The Onion Model Of Seven Cultural Dimensions And Cross-Cultural Management
The Onion Model of Seven Cultural Dimensions
1. Trompenaar believes that culture has many layers like an onion; on the outside are the expression and then the norms and beliefs of people. By the “Onion model” of seven dimensions of culture, Trompenaar simply meant that persons from these various different cultures are different and differ from one another in a special way. This meant that the way in which these people from these different cultural backgrounds differed can be predictable and it is in a very specific manner. Trompenaars argued that this is due to the fact that each culture across the globe has its own way of thinking, its own ways of doing things, its own values and most importantly its own beliefs. He believed that this is what triggers and makes people put preferences of certain things over other ones (Fletcher, Baulcomb, Hall, Hussain, 2014). Culture is often regarded as a people’s ways of life, scholars, however, has been regarding it as a social behavior and norms of a group of persons and is often manifested in their way of life. Cross-cultural management therefore involves a management scheme takes care of work teams and considers their cultural differences in a very sensitive way. Cross cultural management therefore revolves around a number of things, for instance, it is responsible for recruiting and employing qualified candidates that can fit in different cross-culture environments (Quoniam, 2018). It came to a conclusion that exactly what distinguishes people from one culture to the other are these preferences and where they fall in the seven dimensions that he mentioned and these are;
2. Using these seven dimensions below is an analysis of my own culture and how it is associated with these dimensions.
a). Universalism and particularism, My culture is more of a universalism, we tend to believe so much in set rules, the standards it is often hard and inappropriate to find someone going round the already set rules. Particularism is more flexible, the rules are set but people tend to round the rules although they know that the rules do exist (Bartlett & Beamish, 2018).
b). Individualism and Communitarianism, in individualism people believe that personal accomplishments are much more important and self fulfilling, it is a common belief in individualism that everyone for him/her self. Communitarianism on other hand, people believe that a group is much more important than an individual, and we should be willing to let go our personal accomplishments and goals for the group if need be. Well, in my culture, people believe in individualism, we are more centered towards personal achievements and accomplishments.
c). Specific and diffuse- In specific people tend to separate between work and their personal issues and relationships. Diffuse on the other hand, people do believe that it is the personal relationships that actually make work worthwhile. My culture is more of specific that it is of diffuse. People tend to put their personal issues and relationships aside, the relationship that exists between colleagues is professional and not personal (Steers & Sánchez?Runde, 2017).
Analysis of My Own Culture
d). Neutral and Emotional- In neutral, people will try all the possible reasons to control their emotions, feelings do not play a very big role in influencing their decisions, facts and logistics do. Emotional on other hand, people will always find a way to express their emotions at work places if need be. My culture is a combination of all these two aspects, neutral and emotional. People will display their emotions if need be and withdraw them where necessary (Fletcher et al, 2014).
e). Achievement and Ascription-In achievement, people believe that a person is defined by what he/she does. Ascription on other hand believes that people should be valued by who they really are and not necessarily what they do. My culture is more of achievement; it is very common in my culture to see people being addressed by their various titles, a characteristic of achievement.
f). Sequential time and Synchronous time-In sequential, people want to see events happening in the right order. Synchronous on the other hand, various projects can be done at the same time. My culture is more of sequential than it is synchronous.
g). Internal direction and outer direction-In internal direction, there is a believe that people can to some extend control their environment to attain their goals. Outer direction on other hand, people believe it is the environment and nature that has some control over them. My culture is internal-direction; we do believe that we have some control over our nature and environment (Schwarz, 2012).
3. Decisions made by international managers are very crucial and have an impact on the success of the organization. Statistics and data on population demographics from the various sources mentioned such as ABS population clock among others are very important towards providing the managers with the relevant facts before they make a decision, they act as guides towards a decision making process (Fili,
4. Cultural intelligence is the capability within an individual to cross borders and boundaries between different cultures and actually being in a position to thrive and survive in so doing. The socioeconomics got from various sources is critical for basic leadership. It gives worldwide directors the data they require in order to settle on different pivotal choices. It really goes about as a guide since with this sort of information available to them, and after that they can be in a situation to comprehend the different factors in it and subsequently think of an important end.
5. In my own understanding, I can define cultural intelligence as the ability to not only understand but also be in a position to work and lead people that are not like oneself. It revolves around understanding these people, making them trust you and feel like they are part of you even when they actually aren’t (Neal, 2016). I can characterize social knowledge as that capacity or that start inside a person that makes one relates well, as well as work connect with others from various different societies. Social insight is something that can be natured and created after some time. All things considered, my level social insight isn’t all around created; truly I am not exactly beyond any doubt on the off chance that it even exists. I am not exactly beyond any doubt in the event that I can figure out how to endure and function with individuals who are from an alternate culture. I am resolved to change this circumstance however, since I do trust that social knowledge is something extremely significant in the cutting edge world
-Operating ethically and honestly
-Observing laws and regulations
-Focus on customers
-Treating suppliers with great respect
-Looking after our customers (In terms of the environment they are working in).
-All businesses being in a position to positively contribute the societies they operate in.
7. It is always important to understand different cultures, understand different people and having an interest in other human beings and not being in a position of judging themselves with oneself as the benchmark. The individual being vital at work implies that one is an essential, crucial, and key. It is a prerequisite for individual of that specific employment that they are doing. This can be made conceivable by acing the specialty of social insight. Through social knowledge then one would have the capacity to identify with various people from various foundations under any conditions at all. Cultural intolerance is uncalled of and it should not get in our way. Basically we should be in a position to work with different people from different culture, in so doing we become indispensable at work.
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