The Relevance Of Australia’s Alliances With The United States And Japan In Maintaining Regional Peace And Security

Background and Historical Development of the Alliances

Use the following essay question to answer for the Essay assessment task. Take care to follow all of the instructions about this assessment task contained in the description. Use all 3 readings provided and also at least another 3 of your own which are relevant to the essay question. 

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Are Australia’s alliances with the United States and with Japan becoming redundant or are they more relevant than ever? Give reasons for your answer. 

The Australia’s alliances with the United States and Japan are known to would have developed during the cold war period. The updated version of it called for a balance in the parts of the. This version has realized the Japan is holding the same position as the US which is also the genesis of the Japanese law modification. It, therefore, means that Japan cannot appear to be isolated in the international states of other nations.

The Australia’s alliances with the United States and Japan are not all about fighting the subsequent war as people take it. However, its aim is to stop the further conflict in future (Green, M, & Cronin, 1999). U.S.-Japan alliance is much relevant to the fight of the security in different nations. U.S. availability is much important because it has a larger strategic plan for maintaining balance in different areas (Green, M, & Cronin, 1999).

The territories of the U.S at Mariana in Asian part provides the balance explained above; Japan being on the leading front plays a significant role to stop the conflict. This alliance builds as a lot of determination in other countries that the United States will rely on when needed (Kazuhiko, T. (2011). They will act on action whether the matter relies on the nation building, global deterrence or current issues affecting a state. This paper will take us through the relevance of the Australia’s alliances with the United States and Japan in the time of peacemaking (Beeson, M. 2013).

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In spite of the negative shortcoming that the alliance is going through, the fulfillment of the critical issues that the alliance was objected to, such as peacemaking in the region, is being accomplished (Osius, T. 2002). This shows the relevance of the alliance. The large deployment of the U.S army and military forces in the parts of Japan discourages the violence by the North Korea, signs Washington’s settle in offering protection to the U.S. allies as well as provides a unique surface the necessity of the military actions (Hlatky, S. V. (n.d.).  Japan holds the largest reliant of the United States forces in the Asian part, including the carries of the aircraft outside the United States as well as Marine Forces taking the largest part of the U.S forces area (Walker, D., & Sobocinska, A. 2012). Furthermore, Japan happens to be the largest home of missiles defense in the world (Beeson, M. 2013).

Strategic Importance of the United States and Japan Alliances in Maintaining Regional Balance and Deterrence

Tokyo, as well as Washington, have made a relevant progress in the previous years in evolving the functions of the Japan defense forces (Cronin & Green, 1994).  The alliance manager, as well as their military personnel, is achieving the considerable task despite the seemingly political issues (Osius, T. (2002). The U.S.-Japan alliance has improved as well as integrated their mutual training, sharing the same intelligence in a cooperative manner.

There has been an improvement in the U.S.-Japan defense cooperation from the allies due to the newly security challenges that have been experienced, for example, the ballistic missile thread coming from the North Korea to confront Japan and China over the dispute islets has been regulated.  In spite of the large scale complain over the implementation of 2014, the cabinet decision put down the Japan’s previous ban on the participation in joint self-defense. The analysts have allowed this action on the Japan to play a greater role in the areas of security globally Hlatky, S. V. (n.d.) & ( Rix, A. 1999).

During April of 2015, the Australia’s alliances with the United States and Japan were updated to the bilateral defense. The purpose of this update was to modernize security cooperation, thus, making a great improvement in the areas of the alliance coordination in the time of emergency (Tow, W. T., & Kersten, R. 2012) & (Wakabayashi, H. 2008). Regardless of this progress, other concerns remain on issues of the Implementing the agreement to be relocated to Futenma base, and the reason for relocation was to stay away from the opposition from the local people. However, this was considered to be a minor issue since the alliance was moving well with its agreed mission (Przystup, J. J. (n.d.).

Moreover, the Japan’s economic capacity as well as, the growing army allowed it to stand firm in it alliance partner and most importantly, it is working to pursue its global objective. Nevertheless, Japan remains to be the most powerful state that punches below its weight and put little on the influence of the internationals. Other than putting into practice the strategies that it has, however, it is using the minimalist and cost effective kind of approach. This method is being used to design the maximum security that has an economical importance from the alliance with the United States, while on the other hand, giving a minimum reciprocal signals (Beeson, M. 2013).

Also, the coming back of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP) into power has also been stabilizing the Japan’s politics. Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has been controlling both chambers of Japanese parliament without allowing any lower houses up to the next coming election of 2018. Therefore, the consolidation of the powers on the conservatives basing of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has provided better than harm to the U.S.-Japan alliance. Also, the consolidation of the political progression in the Tokyo as well as the Abe’s implementation of many other policies that the U.S. favors has made the alliance firmer in its foundation growth, thus, giving it time to plan on the broader ranger in discussion of the regional issues (Cronin, P. M., & Green, M. J. 1994).    

Economic and Political Factors Contributing to the Alliances’ Strength

Specifically, Abe has moved a step in breaking the conflict dealing with the relocation of the U.S Marine Corps. It is basing on the enlarged and also increased diplomatic security that is currently working on the alliance which has also subjected the Japan country into a 12 divided nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in aspects of trade agreements that also comprises United Sates (Walker, D., & Sobocinska, A. 2012). This has also shifted aggressively, the acceleration of the slow growth regarding economical life standard (Beeson, M. 2013).  It has been characterized by this slow development ion in many years. However, changes in growth have been achieved in different areas (Gyngell, A., & Wesley, M. 2003).

Furthermore, what proves that the Australia’s alliances with the United States and Japan has relevance in the conditional state in which the US and Japan are currently experiencing now. The nation’s relationship has grown deep and deeper and also stable (Armitage, R. L. 2012). In the same area, Tokyo and Washington are sharing priorities of bringing together of other nations through the management of relation in different aspects (Cronin, & Green. 1994). On the other hand also, China is addressing the North Korean war. At worldwide state, the two nations are cooperating on the sides of the score of the multilateral problems from the nuclear nonproliferation that is being induced towards the disaster management control as well as relief. It is evident that during 2014, Japan country had a lot of contributions towards the international humanitarian reactions towards the Syria war and also towards the outbreak of Ebola.

Also, the turmoil of the Japanese has ended after a long period of struggle in the areas of politics. Political progress in Tokyo has also permitted the reinforcement through Abe to revitalize the economical state of Japan at the same time boosting the U.S.-Japan alliance, therefore, both objectives that the president of the Unites State’s (Obama) administration has largely given the hand on it (Beeson, M. 2013).  However, the absence of the valiant as well as efficient political ruling, the Japanese state has on the other hand shown little effort on the assuming of the larger role, there was few encouragement in the process for disturbing the relaxed status quo. However, the consolidation of constitutional constraints deduced restrictions on the self-defense which gave the Japanese self-serving rational to limit the spending. 


The major issue of the Australia–US and Japan alliance depends so much on their relationship. Up to now, for the last seven years of the peacekeeping process, it has started showing positive results, and also showing a stronger aspect of their constituent part in sectors such as dialogue. Dialogue is seen making it at political perspective in both countries. Intelligence exchange and co-operation has been seen giving support to the Japan, Australia and United Sates at large. Even though the question used to maintain on what importance was the alliance make a progress, this paper has clearly shown the positive line of the alliance’s effectiveness. I recommend the alliance because, areas such as in defense budgets in relation to the China’s independent interest has been achieved and their priorities in safeguarding the broader foundation of economic, political and security are changing from the worse stand to the better position. As more as the process may time, people have to expect positive results and not to be controlled by negative feelings of the alliance. The process requires time to fully tackle all the areas of issues. Therefore, it is said that coming 2-3 years in future, peace will have to come to the three countries and people will have to enjoy their privileges at large.  

Armitage, R. L. (2012). U.s.-japan alliance: Anchoring the stability in asia. S.l.: Ctr For Strat & Intl Stds.

Chakravorty, B. (1977). Australia’s military alliances: A study in the foreign and defense policies. New Delhi: Sterling.

Beeson, M. (2013). Symposium: The Australia-US Economic relations and the regional balance of the power: The decline of US economic power and influence: The Implications for Australian foreign policy. Australian Journal of the Political Science, 48(2), 197-207.

Cronin, P. M., & Green, M. J. (1994). Redefining the U.S. and Japan alliance Tokyo’s National Defense Program. Washington, DC: Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University.

Green, M. J., & Cronin, P. M. (1999). The U.S. and the Japan alliance: Past, present, and future. New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press.

Gyngell, A., & Wesley, M. (2003). Making Australian foreign policy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Hlatky, S. V. (n.d.). American allies in the times of war: The great asymmetry.

Kazuhiko, T. (2011). Regional security cooperation in East Asia: What can Japan and Australia usefully do together? Australian Journal of the International Affairs, 65(1), 40-60. 

Osius, T. (2002). The U.S.-Japan security alliance: Why it matters and how to strengthen it. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Przystup, J. J. (n.d.). The U.S.-Japan alliance: The Review of the guidelines for the defense coopeation.

Rix, A. (1999). The Australia-Japan political alignment: 1952 to the present. London: Routledge.

Tow, W. T., & Kersten, R. (2012). Bilateral perspectives on the  regional security: Australia, Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Wakabayashi, H. (2008). The u.s.-japan alliance: The new framework for enhanced global security. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Walker, D., &Sobocinska, A. (2012). Introduction: Australia’s Asia. In D. Walker, & A. Sobocinska, (Eds.), Australia’s Asia: From yellow peril to Asian century (pp. 1-23). Crawley, Australia: UWA Publications.

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