of different kinds of products, the co development of products can be also said to be necessary factors that determines the innovation in a particular business organization.
Hermano and Martín-Cruz (2016) has said that the main consideration in this particular case of innovation in business organizations in United Kingdom is the implementation and the use of latest technological measures to ensure the process. The use of technology is considered to be a huge advantage for the business organizations as because they are able to gain a competitive advantage in such a case. The gaining of a proper competitive advantage is helpful for the organizations as they can increase their revenue in such cases and target for increasing the size of their company gradually. The implementation of the innovative measures also helps the organization to increase their performance as the employees remain motivated and dedicated to perform for the organizations (Helfat and Martin 2015). The organizations in UK can generate different forms of influence over idea generation. The organizations aim to create innovation just to ensure the achievement of a particular kind of goal which needs to be defined accordingly. The different kind of SME’s constructs their ideas in such a way that helps to innovate new thoughts and lead the way forward for the achievement of the organizational goals in the market. Most of the authors or researchers argue in this particular regard and highlight the importance of the presence of an element of idea in place which can act as a key element or a vital driver for the production of different kind of ideas. Helfat and Martin (2015) have said that the absence of proper monitoring and observation leads to problems in the idea making process and leads to failure. A strict and sharp observation of each and every minute detail is utmost necessary for the generation of successful ideas regarding the needs of the organizations. The idea of a clear and transparent amount of needs helps in the formation of the innovative ideas and also helps to make the most of the business. The different factors which depend on the understanding of the needs of the innovation can be learned through the observation of the condition of the market. This includes the likes of the customer needs and choices, demands of the customers about products, necessary changes to be done to the product, necessary factors needed to be implemented in the business, strategies implemented by the competitors of the business and many more as such. Heavey Simsek and Fox (2015) has analyzed that the leaders in the SME’s have the idea about their limited resources and funds, therefore they generally comes to a decision after large rounds of discussions with the other existing officers or the other people in the management and many more as such. The decisions that they thinks to be right are never directly taken or implemented by them because of the absence of any further opportunity to amend their decisions due to their limited ability in the market.
The vision of the following sector which is the Small and medium sized enterprises of United Kingdom is basically based on making the employees understand about the particular way the organization is heading towards. Decentralization of the different companies and the flattening or the decreasing nature of the organizational hierarchies are forcing the organizations based upon the small and medium scale to change their vision and follow the transparency in informing the employees about the different kinds of approaches, strategies, turnovers, profits, decisions and other organizational matters. There are different researches that have suggested the links between the vision and the innovation process. The leadership role has been suggested as one of the most influential in this regard. The presence of an effective leadership in the organization can help the management to concentrate on the process of innovation and manage different changes according to the latest demands doing rounds in the competitive market. The combination of vision along with drive helps in the process of innovation. The vision and drive of the organization is helpful for bringing in new ideas leading to the implementation of new changes in the organizational thought process (Heavey Simsek and Fox 2015). On the other hand, Klewitz and Hansen (2014) has pointed out the following point which clearly suggests an important connection between the vision and the creative process of the different organizations. However, the absence of any elaborate description on the exact kind of role depicted by that of organizational vision makes it confusing for the management to gain the idea and then construct or formulate the particular kind of innovative process to be followed by the management in order to be successful as well as sustain them in the market.
Therefore the total evaluation suggests the need of some element of change as a necessary element of organizational control. The importance of the innovation process along with the need for each and every single SME’s in United Kingdom to implement them has been discussed in a proper, efficient and effective manner. The critical review of the following work has helped to gain a much comprehensive understanding of innovation. It review will be helpful for further studies and research on the same in the future.
The following research is concerned with the finding out of the role that the organization plays in the innovation of the business organization. The particular research begins with the introduction of the research questions where three different research questions related to the particular topic has been provided. The research questions are directly linked with the setting up of the objectives of the following research. The research philosophy and the aims and objectives of the research have been provided next to the following and it provides all the different ways and process by which the methods of the research will be applied. Apart from this the main part of the following part is the literary review of the chapter which is important to the structuring of the total research. The review has provided the important elements and factors that are a characteristic of the particular research topic. The research analysis ends with the discussion of the different types of the research procedures and data collection techniques used to complete the analysis of the research.
A number of different research questions can be constructed from the research topic of this particular research. They are as follows;
- How can innovation help in the growth of the modern business organization?
- How does the management of the different organizations implement the innovative policies?
- How have the SME”s in United Kingdom gained from the development of the innovative policies?
The above mentioned questions more or less cover the main aspects of the business innovation and specifically addresses the issues and the process that are related to the innovation process of the business organizations. The research questions will be directly linked to the objectives of the following research on implementation of innovative measures in business organizations in United Kingdom.
The aims of the following research is to identify the main role of the managerial people and the role of the top level management in the implementation of innovation and their participation in the innovation process of the different Small and Medium sized organizations. The aim of the research will thus lead the researcher to the identification of the different aspects of the organizational management and the steps and process by which innovation is implemented in these organizations.
On the other hand the objectives of the business organizations will be to attain the aim of the research by implementing a number of different processes. The main objectives of this particular research are as follows;
- To gain an idea on the role of the top management in the innovation process
- To gain an idea on the implementation of the innovation process in the organizations especially the SME”s of United Kingdom
- To gain the idea of the relationship of the organizational vision with that of the innovation process
The following business research will be using the positivism research philosophy to complete the conduction and the finding of the different results of the research. The positivism research philosophy will help the researcher to use knowledge based on real facts that will again help in the testing of the factual knowledge and hypothesis of the particular research questions. Apart from this the use of the positivism research philosophy will help the researcher to verify and analyze the data scientifically. Positivism philosophy will also enable the researcher to analyze the data collected by using a statistical approach that is considered to be believable and trustworthy. In order to understand the impact of innovation on the organizational set up and the operations of the organization, both scientific and statistical analysis of the data is essential. Therefore, the use of the particular kind of philosophy provides the provision of using both scientific and statistical approach. In this case, the use of interpretivism philosophy would only allow the researcher to think about the various perspectives and opinions of various individuals only from secondary resources. This will act as a barrier for the researcher to gather knowledgeable information on the different real facts related to the particular research. This is the main reason behind the research of not using the interpretivism philosophy and selecting the positivism philosophy. Both the interpretivism and pragmatism philosophy will prohibit the researcher to carry out a proper and effective scientific and statistical analysis of the gathered data that is related to the research topic.
Small and medium sized industries play an important role in the development of the economic scenario of a particular country. As mentioned earlier the South Western part of England has a large presence of these particular kinds of industries which makes the country one of the largest sectors of SME industry in Europe. The absence of a stable funding and absence of a strong human resource makes them vulnerable to outside threats which makes them prone to losing grounds of sustainability (Perkins Lean and Newbery 2017). However nowadays, the presence of extensive competition in the market has forced a transformation amongst the management of these organizations. The management of these particular organizations is now more dedicated towards the creation of a proper and effective innovation channel within the organization that helps to gain a strong ground in the future. Such an innovative measure can be helpful for the organization as it helps the organization to be at its very best in the market and gain a competitive advantage in the following market. The different SME models that are used by the business firms are generally capable of identification of the progress in the growth and development process of the business firm (Goetsch and Davis 2014). This includes the different phases of the innovative development starting from the development phase, start up phase, reaching and maintaining a state of maturity, further growth stage and finally the decline or end stage.
Innovation in the modern world is generally related to the likes of new products and services provided by the SME’s. Apart from this innovation in the modern world can also be related to the production processes, new techniques of marketing, new technology, intellectual property, business activities, physical activities and other kinds of different new measures (Anderson Poto?nik and Zhou 2014). The innovation can be attained through the presentation of the vision of the company to the employees of the organization. According to, Goetsch and Davis (2014) the following process is supposed to be one of the most complicated ones as because it is not easy to make the people of the business understand the visions of the company. Different studies in this particular regard shows that in most of the cases the management of the business fails to share the exactly similar vision with all the shareholders of the organization. The leadership roles in this particular regards is thus one of the most crucial elements of the modern business. Leadership role serves a crucial part in the business organization especially in the structure of the small and medium sized business organizations. The presence of an able and efficient leader in the business organization helps the business organizations to attain tremendous success. The more capable is the leader; the more is the chance for greater and better innovation of that particular business organization. A better organizational innovation will help the business to stay stable and sustainable in the market in the future. The presence of an effective leader can not only help in the development of a correct path of the organizational innovation process but can also ensure the success of the presence of a proper communication process with the shareholders of the business and also ensure the presence of a shared and similar vision with the shareholders. The presence of such a communication process is essential for the innovation of different strategies and unique ideas and will help to gain a strategically competitive advantage in the market.
According to, Anderson Poto?nik and Zhou (2014) innovation strategy is considered to be one of the key drivers of the organizational change management. Innovation is the key determinant of productivity and promotes long term growth in the organization. Supporting innovation in the SME’s can help in the boost of inclusive growth of the organization (Brunswicker and Vanhaverbeke 2015). The following also helps to reduce the limitations in the production process and also reduces the wage gaps between the employees in large multinational companies and in SME’s. The following report aims to highlight the different types of innovation processes that are undertaken by the management of the companies to improve their productivity (Brunswicker and Vanhaverbeke 2015). Innovation is believed to be the key matter of the productivity that can help the business organizations in their quest for long term growth of the business.
In the case of the current research the researcher has selected the survey and the interview research strategy. The interview research strategy was selected by the researcher as it helps to ensure the collection of data directly from the people related with the organization, this includes the likes of the employees of the organization, especially the managers who are posted in the topmost level of the management of the company. The interview has to be conducted either by directly visiting the workplaces of the organization that have been selected for the research of the innovation process carried out in the Small and Medium Scale companies of United Kingdom or by interviewing the research participants by means of online applications. On the other hand the survey has to be done by constructing a set of selected questionnaires on the research topic provided in the particular research. The survey questionnaire has to be provided to the research participants either by means of handing over the hard copy of the prepared questionnaire to the research participants or by providing the soft copy of the prepared research questionnaire to the research participants in their e-mail id’s or other social networking accounts which are easily accessible and frequently used by both the parties. The questionnaire filled with the responses has to be collected from the participants of the research after a certain period of pre decided time.
In order to conduct a survey and interview, the report has to select the appropriate sampling technique. The probability sampling technique will be used to perform the research. Around 50 people most of them managers and some employees of different SME’s of United Kingdom will be selected as the research participants.
In order to conduct a survey and an interview process in this particular research, the researcher has to select an appropriate sampling technique and a data collection technique that will be suitable for the following research. The most widely used sampling techniques while the efficient conduction of a research is probability and Non-Probability Sampling Techniques. The samples of the survey will have to be collected from a varied range of population based on different kinds of criteria such as age, experience and gender. According to, Klewitz and Hansen (2014) probability sampling technique is defined as the equal chances for all the participants to be selected for the data collection process. In this case, all the participants of a selected population have equal chances of being selected for the data collection process. However, non-probability sampling technique can be defined as the unequal or uneven chances of the participants of a particular population that can be selected for the process of collection of the information. In the case of non-probability sampling technique, the researcher selects the research participants by verifying their suitability in respect to the research topic. As a result, each and every participants of a particular population have quite the similar chances of being a part of the data collection process that will be needed for the research.
In this current research, the researcher has selected both systematic probability sampling technique. This is because in order to understand the role of the management in the top tier in the innovation of the business and to get and understanding of the innovative perspectives of the business, the researcher thought considering the viewpoint of the workers in manufacturing industries. The researcher has used systematic probability sampling technique in order to avoid the bias. There has been scope of bias as the data has been collected from large population. The data has been collected from 50 employees of different SME’s in the South Western part of England. The companies selected generally deals with the manufacture of different products or delivery of different kinds of services. From the entire population of the employees and managers of the selected group of SME’s operating in South Western England, the researchers has selected only 50 employees, as this will make the analysis systematic and easier. 35 managers of different companies and 15 floor level employees were targeted for data collection. The constraint of funds, absence of too much time and absence of too much resource was the main reason behind the limited amount of research analysis and selection of such a short number of participants for the research.
The researcher of this particular research has used the collection of both primary as well as the secondary data collection methods to collect data. The literature review of the particular research was conducted by means of collecting secondary data related to the particular topic. The collection of the particular data helped the research to gain grounds on the highlights of different types of theories and models on innovational policies and the role played by the top level management on its implementation. The primary data was collected by means of the different types of the research analysis of the responses collected from the questionnaires that were provided to the respondents or the participants of the particular research.
Explanation of Data Analysis
The data was analyzed thoroughly and very carefully. A number of different viewpoints regarding the following analysis came to the forefront because of the conduction of the following research. The data collected from the primary data will be analyzed through the use and construction of a number of pie charts, bar, graphs and many more as such. On the other hand the secondary data was collected and referenced in the following research from a number of different sources including the likes of the books, journals, other kinds of researches on the same topic. Secondary sources also included the different kinds of in text sources used in the research and the different kinds of publications used as the references in the particular research.
Innovation strategy is one of the key drivers for the efficient performance of the small and medium enterprises. The application of the innovative culture in a strategic and structured way helps in the efficient performance of the business organization while the efficient performance of the business organizations refers to the innovation and sale of new products and services to the customers. However the analysis of the following research still raises some areas which can be improved by the organizations which includes the likes of proper and effective implementation of the strategies that are helpful to the innovation process of the business organizations.
The main findings from the following research are the important role played by the top tier management of the different business organizations in UK. The research has found out the main factors behind the uniqueness of the innovative policies and their importance and need to each and every different SME’s operating in United Kingdom. The main findings point to the use of innovation as a key driver for growth in the medium and small scale industries of UK. The innovation of new products helps to make the organization perform in a much better and efficient way.
As mentioned in the review of the literature innovation forms one of the main parts of modern business. Innovation strategy is the key driver for the performance of the small and medium scale industries of United Kingdom. The organizations achieve this by means of application of innovative culture in a strategic and structural process. The performance of the SME’s is improved mainly by enhancing the cultures and innovational strategies that are mostly related to the innovation process of the mentioned organization (de Jesus Pacheco et al. 2017). The innovation process generally involves improvement of performance by selling new and unique products and investing in new technologies and new products. The performance of a particular company can be measured by means of four different factors namely;
- Financial performance factor
- Innovative Performance factor
- Production Performance factor
- Market Performance factor
Apart from this the innovation and the different strategies applied by the SME’s have a great impact on the performance of the different SME’s. The following research on innovation clearly shows that innovation can affect the performance and the productivity of the business organizations. The application of company innovation is measured by technological applications, managerial innovation and also product innovation. Thus, it can be said that company innovation is mainly carried out to improve the performance of the business including its productivity.
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