The Range Of Influences That Have Influenced The Purpose And Style Of Management
Define and explain The range of influences that have influenced the purpose and style of Management (using academic literature to help you)
Describe the different types of Managment styles that are being applied in the modern organisations(using academic literature to help you)
Identify the key influences on the development of Managment roles/skills (Discuss at least 5 different ways in which corporate culture impacts organisations’ behaviour.
The scope of this paper is to cover the importance of different styles of management that the different companies used to govern their employees. The management styles differ from leadership styles because management and leadership are two different aspects when it comes to governing of an organization. Most of the organizations prefer using management styles rather than using leadership styles in governing their organizations. There are different types of management styles brought about by different people and build upon by different organizations to build on their aspects as a group. The paper will use Tata Group of Motors as a model example of company where management roles can be learnt.
In this management style, there is no restrictions what so ever on what the employee is to do. Here, the employee is told to do a certain task, for instance create a software that will enable the organization to improve on the sales of their commodity, sevenfold times. The employee is not told how to create the software or how the software should be, he/she is just given a deadline of submission, and the employee is not followed on when to report in the office or how they should dress. The organizational heads using this type of management skills delegate absolute power and freedom to the employees to do what they see best in the task they are given. This leadership style is in most ways effective for a group of employees who are self-driven or are taken as part of a special group that are chosen from a larger group (Robbins & Judge, 2010, p. 19). In most cases the employees do better than when they are supervised. This case study was taken from Google. In Google the employees are not supervised, this shows the trust that the organizational management has given the employees. It also shows that the employees have the capacity and discipline to control themselves despite the freedom that they are given. In this leadership style, the relationship between the leaders and the employees is solid and it also breeds innovation because the end product is as a result of the employees own creativity. It enhances the spirit of oneness in the organization because both the organizational heads and the employees take credit of the end product. Furthermore, it shows the employee that they are a valued asset to the company and this improves the relationship in the organization (Cole, 2011, p. 29).
Transactional Management Role
Transformation Management
Transformation management style is a management style, whereby the management heads come up with an idea in the company then they pitch the idea to the subordinates. The managers further go to the employees and encourage them that the ideas, which have been pitched, to them are the best the organization can take into action at the moment. Transformation management style allows the management to engage with the employees at a personal level and this creates a good rapport between the employees and the management (Blaskovics, 2014, p. 27). The style also allows the management to take part in the activity because for persuasion to take place, the managers must be there to spearhead the project. This depicts that the managers and the employees are the ones and there is no work that the employee can do what the manager cannot do. It breeds a sense of oneness in the company (Kennedy, 2007, p. 24).
This management style improves the one on the relationship between the management and the employees because the manager gets an opportunity to talk to the employees about how the company is fairing on. The manager therefore gets first-hand information on what affects the employees in the organization and is in a better position to change the negative aspects in the company thus bringing cohesion and togetherness in the company. Additionally, the one-on-one interaction with the employees gives the manager an opportunity to persuade the employees to do what they may not experience what is right and was dictated by the manager. This is because the relationship between the manager and the employees is solid and they can discuss even matters that are not within the company limits. It makes friend out of the employer and the employee (Chawla, 2013, p. 10)
Consultative Management Style
Consultative management style is the style where the management asks for opinions from the employees and uses the opinions in making the final decisions. Consultative management style is more of democratic but the difference is slight between these two. The relationship bond created by consultative management style is that the management gets different ideas on how to go about the situation at hand and this breed’s trust between the management and the employees. It also creates a platform where the employees and the employers can get a one-on-one time experience to talk to one another showing the oneness in the organization (Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons, 2010, p. 30).
Transformation Management
The different leadership skills in the organizations have different effects on the employees. For instance, consultative management style of leadership imposes the image of cruelty from the management heads and thus the employees do not feel open to talk to their bosses freely on the things that affect them or on the things that the company may do in order for the organization to perform better. Furthermore, this leadership style affects the employees and the output may not be 100%. Being followed by the supervisor makes the employee feel not free in the working environment and this has a negative impact on the social cohesiveness of the company (Hitt, Black & Porter, 2008, p. 17).
Using the transaction management system of leadership poses good effects on the relationship of the employees. This is seen in the way managers and the employees relate. They talk together and share different ideas on what can be done best in the organization. This also causes the employees to create an innovations pattern that will enable the company to go to a higher notch. Most of the other types of leadership skills have the effect of togetherness in the respective organizations that they are used. They also promote innovation and inventions in these places (Robbins & Decenzo, 2009, p. 40).
This section considers all the different aspects of management that have been indicated by the study carried out in the different organizations and their impact on the relationships they create in the respective organizations, the different leadership styles indicated have different effects on the relationships between the management heads and the employees. For instance, not having a good relationship is depicted by the autocratic style because the management does not give the employees time to work on the task given and the communication is just downwards. All the other forms of leadership indicate a situation where the management interacts with the employees and this breeds oneness in the organization. The management styles also breed trust and honesty among the members of the organization. In Tata Motors for example, the relationship between the employees and the employers is very good because according to the research carried out on the management styles (Bowie, 2001, p. 30). This is so because an investment in the employees is investment to the future.
Tata Motors is among the leading company the field of technology. The Tata Group
has entirely over twenty public listed enterprises and operates in more than eighty countries
Consultative Management Style
world-wide. Frequently Tata motors are innovating and making new 1998 it first
developed lightweight business Vehicle, India’s Sports Utility Vehicle and, India’s first
totally autochthonous railroad car. Because of that it lead Tata Nano to progressively rise to
fame .it’s now projected to be the world’s less expensive automobile production company (Singh,2014). It’s hard to continue being on top when new problems are arising like rise in gas cost and air pollution. Tata acknowledges this and dedicates several resources and time into evaluating and developing new ideas so as to beat the stiff competitions from their rivals and the trending dynamical of economies. In order for all automobile manufacturer to stay in this competitive automotive game, they need to amend, adapt and evolve. That is why Tata is specifically doing ascension, intensive analysis and development research so as to continue to lead (Robbins Decenzo & Coulter, 2013, p. 23). The management of Tata has discovered that most of its potential client are online and to reach them they have signed into some accounts and post photos and pictures of their brand to be relevant in the market through this platform. However, it was seen that the company do face multiple challenges from the upcoming and other existing companies. Nonetheless, it has developed some workable strategies to see to it that it maintains its reputation by appealing to its clients (Le, 2015, p. 21). It effectively manages this by manufacturing and producing new designs of vehicles every season.
According to YANG (2008, p. 260), the knowledge management and dimensions of learning organization is very important for a company. This is because it makes the company to enjoy some competitive advantage due to the framework and strategy they have laid down. Different statistics that were carried out to determine the impact of knowledge on management and learning organization indicate that those firm that have ever performed well and awarded business excellence have shown some incredible performance in its subsequent operations. Tata has fully adopted the social identity theory as it fully identifies itself with its brand (Mullins, 2010, p. 41). It is incumbent to state that Tata has a unique brand that makes its brand universally known. It is from this point of view that it has fully embraced this theoretical framework to enable them increase on their sales and production as most of the people can identify with its brand. It is due to this uniqueness that makes most of the people identify with its product. Therefore, the information on learning objectives is very important as guides the company to assess its relevance in the market (Chawla, 2013, p. 25). It also aids the firm to know whether its vision and mission are in alignment with the dynamism that are taking place in the market. The assumptions that was made from this findings is that knowledge management has direct impact to the Learning Organization and it is very important for the firm to put this into consideration for its mobility and progress (Blaskovics, 2014, p. 32).
Reference List
Blaskovics, B. (2014). Impact of leadership styles on project success: the case of a multinational company. Dynamic Relationships Management Journal. 3, 21-36.
Robbins Decenzo & Coulter (2013), Fundamentals of Management (8th edition), Pearson Education.
Mullins, L.J. (2010). Management and Organisational Behaviour (9th edition) Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow-UK.
Bowie N.E. (2001). The Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics, (Philosophy Guides) Blackwell Publishers
Cole G.A. (2011). Management Theory and Practice (7th edn) South-Western Cengage Learning, London.
Chawla, D. &. J. H., 2013. Impact of Knowledge Management Dimensions on Learning
Fitzsimmons, J. A & Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2010). Service Management: Operations Strategy, Information Technology. (7th edn) Singapore, McGraw Hill International Edition
Hitt M.A., Black S.J. and Porter L.W. (2008), Management (2nd edn) Pearson Education, Harlow-UK.
Kennedy, C. (2007). Guide to the Management Gurus, (5th edn) Randon House Business Books.
Robbins S.P. & Decenzo, D. A. (2009). Fundamentals of Management: Essential Concepts and Applications, (6th edn), Pearson Education (or an earlier edition)
Robbins S.P. and Judge T.A (2010). Organisational Behaviour (14th edn) Pearson Education/Prentice Hall, Harlow-UK.
YANG, C.-W. (2008). The relationship among leadership styles, entrepreneurial orientation, and business performance. Managing Global Transitions. 6, 257-275.