The Most Important Skill For A Negotiator
Negotiation refers to back-and-forth communication that can help in reaching an agreement between that of two or more parties that has some kind of shared interest that can give rise to a conflict. It is a process with the help of which we can get something from somebody who in turn wants something from us. It can be said that both art and science is involved in the act of negotiation. Science is indicative of the systematic analysis in relation to that of problem solving. The art side refers to the interpersonal skills and the ability to employ ploys that can help in resolving conflicts and disputes (RUBIN AND BROWN 2013). Every negotiation is different from that of the other however basic elements in relation to negotiation remain the same. This essay analyzes the skills that are essential for the process of negotiation and the manner in which conflict can be resolved between that of two or more parties.
According to Ury, greatest obstacle in relation to successful agreements is not another party that is involved but “us”. Human beings like to behave in ways that does not serve their own true interest. Negotiation can be said to be an exercise in relation to the act of influencing. William Ury has suggested that putting oneself in the shoes of the other party can be increasingly helpful in the act of negotiation. It can give an individual mental along with emotional space to listen to that of the other party and comprehend his needs (TING?TOOMEY 2015). One should remove himself/herself from that of the situation and watch the particular scene from that of the distance that can help in creating a perspective. Neutral observation of the situation and identification of that of the thoughts can help an individual in staying in place (GOLDBERG ET AL. 2014). An individual should avoid being carried away by an event that can help in impartially judging an event. The negative chatter in the head of an individual can make an individual unbalanced as well as distracted and one should listen to oneslf with a lot of empathy. The underlying needs of an individual should be identified in order to accomplish the act of perfect negotiation. One should be attentive of that of the recurrent feelings of that of disappointment which highlight the case of unmet concern (HORST AND COLONEL 2012).
An important element of negotiation is that an individual should be able to think of the alternative options that can help an individual in reaching a deal. An individual should have confidence regarding the alternative irrespective of what happens during the course of a negotiation. An individual should have the assumption that the world is friendly that can help an individual in taking a co-operative approach and mete treatment out to the others like that of potential partners (SINGLETON 2013). Scarcity is greatly feared by most of the people. Conflict starts when an individual feels that something is scarce and one should feel as if life is on his side even though it may seem unfriendly at certain times. Being immersed in a particular thought or activity can give one a feeling of total focus. Negotiation can be achieved when an individual does not get lost in the act of resentment regarding the past or anxiety in relation to the future (GRUBB AND BROWN 2012). Staying in that of the present can provide an individual with opportunity to change certain things. Cheapest concession that can be made in relation to negotiation is by giving respect. A significant element in relation to negotiation is that positive attention should be meted out to other people and others should be treated in the manner in which we would ourselves like to be treated (ZOHAR 2015). Being polite and listening to the opinion and views of other people can be helpful in the act of negotiation.
Putting oneself in the shoes of the other party
There are different approaches by taking recourse to which negotiation can be carried out. Seeing the issue or the situation from the perspective of other people can be immensely helpful in resolving conflict and aid in the process of negotiation. According to me, William Ury was right to a great extent when he laid emphasis on the factor of the viewpoints of others. I think that this kind of noble attitude of thinking can set the stage of negotiation of the different parties involved. There are differences in relation to perception between that of different parties. The conflicts in most cases are on the basis of different interpretations of the facts. It is hence important that both the parties understand the viewpoint of others and the parties putting themselves in the other’s shoes can help in mitigating conflict (SAARNI 2015). An important approach in relation to negotiation is that a party should not assume that their worst idea will turn into actions of that of others parties. A particular party should not blame the other side for that of the problem. Each side should make an attempt in making proposals that can be appealing to that of the other side (URY 2015). I think that it is important that all the parties should come together and be involved in process because their involvement can help in supporting the outcome that can help in dealing with negotiation.
I think that it is of crucial importance that the people should be separated from that of the issues- that can prove to be helpful in relation to negotiation. People possess a tendency of becoming personally involved in that of issues and with the position of the sides. Separating the people from that of the issues can help in addressing the important issues without damaging that of the relationships (MENKEL-MEADOW AND SCHNEIDER 2014). I think that it can of great benefit as it can help an individual in getting a clearer picture of that of the substantive problem. Emotion is an important source of problems. People react in a negative manner when they feel that their interests have been threatened. An effective approach in relation to negotiation is that emotions should be acknowledged and one should understand the source of the emotions. I think that is significant that the parties acknowledge the presence of certain emotions even at times when they see that the feelings are not reasonable. Dismissing the feelings of others as unreasonable will provoke an emotional response that is more intense. Symbolic gestures like that of apologies can help in defusing strong emotional responses (WALLENSTEEN 2015).
Separating people from issues
According to me, communication is another aspect that can help in conflict resolution. The parties involved often do not listen to that of others parties but they are busy planning that of their own response. An important approach in relation to negotiation is that active listening should be employed by the parties in order to avoid conflict and combat problems. Listeners should be able to give the full attention to that of the speaker and summarize the point of the speaker that can help in confirming their understanding (FISHER 2016). The speaker should be able to direct the speech towards that of other parties and lay emphasis on the matter that they are trying to communicate. Each of the side should avoid blaming that of the other side and should be able to speak about themselves. The problems of people will not rise on the occasion of the parties having a good relationship and people should be able to think about each other like that of partners in negotiation as compared to that of adversaries (AUTESSERRE 2014).
I think that good agreement focus on the interest of the parties rather than that of the position. The problem should be defined in terms of the underlying interest of the parties that can help in finding a solution that can satisfy both the parties. Each of the parties have different interest that underlies their position. The interest may differ between different members. All of the individuals have basic needs like that of security and that of well-being (FRY AND BJORKQVIST 2013). After the identification of the interest the parties should be able to discuss these together. The interest of the parties should be explained in a clear manner that can help the other party in understanding the matter from their point of view. Discussions should not focus on that of past events but rather should conceive of the desired solution (NISHIZAKI AND SAKAWA 2013).
Conflict is indicative of some kind of friction that arises within the members of a group when the actions of some members are not accepted by that of another group. Conflict refers to a kind of social process that gets increased when the different members of the group take side in the case of a debate (RUBIN AND BROWN 2013). Game Theory can be said to be a theory in relation to rational decision that occurs in case of conflict situations. Decision makers called players are available in case of game theory. Strategies are available to that of each player and the outcome is a result of that of the choice of strategies made by that of the players. Payoffs are accorded to the players in the case of each of the possible outcome (URY 2015). It is held that each of the players are rational and his preference ordering of that of the outcome is determined on the basis of the magnitude of that of the associated payoffs. The Nash Equilibrium is an important concept in relation to game theory that refers to a stable state in which no player can gain advantage by the changing of his strategy on unilateral basis (GOLDBERG ET AL. 2014). This model also assumes that the other parties have not changed their strategies.
Active listening
Conflict have both life affirming along with life-destroying aspect. They arise on account of contradictions within that of the structure of the society. Asymmetric relationships can be transformed by shifting from that of unbalanced to that of balanced relationship. It can be achieved with the help of negotiation and a conscientious attitude can help an individual in resolving conflict (SINGLETON 2013). An eclectic approach can help in transforming conflict that embraces the multi track intervention. Peace constituencies can be built at the level of grass roots at that of the civil society level and peace alliances between different groups can help in bringing about positive changes. I think that conflict transformation is a broad approach that incorporates that of conflict resolution training with that of the diplomatic intervention. Peace building can thus be said to be a structure-process. An appropriate strategy that is linked to that of an appropriate time frame can help in the process of conflict resolution. The nature of the interventions should be matched to that of the stage of conflict (NISHIZAKI AND SAKAWA 2013). I think that at an early stage of conflict facilitation can prove to be appropriate but on the event of the conflict reaching that of a high stage power-based mediation can prove to be immensely beneficial.I think that communication plays an important role in relation to conflict management. It is found that if the communication is clear then it can help in avoiding conflict. The thoughts should be put into relevant word that can prove to be an effective step in the process of conflict resolution. Haphazard thoughts can add to the confusion and give rise to disagreement. Communications should be done with the help of a common platform that can help every member of a team in getting the same picture (WALLENSTEEN 2015).
William Ury was quite right when he suggested that placing oneself in the position of others can be of great help in the art of negotiation. It can provide a party with the right kind of emotional space that can help an individual in listening to the view points of others. Distancing oneself from the situation can help an individual in gauging the situation impartially and provide the right perspective. An individual will be able to take a co-operative approach if they believes that the world is friendly. Listening to the views of other people can also be greatly helpful in dealing with conflicts. Speech should be directed towards that of the other parties and one should highlight on the important matter that they want to communicate. Blaming the other party should be avoided and one should clearly put forward their own motive. Changing from that of the unbalanced to that of the balanced can help in transforming the asymmetric relationships. Eclectic approach can help in the transformation of the conflict embracing multi track intervention. The communication being clear can set the path for the resolution of the conflict. Thoughts being put into relevant words can help an individual in achieving conflict resolution.
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