The Role Of Managers In Ensuring Care Settings Meet Statutory Requirements

Effective Management

Managing safety and freedom is not easy task. There must be great combination between these two factors in order to lead a successful organization. There are many examples of care setting who are highly involved in providing care services to the victims’ across the world. One of the most reputed care home is Bupa Care home in UK which aims at supporting and providing care services to the victims. They aim at providing nursing care services to those who are not able to take care of themselves. Similarly, managers in the organization also plays a major role creating care services to the employees and make sure if they work effectively or not.

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Effective Management is the involvement of the leaders in an organization which aims at communicating, motivating, and inspiring people to work with flow and produce actions. The outcomes shown must be committed towards success. The idea of effective management involves the planning and implementing of all the activities in an organization in an effective and efficient way with the optimal utilization of resources. Basically, effective management starts at personal level and then goes to personnel level. The managers play an important role in order to encourage the coworkers and employees and manage the system effectively. An organization can be effective through practice and learning.

The effective management between care and control also play a crucial role. Effective management denotes doing the right thing at the right time. In any private organization, the effective management is the way how people react to certain things. The balance between the care and economic interests, innovation, efficacy and human attention are the important factors of the management (Patel, 2008).

The safety and risk management are two of the most important factors that can easily be comparable to genotype and phenotype that exists within the organization. The DNA report of the patient can be compared as the most significant safety measures that must be taken into highest priority. Likewise, the safety of the employees in the organization helps to measure the risk factors that makes the organization work better and safer.  According to the dictionary, it can be defined as the “Condition of being safe” which is used in the context of patient care. Similarly, safety can also be considered as the dynamic non-event. Here, Non-event refers to that safety which is non-permanent in nature and also work as a non-occurrence of undesired events. However, the term dynamic refers to the things that can never be long lasting but however, it must be achieved on the daily basis. If safety needs to be addressed and achieved daily, the employee must play an important role (ISHM, 2017).

Safety Culture

The word “Safety Culture” was first introduced and used in 1986 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This concept was used in a public report which covered GSA i.e. Greatest Supposed Accident of Chernobyl. According to this context, IAEA represented Safety culture as the property and attitude that dignify the image of the organization which aims at focusing on the idea that safety must be paid special attention and it must be taken on highest priority as well. Aside from Safety culture, safety climate is also equally important. Safety culture and safety climate may look similar but they both have different concepts and meanings. Safety climate is changeable because it include the perceptions of all the individual based on their personal thinking. Generally, safety climate is examined by the number of questionnaires. The members in the organization must interact with each other and develop common perception regarding safety (Kumra and Manfredi, 2012).

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Care setting named Care UK also aims at providing inequality knowledge, power, freedom, and identity and also target on the mission “fulfilling the lives”. They also focus on taking care of the victims and making them happy.There are many sources of discrimination factors that drives the culture in an organization. Equality is defined as the way to ensure that all the members are treated favorably (Cole and Morgan, 2010). There must not be nay discrimination based on the race, gender, characters, income, religion, age and many more. Today in all the areas, the issues regarding inequality must be removed. Some inequality issues involve harassment, victimization and bullying. These are also known as diversity issues (Cowell, 2011).

Diversity refers to an aim to respect, value and recognize people’s differences and the way they contribute. Their contribution and potential must be promoted and realized. One can promote equality and diversity in several ways. Some of them are treating every members equally, maintaining an inclusive culture all around, making sure that all the members are served with equal opportunities, helping everyone to enhance potential skills that will challenge the issues of inequality and assuring equal policies, procedures and processes (Local Government, 2013).

The new equality act was proposed and implemented in 2010. This act aims at bringing 116 different pieces of legislation together and combining them into one single Act. The new act formed will aim at providing a legal framework that will protect the rights based on equality.

Equality and Diversity

Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010, aim at strengthening, simplifying and creating a harmony for all the activities that are related to legislation. It also aim at implementing new discrimination law that will help to protect people who are suffering from unfair practices and policies and also promote equality.  There are majorly pieces of legislation that has been merged such as Equal Pay Act 1970, Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 and many more.

This Act also aim providing any other guidance on Equality and Human Rights Commission website. The most common Government website is Specific Public Sector Equalities Duties. The equality act was further proposed in 2011. It include certain rules and regulations that public must follow and comply with. The main objective of the duties is to provide aid to the public and also helping them to promote equality that take place in the workplace and in an organization (OPM, 2016).

The General Quality Duty helps public to exercise their functions and reduce the possibility of discrimination, harassment and victimization. It also aims at fostering the good relationship and bond between those who have same characteristics regarding the equality factors. The general equality duty also focus on reducing and decreasing the effects inequality that people have suffered since long time. They aim at protecting the characteristics of the people. They also aim at taking major steps to meet the demands of the people and motivate and inspire those in order to participate in several activities that will encourage them to work more without any issues involved in the workplace (Equality and Human Right Commission, 2017).

As a result, it can be shown that the Act must be followed by the public bodies in order to minimize inequality and diversity in the country or any organization (Thompson, 2016).

Likewise, Multidisciplinary team is also plays a major role in the organization. It is defined as the combination of many inter professional working arrangements (Banks and Banks, 2010). Generally it happens that a problem is defined and people work in a team to solve the identified problem (Duggan, 2013). But sometimes due to changing nature of the problems, it becomes really difficult to select the best team who will best solve the problem. In order to decide the best team, one must analyze every members of the team based on their strengths and weaknesses. Multidisciplinary team are often recognized and aimed at focusing on developing every aspects of service users. The needs of the service providers are identified and then based on their needs, advices are given to them. The main aim of multidisciplinary team is to provide a combined services that will be important to both service user and promote them to lead a quality life (Reeves, Lewin, Espin and Zwarenstein, 2011).

Equality Act 2010

Let us take an example, when a patient is discharged from the hospital suffering from mobility problems may need an additional help after returning back to home. Further assistance may take place because he/she might need extra care even after being treated (Rivers, 2010). Here, several health care professionals are required to provide such services and care for the patients. The patient may also require a nurse that will take care of the patient at home and help in dressing and washing of wounds. The process and the policies involved in the multidisciplinary actions that needs to be taken for older people are the best example of health care services. There must be high degree of trust between the care providers and the service taker. Sometimes, it happens that there exists a conflict between the nurses and social workers which leads to query and other many problems (Uni center, 2017).

Multidisciplinary team is often used it refers to the health and social care facilities and services. The meaning of this term varied from person to person and their perception towards work. The ideas of the people working together also do not match with each other. Multidisciplinary is often confused with the term interdisciplinary. Multidisciplinary refers to the working together in different professionals with a common objectives towards all clients (Malley and Fernández, 2010).

Similarly, multidisciplinary concept is widely used in the field of health and social care services. In social work, multidisciplinary work is taken by workers and professionals and they both are combined together to perform a task.

For an instance, let us discuss the role of social worker in a hospital. The process that is involved in discharging a patient from hospital include health and care services. Later, social care agencies take care of the critical factors after the discharge of the patients. This will help to easily analyze which authority is responsible of any problem is seen (Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, 2013).

Furthermore, there are many roles of the Local Government/Health Care Trusts/Social Services. Some of them are listed below.

It helps people to live a better and healthy life and assuring the people to get the best treatment and support of needed. They also aim at providing respect and dignity to the public they deserve (Feldstein, 2012).

They also aim at working and delivering the services which is based in the national priorities. The objectives, goals, targets and budget are set on the behalf of the Secretary of State.

General Equality Duty

The main responsibility of the government is to ensure that the whole system is working together or not in order to treat all the patients and provide them assistance. There are some requirements which must be considered to make a contract with the Health Care Trust.

If the CCG agrees and supports to provide care to the patients even after the discharge from hospital, then a written contract in the form of an NHS standard contract must be entered that will take place between care home and CCG. NHS Standard Contract is used with the regulations and technical guidance 20.

The contract should set out the level of service that the home agrees to provide, define clinical governance regimes, review mechanisms and the price to be paid.

 It should limit the extent to which the care home can increase the fees and require the care home to report to the CCG if the patient’s medical condition changes.

From April 2016, CCGs have been permitted to use the Shorter Form Contract21.  

Form the above report, it can be concluded that it is very important to manage the work life with safety guidance. Plenty of care service providers can be seen worldwide who are involved in taking care of the sufferers by providing assistance such as giving home to elders, counseling suffers and many more. Bupa health services in UK has also successfully helped the nursing and residential victims.  The proper understanding of risk management is very significant in the work place or any organization. There are many health care services and trust that aim at maintaining a healthy relationship with the patients by providing them proper care. However, the concept of inequality should also be minimized to create a prosperous environment. 


Banks, J.A. and Banks, C.A.M. eds., 2010. Multicultural education: Issues and perspectives. John Wiley & Sons.

Cole, S. and Morgan, N. eds., 2010. Tourism and inequality: Problems and prospects. CABI.

Cowell, F., 2011. Measuring inequality. Oxford University Press.

Duggan, T., 2013, Multidisciplinary Teams & the Importance of Teamwork, Viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Equality and Human Right Commission, 2017, an introduction to the Equality Act 2010, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Feldstein, P.J., 2012. Health care economics. Cengage Learning.

ISHM, 2017, Organizational Safety Culture, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Kumra, S. and Manfredi, S., 2012. Managing equality and diversity: Theory and practice. Oxford University Press.

Local Government, 2013, Health and social care commissioning: the procurement implications, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Malley, J. and Fernández, J.L., 2010. Measuring quality in social care services: theory and practice. Annals of public and cooperative economics, 81(4), pp.559-582.

OPM, GOV., 2016, Performance Management, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Patel, R., 2008, Management Effectiveness, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Reeves, S., Lewin, S., Espin, S. and Zwarenstein, M., 2011. Interprofessional teamwork for health and social care (Vol. 8). John Wiley & Sons.

Rivers, J., 2010. The Law of Organized Religions: between establishment and secularism. Oxford University Press.

Thompson, N., 2016. Anti-discriminatory practice: Equality, diversity and social justice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Uni center, 2017, Social Work in a Multidisciplinary Context Social Work, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, 2013, Understanding safety culture, viewed on 1st March, 2018. Available at:

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