The Relationship Between Employee Motivation And Organizational Performance: A Study On Tesco PLC
Background of the Study
a) Produce a detailed analysis of the policies to achieve stated corporate objectives of one or more companies, and an examination of the problem of resource acquisition and deployment relevant to those policies.
b) Provide a relevant literature review on the problems investigated and relate current management theory to practical recommendations.
c) Demonstrate a lucid and logical discourse containing objectives of the project, methodology, relevant literature review, recommendations for action, appropriate references and bibliography.
Assignment Task
1. Analyse one or more strategic problems in a modern business organisation and produce a comprehensive report detailing the objectives, methodologies, findings, analysis, and conclusions of the research carried out above. The minimum word length for the report is 8000 words.
2. Analyse the extent to which you have developed your knowledge, throughout the course and how the course and this project has helped your employability. This should be summarised as a personal statement of no more than 500 words and placed in an appendix to the main document.
Recently, the business environment is experiencing a dynamic change over the past few decades, which is driving businesses to become competitive while facing multiple challenges. The overall scenario is leading the business to acquire the highly competitive workforce and sustaining it effectively. Based on the argument raised by Hafiza et al. (2011), organizations are facing enormous pressure to improve their performance and remain competitive, as they require maximising their resources (Joung and Parkâ€ÂPoaps 2013). One of the most vital resources of the organization is the human resource requiring utmost importance by the business. Hezron and Wycliffe (2013) opined that human resource is the most significant factor for the organization assisting the achievement of competitive advantages over the other rival or key players within the same market. The study further mentioned that the utilisation and maintenance of the organizational human resource could be achieved by adopting motivational strategies from diverse ways (Patten and Zhao 2014). For example, the intrinsic or extrinsic rewards provided to the employees of the organization helps the firm to create a highly committed workforce thereby supporting delivery of high performance from them. The specific needs and perceptions of the human resource vary from one organization to another. Therefore, the superior understanding of these various needs and perceptions constitutes the selection of appropriate motivation or rewards for the workforce.
The key concepts attained through the works of various scholars and academics suggest that employee motivation or behaviour of the employees relating to an organizational environment has continuously become a significant factor for investigation (Aguzzoni et al. 2016). Based on that, this particular scenario focuses on the inquiry of the relationship of the identified element with the retail industry of UK. As Tesco PLC is the premier retailer within the particular industry, the research is expected to be carried out by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the motivational process practiced within the organization influencing the behaviours of the employees and performance of the organization at a whole. Based on the suggestion provided by the critical scholars like Snell and Bohlander (2012), work environment, rewards, resource allocation, job designs are some of the vital factors affecting the motivation of the staffs and managers of Tesco.
Rationale of the Study
With the view of the above picture, it is essential to establish a suitable research background relating to the particular context supporting the process of investigation.
Developing a clear and precise understanding of the research environment is necessary for continuing the study. Improving the competitiveness has become one of the serious factors for the retail organizations by offering improved customer services and retaining or attracting the new customers for the business (Chkanikova and Lehner 2015). In this case, the requirement of the motivated workforce is highly required, as the motivated employees will serve the customers properly. Workforce within an organization can be motivated in two ways such as monetarily and non-monetarily. Based on the different government websites, it is determined that most of the UK businesses in the retail industry undertake various motivational models under the two primarily identified methods.
According to the collective thinking, adopting the right motivation model for the employees in the practical context is always a complicated process due to the involvement of different kinds of perceptions of a diverse range of employees. Apart from determining the fundamental attitudes of the employees, the perfect strategic method should need to be applied for ensuring the formation of a motivated workforce (Misra, Jain, and Sood 2013). With the help of this particular study, the evaluation of the effectiveness of different motivational factors on the performance of the employees is carried out relating the practices adopted by the principal retailer of UK, Tesco PLC.
Tesco PLC owns more than 300,000 employees with 33000-Plus different types of outlets throughout the country (Grünhagen et al. 2014). Recently, the company is highly focusing on the price sharpness, ensuring the availability of a wide array of products with the superior quality, and efficient customer services. With the involvement of these concepts, the company develops different types of programs providing major focus on some of the useful factors like staffs and service, price and value, stores and formats, brand and marketing, and range and quality. These programmes provide a special focus on the workers to improve their performance, as 250,000 staffs from the UK division have been selected by the company to provide adequate training (Islam 2015). With the help of the process, the skills and abilities of the employees are highly elevated to facilitate the accomplishment of the assigned duties.
(Figure 1.1 Official Logo of Tesco PLC
As stated by Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2013), employee-training programs must need to cover various perspectives such as the employee development, organizational performance enhancement, service improvement, industrial development. Therefore, the study is carried out by covering all of these factors, which bring positive outcomes to the organization. The favourable consequences of these factors will be investigated throughout the research for developing a clear understanding to the readers (Meyer-Waarden, Benavent, and Castéran 2013). Furthermore, the research puts emphasis on addressing most of the environments of the business such as economic, political, social, and technological aspects. All of these factors contribute to the outcomes of the research to be rationally accepted from multiple dimensions.
Significance of the Research
According to the statement of Monsen and Horn (2013), the particular subject of the research should need to bear significance before deciding to continue with the process of investigation. With the help of this study, the proper benefits can be delivered to Tesco PLC, as the latest motivation strategies will be devised and suggested to the organization. Apart from that, the personal and professional abilities of the investigator will be elevated, and the customers of the retail industry will be benefitted by the most improved services offered by the employees of the organization (Christina et al. 2014). All of these identified factors contribute in enriching the core features of the overall study and thus resulting in continuing the investigation.
The primary aim of the research is to assess the motivational factors influencing the need of motivation for the managers and staffs at the store levels of Tesco PLC critically and ultimately improving their performance in the assigned jobs. In line with the proposed aim, the below objectives are defined to ensure the achievement while undertaking overall procedures as part of the research investigation (Horbach, Rammer and Rennings 2012).
Identifying the motivational strategies adopted by Tesco in the recent times.
Critically assessing the limitations in the current motivation strategies adopted by Tesco
Effectively measuring the relationship between employee motivation and employee performance associated with the certain working environment of Tesco.
Evaluating the roles played by monetary and non-monetary rewards affecting the performance of managers and store-level employees of Tesco.
Roles played by training and promotion in improving the performance of the employees in the retail organization.
Providing general suggestions for facilitating the improvement of motivation strategies followed by the firm
By the way of accomplishing the research, the below mentioned questions will be answered to ensure the relativity and accuracy of the data flow right from the initiation to the end (Goworek et al. 2012).
What are the motivation strategies adopted by Tesco in the recent times?
Are there any limitations found in the identified motivation strategies of the company?
What role does monetary reward play in enhancing managers’ performance and retail shop workers?
To what extent does job enrichment affect the performance of manager and retail shop workers?
What roles do training and promotion play in enhancing the performance of managers and retail shop staffs?
How motivation and performance of the staffs and managers of Tesco can be improved further?
Aims and Objectives of the Research
Various ways are available to improve the performance of the employees within the organization. However, the research is developed by providing greater emphasis on the motivational factors to promote the performance of managers and staffs involved with the workforce of Tesco (Klein and Wendel 2014). Although the implication of the study is applicable to almost all the organizations, the research is specifically conducted on Tesco from the retail industry of UK. Apart from that, the scope of the research is based on considering the different variables of employee motivation and their inevitable effects on elevating the performance of the employees within the selected organization.
The particular research is conducted by the inclusion of seven critical chapters, which are highly necessary for developing the research comprehensively (Martos-Partal and González-Benito 2013). The chapters with their focuses are highlighted below:
(Figure 1.2 Dissertation Structure Source: created by author)
From the created structure, it can be observed that each chapter offers a useful contribution to the investigation to make it highly comprehensive.
The particular chapter is expected to be carried out with the intention of reviewing the relevant literature devised by the previous scholars and academics with the aim of developing a superior theoretical framework of the research. A comprehensive review of literature is required to be included for shaping up the directions of the research. The critical review will highly emphasise the certain extracted themes of the identified subject (Bolton and Foxon 2013). These themes effectively include employee motivation, employee performance, the relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance, the importance of motivation to the retail industry of UK, and employee motivation practices in Tesco PLC. Several other perspectives will be in the process of reviewing literature formed by the former scholars and investigators (Siqueira, Webb and Bruton 2014). The result developed by these studies will also be analysed in this section for developing a clear understanding about the common aspects associated with the chosen subject. The principal aim of the chapter is to develop insights into the understanding of both monetary and non-monetary rewards in enriching the performance of the Tesco managers and staffs at the various stores of the company. Given the fundamental priority of the study, it is essential to gain a proper understanding of the roles played by rewards in motivating the workforce (Hosie et al. 2013). The benefits of monetary and non-monetary rewards alongside the motivation theories developed by the experts will be assessed and reviewed in the subsequent sections of the chapter.
According to the description provided by Nohria and Khurana (2013), employee motivation depends on a number of ways such as the involvement of an effective rewarding system, organizational culture, job design and description, resource allocation, performance management, and other fringe benefits. On the other hand, Altizer et al. 2013 explained that the overall concept of employee motivation as a power driving the employees to take certain decisions and actions for achieving the goals (Kähkönen 2014). The particular driving force may develop due to the certain impact of internal or external environment. From the examples obtained from the practical world, social acceptance and movements, biological and physical factors, and intellectual factors are some of the important parts of the external environment. The combined effects of these factors directly influence the driving forces of employee motivation.
In this particular context, another observation has been made by Hatch and Cunliffe (2013) claiming that the different processes are adopted by the companies to create a motivated workforce as a mean to promote high level of job satisfaction among the employees. The review of various definitions informs employee motivation as the psychological factor influencing the decision-making and behavioural aspects of the employees (Pantano 2014). It is primarily observed that a motivated employee will contribute effectively to their employers with their level best efforts and persistence. In this case, it is worth to mention that both the monetary and non-monetary rewards play the essential roles to develop a highly motivated workforce. Rahimic (2013) explained that the internal culture of the organization is also responsible for influencing the motivational aspect of the employees (Kaur Sahi et al. 2013). The cultural factors of the internal organization include teamwork, working collaborations, employer-employee relationships, and personal networks. These factors are useful enough to develop a motivated workforce for the organization. Therefore, it can be proposed that dissatisfaction among the employees is one of the vital factors leading towards the employee turnover.
In addition, the comment made by Rahimic (2013) is also necessary to mention within the section, as the author provided importance to the job design and description. According to the study developed by the scholar, designing the job in a challenging and interesting manner will facilitate the promotion of employee motivation within the organization (Piotrowicz and Cuthbertson 2014). The basic instinct regarding the interest of human being is based on accepting challenges to promote innovations. However, not only the job designs but also the multiple psychological factors influence employee motivation. Based on these particular understandings, certain theories are developed by the former experts contributing to practical value in the process of critical review.
Hierarchy of Needs Theory designed by Maslow
As discussed by Senge (2014), the hierarchy of needs outlined by Maslow is a well-known motivational model, which is a popular model applied in the process of employee motivation. According to the particular theory, there are five individual stages based on the specific needs of an ordinary human being (Zhu and Akhtar 2014). Employee motivation depends on achieving these needs. Furthermore, these needs transcend to the next level after their fulfilment.
Figure 3: Hierarchy of Needs Theory designed by Maslow
Source: (Wikimedia 2014)
Theory of Needs designed by McClelland
Based on the argument raised by Hatch and Cunliffe (2013), the theory of needs developed by McClelland provides the involvement of three major components driving the employee to be motivated within the workforce. Based on the review, it is ascertained that the needs of the employees are based on three different stages, such as need for achievement, need for power, and need for affiliation (Grünhagen et al. 2014). With the help of a diagram, these needs related to the workplace employees can be elaborated briefly.
Figure 4: McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Source: (Mosiacprojects 2015)
The practical comparison between the theoretical overviews provided by the different professionals suggests that the process of employee motivation provides certain importance to some of the common factors. These factors have their combined effects on the employee motivation where both the internal and external matters are respected (Sosik Chun and Zhu 2014). Findings reflected by the key scholars and professionals help to provide comprehensive idea about the employee motivation.
The direct and visible outcome of positive employee motivation is the increased level of skills and abilities of the employees. The entire process directly contributes to the improvement of performance for the employees. However, developing the superior understanding of the employee motivation is a fundamental process, as the factor is highly interconnected with the increasing performance of the organization (Ndubisi and Ndubisi 2013). Based on the preliminary perception, this section is developed to clarify the important concepts associated with the employee performance. Therefore, the professional comments made by the various scholars will be formulated in the subsequent segments of this section.
According to Belleflamme and Peitz (2015), the performance of the employees within the workplace is highly influenced by a variety of factors. As a result, employee performance determines the success or failure of the organization. Based on the different opinions shared by the former experts, human resource is the only live resource of the organization requiring proper motivation to ensure the high quality performance (Coppock 2013). Motivation does not occur naturally, as the process requires the involvement of certain interventions with the aim of elevating the commitment level of the employees. The particular scenario leads the employees to perform at their best levels facilitating the workplace to obtain multiple benefits. Based on the suggestion provided by Selznick (2014), the individual interventions should need to be adopted by the administrative department of the workplace carefully due to the presence of work environment and behaviours of the colleagues having the significant influence on the employee motivation (Bagdoniene and Zemblyte 2015). Motivation on the other hand, directly contributes to the performance of the employees. Alternatively, Armstrong and Taylor (2014) proposed that the systems and functions adopted by the organization also have their major impact on the performance of the employees. In some cases, the employee possesses the willingness to perform, the effective involvement of both motivation and performance can be observed in the workplace due to the inherent barriers in the existing system or functions adopted by the business.
As highlighted by Brown, Bessant, and Lamming (2013), job security, flexibility in the working hours and the financial benefits provided to the employees successfully contribute to the increasing performance of the workforce (Leung and Matanda 2013). The author further mentioned that the same process should need to be continued by the organization to maintain the growing organizational performance. From the overall review of the different literature, it can be stated that employee motivation subsequently transforms into the employee performance, which eventually becomes the performance indicator for the overall organization (Gupta et al. 2014). Hence, employee motivation and employee performance are the two strongly interconnected components assisting the organizations to achieve their desired targets. The mixed views obtained from different academic help to develop the comprehensive understanding of the employee performance and its importance to the organizations like Tesco PLC.
For a leading organization like Tesco PLC, it should need to think continuously about the improvement of employee motivation or performance as a means to offer better products or services to the customers. For retaining the leading position within the retail industry of UK, the company must need to develop its organizational capabilities to the superior extent (Kumar and Kim 2014). As the entire study is based on investigating the impact of motivational factors to the entire workforce, it is required to study the effects of employee motivation for ensuring the high organizational performance. Apparently, such critical analysis also provides substantial benefits to the overall research.
According to Hatch and Cunliffe (2013), the performance of the organization depends on multiple factors other than employee motivation. However, employees within the workplace provide highest contributions to the increasing performance level of the organization. Employees often tend to mark a vital growth in their individual working styles. The organisation needs to incur a substantial amount of cost for hiring an employee (Heavey Holwerda and Hausknecht 2013). Therefore, it should need to develop leading motivation strategy for ensuring the achievement of positive organisational performance. The particular scenario gives rise to the creation of certain flow in the organisational functions where the key executives or the decision-makers need to play the major roles.
The work of Pinder (2014) has highlighted the involvement of both intrinsic and extrinsic models in the motivational practices carried out by the organisations. However, it is not guaranteed that the identified types of motivation do not lead to the positive performance throughout the organization due to the varying capacities of their applications (Soto-Acosta, Colomo-Palacios, and Popa 2014). In some cases, intrinsic motivational model adds value to the organizational performance, whereas the corporate performance is not supported adequately by the extrinsic model. This particular example is highly applicable in those organizations where no significant growth is observed despite the presence of employee-friendly policies and motivational practices.
Nevertheless, the opinions obtained from the academics have successfully provided the diverse and different perspectives regarding the particular context of the study. It is clear that employee motivation is the significant factor promoting their performance and ultimately leading to the enhancement of organizational performance (MacCarthy and Jayarathne 2013). In this case, the organization must need to adopt the suitable motivational process focusing on the development of corporate performance, overall system, and procedures including the activities of the employees. Based on the defined outcomes, it is possible to maintain the proper organisational performance. Therefore, the examined contents of the identified literature have helped to produce the relatively acceptable concepts contributing to the development of perfect understanding.
By the holistic approach undertaken by Selznick (2014), the intended study clearly dictates the certain shift in the way organizations perceive the reward system. The initial modification in the reward system was experienced in the period of 1990’s (Belhomme et al. 2016). The author further added that the certain alteration in the reward system facilitates the expansion of the process to include non-monetary types of rewards for the employees. Selznick (2014) also suggested that monetary compensation is often not the most efficient way of offering benefits to the employees, as different employees have their dissimilar needs from the particular organization. According to Sajugigbe (2013), reward is considered as an important factor to facilitate the employees performing effectively (Johnson, et al. 2015). He added that the employee would feel more valued towards the organization if they were well rewarded. In this particular context, the statement made by Mark and Ford (2011) is highly valuable stating that the success of organizational performance depends on the willingness of the employees to utilise their abilities, expertise, and innovativeness. Furthermore, they mentioned that encouraging the employees is the responsibility of the organizations, and the process can be achieved by incorporating the effective reward approaches in the right place.
In addition, Cunliffe (2013) argues that the involvement of adequate reward system helps to motivate the employees while having the direct impact on their performance. In this case, Pinder (2014) proposed that providing monetary rewards motivates an employee to a certain extent, especially to the situation where such rewards are not high or according to the employees’ expectations (Aguirre, et al. 2015). According to Sajugigbe (2013), a favourable working condition can be developed by the proper implementation of rewards system within the organization. On the other hand, it drives the employees to perform according to the anticipation. The findings of the study developed by Senge (2014) reflect that the satisfaction of the employee is highly affected by the implementation of the reward system, as the relevant practices of the system have their direct influences over the employee performance. Based on the suggestion provided by Rahimic (2013), rewards successfully drive the employees to work harder, as the approach will always contribute to the improvement of performance (Blázquez 2014). The useful findings of the identified study further revealed that the motivation would be significantly low when the employees find no value for their good efforts and performance. Belleflamme and Peitz (2015) confirms the importance of financial rewards to motivate the employees and strengthening their commitment towards the organization.
Based on the argument raised by Rahimic (2013), monetary rewards should be aligned for motivating the workforce, and the factor should be consistent with the identified policies of the organization (Bamel, et al. 2013). Such processes would not only help to execute an effective reward system by the organization, but would also allow the employees to retain their capabilities and knowledge required for the identified job roles. With reference to the statement made by Fair and William (2011), managers adopt the extrinsic rewards to motivate the employees and stimulate their innovating thinking abilities. Jeffrey (2013) concluded that understanding the excellent job performance of the employees is vital for offering efficient rewards due to the capability of the process boosting the employee to be more productive (McCorriston and Morgan 2016). From the overall understanding, it can be determined that the financial and non-financial rewards play significant roles in satisfying the employees, especially the experienced employees. The efficient execution of the system elevates the knowledge and capabilities of the existing employees while helping to extend their tenure with the organization.
Tesco is the most popular and admired retailer in the retaining industry of UK (Rahimic 2013). The capacity of the business functions alongside the ideas of the business management regarding the employees is clearly explored in the introductory chapter of the study. It is observed that the employee management practices followed within the company is flawless and hardly comprises of any drawbacks (Howes, Skea, and Whelan 2013). However, the motivational factors influencing the managers as well as the employees are needed to be analysed through the investigations carried out by this particular study. From the analysis conducted on the website of the company, the specific activities as part of the Business Growth Programme (2014) can be determined. It suggests the involvement of both monetary and non-monetary strategies adopted by the organization for its employees. Apart from providing bonuses or pay hikes to the employees as the monetary rewards, distribution of free shares after a specified period of employment, developing pension schemes for the employees, private healthcare facilities, employee discount cards, or gym memberships are the practical examples of non-monetary strategies adopted by the firm (Aguirregabiria and Suzuki 2015). In addition, Tesco employs an employee satisfaction survey regularly where the employees are allowed to share their feedbacks about the motivational factors they face within the organization. Therefore, the combination of the suggestions obtained from the current practices adopted by Tesco helps to develop a broad and reliable image of the company regarding the employee motivation practices towards the organizational performance.
Comprehensive critical reviews are performed related to the identified topic to produce the chapter. From the evaluation of the works developed by the previous scholars, the in-depth knowledge is gained regarding the importance of human resources in promoting the success of the organizations (Moghaddam, et al. 2014). Considering the particular understanding, the exceptional review of the literature is done after describing the aims and objectives of the research in the introductory chapter of the paper.
It is acknowledged that employee motivation is the fundamental element for achieving success by the organization. Based on the theoretical underpinnings, it is observed that there is a significant relationship between employee motivation and organizational performance. Considering the specific characteristics of the retail industry, employee motivation seems to be an essential factor of success.
The third chapter of the research will elaborate the methods and techniques adopted for conducting the research investigation. Primarily, it should need to mention that the scientific approach is implemented for carrying out the investigation for maintaining efficiency throughout the process. In addition, the chapter will focus on discussing the philosophy, strategy, sample collection method, data collection method, and techniques and tools adopted for analysing the data in line with the identified approach of the research (Distelhorst, Hainmueller, and Locke 2016). Apart from that, it is essential to understand the ethical guidelines of the research to ensure the suitable outcomes offered to the chosen context of the society. Therefore, the concluding part of the chapter will necessarily highlight the chief ethical considerations and time management schedule of the overall investigation for facilitating the accuracy and reliability of the identified practices.
Nohria and Khurana (2013) discloses that research philosophy is the most vital part of shaping up the entire practices adopted for the chosen study. The selection of appropriate research philosophy must need to be done by understanding the importance of the same to the overall methodology for ensuring the collection of suitable data. The philosophy of the research must need to meet the predetermined idea for conducting the research. Positivism, realism, and interpretivism are the three fundamental philosophies associated with performing the business research (Employee Perceived 2015). Positivism philosophy deals with investigating the social theories by considering various empirical findings. Interpretivism philosophy measures the relationship between the different social variables and the associated human behaviours. Lastly, realism suggests the approaches based on the concepts of the investigator. In this case, various social theories about the employee motivation involved with the workplace settings play essential roles in determining the presence of key motivational factors in Tesco (Bernstein and Li 2016). Hence, it is believed that the positivism research philosophy will be ideal for this particular research.
According to Monsen and Van Horn (2013), suitable explanation regarding the specific approaches of the research must need to be established initially for guiding the collection of relevant data. Deductive and Inductive are the two primary approaches to the research, where each comprises of specific characteristics. Deductive approach is based on defining the investigation processes for validating the hypothesis developed in the initial phase of the research (Oakman and Wells 2013). Contrarily, inductive approach deals with the various practices performed as part of the inquiry at the initial phase and developing the theories based on the outcomes of such investigations. In case of the identified subject of the research, there is a broad range of available motivation theories designed by the experts from various course of time. Therefore, the suitable hypothesis is developed by the application of these theories. Hence, the application of the deductive approach is suitable for the overall investigation for validating the identified hypothesis (Tempest and Coupland 2016). Apart from that, the following deductive approach ideally complies with the chosen philosophy of the research.
Thomas (2014) opined that adequate time, financial resources, and efforts provided by the associated parties are the most important factors for conducting the research. Therefore, the appropriate strategy for the entire research must need to be adopted initially for maintaining its efficiency and validity. It is worth to mention that the selection of research strategy must need to be based on the availability of the identified resources (Harrauer and Schnedlitz 2016). Multiples strategies are applied by the contemporary scholars and academics based on the resource and aims of the study. Experimental, case study analysis, and archival are some of the major strategies adopted by the various experts to conduct their research. The identified strategies can be adopted as either the business or the management research strategy. This proposed study is based on determining the views and opinions of a specific sample comprising of the managers and store-level employees of Tesco PLC (Sharma 2014). Due to such factor, the overall research is aimed to perform through the effective involvement of surveys and collecting data from the chosen samples.
The definition of the appropriate research sample is the central idea of the overall process of investigation, as the key outcomes are developed based on the collected data and their practical evaluation. To conduct the primary data collection approach, the need for defining the sample is necessary. Selecting the appropriate sample is highly significant for the research for ensuring the collection of accurate and in-depth information satisfying the purposes of the research (Kelliher, Hailey, and Farndale 2013). The entire study is based on developing information provided by the employees and managers of the company for determining the effectiveness of the motivation practices adopted by Tesco. Concerning the suggestion given by Hatch and Cunliffe (2013), defining the sample of the study is done carefully by keeping in line with the primary objectives of the study. In order to conduct the research, it is determined that that the size of the sample will be 30, consisting of 25 staffs and 5 managers who are selected from five of the key stores of Tesco located in London. These samples from the workforce of Tesco are selected based on the simple random sampling process as part of the probability sampling (Rutherford, et al. 2012). The particular sampling process is selected due to its popularity and straightforwardness. The employee base of Tesco is broad and the chosen sampling technique is ideal for selecting the required participants from the vast range of populations. Apart from that, each member of the population is likely to be chosen equally with the help of the identified sampling technique for satisfying the principal purposes of the study.
Figure 5: Simple Random Sampling Method
Source: (Research-Methodology 2015)
According to Senge (2014), the data collection method provides a significant influence on developing the accuracy and reliability regarding the overall investigation applied within the research. During the collection of data satisfying the aims of the research, both quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the investigation should need to be maintained (Walsh 2015). As part of the quantitative method, the numerical data are collected for making useful decisions, whereas the qualitative method reflects the collection of non-numerical data and also contributes to the formation of useful facts. By understanding the importance of each data collection method, this particular investigation is expected to be carried out by adopting both the data collection techniques. Subsequently, the selection of appropriate data collection tools is required for facilitating the gathering of useful information in line with the identified methods.
As dictated by Belleflamme and Peitz (2015), proper ways must be defined for ensuring the collection of relevant research data to satisfy the aims of the identified data collection method (Michel, Merk, and Eroglu 2015). In case of collecting the primary data, the application of the predefined structured questionnaire is made among the specific sample as part of the research investigation. This particular process will ensure the formation of reliable and accurate data facilitating the establishment of original image of the selected organization. The superiorly structured questionnaire entailing with the key purposes of the study is expected to extract the views and feedbacks from the employees and managers of Tesco regarding the certain motivation practices adopted by the firm (Kim and Takashima 2016). On the other hand, the secondary data are collected from the various available sources like annual reports of the company, books, articles, newspapers, websites, and other publications related to the subject. These become the relevant tools for developing a comprehensive solution through the data collection process and contributing the overall research investigation.
As explained by Selznick (2014), the methods used to analyse data takes the important role in driving the creation of superior understanding of the chosen research topic. During the analysis of the collected data, certain criteria require providing suitable attention, as the aims and objectives of the study should need to be considered appropriately (Iqbal, Anwar, and Haider 2015). With the help of the questionnaire survey, the thematic analysis is done for both evaluating and presenting the results obtained from the collected data.
In order to uplift the significance of the recognised outcomes of the study, the involving limitations, and ethical challenges are needed to be discussed. The major ethical issues and limitations observed during the investigation are outlined below:
Due to the limited availability of the resources, the selected sample size for the research is not sufficient given the total number of employees and the capacity of Tesco in its UK operation.
The validity of the research outcomes may be hampered by the misleading information provided by any staffs or managers of Tesco (Coffey 2013).
Issues are also found during accessing the secondary data due to the limited availability data in some contexts of the research.
Employees or managers might be refusing to disclose any data regarding the professional or personal aspects.
The utilisation of both primary and secondary data pertaining the organization’s condition may create ethical issues regarding their reflection of the dissimilar
The Gantt chart developed in the following section critically reflects the time management approach undertaken for the research based on the diverse range of activities and practices (Eiselt and Eiselt 2015).
Research Activities |
0-4 Weeks |
4-8 Weeks |
8-12 Weeks |
12-16 Weeks |
16-20 Weeks |
20-24 Weeks |
Research topic selection |
Collection of Secondary data |
Layout making procedure |
Review of Literature |
Proposed Research plan |
Selection of research technique |
Primary data collection |
Analysis of data |
Finding of data |
conclusion |
Rough draft |
Research work submission |
Table 1: Gantt chart representing the Time Management of the Study
Source: created by the author
In line with the scopes and objectives of the research, this study aims to evaluate the impact of monetary and non-monetary rewards on the employee motivation in Tesco PLC critically. The particular process is useful for determining how the motivational approaches and practices have their influences on the managers and staff of Tesco. The particular chapter demonstrates the in-depth analysis and quantitative presentation of the information collected from the respondents (Blázquez 2014). Subsequently, the results will be interpreted for presenting the qualitative presentation of form the critical discussions regarding the identified subject of the study. Hence, the chapter will highly contribute to the foundation of the conclusions while drawing the recommendations for the future of the company as well as the specific type of research.
For analysing the responses obtained from the questions, descriptive method of analysis is performed for developing the answers in line with the identified aims and objectives outlined in the introductory chapter. The results described in the below table indicate the percentage of each response (Belhomme et al. 2016). Various results obtained from the study will be presented, analysed, and critically discussed in the subsequent portion of supporting the development of the overall chapter.
Do you feel motivated at the workplace?
Question |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Total |
Do you feel motivated at the workplace? |
7 |
10 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
25 |
(4.1 Pie Chart representing the Percentage of Responses obtained from the First Question)
Do you think monetary rewards are more important than the non-monetary rewards for the improvement of working performance?
Question |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Total |
Do you think monetary rewards are more important than the non-monetary rewards for the improvement of working performance? |
5 |
7 |
2 |
8 |
3 |
25 |
(4.2 Pie Chart representing the Percentage of Responses obtained from the Second Question)
Do you think the non-monetary reward can provide more motivation at work?
Question |
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Disagree |
Strongly Disagree |
Total |
Do you think the non-monetary reward provide more motivation at work? |
8 |
8 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
25 |
(4.3 Pie Chart representing the Percentage of Responses obtained from the Third Question)
Which type of reward motivates you the most?
Questions |
Pay Hikes |
Bonus |
Training |
Flexibility |
Recognition |
Total |
Which type of reward motivates you the most? |
5 |
5 |
2 |
5 |
8 |
25 |
(4.4 Pie Chart representing the Percentage of Responses obtained from the Fourth Question)
Do you think that the monetary rewards are not equal to the performance of employees?
Question |
Agree |
Undecided |
Disagree |
Total |
Do you think that the monetary rewards are not equal to the performance of employees? |
3 |
0 |
2 |
5 |
(4.5 Pie Chart representing the Percentage of Responses obtained from the Fifth Question)
Do you think that the non-monetary rewards are not equal to the performance of employees?
Question |
Agree |
Undecided |
Disagree |
Total |
Do you think that the non-monetary rewards are not equal to the performance of employees? |
4 |
0 |
1 |
5 |
(4.6 Pie Chart representing the Percentage of Responses obtained from the Sixth Question)
In order to initiate the investigation related to the findings of the analysed data, it is important to follow the aims and objectives of overall study outlined in the preceding section. The efficiency of the data collection process can be maintained while minimising the possibilities of failure by reviewing the results in line with the aims and objectives of the study. One of the most significant goals of the research is based on the determining the motivational factors influencing the performance of managers and staffs at the different stores of the company regarding its operations in the retail sector of UK. Apart from that, providing suggestions to improve the motivational strategies adopted by Tesco PLC is one of the vital objectives of the entire investigation.
The selected sample of the research represents the involvement of both males and females from the UK population, as they are employed in the retail segment of the country. There are no majority or minority criteria followed by the company regarding the gender separation process carried out during the employment within the industry. Due to such fact, no major segregation is done during the presentation of analysed data. From the result of the data analysis, it is clear that the benefits and facilities provided by the company through the monetary and non-monetary motivation strategies irrespective of the age level of the employees. It is a good indication of the company’s policy for developing the motivational strategies. Importantly, it is observed through the survey that young employees at the different stores of Tesco are more performance oriented than the older ones. From the feedbacks of the managers, it is ascertained that maximum employees of Tesco are experienced with no less than one year of experience in the retail industry clearly explaining the effectiveness of motivational strategies designed by the company. On the other hand, these employees provide more value to the non-monetary rewards over the monetary benefits offered to them by the firm.
From the overall approach, it can be determined that managing human resources is improving day by day. From the context of Tesco, it can be suggested that the employee management procedures must need to be improved by comparing the approaches with the motivational theories designed by Maslow or McClelland.
Conclusion and Recommendations
The final phase of the research investigation is expected to be carried out with highlighting the significant outcomes extracted from the identified methods and analysis. This particular chapter is most important than the other chapters of the entire research, as the different user groups only refer this chapter for extracting the key ideas generated through the study. Aligning with the major purposes of the research, this chapter will be produced by including the concluding views of the conducted study, validation of the identified research objectives, and recommendations for the chosen subject of the research (Belhomme et al. 2016). All of these mentioned parts will contribute to the comprehensive formation of the chapter.
For ensuring the optimal utilisation of the employees, the company needs to motivate the entire workforce on a regular interval. In the modern day business environment, various strategies are adopted and implemented by the human resource managers of different organizations to ensure the development of a motivated employee base. Recently, the human resource management practices are continuously becoming advanced to ensure the efficient utilisation of the company’s workforce. Due to the application of the advanced human resource practices, the increasing level of employee commitment can be formed driving the improvement of their performance (Bagdoniene and Zemblyte 2015). For securing the purpose of analysis, Tesco PLC from the retail industry of UK is selected, as both the young and older male and female employees and managers from the different departmental stores of the company are approached for the study.
From the overall analysis, the vital fact emerges reflecting the positive employee motivation from the working environment of Tesco PLC. It is ascertained that the employees with their sufficient level of experience in working with the retail division of operations develop a positive feeling regarding the motivation strategies applied by the company. The result of the data analysis suggests that the employees are satisfied with the compensation packages offered by Tesco PLC. It is determined that most of the store level staffs and managers are pleased with the scope provided to them for promoting their careers, as they feel confident in their abilities to accomplish their assigned works successfully. They highlighted the fact that Tesco implements different types of motivation strategies according to the situational needs encountered by the business in multiple times. Furthermore, the practical training is regularly provided to these employees as part of the development programs undertaken by Tesco for improving their job performance. The identified process not only helps to elevate the organizational performance but also improve the efficiency of the overall motivational plan adopted by the business.
From the overall understanding of the key facts associated with the motivation practices and the involving factors of Tesco, it reveals the application of advanced employee management practices within the internal environment. However, the feedbacks collected from the managers or the staffs indicate the unequal distribution of the benefits among all level of employees. In conclusion, distributing the employee motivation in all levels of employees is a critical factor for improving the operations of the company in the retail division of UK (Soto-Acosta, Colomo-Palacios, and Popa 2014).
Initially, the research is conducted to ensure the achievement of the specific aim and several major objectives through the various methods of investigation. In the closure stage, several research-based questions will be attempted to be answered. These answers are developed by the handsome contribution of the reviews conducted to the literature prepared by the former scholars and academics.
What are the motivation strategies adopted by Tesco in the recent times?
The current motivation strategies are based on providing both monetary and non-monetary rewards to the employees to influence them to create a committed workforce.
Are there any limitations found in the identified motivation strategies of the company?
From the analysis, it is ascertained that the benefits of motivation practices adopted by Tesco are not equally distributed among all the employees.
What role does monetary reward play in enhancing managers’ performance and retail shop workers?
Employees highly appreciate the monetary rewards offered to them. The certain practice increases their engagement with the company ensuring the optimum participation with the assigned jobs.
To what extent does job enrichment affect the performance of manager and retail shop workers?
Job enrichment is caused by the involvement of non-monetary rewards offered by the company, such as retirement benefits, holidays, and offering shares of the enterprise. Due to such factors, increasing number of employees is attracted to engage in the workplace environment developed by the corporation.
What roles do training and promotion play in enhancing the performance of managers and retail shop staffs?
Based on the feedbacks provided by the managers, training and development program regularly held by Tesco helps its workers to improve their performance at the various stores in the country. It identified process serves them to provide efficient support to the customers.
The recommendations are developed within the section with the aim of implementing the practices in the practical world facilitating the establishment of a new system. The recommendations outlined in the below paragraphs are devised by the contribution of the mentioned research outcomes accordingly. The suggestions are highly valuable to generate a motivating environment for the employees in the way of their participation in the workforce.
According to the investigation, there is a significant relationship between the employee motivation and organizational performance, and the relationship can be maintained adequately through the introduction of effective HR management practices. It is recommended that the methods should be implemented by the company properly by considering requirements of the organization.
It is identified that the motivational practices generally exclude some employees from its system. Therefore, the proposed mechanisms must be adopted by including all the employees working in the various stores of the company.
The particular study is conducted by prioritising Tesco PLC. However, the outcomes could be varied according to the other organizations within the same industry. Therefore, it is strictly recommended to conduct future studies by concerning the broader perspectives of the overall retail industry of UK.
Lastly, employee motivation activities should need to cover all the employees within the workforce by the company through identifying the possible mechanisms for their implementations.
I have developed the overall study to determine the importance of the key motivational factors on the performance of the managers and staffs working with the various stores of Tesco PLC throughout the United Kingdom. In order to conduct the study, I have applied my critical research skills to adopt and utilize different investigation methods facilitating the accomplishment of the project successfully. The major chapters formed as part of the research investigation not only provide a visible assessment of the key factors associated with the identified context, but also show their impact on the development of necessary level of knowledge and skills. I had a preliminary set of understanding on how to conduct a research activity before the initiation of the identified study. However, I have obtained a unique set of expertise and knowledge after the completion of the identified business project. Therefore, the subsequent portion will highlight my skills before participating in the identified programme, and the specific knowledge I gained after completing the study.
Before conducting the study in the identified field, I only had knowledge regarding the theoretical understanding of the employee motivation and their application to the retail industry. I believed that the theoretical resources related to the employee motivation are flawless, and those can be easily applied to almost any organization belonging to the different industries. According to my belief, the implementation of these theories can be done without facing any issues by the management or administration of the organization. However, I came to know that the process is highly challenging for the organizations of various industries. Mainly, these challenges are observed mostly by the global organizations with their leading market presence like Tesco. Moreover, I had limited understanding on how to conduct an effective research by taking popular issues from the global contemporary business environment. All of these things are considered as the particular gap in my previous set of knowledge before participating in the particular investigation.
By conducting the study, I have gained the critical knowledge related to the proper understanding of managing human resource by the leading organizations. I have gained the critical knowledge about running and maintaining the operations of the global businesses in the practical context. I acknowledge the compulsory requirements of solving the contemporary business issues through the utilisation of scientific methods as part of the conducted investigation. I must need to mention that the overall programme has helped me to identify the practical issues associated with the current business practices while applying the theoretical concepts within the framework. Furthermore, the programme has helped me explore the critical challenges faced by the business enterprises during the execution of the recommended activities. Therefore, the overall study has helped me to add life to the problem solving skill of the identified issues in the business world.
Under this particular programme, the undertaken investigation and approaches have helped to elevate my personal skills regarding the identified subject of the research. The useful comparison can be highlighted by the skills I have possessed before and after the completion of the business project.
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