The Role Of Green Technology In Achieving Environmental Sustainability
The environmentally sustainable technology
The following essay will look to set its focus on the use of the green technology to make the practices of the sustainable use to save the environment in the best manner. Michael Huesemann has discussed about some set of conditions by which the environment can be saved in this era of technological advancement (Bjørn and Michael: 321). The utilization of the solar energy should be made possible in this context as well. The ill practices of using the technology should be stopped somehow as well.
According to some of the critics the use of the technology should be made in manner that the damage to the environment can be stopped somehow or in some manner. The implementation of the eco-friendly technology should be the main aim for the modern day organizations so they can get their job done without damaging the environment (Bjørn and Michael: 321). The implementation of the green technology is at the earlier stages to be manufactured and processed for the use of the organizations. The harmful wastes should be reduced in the environment to get the best outcomes in the society (Laurent, Stig and Michael:4100). The eco-friendly technology will surely help the organization to produce such goods that will be helpful for them to secure the environment (Green: 567). The energy efficiency should be at the place for the organizations to make the things go right. The implementation of the green energy will empower people and it will be very important for the overall well-being of the environment as well. The scientists in the present times have very often shown their concern about the rise of the temperature in the environment. This will seriously be a very problematic issue for the overall development of the environment in the world (Laurent, Stig and Michael:4100).
It will also be very important for the several organizations to get the corporate benefits. The manufacturing firms would also be highly benefitted if they use these green technologies for their manufacturing services (Laurent, Stig and Michael:4100). The green technologies are considered as the energy savers. It also saves the various resources as well. However Michael Huesemann has pointed out a set of complex set of conditions by which the environment can be saved by the use of the technology. He has stressed on the ‘cradle to cradle’ design because it will manufacture certain products by which the products could be re-used for the benefits of the society (Lehmann and Stephen: 234). The carbon emissions must be decreased in order to gain a better environment. Some of the factors that could be taken as an important one is the efficient lighting, air-conditioning and others. If the several companies use the several green technologies it will surely reduce their input costs and this will also be a positive factor for them to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities. Several other companies have also implemented these practices for their uses (Moldan, Svatava and Tomáš: 4).
Identification of the green technology
The green technology that has been identified for this essay is one of the most prominent ones is the use of the solar energy. The use of the solar energy or solar cell will be very important for the organizations to reduce their input costs and carbon emissions as well. The reduction of the carbon emissions is a valid point for securing the environment in the best manner (Lehmann and Stephen: 234). The process of photovoltaics is implemented to transform the solar light to electrical energy. If the electricity is generated by the solar energy it will surely reduce the environmental pollution. Fewer amounts of fossil fuels will be consumed and it will save the manufacturing costs of the companies. The building of the residential projects can also be aimed by the companies by using the solar cells. This will surely be helpful for maintaining the security of the environment (Moldan, Svatava and Tomáš: 4). This green technology device will stand up to the complex set of conditions as declared by Michael Huesemann. It is because the emission of the carbon can be controlled properly through this device. The solar cells will really be much effective in this aspect (Fonash: 768). This is how the environment can be saved by the use of these solar cells since it is a well maintained and developed instrument of technology from several aspects. The multinational companies should also focus on the implementation of the recycling of the industrial wastes.
It has been noticed that there are several troubles of using the updated technology in the environment. This can be seen in some of the specific industries like the construction and mining. The oil and gas companies also use the updated technology in their construction projects. This is why they are affecting the environment and the health and well-being of the common people as well (Aghaei and Mohammad-Iman: 64). Sometimes the oil and gas companies use such technologies for bringing out the iron ore and the other things from the ground that affects the ecology of the area in a huge level. In order to gain the sustainable environment it is very important to use the eco-friendly technology indeed (Redweik, Cristina and Miguel: 332). The residential projects have also been in the target since these projects have affected the environment as well. The green technologies are often playing a very significant role in increasing the sustainability of the environment and looking after the well-being of the common people (Kalogirou: 245).
The troubles with the environment
The green technology is also known as the clean technology that will impact on the betterment of the environment in various means. It has been very important for the economic growth of the nations as well (Redweik, Cristina and Miguel: 332). The use of these green technologies will surely cater to the development of the socio-economic model of the countries. The use of such green technologies like the solar energy will be beneficial for the overall growth of the world (Kalogirou: 245). This will give the environment a better living option without the curse of the growing pollution levels. The solar energy is a kind of renewable energy source that is very helpful for the nature and the health of the people. If this energy is used in the several manufacturing projects the threats to the environment will be lessened. Some of the critics have also argued that the use of the several green technologies will surely save the environment. This will be much helpful for maintaining new projects as well (Aghaei and Mohammad-Iman: 64).
The use of these green technologies will surely be able to reduce the carbon emissions within the environment resulting in positive. The green technologies are mostly used in the several industries manufacturing, mining and others. Actually these industries are generally destroying the planet (Fahrenbruch and Richard: 278). However, the electrical devices lead to the destruction of the natural resources. These resources will have to be maintained for the betterment of the situation in the environment. The aspect of the growth of the national economy can also be viewed from this context as well (Winzer: 36).
The use of the natural resources and green technologies depends heavily on the subsidies provided by the government (Fahrenbruch and Richard: 278). These subsidies are taken from the taxpayers and they are given directly to the big organizations in the country. The solar energy industry is now rapidly increasing and very little attention is being paid to the other things. The use of the solar energy will surely be able reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases and the maintenance of this energy can be cost-effective as well (Bose: 2638). If the sunlight is used instead of the fossil fuels it will be highly effective from the various aspects as well. The benefits can be achieved to the environment since the solar energy is completely pollution free. This can work effectively to stimulate the economy of the country in a wide variety. The solar power is considered as one of the cleanest sources for the environment since it does not emit any pollution (Bose: 2638). The employment opportunities are also being looked at with positive facts. The generation of the CO2 can be controlled with the use of this energy indeed. The implication of the solar energy does not need the extraction of the fossil fuels from the underground as it damages the land to a huge extent. The green job growth can also be taken as a positive impact on the environment by the use of the solar energy (Winzer: 36). The growth of the employment opportunities will be bigger in the implementation of the renewable energy. If the solar energy is used in the residential projects it will definitely reduce the electricity bill as well. The cost savings can be done by the house owners and they will be protected from the increase of the electricity bills in the future.
As per the above discussion the essay can be concluded by saying that the identified source for the green technology is the solar cells. The use of the solar cells will also help the recycling of the wastes to save the environment from the decay. It will surely strand up to the expectations of the complex traditions of the Michael Huesemann. Thus the implementation of the modern technology through the solar cells will be highly effective indeed.
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