The Role Of Observational Data In Qualitative Research

Overview of the Study

Analyze the important role played by the observational data in the qualitative research work.

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Data is an important part in a research process. Data that is used in a research process can be classified with respect to different aspects. One of the important aspects is the nature of situation from which the data are collected.  In this aspect, data is classified into two categories. These are Experimental data and observational data.  Moreover, the determination of the research method is another important activity before the beginning of any research work. Two frequently used research method are qualitative and quantitative research method. Among these two, the former method is used to make research on social science topic. In this context, it is important to note that, in the qualitative research method, the observational data is used generally. In this particular research work, the main objective is to the role that is played by the observational data in a qualitative research method (Sujarwo and Caneva, 2015). In this context, it is important to note that, the data collection and analysis process in a particular research work depends on which type of data is used in the research. In this particular research work, another aim is to evaluate the key characteristics of the collection as well as analysis process when the qualitative data is used as the main resources of the research work.

The present research paper aims to analyze the important role played by the observational data in the qualitative research work.  In this context, it is important to point out that, in a research work, different types of data are used such as experimental data, observational data.  However, which types of data will be applied in a particular research work depends mainly on the research requirement. Moreover, it is also important to note that, the collection process and the analysis process of observational data is somewhat different from those of the experimental data.  This difference makes the investigator of this particular research process interested about the key characteristics of the data collection and the analysis process of observational data. The researcher needs two types of data at the time of conducting a research process such as primary data and secondary data. Therefore, the data collection technique can be classified again into two divisions. These are primary data collection method and the secondary data collection method.  Like the data collection method, there are a number of data analysis methods that are used in a research work.  The two most frequently used methods are qualitative and quantitative research. Which type of research method will be used in a particular research process depends purely on the research objectives (Caobelli et al. 2015).

Data Collection in Qualitative Research

The qualitative research method is adopted when the researcher is interested to know about the some real phenomenon and the reason behind the emergence of that phenomenon. This implies that, when the researcher is interested to gain knowledge on some real fact, mainly social fact, that the qualitative research method will  be used. This indicates that, in this type of method all the data collected from the natural environment. In this context, it is important to note that, in qualitative research method, both numerical variable and attributes can be used as based on the research requirement. This implies that, in the qualitative research method, both qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis technique are used. Now, which types of data analysis method will be used in a particular research work depends on the nature of variable that are required to conduct the research process properly.  Moreover, different kinds of data sampling procedure are used frequently in the qualitative research method. Since all the data that are used in this research method are taken from the real environment, therefore both types of sampling procedure are use such as probabilistic and non-probabilistic sampling method. Now which types of sampling procedure will be employed in a particular research process, depends mostly on the current situation (Shi et al. 2015).

The quantitative part, as well as the qualitative part of the data collection system mainly, includes holding different kind’s interview sessions with the participants. All the collected data are critically analyzed in order to conclude the investigation process with useful data and findings (Delgado-González,  2015).

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This part of the research paper support different kind’s theories and models in the application of the research paper. There are several advantages and disadvantages of developing a proper literature review of the selected topic. With the help of an appropriate literature review, the investigator will be able to support the entire research work with adequate information and data. There are several parts which are highlighted in this part of the study (Hartas, 2015). Hence, the literature review part is considered as most crucial part of the entire research procedure. There is several sections of data analysis system, which the majority of the investigator adopts in the operations of the research work. In this particular investigation process, the study has used both primary modes of data collection technique and on the other hand, secondary mode of data collection techniques.

Data Analysis in Qualitative Research

The primary mode of data collection techniques is divided into parts. One is the quantitative, part and other one is the qualitative part. Both the quantitative part as well as the qualitative part is important for different kinds of investigation procedure. The quantitative part of the data analysis process based on organizing different types of interview session with various people based on the requirements of the research paper. This is one of the most important parts of the entire investigation procedure. The majority of the data are collected with the help of the quantitative data analysis. It is one of the most important parts of the entire data collection procedure. The objectives of the primary mode of data collection are to critically analyze the implementation of all the collected data (Teo, 2015). The sample pace of data collection is determined by the requirements of the research work. The quantitative mode of data collection helps the researcher to analyze the entire investigation procedure with appropriate data and findings.

The secondary mode of data collection is explained with the help of different kinds of secondary information. Secondary mode of data collection helps the investigator to consult with various official websites, books, journals and magazines. The objective of the secondary mode of data collection is to critically analyze the data, which are already published  (Menendez-Baceta,  2015). The purpose of the study is to examine the fundamental characteristic of the observational data in the qualitative data analysis procedure. Census, existing sources, survey sampling and designed experiments are the necessary forms of quantitative data analysis procedure. The investigator who organizes the entire data analysis system will formulate the investigation procedure based on the requirements of the research work. Depending upon the demands of the survey method the investigator decides to construct the entire inquiry system.

Data are one of the most crucial parts of the whole investigation procedure. Both the primary data as well as well as the secondary data plays an important aspect in the entire inquiry process. In this particular study, the objectives of the quantitative data are analyzed correctly. The application of the quantitative data needs to be analyzed properly in order to avoid different kinds misunderstands. Sometimes it becomes one of the most difficult jobs for the investigator in order to complete the investigation procedure on time. It is one of the most difficult jobs for the investigator in order to complete the entire inquiry process. In order to collect proper quantitative data the investigator in the study faces different kinds of barriers and challenges to gather complete and appropriate data in the study. Quantitative mode of data collection is another important part of the entire data analysis procedure.  Based on the findings of the quantitative method of the data collection the qualitative mode of data collection is analyzed correctly. Both quantitative part as well as well as the qualitative part are the two significant part of the data analysis procedure. In the process of entire data analysis system mainly the quantitative part as well as a qualitative part, data sampling procedure is equally importan.

Primary and Secondary Data Collection Techniques

Determination of the source and the role of data collection method in the business are very much crucial in the organization (Kim et al., 2015). There are different points, which are highlighted in the entire study of the qualitative data. The importance of qualitative data in the industry, business intelligence, and business impact are the key factors that are emphasized in the operations of this particular research.    In a research work, observational data is used when the researcher wants to collect data based on what is happen related to the research topic and make conclusion only based on that received data.  Qualitative research is an exploratory research in which the researcher wants to gain some understanding of what has happened actually in the research topic. This indicates that observational data is very useful for carrying out a qualitative research work.  However, sometimes it can be seen that, at the date of making qualitative research, the observational data does not help the research to get a proper understanding of the research topic (Coddington, 2015).  The effectiveness of the observational data in a qualitative research depends on the particular research subject. In this research work, the primary objective is to make a critical evaluation of the role of the observational data in different qualitative research work.  In this context, it is important to note that, if a researcher used observational data, then it has employed a different technique to process data than the researcher does in the case of experimental data.  For this reason, in this particular research topic, it will be also analyzed what are the fundamental characteristics of the processes of data collection and analysis when the observational data are used as the primary resources.

At the time of research work, the investigator chooses the qualitative research method when it is necessary to gain an in-depth understanding of the research topic. Sometimes the investigator needs to find out the reason behind the occurrence of some events of the phenomenon. In this case, the investigator does not need to require conducting an experiment. Rather, the analyst needs to gather the actual data either from the primary sources or the secondary sources and make an analysis of the accumulated data to reach the reason behind the occurrence of the real phenomenon (Ono et al. 2015).  This implies that, in qualitative research, the researcher should make all the analysis based on the actual data, not on the manipulated data. In this sense, the observational data plays a significant role in the qualitative research work. In this context, it is important to note that, qualitative research work is mainly done in the studies of psychologist, anthropology, sociology. In these subjects, in this not possible for the researcher to make an experiment and gather required data for the completion of the research work. More precisely, in the qualitative research work, the investigator needs investigating the behaviors of the human participants without distorting the actual environment. Otherwise, the result of the research work will be wrong. In this case, observational data is very useful for obtaining the information. It has been observed that experimental data does not help the investigators to gather non-manipulated data and makes an accurate conclusion.  Another fact in this context is important to point out that the use of observational study reduces the probability of occurrence of distortion between the observer and what is observed that can be produced by an experiment.  The use of observational data in the research work provides the researcher the opportunity to make the entire analysis and conclusion based on the characteristic data. Hence, from the above analysis, it can be told that the use of observational data is very necessary for conducting a qualitative research work correctly. Otherwise, the entire research process and the conclusion may be biased.

Challenges in Collecting Data

 The essential characteristics of the process through which the observational data are collected and analyzed will be discussed in this section. The first component of the data collection process is it is a systematic process.  The reason is it is not possible to gather data haphazardly. The investigator has to pre-determine the length of the observation, the time interval between two observations, the total number of observation, the tools, and techniques to collect the data accurately. The second feature of the data collection process is this process is particular. This indicates that, at the time of observational data collection process, the investigator does not collect all the aspects of the human behavior. Then that will be additional data collection. The researcher, instead of this, first determines the actual situation and then determines which particular aspects of the human behavior need to collect. This implies that, at the time of observational data collection, the investigator collects data on specific issues. Another important characteristic of observational data collection process, the observation, is objective and free from any bias. At the time of data collection, the researcher has the clear view of the research objectives (Cressie, 2015). For this reason, the collected observation is accurate. Moreover, the all the data are collected without distorting the actual environment. This keeps the received data unbiased. However, in this context, it is important to note that, since all the data are collected from the actual environment; it may happen that the collected data may be different from the expectation of the investigators. The fourth feature of the data collection process is all the collected data will be analyzed both numerically and qualitatively based on the actual nature of the collected data. The social phenomenon often is qualitative, but to complete the research process, the researcher may collect both the numerical or qualitative data as per the specific requirement of the particular research process. The fifth characteristic of the data collection process is the collected observational data is easily verified. Since the observational data are collected from the natural environment, therefore they should be tested first before applying for the analysis purpose (McNeil, 2015). In this context, it is important to note that, the observational data can be checked and verified directly if it is collected from the primary source. On the other hand, it can be confirmed even if it is obtained from the secondary resources using different statistical processes such as reliability, validity, and usability. Observation is a disciplined and systematic data collection method. In this process, researchers use all of their senses to detect humans in their respective natural settings or situations that occur naturally. Observation of a particular field environment involves the following. Engagement for a prolonged period in a particular environment or a social situation. Clearly expressed and conscious notations of how observing are done. Tactical and structured can be with the improvisation with the objective of developing a correct understanding of the delightful setting. Imparting standardized attention. Recording of a persons’ observation. Now Reasons for using observational data in research are highlighted (Edwards and Haas, 2016). When the type of research question that is to be answered is highlighted on answering how or what type question.  When little information is known to justify the people’s behavior in a particular setting and the topic is also relatively unexplored. When understanding in a detailed way, the meaning of an environment is necessary. When studying, a phenomenon is important in its natural environment. When self-report data is probably to be dissimilar from actual behavior.  When implementation of an intervention in a natural setting, observation may be used in association with other data collection techniques.  Observational data can assist researchers to analyze the validity of an intervention across the settings. Now characteristics of the processes of data collection and analysis when using observation as the main data source is discussed. Various observation methods are helpful to researchers in different ways.

Quantitative Data Collection

They provide researchers with ways to detect for expression of feelings that are non verbal, determine who interacts with whom, grasp how communication takes place between each other, and identify the amount of time spent on various activities (Silverman, 2013). Participant observation helps researchers to examine definitions of certain terms are used in interviews with members, consider events that informants may be disagreeing  to share , particularly when doing so would lack sensitivity, and view situations informants have described in interviews, thereby making them known to the distortions or incorectness in description provided by those sources. DeWALT and DeWALT  opined that “the goal for design of research using participant observation as a method is to develop a holistic understanding of the phenomena under study that is as objective and accurate as possible given the limitations of the method”. They suggest that participant observation should be used as a way to increment the viability of the study, as comments can make the researcher have a better knowledge of the context and phenomenon under study (Lewin, 2016). Validity is stronger with the use extra strategies used with consideration, such as document analysis, surveys, interviews or questionnaires, or other methods. Participant observation can be used to help answer descriptive research questions, to build theory, or to generate or test hypotheses. Therefore, these are the essential characteristics of the processes of data collection and analysis when using observation as primary data source (Thorpe and Holt, 2007).


 In this research work, it has been discussed that, how observational data plays a significant role in the qualitative research study. Since, the qualitative research method has been adopted in the social science topic; therefore, the use of observational data is the only way to accomplish the research properly. It helps the researcher to get a proper overview of the subject and the closely related topics. This understanding will in turn help the researcher to answer the research question and reach the objectives.  Moreover, in the research study, it has been also observed that, at the time of using the observational data, the researcher should use somewhat different collection and analysis technique.

The research paper is based on the role of observational data in qualitative research, and the fundamental characteristics included in the process of data collection and analysis when using as the primary data source.

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