The Role Of Healthcare Organizations In Addressing Social Issues
Resource Management of the Healthcare Organization
The aim of this assignment is to analyse the resource management of the health care organization. The aim of this topic is to analyse whether it is the role of the health care management to address the social issues. It is the role of the health care management to address the social issue. Example of social issues is unfair employment opportunity, lack of workforce diversity and inappropriate working condition. This paper will analyse how the employees well being are important to the organization. This paper will analyse how the organizational accidents and diseases can affect the overall organizational performance. The paper will analyse the Australia’s legislation about the health and safety of the employee working in the organizational sectors of Australia. The assignment will also explain about how the leadership quality can affect the workplace. This paper will also research how negligence in the health and safety standard in the workplace can affect the organization in bringing peace and bettering the productivity of the organization. The paper will discuss about how the workplace sustainability can affect the organization in sustaining the employee in the organization and build good relationship with the employee of the organization. The paper will discuss about the different legislation of Australia that helps the workplace to be better and fair to each of the employee presents in the organization. Maintaining the rules and regulations and working according to that will give fair chances to all the employee of the organization. This paper discusses all the key elements about how the organization can build a better workplace relationship with the employee of the organization and how they can help the organization to be more effective in gaining skilled labour forces in the environment. This assignment will also9s discuss the ethical way of managing the workplace and to make the workplace more employee friendly in the environment. This assignment will also describe how the workplace diversity can help the business organization to grow in today’s competitive world. Workplace diversity is necessary to understand the thinking of others and to build better relationship with the clients and the customer of the organization. The assignment will discuss the advantages of the wellness programmes in the organization. The wellness programme has many advantages to the organization which are being discusses in this assignment.
It is the responsibility of the health care organization to address the social issues. The organization needs to provide suitable working condition to the employee and the health care management needs to specify some requirements which will be followed to increase the quality of the operation. Workplace diversity, equal employment opportunity, Social responsibility and employee well being are discussed below.
Addressing Social Issues
The fair work act 2009 is the basic piece of legislation governing the Australia’s workplace (Creighton & Forsyth, 2012). The fair work act 2009 is the primary foundation of all the standards and the regulations for employment. It is something that all the employers in various industries should be aware off. The rules and regulations that are described in the fair work act 2009 are said to be the national workplace relation system (Stewart et al., 2014). The objective of this system is to create a balanced framework for making a productive workplace conditions which will promote the nation’s economic prosperity. The act provides the following services:
- It provides basic terms and conditions of employment.
- It sets the rights and the responsibilities of the employers, employees and the organizations for the employment standards.
- It provides administration of the Act by setting up a commission for fair work facility.
Apart from this there is other legislation that focuses of building a better workplace environment for example the national employment standards, which sets some basic requirements for the employees to get employed (Hardy, Howe & Cooney, 2013). The objective of this standard is to provide protection of the entire employee working in the Australian organizations and they are made in such a way that the rules and the regulations are unbiased and meet the following areas:
- Hours of work
- Fair work statement
- Flexible working arrangements
- Parental leave
- Annual leave
- Public holidays
- Notice for termination
To run a business organization effectively and efficiently it is necessary to maintain the wellbeing of the employees (Robson et al., 2012). Ensuring the standard of living of the employees in the context of their health conditions and safety measures provided to them should be monitored in relation to the productivity and potential utilisation of these employees. If the organization takes a good care of their employee and maintains a good workplace environment then the employee retention and employee absenteeism rate will go down (Dasgupta, Suar & Singh, 2012). This will help the organization to focus on their production and expansion of their business rather than wasting time on recruitment of the employee. The aim of the occupational health and safety are:
- The physical well being of employees along with their mental health and social standard of living are catered to by this.
- Prevention of the negative health conditions due to the working conditions in which the employees are working.
- Placing and maintaing the workers in the workplace environment to adapt to the mental and the physical needs.
Workplace plays an important role in the people’s lives as an individual spends atleast 8 hours every day whether it is in plantation, factory or office (Badri, Nadeau & Gbodossou, 2012). Therefore the workplace condition should be safe for the employees who will spend that much amount of time regularly. However, there are many workplaces where the employees faces a lots of health hazards for example:
- Dusts
- Gases
- Noise
- Extreme temperatures
- Vibration
There are employers who pay little responsibility for the protection of the employee’s health and safety standards. In fact there are employers who don’t even know that it is their morale and legal responsibility to protect the employees who are working in their organization. As a result the workplace accidents and diseases are common. The workplace accidents can have a huge impact in the total production and thus affects the revenue earned by the organization.
Australia’s Legislation on Health and Safety of Employees
The first example is that of Coca-cola wherein the management mentioned that circumstances that lead to workplace problems (injuries) should be drastically reduced. The firm initiated a process that would help in monitoring and evaluating the factors and conditions that stimulate workplace injuries. Several initiatives were implemented by the firm at the global level to improvise and improve the culture of the workplace. This took place in the year 2015. Coca-cola also established a behaviour based safety observation programme (Sharma & Kiran, 2012). The behaviour based safety helps in incorporating the Human Factor analysis and Classification System that examines the reason behind the injuries. This has helped Coca-cola to increase their safety and which has the eventually made their workplace better and thus increased their revenue.
The three specific targets that are to be achieved by following the present health and safety strategy are:
- 20 percent of more than 20 per cent reduction in the fatalities faced by the workers due to the injury.
- Reduction of the incidence rate of serious workers compensation claims
- 30 percent or greater reduction in the incidence rate of the serious workers compensation claims for the musculoskeletal disorders.
Workplace diversity:
Ensuring a varied workforce has become increasingly important along with the other changes in the workplaces like globalisation and different budgeting systems implementation. This helps in increasing the benefits which are not financial but which are intangible and important in their own respect. It is the notion under which people from different orientations, cultural backgrounds, nationality, gender and age groups can work together. The benefits of ensuring diverse organisation are mentioned in the subsequent section:
Increased productivity:
Workplace diversity can help the organization in bringing out the best production rate and gives them a competitive advantage over its competitors. Employers will be more effective in communication and this will help the organization to act freely and more efficiently. The employers can also offer better an wide range of services to the customer because of the new processes and ideas. Workplace diversity helps in increasing the morale of the employee to work in the organization efficiently and efficiently. Workplace diversity helps the managers to implement new skills and working methods for creating a better and unite team in the organization.
Increase in creativity:
Workplace diversity helps the organization in increasing the creativity within the organization due to the heterogeneous teams are cross-fertilizing each other within the workplace. A consulting company who follows the workplace diversity have employees from different backgrounds which brings a variety of solutions on how to achieve the common goal in the organization. In brainstorming atmosphere more ideas can be formed because the team members are culturally diverse. For example, employees from India working in an American company can approach an issue in a totally different way than the American workers will do.
Impact of Workplace Accidents and Diseases on Organizational Performance
Language skills:
Companies that aims at5 expanding their business in the global market get benefited from the language diversity in the organization workplace. For example, an organization with employees who are fluent in Chinese language will help the organization in communicating with the Chinese representatives effectively. There ar4e number of bilingual workers who experience the advantage during applying for jobs because employees who understand the benefits of different language and language diversity .
Positive reputation:
The reputation of a firm matters in attracting labour force as employees. The firms which have greater diversity attracts a greater proportion of the total workforce because the individuals feel safer and reassured. It is important for the potential candidates to know how people from different cultural backgrounds, ethnic backgrounds, genders and even age group are treated in a particular firm. Thus, greater inclusion and diversity among the employees hired in combination lower attrition rates is always a criteria that helps in hiring the right fit for any organisation. It gives out a signal to the aspiring employees that there is enough flexibility in the organisation and transparency and so the employees already associated are experts in the context of adaptability.
In Australia the state and the national laws cover the anti-discrimination and the equal opportunity in the organizational workplace. The organization need to create a workplace which is free from the harassment and discrimination. It is important to understand the importance of the rights and the responsibilities for the employee under the anti-discrimination and human rights law.
In the workplace, the health and safety regulations are the most vital element to be to the well being of the employees and also the employer. In today’s workplace there are many hazards present and it’s the job of the employer to provide friendly work environment to keep the employee safe from the different hazards present in the workplace. OSHA explains the need and the terms of managing the bpworkp0lafce safety in the organization. The advantages of the workplace safety are:
The safety and health procedures in the organizational workplace reduce the employee injuries and illness to quite an extent. The procedures can help the employer and the employees to understand and analyse the potential danger in the work environment. The effective way of maintaing safety is by providing training to each of the member of the organization and also by educating the employees on proper workplace practices and procedures. Its objective is to build such responsible behaviour that the harms can be prevented and minimised.
Leadership Quality and Workplace Negligence
Potential dangers are common in the organizational workplace nowadays. The equipments, activities and chemicals and also the furniture and the machinery that are used can be the potential danger which can cause serious harm to the employee of the organization and its employees. Health hazards can rise from the contamination of the food because of the unsafe and poor handling and different practices to an infectious and harmful disease that causes by the improper personal care or hygiene.
Working with the certain chemicals and the gases which are harmful for the human lives can also affect the employee. The risk of improper handling, storage or maintenance could lead towards serious health issues of the employee.
Avoid serious dangers
OSHA is in serious charge of enforcing the safety and the health rules and regulations it means that the organization must follow the guidelines while creating the safety and health procedure for their organization (Hardison et al. 2014). If the work environment is not safe for the organization then the employees then the organization can receive a fine or have the business permanently or temporarily shutdown depending on the magnitude of the violation of the health and the safety procedure of the organization. If the organization does not meet the standard health and safety measures then the company can lose the business, customers and a lot of money . Violating the health and the safety standard can have a huge and tremendous impact on the business organization. It can affect the workers, productivity, the clients, goodwill, vendor and potentially the whole business organization. Although the workers compensation policy covers the entire workplace illness and the injuries. The organization may costs more if they do not follow proper rules and regulations.
Advantages of workforce wellbeing:
The advantages of wellbeing programmes in the organization are:
- Higher production: The primary motivation for the organization is offering the wellness programmes is improving the health of the employees and which leads to the productivity of the organization to go higher (Bernhard-Oettel et al., 2013). The primary points of emphasis in the wellness programme are the obesity, stress and different behaviours such as heavy drinking or smoking. Fit employees are proved to be having better stamina and physical capabilities for performing more efficiently. Emotional and mental wellbeing which results to the wellness and can help the employees to work with positive team oriented attitude towards the organization.
- Lower absenteeism rate:One of the main reasons for adopting proactive health strategies is reducing the cost and effects of absenteeism rate of the employee. (Van loon, Vandenabeele & Leisink, 2015). The cost can be cut down by minimising the stress of the employee which contributes to the higher absenteeism by adopting necessary wellness programmes. Employees’ working in a team or group tends to serve the team more effectively and increases their consistency. It helps the employee to complete more cases and it also helps them to assist more customers. This also suggests them to take more projects as they miss fewer days due to their health related issues.
- Uncertainty: Nowadays the business leaders like to take calculative risks. Wellness programmes essentially work as an investment to the company and the business organization (DeLuca, Lawson & Sun, 2012).
This assignment deals with the resource management of the Australian organizations. The assignment deals with the different aspects of how the organization can improve the wellbeing of the employee. In the beginning of the assignment the Australian rules and regulations have been discussed. The fair work act 2009 is the basic piece of legislation governing the Australia’s workplace. The fair work act 2009 is the primary foundation of all the standards and the regulations for employment. It is something that all the employers in various industries should be aware off. This act ensures that the entire employee in the organization will be treated equally and all o0f them will get the proper chances in the organization to grow. After that the occupational health and safety have been discussed. It is necessary for an organization to give emphasis on the health and safety of the employee. Workplace plays an important role in the people’s lives as an individual spends atleast 8 hours every day whether it is in plantation, factory or office. Therefore the workplace condition should be safe for the employees who will spend that much amount of time regularly. Companies like Coca-cola have given a huge focus on their health and safety issues. In year 2015 Coco-Cola made a change to improve their safety by conducting a thorough analysis of the contributing factors to the serious accident and injuries and based on the results they took global action with their supply chain to address the casual factors that may exist and improve the workplace culture. Workplace diversity is another important aspect that can help the organization to expand their business globally. Understanding the workplace diversity and the advantage of the workplace diversity can help the organization in getting competitive advantages over its rival. Diversity may include employing people with their cultural and language skills which can lead to better reach for the business. Workplace diversity can help in increasing the business and can also give other advantages like increased productivity.
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