The Role Of Leadership In Business And Internal Factors That Influence Success

Importance of Leadership in Business

Discuss about the Practical Measurement of Teamwork Skills.

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With the changing scenarios in the market, businesses have emerged as one of the most adopted in order to earn. Business in simple words means, all the activities conducted with the aim of rendering products or services fulfilling the demands of the society blended with the personal motive to earn profit. To head a successful business in the dynamic environment, the organisations must internally work in positive and synchronised way by utilising and arranging all the resources in an appropriate way (Schaltegger, & Wagner, 2017). To attain the desired goals and objectives of the business requires a good leader. A leader is someone who influence, guide, manage, or supervise a group of people in the direction which leads in attaining the targets.

Leadership in business plays a vital role. Leadership provides the business ability to reach out the challenging targets, meet the competition that exists in the market, and inspiring the employees to perform efficiently and effectively. It is due the efforts of a strong leader that the organisation is capable to maximize their productivity and arrive at the desired goals. The given content is analysed to identify the internal aspects which assists the business to flourish and establish a strong base in the market. Till the date, I assumed that the business worked just with the commands and orders that need to be followed by the employees but this analysis will elaborate the other internal factors apart from updated technology that assist the business to flourish more in the long run sustainability plan.

In the current scenario, the environment is surrounded with an immense competition flourishing all around. No business grows with any magic overnight, to be expanding and developing it requires decorous strategies and leadership. Leadership is one of those key elements which facilitate the organisation to reach a step closure to the target. With the clear vision about the ultimate ambition further working is directed to the employees who convert the plan into actions. For a business to be flourishing it is important that the management and leadership to go hand in hand to maintain the essential balance (Brewster, Chung, & Sparrow, 2016). Business are the result of a combined efforts all resources towards a certain predefined ambition of the organisation. Earlier, I believed that with the view to succeed business focused only on the strategies and technology but there are many internal factors that influence the working.

Creativity as a Key to Success

To understand the complex concepts of the business I have conducted an analysis about the working. We will now look at the inner basic world which constructs every existing business as whole. The organisations exist because of the human resources which with sets of methods and policies turn the idea into the reality. Basic purpose of the business is to deliver the demand of the society in such a way that it fulfils the need and let the organisation earn profit. To stand strong in the dynamicity of demand and needs of the consumer it is very important to be creative enough in rendering the product and service which creates value for the customers. Creativity is the key purpose of the success of any organisation as it provides the uniqueness which makes differ from the rest of the already existing organisation (Marodin, Waterhouse, & Malik, 2017). To beat the competition of the market it is necessary to initiate the innovative essence in the working (Rothlin, & McCann, 2016). Also, I truly believe that creativity helps in utilizing the resources of the society in a proper way by generating alternatives that certainly lowers the cost and increase the chances of profits.

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Depending on the ultimate target audience the creativity levels differ from organisation to organisation (Y?ld?z, Ba?türk, & Boz, 2014). Taking initiative and implementing the idea commands a team work. A single individual cannot bring out the change in practice when rendering to a large group of people, it is where the importance of team work comes into play. The term ‘TEAM’ holds the highest importance in any organisation, team stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. There are many different operations that have to be performed together simultaneously in accomplishment of a task. Different employees join hands together to perform the various functions in a task according to the potential and capabilities they pursue (Salas, Shuffler, Thayer, Bedwell, & Lazzara, 2015).

When talking about team work, I always wondered how difficult it must be to manage all employees at the same time so that the work culture does not get affected. As we all are familiar with the fact that the human is the most versatile creation everybody with different perspective for the same situation (Brock, McAliney, Ma & Sen, 2017). This statement gives rise another crucial issue of conflicts. At workplaces disagreement or clash between two or more subordinates or employer and employees are some common occurring issues (Cahn, & Abigail, 2014). Although, these issues are faced in every business but have a huge impact on other employees and productivity of the organisation. In such situation it is the duty of the supervisor to provide with the suitable answer and retain the positive working environment. Occurrence Of clashes leads to disturbance and lower morale of employees and work culture (Al Saifi, 2015). For any business hindering the work culture is an expensive affair to be addressed to. 

The Significance of Team Work

As I mentioned above success is the flow of contribution of every individual, thus taking the corrective decision is the vitally influential point for the business. From selecting the criteria to the candidate, every single decision taken impacts the working of the organisation either directly or indirectly. A wrong move or decision can cost an immense loss to the business. Decision imposed in any situation are implemented while keeping in mind the values and consequences that the verdict will affect when in action. At times the employees are provided to take some decisions so that the delay in work does not occur and helps in creating strong sense of loyalty of the employees towards the organisation (Kaner, 2014). Delegation of responsibilities and authorities benefits both the employees and the organisation by distributing the work of the organisation between the people which somehow avoids the delays in work and also by creating a sense of belonging among the employees makes them render the best work of their potential.

Before expecting the decisions made to be implemented in the desired manner, I feel the organisation and the business to have a great command over the ‘communication system’. Communication is the way of transmitting the information to the rest of the people to get things done. The process of transferring the information needs to be strong as the further working and implementation of the strategies will be based on how well the message of doing work was passed on (Cardon, 2014). Any disturbance or miscommunication between the employees and employers leads to wrong implementation of the task. Thus choosing the correct medium to communicate the message is essential. The leader should ensure that their exact idea is conveyed to the employees as well so that the expected outcome can be received. According to the perception I have selection of the way of communication is just as necessary as hiring the right candidate to perform a task so that maximum return can be achieved. A proper flow of communication can avoid many of the issues including conflicts, lower productivity, delay in rendering work, and wastage of resources.

Every business have long term goal of expansion and growth and in the world where globalization is the new trend of expansion, businesses have turned out to be more flexible in their approach (Ang, & Van Dyne, 2015). Now, organisations have advantage to get the reach the different customers. But also to maintain the international culture as well and collaborate the two or cultures together while retaining the organisational culture also. I reflect that in general it is compact charge for the leaders to preserve cross culture go hand in hand with the daily routine work. Fulfilling all the requirements of the different country’s culture and customs and performing the task so that the customers are satisfied (Kinicki, & Fugate, 2016).  Customer satisfaction is the foremost aim of the business Thus, the leader or the supervisor is under a great responsibility to deliver the best and retain the workplace culture also. Positive working culture aids a lot to the business to grow in the present competitive environment.

Managing Conflicts to Retain Positive Work Culture

In my opinion alone a leader cannot always be responsible to retain the positivity in the workplace. The process of success is never the attempt of a single person. The employees too need to be self motivated and take initiatives to hold the synergy required for the growth. Motivation is to be the continuous flow in the team or organisation to work efficiently and effectively to achieve the targets. There are many ways through which the leaders can motivate the employees like by providing incentives, rewards, bonus and reorganisations among the organisation (Kinsey, 2009). Initiating such steps will create motivation and competition in and between the different teams and individuals. The only point that needs to be mentored in such situations is that the competition stays healthy and does not follow the negative way. Negative energy in team or organisation always gives adverse results than the desired ones. It lowers the morale of the other employees and affects the productivity level with increasing the number of delays in the work. Business can be leading only when the cooperation is at the favourable level.  When there will be cooperation among the members only then the true essence of the success will be felt.

Leaders in the business have the most roles behind the prosperity of the business. As per my view, before utilising the assets and technology of the organisation it is the leaders who are accountable for all the actions that are and will be acted in the organisation. They act as the mediator between the workforce and the legislative bodies of the business. Top management not always can be directly in contact with the workforce for guiding the way to perform the work, it is the part of the supervisor to be in the direct contact with the workforce and getting the work done by them. Managing and leading simultaneously is what the leaders are expected to do. But somewhere I strongly believe the fact that within every individual there lives a leader. The responsibility that every individual to conduct the deeds in an ethical way. Until there is an honesty and determination from within no amount of external motivation can help a person to work in ethical manner (Crowley, & Jordan, 2017).

To support the analysis with the existence in realistic world, I hereby present an example that we generally notice. Food is the necessity of every human being. With change in taste and preference of the people fast food has taken over the preference in this fast growing generation. When talking about fast food McDonalds’ have always been the choice of people and mine too. With the headquarters in Chicago this American fast food company serves their products worldwide. Established approximately 78years ago it serves the customers with the speciality hamburgers and French fries. The company operates worldwide and provides and render their customers with the taste and preference of that country and culture (Lynch, 2017). When delivering the customers of Asian country McDonalds’ have to modify their menu as they people prefer more of the vegetarian food and non-vegetarian hamburgers are made of chicken and not from the beef. This is the cross culture system that a business has to follow to establish in any other country by formulating the policies and strategies with accordance to the existing customs and values.  It the duties of the leader to conduct a proper analysis of the culture they plan to render in and creatively come up with an outcome. While the leaders of the Asian McDonalds’ have the responsibilities of offering the quality of food that retain the goodwill that have been created from such a long period of time. It is the team work of the American team that has lead to the huge success of the McDonalds’ brand in expansion of their business (Markush, 2015). By delegating authorities and responsibilities through providing franchisee of the brand to other country the chain of outlets could expand worldwide. To maintain the proper check of all the outlets, appropriate process of communication is carried. From country to country, change in the economy modifies the decisions regarding the outlet structure, menu and location (Luthans, & Doh, 2018). Thus I believe that be it a small enterprise or a large company operating worldwide leaders needs to play off their roles with outmost dignity for the success of business.

Effective Decision-Making for Business Success

When the leaders understand their roles and responsibilities then only they make the most out of the resources they have whether be it human or technology. The vision of the company or business needs to be clear to leader so that they can command others for implementing the same through other resources in the planned manner.  Success is something that comes only when worked with dignity and honesty on the predefined path towards the purpose of establishment of the business.  I trust that to uphold the success in this dynamic world needs a constant work of employees and the leaders to make the dreams get converted into the real life situation. My perspective that a business flourish only because of the using the updated has changed. The success in business is never on the part of the top management but a combined effort of all the employees working towards achieving the organisational goal.


A leading business comes into existence with the efforts of all the resources in an appropriate direction towards their definite goals and target. From the analysis conducted above it can be concluded that the organisation needs to work in a synchronised way to achieve goals. The concept which I had earlier about organisation that in order to succeed needs more focus on the best strategy and updated technology but the analysis presented this scenario in a much broader form. Organisation work successfully only when the internal resources are utilised properly whether human or technology. A healthy and growing business needs to have appropriate guidelines to work on which has clear vision, mission and targets.

The study examines and details out the role of human resources and leaders aiding in smooth working. Missing of anyone of them will result in failure of the whole idea after the business. No matter if the business owns the best technology if there is no synergy between the employees no benefit can be gained. Hence, a strong leader communicating the right idea, positive synergy and updated technology are the few major keys to success for any business. As we know the business cannot run without the support of human resources but dealing with different individuals simultaneously is the significant task. Leadership not only benefits the organisation but help every individual develop, enhance and grow their personal potential as well.  A business with a long-term sustainability plan works with proactive participation and efforts of all the people together. No success comes to the person until and unless they work for the defined success.


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