The Phenomenon Of Brain Drain: Causes, Consequences, And Solutions
Part I: A persuasive thesis statement on overcoming the ill-effects of brain drain
In this Competency Assessment, you will create a persuasive, problem-solving thesis statement and evaluate the effectiveness of that thesis using the rhetorical situation and the rhetorical triangle.
There has been an overload of immigrant professionals flocking to developed nations to use their education and professional skills to earn money and recognition in the recent years and due to this phenomena the home nations of these immigrant individuals are experiencing shortage of manpower and knowledge which has become a barrier for growth and development (Ernst, 2015). The need of the hour is for the countries to offer facilities and incentives which are at par with the global standards so that their citizens do not face any difficulties while pursuing the profession of their choice.
Purpose- The purpose of the present narrative is to provide an overview as well as explain and devise a solution that is feasible for tackling the issues that has been arising due to the phenomenon termed as brain drain which is nothing but migration of knowledge and workforce to the countries that are better off than the others in terms of economy, living standards, job opportunities to name a few. A very potent example is that of migration of Mexican nationals to USA in search of better jobs and better living conditions.
Target audience- The ill-effects of brain drain has been mostly observed in the fields of education or medicine which has resulted in becoming the epicenter of the several primary problems faced by these developing nations. Unlike countries like the United States of America, these poor countries are unable to efficiently allocate their resources which can be used by the existing manpower for eradicating the impoverished conditions rampant in these countries. However, it is also absurd to think that countries like USA are immune to the effects of brain drain and this is why the trained professionals and companies are required to employ their skill set (Ferracioli & De Lora, 2015). However, the resolution of the issue will be pending unless the government identifies and acknowledges the value of the skills and intellectual property.
Setting- The Federal government of USA at the moment is more focussed on keeping immigrants out rather than keeping trained professionals in. The idiocracy of the top level administration complemented with the racial apathy of the citizens of United States is a very disturbing. Dishonesty, irrational utopia and hunger for power have become pillars of the existing government and despite the capability of USA to prevent issues of brain drain, the country has been unable to get a grip of their internal conflicts which in turn has become primary reason of brain drain.
Part II: Analysing the rhetorical situation of brain drain phenomenon
Brain drain is the shifting of intellectual individuals from one country to another in search of better prospects. However, it is wrongly assumed that the countries from which the the intellectual property is migrating, is bearing the full brunt of the phenomenon. For countries like USA, which have been considered as a developed country for decades, the problems of accommodating and providing for immigrants workers is more profound. According to Anon (2018), these migrant workers bring their own share of cultures and religions which is a good thing but they also bring their own share of problems which snowball together to become an administrative nightmare. Hence it becomes paradoxical situation wherein the countries supposed to be benefitting from brain drain are required to invest more in accommodating, providing and securing the living standards of the migrating individuals.
Pathos- USA has a significant workforce and even though USA based companies profit from outsourcing to cheaper countries, these companies are responsible for being the attractive force that results in brain drain. Bringing in foreign nationals for handling matters that can be handled by the citizens of the country due to aggressive corporate outlook and insufficiency of the poorer countries has resulted in complex geopolitical situation which is inflicting damage to both the countries (Steinberg, 2017).
Ethos- A strict hiring policy must be in place in countries like USA and financial as well as technological aid to poorer countries to develop technology and bring about political stability that is required for enhancing the the standard of living and remuneration packages of the professionals. This change will prompt the migrating individuals to remain in their country once they realise that they have attained the global standards. Realistically speaking, brain drain is neither a boon or a curse as it is by-product of globalisation (Bearchief-Adolpho, Jackson, Smith & Benally, 2017). However, countries need to develop their infrastructure to minimise the loss of intellectual property and knowledge.
Logos- Walmart has become one of the key companies which have been hiring immigrants all over USA. These immigrants are not highly qualified, but they accompanied those of who have skill and knowledge (Nguyen, 2017). Walmart has been providing job opportunities to those who have come to foreign land in search of jobs and better living conditions. The company, thanks to its massive growth rate, also hires the local job seekers and though the company has not been able to stop brain drain into USA, they have sure provided the immigrating individuals with a chance of livelihood.
Anon, (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Oct. 2018].
Ernst, S. (2015). The Paradox of High-Skilled Migration: Is the Brain Drain the Best Antidote to the Brain Drain? (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from
Steinberg, D. (2017). Resource shocks and human capital stocks–Brain drain or brain gain?. Journal of Development Economics, 127, 250-268. Retrieved from
Bearchief-Adolpho, Q. A., Jackson, A. P., Smith, S. A., & Benally, M. T. (2017). Navajo Nation Brain Drain: An Exploration of Returning College Graduates’ Perspectives. The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 8(1), 7. Retrieved from
Nguyen, D. L. (2017). The Application of Talent Management Theories to the Prevention of” Brain Drain” in China. Retrieved from
Ferracioli, L., & De Lora, P. (2015, July). Primum nocere: medical brain drain and the duty to stay. In The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine (Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 601-619). Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Inc.. Retrieved from