The Role Of Information Technology In The Rise And Fall Of 5G: United States Vs Huawei Case
Information Technology can play a huge role in the development of any cellular network technology such as the fifth generation and fourth generation technology. The extensive development in the field of Information Technology has led to the growth of many new technology and the IT experts are increasingly using their IT skills to bring innovative technologies which are very much helpful in our society (Luo & Zhang, 2016). Most of the new technologies which are coming to the markets get replaced with the updated versions which are also developed by the same IT experts or production rooms.
There are advantages and drawbacks associated with each of the technologies which are created using the IT skills. Each of these limitations has to be studied and analysed in the first place so that the effectiveness of this technology is maintained (Nunna et al., 2015). There are numerous categories of challenges which are faced by the users of the 5G technology and has to be addressed in the first place so that the features offered by 5G services can be enjoyed by its users all over the world.
There are numerous telecom organizations who are getting themselves associated with the 5th generation wireless technology such as Huawei, Apple and Samsung. There are different types of IT technologies which are used for the creation of the 5th generation wireless technology in terms of the selection of the internet connection, selection of the spectrum brands, selection of the radio spectrum, and the other dedicated IT systems which are used during the production of this wireless technology.
Role of IT for each business environment are different from each other, it can be said that most of the telecommunications organizations of USA such as AT&T and Verizon Communications have their own spaces as they are trying to invest on the next-generation wireless technology (Wymeersch et al., 2017). Each of these telecommunication organisations are associated themselves with numerous fiber networks such as Fios so that the challenges of broadband and fiber are addressed. Media and Technology are part and parcel of each of the projects which are undergoing in these organizations.
IoT devices and sensors are getting used in the production floors of both the US-based telecommunication organizations as well as the other global telecommunication organizations such as Huawei. It can be said that IT technologies which are used in the US telecom organizations are very much similar to the other global organizations like Huawei.
Based on the 5G events which is conducted by Huawei, it can be said that they are planning to incorporate augmented reality within the 5th generation wireless technology. The Huawei events also reflected some of the risks associated with the development and incorporation of 5G services. Huawei is getting support from most of the global leaders regarding the selection of the telecommunication network equipment. The certification issues faced by Huawei was also highlighted in the Huawei case. Huawei highlighted that the risk of any sort of intrusion or sabotage can have a direct impact on the relationship of Huawei with their suppliers. Huawei is considering price-quality ratio in order to address the probable security risks (Osseiran, Monserrat & Marsch, 2016)). The Huawei case also indicates the help they are getting from the government services as they are trying to improve their network security of the research laboratories which are there in India and Europe. The scientific advisor of Huawei is playing a huge role in each of the events which is associated with 5G and the technologies which are used in the development and creation of 5G. Huawei briefed that there are numerous technologies which are regularly used in their production floors such as millimetre waves, small cell, massive MIMO, beam forming and full duplex.
The telecom organizations of US uses numerous technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality, smart technologies, smart sensors and IoT devices. There are different types of business models which are used by the US-based telecom organizations which help them to address the risks and issues which are faced in the production rooms of the 5G technology. Most of the uninterrupted services in the urban areas of USA is mostly due to the incorporation of 5G. The latency issues faced by the telecom organizations of USA is one of the prime issues which are faced in the production rooms (Thuemmler et al., 2018). The 5G event of USA confirmed that there are different positives and negative associated with the selection of spectrum, RAN infrastructure, indoor indensification, core and features, SaaX and network selection. The 5G events revealed that there are different categories of technologies which are used in the telecommunication industries of USA such as IoT devices, radio access network, and a self-organized network. The detailed description of the 5G event in USA can be understood in a better way from the following diagram.)
There are positives and negatives associated with both the use of Information Technology in the US based organizations as well as in Huawei which is one of the biggest Chinese based tele-communication organization providing their services all over the work. The incorporation of the technologies such as augmented reality in Huawei can have compatibility issues with the smart phones which will be used to access the 5G network (Condoluci et al, 2018). On the other hand getting the help from the government services is one of the prime aspect of this event, at the same time certification issues are the prime negatives associated with event. The increasing prices of the technologies used in the laboratories of Huawei is solved using the price quality ratio.
Is it a Problem or Innovation?
On the other hand, as discussed by Yang et al. (2015), the ability of the products can be improved in the first place using the price performance ratio. The paper was very much useful to understand that performance can be divided into price ratio. The paper highlighted that this technique is increasingly used in different types of industries such as the consumer industry, medical products and telecom industries. Thus, it can be said that price-performance ratio is a successful method which is used by Huawei in order to solve the increasing process of the technologies which are used in the production rooms of the 5G laboratories.
The 5G events in USA also have both positives as well as negatives. One of the most positives associated with the 5G events is the use of wide range of emerging technologies such as the virtual reality, smart technologies, smart sensors and augmented reality. On the other hand, the use of different types can also have compatibility issues as well.
As discussed by Wilson et al. (2015), compatibility issues among different entering technologies can have a huge negative impact on the efficiency and productivity of a business organization due to variety of reasons. The prime concerns which are faced by most of the telecom organizations all over the world as separate investments are required from the management team of each organization is required for the training sessions required in order to work with each of the emerging technologies.
Loss of trade secrets is one of the most significant setbacks associated with Huawei technologies. Based on the reports published in 2019, it can be understood that the complaints lodged by Huawei against CNEX backfired on them. Huawei complained that trade secrets along with mobile control technology is getting compromised and most of their human resources were leaving the organization. The countersuit of CNEX alleged that Huawei stole their technology without any recognition. Thus, the business reputation of Huawei was badly damaged, and each and every global telecommunication organization all over the world understood the significance of ethical corporate behaviour. As a result of this, the sales percentage of this organization decreased considerable in the US soil (Hu et al., 2015). The federal court of Settle faced charges against 2 Huawei business units who stole T-Mobile between 2012-2014. After this incident, Huawei incorporated a risk management department which will be looking forward to identify most of the legal issues which are faced by most of the business organisations as they try to enter a new market. The employee contracts are also managed by the risk management team of Huawei. US district court judge is seeing the case where the current US president banned the sale of Huawei products to the US contractors and government agencies.
SWOT Analysis
The positives as well as the negatives of this event will be analysed using SWOT analyse where the threats, opportunities, strength and weakness of the event will be analysed.
SWOT Analysis |
Strength |
One of the prime strength of this event is the identification of the law and order which can be deployed in business cases where organizations of two countries are involved. |
Weakness |
Loss of trade secrets by Huawei is one of the most significant consequences of this event. |
Opportunity |
The other opportunity which can be identified from this event is that none of the global organization shall be spared if they try to steal any trade secrets. |
Threats |
The presence of the law and order can have a huge impact on most of the global business organizations there are numerous unethical business practices which are carried out by most of the tele-communication organizations like Huawei. |
Table 1: SWOT analysis
(Created by author)
The primary project goal is to identify the role of Information Technology in the rise and fall of the 5th generation wireless technology.
The legal case between the US government and Huawei have exposed the vulnerability of most of the business organizations all around the world as they to steal technologies. The significance of maintaining ethical corporate behaviour can also be understood from the issue. The introduction of new technologies and concepts from other organizations must be given the proper credits (Huawei Technologies, 2019). On, the other hand, it can also be said that most of the global business organizations must be having a management Information System which can be very much useful to address the security issues associated with the business data.
Samsung for 5G
After the legal case between the US government and the Huawei, Samsung who started investing on 5G since October 2014, changed their IT infrastructure. The stationary environment which is maintained in the construction floor of Samsung is secured from the intruders. The vision of the connected people are understood using various platforms such as the discussion forum (Samsung Business, 2019). The use of multiple technologies such as artificial intelligence and IoT have increased a lot after they stopped talking any sort of suggestions or similar works done by its market competitors regarding the research and development of 5G services. Management team of Samsung understood the fact significance of maintaining the business data even after an employee who is involved in the project is no more working in the organization.
Apple for smart phones
The business reputation of Apple is very much on the higher side as compared with all the other organizations such as Samsung, and Huawei. The business practices and approaches which are taken in Apple is very much secured from any sort of intrusion activities. As a result the legal battle between Huawei and US government (Ge et al., 2016). Apple have invested more than USD $1B and advanced business models are used in Apple Corporation in order to make any sort of changes in the production of 5G services.
Based on the discussions, it can be identified the developments in 5G across most of the telecom industries all over the world. Numerous IT technologies such as augmented reality, virtual reality and artificial technologies can be very much useful to improve the performance of the 5G services. However, it can also be identified that each of these technologies can also be one of the reasons behind the fall of 5G services (Ge, Li & Li, 2017). Huawei tried unethical ways to steal technology from CNEX, as a result this organization faced severe reputational loss in the global telecommunication market and also faced ban on their services in their US market. Huawei is current facing huge difficulties as the current president of USA banned the sale of any Huawei products to the government agencies as well as the contractors. Thus, based on the above discussions, it can be understood that the rise and fall of 5G services is very much depended on the use of IT technologies.
Project Goal
Information Technology is very much useful for the development of any new technologies such as the 5th generation wireless technology. The rise and fall of 5G services will be very much depended on the different types of IT technologies such as the augmented reality, virtual reality, smart technologies, IoT devices, and smart sensors. Limitations of each of the emerging technologies have to be addressed in the first place so that the effectiveness of 5G services is maintained. The role of a scientific advisor is very much important regarding the identification of the role of IT in the fall and rise of 5G. The discussions of this paper highlighted about the positives as well as the negatives of the sales ban of Huawei across to the government agencies and the local constrictors of USA. The most significant positive is the identification of the global standards of ethical corporate behaviour, which has to be maintained by most of the global telecommunication organizations. The negative of this event is the reputational loss of Huawei as they had to face sales ban on the American soil. This report is very much useful to identify that Information Technology can play a huge role in both the rise and fall of emerging technology such as the 5th generation wireless technology.
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