The Role Of Genetics And Environment On Human Behavior And Environmental Sustainability

Human Behavior Environmental Sustainability

The argument of genetics versus environment on human behavior

Discuss About The Human Behavior Environmental Sustainability.

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Argument on the influence of the heredity or the environment in the differences of the individual in human psychological traits might appear to be interminable. The looks might be deceiving. The knowledge is more today about this topic of role of genetics and environment influence on the behavior of the human which initially was known just about a fee years ago. Human beings have their own type of personality (Thoma, Pilecki, & Mckay, 2015). Every human is different from one another. Since last few years, there have been changes in the perception of viewing behavior over generational time and variation across categories like gender, geography and ethnicity etc. A few philosophers like Plato and Descartes suggests that some things are inborn or they occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. This essay focuses on the behavior of human beings which is developed by the genetics and the environmental influences and not inherited.

Biological factor is related to human behavior which is why genetic inheritance shapes the structure of human behavior. The characteristics which are physical like eyes, hair, blood type etc are hugely dependent on the heredity. The other characteristics such as mood, smartness etc is dependent on the genetics (Tucker-Drob & Briley, 2017). Stimulation which is sensory refers to the influence which develops animal’s sense organs and it is processed by the nervous system. Influences which are physical include environmental effects which include diet, salinity, pH etc. Components of the environment provide physical and sensory stimulation. Genetic activities refer to the DNA which involves genes of both protein synthesis and the regulation of their won activity (Zaky, 2015).

During the time of origin of the species, Darwin in the year 1859 found this ubiquitous theory of genetics and also shared the reason of living things getting influenced by genetics instead of the environment. The book that he wrote was the actual reason of the argument “Nature vs. Nurture”.

Argument for nature comes from the perception that personality and intelligence comes from the genes in a person and environment is just a triggering factor for what is biologically happening. Development which is genetic assumes that a person’s behavior cannot be changed when he comes in contact with the environment (McLeod, 2015).  

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Personality can be easily influences by genetics and environment. These are the factors that separate Nature and Nurture. Nature is considered to be as genetics that one person always receives from his parents.  Genetics help in the making of the sex, color of eyes, skin color, hair and the different features of the human beings (Vlek & Steg, 2007). These are all inherited. For example: Even the identical twins that are raised in different places will have similarities in their moods and gestures. However, heritability is only 50% of the person’s personality but the genetic predisposition does not mean that the child will inherit all the traits. But the person can feel depressed because of environmental situations or the stresses. Heredity always provides the personality with the physique, temper or intelligence which might be shaped by the conditions of environment. A part of the personality is always the result of nurture or the environment. Environmental factors are the one’s which exerts the pressures on the personality formation. They are the cultures in which the children are raised. Culture consists of the norms that we stay in, our family members, friends and communities or social groups (Küçük, Habaci, Göktürk, Ürker, & Adiguzelli, 2012). The environmental influences can easily be divided into two parts: shared and none shared.  Siblings which are raised in the same family is known to be as shared environment. This includes the background of the family and the education given by the parents. Non shared environment is the one which is unique to the individuals. This consists of the peer groups, school environment and other influences. 

Nature versus nurture debate

John Locke who was an English philosopher founded the principles of empiricism. He stated the hypothesis which says that external forces are the one which makes the people learn on the primary basis. He said that when a person is born, he is born with an empty mind or a blank state of mind. Ideas and the information that a person gains is only after the experience and the exposure he gets from the outer world. He also said further that people can take the knowledge when simple ideas come to their mind at first then they can eventually combine them with the complex one’s in three ways. First this can be done by the combination of ideas, second can be done by monitoring the relation in between various ideas and third is to take out the abstract of the ideas from the details.

A psychologist of behavior, John Watson said that “Give me a dozen infants well informed, and my own specified world to bring them up and I’ll graduate to take any one at random and train him to become specialist like lawyer, artist and even a beggar or a thief etc. He believed that there is no such thing as the capacity, talent or temperament inheritance. He was also well known for an experiment which became very controversial later. His experiment was done on the young orphan Albert (Digdona & Powell, 2014). He believed that Albert could be made to fear something he did not fear before. Hence, the young orphan was put into a room alone with no distractions. He then let out a white rat in the room. At first, Albert like the rat and showed likeliness toward it but then later when he heard the loud noises made by Watson, he as a reflection of fear would go near the rat and touch him. At last, the baby was terrified of every white and fury object. This experiment was known to be as Albert Experiment (Beck, Levinson, & Irons, 2009).

There was another psychology theory of Bandura’s cognitive social learning theory suggests that humans are cognitive beings and they process information actively unlike animals and they always think of the relationships they are in and their results too (Nabavi, 2012). Human beings are usually affected by the things that might happen rather than experiencing the events. He also stated an example to justify his sayings and belief that even if the student is not happy with the education he is getting in his college and also the fee structure is high, yet the student has to manage with the fact and continue his education as he sees future benefits of this decision. This is the environmental factor which forces people to change their behavior. Cognitive social theory refers to the personality traits which come partly from the learning they get from their expectations and beliefs and partly from history. Parents might influence things like religion, ideas or masculinity or femininity in a person’s life though.

Factors shaping human behavior

Psychologists like Kazmierz and Erich focused on the role of the environment which is social in the personality development. Personality is largely dependent on the circumstances that the person had been in. Personality is also defined by genetics but only to an extent. After the genetics build up the personality, it goes under the adaption of society and meets the rest of the needs there. Now, these needs can be anything related to finances, society or physical (D?browsk, 1964).

From the above theories and the studies it can be stated that both the factors genetics and environment influences play an important role in the development of the behavior of the person as compared to the inheritance. If one has to choose one strongest factor in between genetics and environment then it is the environment that changes a person a lot and his behavior too. There are studies that say that there are majority of the factors in a person which are influenced by the environmental factors and not on genetics (Levitt, 2013). It can also be explained with the example of a person suffering from mental health problem but another person who shares the same room in a hospital would not face the same issue. It is the environment die to which a person is not mentally well. Nutritional factor can also be considered a factor of defining an individual person’s personality as in today’s world; food contains all the chemicals which can trigger problems within the human system. Too much sweet can cause hyper anxiety in children (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer, & Fang, 2012). Hyper activity can also cause problems in people. People and especially children will not have the idea about their actions.  Parents should be aware of the environmental causes which creates hyper activity in children. Cognitive of the children is trained since young age towards the learning habits. And hence, if the environment is clean then the behavior of the people will also be clean and polite. This essay focuses on the argument that behavior is not inherited and it is developed by genetics and majorly on the environmental factors that surrounds the person.


Beck, H. P., Levinson, S., & Irons, G. (2009). Finding Little Albert: A Journey to John B. Watson’s Infant Laborator. American Psychologist , 64 (7), 605-614.

D?browsk, K. (1964). Positive Disintegration. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

Digdona, N., & Powell, R. A. (2014). Watson’s alleged Little Albert scandal:. Revista de historia de la psicología , 35 (1).

Hofmann, S. G., Asnaani, A., Vonk, I. J., Sawyer, A. T., & Fang, A. (2012). The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Review of Meta-analyses. Cognit Ther Res , 35 (5), 427-440.

Küçük, S., Habaci, M., Göktürk, T., Ürker, A., & Adiguzelli, F. (2012). Role of Family, Environment and Educat on. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , 12 (8), 1078-1084.

Levitt, M. (2013). Perceptions of nature, nurture and behaviour. Levitt Life Sciences, Society and Policy , 9 (13).

McLeod, S. (2015). Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

Nabavi, R. T. (2012). Bandura’s Social Learning Theory & Social Cognitive Learning Theory. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from’s_Social_Learning_Theory_Social_Cognitive_Learning_Theory

Thoma, N., Pilecki, B., & Mckay, D. (2015). Contemporary Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Review of Theory, History, and Evidence. Psychodynamic Psychiatry , 43 (3), 423-461.

Tucker-Drob, E. M., & Briley, D. A. (2017). Theoretical Concepts in the Genetics of Personality Development. Retrieved March 20, 2018, from

Vlek, C., & Steg, L. (2007). Human Behavior and Environmental Sustainability: Problems, Driving Forces, and Research Topics. Journal of Social Issues , 63 (1).

Zaky, E. A. (2015). Nature, Nurture, and Human Behavior; an Endless Debate. Journal of Child & Adolescent , 3 (6).

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