The Role Of Mobile Technology, UX Design, And Social Networking In The Workplace
Mobile Technology and UX Design in the Workplace
In current environment, executive people are having easy access to various mobility technologies (Cheng, Liu and Yao 2017). By the help of this technology, various workers can easily establish connection with office, team and their process whenever it is located. Only few organizations have developed mobile technologies across board. But a major of them are evaluating mobile technologies. It has ultimately rolled out for limited production for large number of users (Barrett et al. 2015). Mobile user (UX) experience design can be stated as the positive experience which is encountered at the time use of mobile device. It also emphasizes on large number of application which tends to run on these devices.
Mobile users engage themselves in devices at some of the crucial moments and only short period of time (Li, Mäntymäki and Zhang 2016). They aim to gather experience which needs to personalized, efficient and enjoyable which is required for keeping them engaged. It ultimately emphasizes the continuous use of such items. The UX design of mobile focus on providing device which is streamlined for the need of users (El Sawy et al. 2016). The context of user aims in looking for himself or herself along with keeping the interaction as low as possible.
The second challenges which are encountered in mobile UX are discoverability. It can be stated as the ease with which user can easily find a service or an application (Olugasa 2013). Retention and engagement results in huge amount of challenges as user can easily find plentiful and alternatives for the need. The UX designer is careful in shaping the experience of various users. It ranges from discovery to operation with another kind of devices or even services. The ultimate goal of designers is creating a positive and proper meaningful experiences for large number of user (Buellingen and Woerter 2004). Design of mobile focus on analyzing the consistency of brand and user expectation of content with respect to inferior version.
Modern devices like mobile phone focus on large number of screen phones which makes the mobile device so much convenient and portable in given size (TaKeaways 2013). When compared to desktop or even laptops screens, phone screen can easily accommodate a number of content (Henrickse and Indulska 2006). So, the screen size is considered to be limited to various mobile devices. The overall content can be displayed for the fold around 30-inch monitor which requires 5 screens on given 4-inch screen.
Challenges of Mobile UX Design
Mobile phones are considered to be portable in nature which can easily fit in the given pocket (Unwin and Sanzogni 2013). It mainly tends to follow every person at the given location. The fact should be taken into account that an external environment is mainly needed for drawing attention and requires individual for stopping at various location. Designer should make the content easy for large number of users and can easily resume the interruption of various task (Power and Phillips-Wren 2011). The given mobile application or website should be checked for the given time. It should be prepared as per the accordance of the given interruption. It should be able to focus on certain number of transition based on application and website as much as smooth as possible. It is done so that the user does not have to redo the given work which has been done before the given interruption.
With the passage of time, social networking has become a new trend in workplace. It can be used for carrying out a large number of function like analyzing the profile of employees to business promotion (Guerrero et al. 2004). It mainly encourages interaction between the employees. Various kinds of website like LinkedIn, Facebook and sites like Twitter provide free advertisement. It can be used for benefiting an organization or business (Dospinescu et al. 2008). It can be used for incorporation of social networking in the given workplace which provides a large number of disadvantages.
Social networking plays a large number of roles in the current work environment (D’Mello and Sahay 2007). Most of the workplace make use of social networking for sharing of information among the employees. The information can be shared while they are away from office for building relationship with one another. Social networking aims to provide a large number of number of ways where various employees can easily learn about potential and current status of employees (Fogel and Nehmad 2009). A large number of social networking sites aim to create a platform for promoting an individual on online platform without the need of any advertisement.
Social networking comes up with ability for hurting large number of employees which are in relation with an organization. Employee can easily send negative message for harassing through social media sites (Sheng, Nah and Siau 2005). It can easily hinder their ability to working together in the workplace. Social networking creates a platform where employees can easily establish communication with one another. It can take place throughout the day without the need of delay of overhearing which can ultimately lead to increase in off-task conversation (Pye and Warren 2006).
The Importance of Social Networking in the Workplace
With a proper access to various social networking in workplace many cases of potential breach of confidentiality can take place (Dunlop and Brewster 2002). Various workers can easily post updates with respect to promotion of business information. In many cases, it is seen that employees can share confidential information with the help of social networking sites. When an employee posts something negative about the company on the social networking website then it can easily damage the reputation of the organization among the social networking users (Patten and Harris 2013).
There is large number of benefits of which are encountered by organization for taking a mobile-center that is required for workforce management (Islam et al. 2015). It is mainly required by organization which has employees across in wide range of roles. The roles can vary from sales and customer service to proper maintenance and its production. It aims to depend on modern mobile services for maintaining production (Dwyer, Hiltz and Passerini 2007). There is a large number of methods which can be used for improving employee productivity when they are mobilized like:
Identifying the users: Mobile is not one size which fits all the given technology. In most of scenario mobility requires proper kind of salesforce which will differ in the domain of maintenance (Kennedy et al. 2007). It is considered to be very much important as the needs are not identified in the upfront. By analyzing the field of users their profile can be easily benefitted from mobile. It can easily give priority to user groups with proper kind of mobilizing effort which is as per need of the users.
Engaging user in design groups: Bring the various end users and making their involvement in the beginning stage is required for developing the application (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta and Lanvin, 2013). Providing the various users in the beginning stage can be considered to be helpful in keeping the keeping the track of various expectation and needs.
Investing in current technologies: All the investment should be done on modern platform and its architecture. Field of workforce application mainly depends on the exchange of various kind of information which is combined with data with the current system (Skeels and Grudin 2009). Most mobile based application can easily establish connection with the given data by making use of cloud-based mobile backend.
Getting ready for upcoming changes: Most mobile application can easily adapt to the given field which is required for face of skills, changing people (Shankar et al. 2010). Easy adaptation can be considered to be very much helpful for maximizing the investment over the given long term.
Benefits of Mobile-Centric Workforce Management
Organization structure can be stated as the method by which various organization can easily arrange for people and jobs (Raman 2006). The work can be performed and all the goals of the given organization can be met. When the workplace is very small then face to face is more and formal structure is not required. In most of cases, larger firm needs to have decision which is all about delegation of different task. Most of the organization comes up groups in different groups of the organization which is needed for highest level of fundamental role in providing shape to organization (Lu, Yao and Yu 2005). There are mainly four basic rules that are function, product, geographic and lastly market.
Functional Departmentalization: Each and every organization require certain number of jobs for carrying out the work (TaKeaways 2013). The most of the important factor for an organization is all about purchasing, accounting and lastly personnel. The biggest disadvantage of functional grouping is all about making people who come up with some kind of skills and knowledge which is needed for development of narrow departmental (Unwin and Sanzogni 2013).
Graphical Departmentalization: Organization which spread over a large area can easily find advantage in proper way for organizing in the given geographical lines (Henrickse and Indulska 2006). It is mainly done so that various kind of activities are easily performed in the given region are properly managed. In case of large organization, physical separation can easily make centralized co-ordination much difficult.
Product Departmentalized: Most of large and diversified organization can easily organize themselves as per the need of the product. All the required activities need to be carried by various products and markets of similar products which are grouped in together (Power and Phillips-Wren 2011). The biggest advantage of this type of structure is all the personnel in the given group can easily focus on the given need of the organization and can easily become expert in three phases that is development, production and lastly distribution of various products.
Market departmentalization: Various organization can benefit themselves for kind of service which is offered by its customers (Guerrero et al. 2004). In some of cases, the distribution organization can easily sell consumer goods. Small business can easily make decision with respect to base of the given primary decision.
Organization structure is all about grouping of people for carrying out or accomplishing a given task (Dospinescu et al. 2008). It aims in building a relationship among the various business managers and workers. It ultimate provide them with ability to carry out their given responsibility. There is some kind of configuration which exists in the current environment. A small business owner can choose one over the other by the given structure which is totally based on various kind of activities. Grouping of people in together way can remove certain behavior (D’Mello and Sahay 2007). It will ultimately make the small business owners in making choice with respect to various kind of products. The best culture is all about accomplishing the given strategic goals.
Managerial influence: Efficiency of managerial staff members is all about broad-reaching the effect of various organization (Fogel and Nehmad 2009). It can ultimately affect the organization structure. Any kind of weak or incompetent management at the given level of organization can be spread throughout the organization. It can create some sort of managerial decision in the department and also affect the other departments which come in contact in them and reduction of overall productivity (Sheng, Nah and Siau 2005). Good kind of management can easily have opposite kind of effect. It can easily lead to efficient and decision making which is required for intelligent decision making (Lu, Yao and Yu 2005). It can be considered to be helpful for improving the productivity and overall efficiency.
Growth: With the passage of time, the organization can grow due to internal structure, communication and proper kind of administrative channel which can be stained at the given point of efficiency (Pye and Warren 2006). A proper kind of structure is required for focusing on the fact that how design can grow with the given organization.
Reputation can be stated as an important concept which requires interaction between two given mutual trusting parties (Dunlop and Brewster 2002). Before the issues of a credit card, a bank focus certain number of checks of applicants focus on credit history. It includes on certain independently on evidence which are required by application for fulfilling the certain number of obligation. In the case, internet auction sites focus on eBay, reputation of seller, behavior of past buyers along with reputation (Patten and Harris 2013). Most of the solution is encountered for free rider problem which is used for downloading any kind of contribution. It totally depends on evidence from past contribution which is required for granting accesses to some of the popular files.
Agents assumed to have some of the partial knowledge in the whole given history (Raman 2006). At the time of deciding whether trust should be there or not they tend to rely on some of past behavior which is given some of the trusted sources (Islam et al. 2015). Trust is considered to be conventional is all about managing the whole is based on access controls credentials.
Trust is considered to be central part of any organization. Organization mainly inclusive of a trust layer which is required for ontology, logic and various layers of roofs (Kennedy et al. 2007). Trust in most of the cases can be stated as a mechanism which is required to verify a large number of sources which needs to be claimed in proper. Signature and proper encryption mechanism should be all about consumer regarding the checking of sources of the provided information (Shankar et al. 2010). Proof should be given in such a way that their claim is valid for large number of people.
In the current world, there has been continuous progress which is driven by technology and interconnection (Bilbao-Osorio, Dutta and Lanvin, 2013). Cyber-crime focus on certain number of serious issues which is obstacle for business growth and advancement in the scientific growth. Trust in IT is very much committed for wide range of cybersecurity standards. It is mainly used for ensuring interoperability for solution and improving resilience to various kind of cybercrime.
Trust: Trust in IT is all about contributed for proper collection for requirement for various users. It is all about defining a common kind of reference model for various cloud service level agreement (Skeels and Grudin 2009). It is all about developing a proper set of agreement and developing a proper set of goals and tools (Simpson and Foltz 2018). It is mainly about guiding the community which is all about making certain number of informed decision with respect to SLA.
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