The Role Of Corporate Social Responsibility In Organizational Performance: A Case Of Maruti Suzuki
Objective of the Research
In the automobile industry, corporate social responsibility directly impacts the organizational performance. Thus, it is significant for the organization to improve their understanding of the corporate social responsibility practices as it would be beneficial to increase the productivity. It is an important concern which is not identified in previous research. The Australia automobile sector is a leading industry as it could create competition in the marketplace. It is also found that organization should gain their knowledge about the factor that could affect the business performance at international level. Moreover, there is lack of study on the role of corporate social responsibility on the organizational performance (Siddiq and Javed, 2014).The organization should use corporate social responsibility to make their unique image in the marketplace and obtain a reliable result.
The main aim of this research is to address the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance-a case of Maruti Suzuki. The following objectives are considered to attain the research objectives:
- To discover the meaning and concept of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance
- To analyse the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance- a case of Maruti Suzuki
- To recommend the strategies for improving the corporate social responsibility practices in the organization
The research topic is “to analyze the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance. In the recent era, the enhancement in the organizational performance could become a major issue for an employee and organization. In Australia, organizational performances become a major issue for automobile organization to obtain a reliable outcome. In the current scenario, the Australian government has needed to make a feasible strategy to attain the research aim and objectives (Short, et. al., 2016). In addition, it can also be found that a company could also use corporate social responsibility to retain their existing consumers and obtain a reliable outcome. It also aids the business to make improvement in the existing situation of society in the least time and cost. The understanding of corporate social responsibility could support to make a diverse image in the marketplace. The research proposal could help to critically analysis the corporate social responsibility as it would be effective to get higher competitive benefit in the marketplace (Saeidi, et. al., 2015). This research will also be imperative if the researcher wants to make their career in the automobile industry
RO1: To discover the meaning and concept of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance
As per the view of Petrenko et al. (2016), corporate social responsibility is significant for a corporation to make a distinct picture in the market. It demonstrates the impact of the organization on environmental social safety. It aids an organization to implement the rules and regulation of environmental safety groups. Moreover, it is evaluated that corporate social responsibility is defined as corporate citizenship, which can include as short-term cost. However, it cannot offer the immediate financial return to the corporation. In addition, CSR aids to enhance the environmental and social circumstances.
Literature Review
In favour of this, Newman et al. (2015) evaluated that corporate social responsibility is used as a business model, which is extremely originated in the liability ethics. By using this strategy, a corporation would be competent to create a favourable image in the mind of the customer as it would be beneficial to expand the business. CSR strategy enables an organization to focus on their employees and social well-being as it could directly impact the goodwill of the company. CSR could be illustrated as the legal, ethical and discretionary expectation because it would be significant for enhancing the social circumstances of the corporation.
RO2: To analyze the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance- a case of Maruti Suzuki
In the view of Mehralian et al. (2016), corporate social responsibility is beneficial for increasing the profitability of corporation as it is used to offer the benefits to the consumer. Further, Maruti Suzuki engages the customers in their business operation such as include the requirements and desires of customers in the development of products and services. It facilitates the added value to customers that is beneficial to enhance the goodwill of corporation. The public image of the corporation relies on social responsibility program as Maruti Suzuki should be aware of it. It is evaluated that customers believe to buy the products from those retailers that support the community for development. It could enhance the goodwill of company in the world.
In contrast to this, Rupp et al. (2015) asserted that corporation should offer the quality products and services to customers and also considers the needs and wants of customers to perform good corporate social responsibility. It also facilitated the consumer benefits by aiding the non-profits and engaging in a monetary donation, volunteerism, an in-kind donation of products and services and strong partnerships. A company can publicize their efforts and develops the awareness about their charity to develop a favourable image in the eyes of customers. It is also assessed that positive social responsibility can improve the public image of Maruti Suzuki by building the liaison with the customers.
RO3: To recommend the strategies for improving the corporate social responsibility practices in the organization
As per the view of Korschun et al. (2014), there are different strategy is used to improving the corporate social responsibility practices in the organization. In such condition, Maruti Suzuki should emphasize on enhancing innovation to offer customer benefits. A corporation should make strategy for developing the business environment and leads the employees to give their step forward opinion about how to improve the corporate social responsibility. A corporate should motivate the workforces for their active contribution and includes their notions for improving the corporate social responsibility. Social responsibility is main drivers in the business operation that makes competent to keep public liaison and beneficial for selling point. Therefore, it is evaluated that social responsibility becomes a significant component of performance culture.
Research Methodology
In opposed to this, Obeidat et al. (2016) recommended that a corporation should provide the local community and engage in the community events and other engagement. Hence, it is beneficial for Maruti Suzuki to become a direct supporter of local society’s business organization and people. It should also purchase from local suppliers whenever they can, specifically when a large percentage of business comes from the nearest area. Moreover, a corporation should always assess the opportunity to support the local event, specifically when they are promoting local business.
The research methodology could be effective to aid the research scholar in choosing suitable tools and techniques about the research concern. It would help to get adequate data about research concern and obtain a reliable outcome. The research methodology considers certain tools and techniques like research design, research approach, research philosophy, sampling methods, data collection method, and data analysis method (Reverte, et. al., 2016). Moreover, it is also addressed that there are certain factors that could support to get a reliable and valid result.
The research philosophy is opinion and thought of researcher about the method by which the information will be gathered, evaluated and used in the research systematically. There are certain factors that are considered in the research philosophy like interpretivism, realism, and positivism research philosophy. For this research, interpretivism research philosophy will be used by the researcher to collect appropriate data in the context of the research matter. This method facilitates the research scholar to get a valid and reliable outcome. The positivism philosophy supports to obtain factual data about the research matter (Brammer, et. al., 2015). Hence, the researcher has used the interpretivism philosophy to get realistic information.
Research approach could also be effective to attain research aim and objectives in the least time. There are certain components that are considered in the research philosophy like deductive and inductive approach. The inductive approach facilitates researcher to get non-numerical information about the research matter. In opposed to this, the deductive approach facilitates to develop the research hypothesis in the context of research concern that would create the complexity of the research (Loosemore and Lim, 2017). Hence, inductive research philosophy will be practiced by the researcher rather than deductive approach. It will help to get a reliable outcome. The inductive approach facilitates the organization to critically analyze the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance. The deductive approach also facilitates the research scholar to prove and reject the research hypothesis on the basis of collected data. It will support to obtain reliable outcome (Farooq, et al., 2017).
Findings and Analysis
The research strategies play an imperative role in the research to attain the research aim an objectives. The research strategy considers certain factors like survey through questionnaire and literature review. In this research study, both literature review and survey through questionnaire method to collect the feasible data in the context of research concern. The survey through questionnaire strategy supports the researcher to obtain views and opinions of research candidates towards the research concern (Lins, et. al., 2017). The literature review method support to obtain conceptual data about current research concern. There are certain tools that are considered in the literature review like online sources, offline sources, books, magazines, and journal articles. It will support to get feasible data about the research matter. It will support to deeply understand the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance (Wang, et. al., 2016).
The research design focuses on two kinds of methods like quantitative, mixed and qualitative research method. For this research, the mixed data collection method will be executed in their research to obtain a reliable outcome. The mixed data collection method considers both qualitative and quantitative research design. Through this method, research scholar will be capable to attain research aim and objectives. It is also addressed that the qualitative research design facilitates the researcher to get non-numeric information about research concern. The quantitative researcher design method aid the researcher to obtain numeric information in the context of the research concern (Kim, et. al., 2016).
The data collection method is an effective technique to select appropriate data collection method for conducting their research and obtain a reliable result. In this research, research scholar will also use both primary and secondary data collection method. The primary data collection method facilitates the research scholar to get the fresh data about the current research matter. The researcher will consider many sources to obtain the primary data collection method consider the survey through questionnaire method to collect the information about the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance (Wang, et. al., 2015). Apart from this, secondary data collection method could assist the researcher to obtain theoretical data about the research matter. The researcher will use many methods such as books, company web, magazines, online and offline sources, and company data. It will support the research scholar to meet the aim and objectives of research (Story and Neves 2015).
In this research study, the research scholar has used the probability sampling method than the non-probability sampling method. Since, the probability sampling method aid research scholar to chose their research participants by considering the random sampling method. It will support the researcher to eliminate biases from the research study. The probability sampling method assists the researcher to meet the research aim an objective in the least time and cost (Wang, et. al., 2016).
Conclusion and Recommendations
Apart from this, the non-probability sampling method will not be practiced by the researcher due to the higher possibilities of biases in the research. This method enables the researcher to select research candidates on the basis of age, gender, race, region, and experience. It would biases in the research and declines the quality of research outcome. In this, 50 employees of Maruti Suzuki will be selected by the research scholar to conduct their research and obtain their opinion and views regarding the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance (Shen and Benson, 2016). It will also aid the research scholar to collect appropriate information about the current research matter. It will also help to the research scholar to effectively solve the current research concern and obtain reliable outcome (Zhu, et. al., 2016).
The data analysis methods play an imperative role in evaluating the collected data and aid the research scholar to obtain a reliable outcome. It will also aid the researcher to analyze the collected information and make effective research. For this, the researcher will select the MS-Excel software to evaluate the collected data. In this, the researcher will use many bar, column, and pie chart to present their data and obtain a feasible outcome in the context of research concern (Plewa, et. al., 2015).
This research proposal will provide an investigator to boost the awareness regarding the corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance. This proposal will provide support to both existing and current organization to develop the understanding of the role of corporate social responsibility in the organizational performance of Maruti Suzuki. It could be also beneficial for developing the understanding regarding different strategies for improving the corporate social responsibility practices in the organizational performance of Maruti Suzuki (Zhu, et. al., 2016). Further, two variables will be used in this study named independent and dependent variable. Independent variable will be corporate social responsibility and the dependent variable is the organizational performance of Maruti Suzuki. These variables were measured through literature review to obtain the reliable result.
The ethical issue could impact on the reliability of research result. The data safety and security act 1988 would be practiced by an investigator to save the information of investigation significantly. It will also provide an investigator to develop the good liaison with participants in long-term. There are certain sorts of elements, which is entailed in the research ethics like proper referencing, data manipulation, save the confidential information of participants and avoid plagiarism (Plewa, et. al., 2015). An investigator will save the private data of participants in the investigation due to feasibly obtaining the study.
The research limitation could adversely impact on the result of research. There are different elements that could unfavourably impact on the performance of investigation such as cost, time and resources. In addition, it is evaluated that the particular time period could mandate an investigator to accomplish the task in predetermined time. As a result, it could adversely affect the result of research. It is also evaluated that infeasible sample size can also impact on the research outcome. Therefore, it is assessed that inadequate resources and cost could also reduce the quality of research result (Shen and Benson, 2016).
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