The Perils And Possibilities Of Instant Access To Information And Smartphones/Social Media
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It is evident that technological advancement has contributed to the improvement of everybody lives in various unpredictable ways. It has literary changed the manner in which people communicate, interact and does wok activities. Information advancement has led to instant access to information across the world. Instant access to information contributes to greater opportunities and merits (Hoq,2016). It is possible to acquire immediate information through email notifications, Facebook, Twitter and Google which has become widely used by people. It has been vastly acknowledging diversification of education systems, offices, family interaction and in business for example shopping online.
It has increased its access to a large number of people across the world. Instant access to information has made the world a “global village” (Murphy, Hofacker & Mizerski,2006). It assists the world to move at a faster rate, efficiently in terms of business such as currency exchange thus positively impacting the economy
According to Hoq (2016) messaging tools has increased interaction between people across the world thus interchange of culture between societies. It has also led to the improvement of internet connection since it increased entertainment.
Like most domains there exist the downside part to the increased abundance and fastness of a particular technology. Various smartphones and social media platforms enable individuals to acquire ideas and information over a very short period of time. This immediate access to information comes with several perils. Information technology is slowly creating an addiction to instant gratification. The information gadget that is easy to carry can provide people with immediate access to entertainment, communication medium and also the whole knowledge base of an existing website (Wilmer,Sherman, & Chein, 2017).). It is evident that not everything is supposed to be near instant. For example, acquiring information fast enhances people to order for products online. However, individuals still have to wait for a given period of time in order to get their product purchases delivered to their premises. Some online shopping platforms thus claim that they can deliver goods for less than two hours across the world which leads to fraudulent activities. People are also mostly concerned with finishing jobs, tasks and several assignments in a quick manner rather than being concerned with the quality.
Instant access to information is causing some uncalled for perils. Clearly, some things require more time to accomplish. Finishing a particular website in a couple of hours makes it lower its quality and strength (Gillespie et al, 2016). There is a vital reason which it should take longer in order to complete. Instant access to information has thus contributed to individuals rushing to make uninformed decisions hence ending up messing up and reducing the quality of achieving important things. They no longer pay attention to details.
Immediate access to information has led to the high spread of fake news across the world through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter
Instant access to information is affecting the society since it has led to the development of a certain culture of impatience and forgetfulness since people are getting used to it. For example in TV waiting several months for a whole series season is deemed as too long, hence the need for Netflix in order to access the show immediately.
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Instant access to information, as part of the education system like online classes, lowers the education system (Hanna, Rohm & Crittenden, 2011). This aspect is quite detrimental to learning since answer materials are always within reach hence contributes to cheating in exams and thus lower the quality of education. This is potentially a dangerous stuff for education system since knowledge is immediately available at Google search.
It also leads to an overload of information since every information comes at such an instant pace. It creates laziness and time wastage. People have high expectation and addiction to immediate results leading to a lot of failures and nervousness. Instant access to information is also slowly ruining the manner in which people interact, communicate and interact. It is slowly taking away actual experiences. It has affected personal information since if one does not get instant feedback or response it increases the probability of one getting angry.
Smartphones and social media involve a leading platform worldwide that enhances the sharing of ideologies and various insight between people thus affecting the business today, subcultural activities and the entire society. The smartphone has been a means of communication from one place to another. The smartphone and social media has increased the quality of communication strategies hence moving it unprecedented points.
It has also increased marketing strategies as companies use social media to advertise its products to target audience reaching a wide network of clientele base. It has also increased online socialization making people become active members of society.
Today, one of these surprising issues is rising. The cell phone is driving a central change in the manner in which we connect as people and it might affect our joy. People are social creatures. We look for fraternity and acknowledgment (Lenhart et al 2016). The connections we construct are basic to our individual joy and prosperity. Also, considerably more, to associate with a cell phone requires mindful handling, which implies your cerebrum must be completely locked in. Rationally, the telephone hauls you totally out of your present condition.
Cell phones impact public activities in an unexpected way. Despite the fact that there are both great and terrible impacts of cell phones, these social viewpoints are relentlessly changing and making it increasingly hard to keep up normal public activities with the substantial dependence on cell phones (Niehaves, Köffer, & Ortbach, 2012). There are a few effects that these cell phones have on person’s lives and will keep on having as the capacities develop each day.
Social media has changed the level of interactions as a result of social media cyberbullying and fraudulent activities. People do not easily trust the intentions of others due to such vices occurring thus widening the gap. Tragically, in the nonconcurrent universe of cell phone interactions, there are a million reasons a reaction may be deferred, yet you have no chance to get of precisely perusing the circumstance. These offbeat connections make a powerless channel bubble cover.
The universality of cell phones and web-based life makes them difficult to stay away from, in any case. Also, they are changing the manner in which individuals practice their religion. Beliefs are embracing web advances to make it less demanding for individuals to impart thoughts and love (Pender, Currie, Delbosc, & Shiwakoti, 2014). Social tension and forlornness happen to be two imperative qualities that can be contrarily associated with cell phone utilization. Social tension and forlornness are the two factors that add to most low-quality connections.
It affects family bringing about a developing privatization among relatives or aspects of individualism and if there are individuals progressively utilizing innovation separately as opposed doing it collectively (Sweeny, 2010). Alongside the ascent of independence and the decrease in family esteems, new media innovations are currently significantly more inundated into individuals’ day by day schedules than any time in recent memory.
Online networking additionally gives a stage to some less exquisite practices and feelings. In spite of the fact that there are mind-blowing assets, friendships, and data over the web that upgrade life, there is nothing as remarkable and satisfying when associating face to face without the screen. As the remarkable technology advancement has spread into each field of our life, we need to make up for lost time with it to remain socially dynamic members of the network.
Social pressure is said to originate from an over inordinate utilization of cell phones, as well. Since there are such a significant number of people who use cell phones to impart so much of the time, certain maladaptive propensities are or can be framed (Turban et al, 2018). However social media and smartphones has increased the rate at which people interact and share ideas. It has made people and governments interact harmoniously and in unity. People are able to interact through online trading. They are also able to help each other in times of calamities no matter where one comes from.
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Murphy, J., Hofacker, C., & Mizerski, R. (2006). Primacy and recency effects on clicking behavior. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(2), 522–535. doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2006.00025.x
Wilmer, H. H., Sherman, L. E., & Chein, J. M. (2017). Smartphones and cognition: A review of research exploring the links between mobile technology habits and cognitive functioning. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(605), 1-16. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00605
Gillespie, M., Ampofo, L., Cheesman, M., Faith, B., Iliadou, E., Issa, A., … & Skleparis, D. (2016). Mapping refugee media journeys: Smartphones and social media networks.
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Niehaves, B., Köffer, S., & Ortbach, K. (2012). IT consumerization–a theory and practice review.
Pender, B., Currie, G., Delbosc, A., & Shiwakoti, N. (2014). Social media use during unplanned transit network disruptions: a review of the literature. Transport Reviews, 34(4), 501-521.
Sweeny, S. M. (2010). Writing for the instant messaging and text messaging generation: Using new literacies to support writing instruction. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 54(2), 121-130.
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