The Kingdom Of God And Its Relation To The Church

Different Perspectives on the Concept of Kingdom of God

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It is well known that, a lot of religions such as: Hinduism, Jainism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Zoroastrianism exist in the world. These religions are not new. These all the religions are very old. People are passing these religions, beliefs, and faiths from one generation to the next generation. All the people of different religions have different faiths as well as beliefs. These beliefs and faiths are being strong day by day. Along with this, this research paper would be helpful to describe an important concept ‘The kingdom of God’ in an effective and a proper manner. Moreover, the paper would also be helpful to show that how the concept ‘The kingdom of God’ is related to the church. Finally, this paper would be helpful to discuss the most popular religion Christian in an appropriate way..

In the views of Moore, Russell and Robert (2008, 68-87), the ‘Kingdom of God’ is also known as the ‘Kingdom of Heaven.’ Along with this, the concept ‘Kingdom of God’ is a major subject of debate for the people. These are not a particular definition of the concept ‘Kingdom of God.’ Some people believe that the ‘Kingdom of God’ is an important statute of an eternal (anadi/ avinashi) and monarch God that it has all over the space. According to the Holy Scriptures of the religious, God is the irrefutable sovereign of all universes. Along with this, the Holy Scriptures let know that the God has established its throne in paradise in order to spread its kingdom rules all over the world.[1] For the reason, it can be assumed that, each and every authority that subsist and also has been ascertained by God is the ‘Kingdom of God.’ The concept includes each and everything that exists in the universe. In view of that, the God’ Kingdom refers as the “God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule.”

On the other hand, Joubert (2013, 114-134) state that the ‘Kingdom of God’ is a religious rule that lives in the hearts and minds of the people who accept the authority of God enthusiastically. The people who refuse and also reject the authority of God are not related to the kingdom of God. Apart from this, the people who concede the authority and also follow the rules of God in their hearts are only related to the ‘Kingdom of God.’ In this sense, the concept of ‘Kingdom of God’ is sacred. It is because of it describes that contrition is essential to be a part of the ‘Kingdom of God.’ In contrast, some people believe that the ‘Kingdom of God’ is an idyllic pattern that is only related to human society. People will make the kingdom themselves by their works and efforts towards the ideal society. The endeavors that they make to resolve social issues such as: poverty, social inequalities, sickness, race relationships, etc. will be helpful to establish the ‘Kingdom of God’ in the world.[2] For that reason, it can be assumed that, the concept ‘Kingdom of God’ has quite a lot of aspects.

Relation of Kingdom of God and Church in Christianity

In the same way, according to the authors ap Siôn, Tania, Leslie, and Sylvia (2007, 1-15), the concept ‘Kingdom of God’ is related to the church or Christianity. There are different views of people that illustrate that it   is correlated to the church. In other words, it also can be said that, the Kingdom of God is one of the major factors of the tradition of Jesus. According to the holy Bible, this was the fundamental message of Jesus to the world. Along with this, the Scripture states that the factual rule of Christ will establish a kingdom that will never be annihilated.[3] The other prophets of Christ will follow the same rules in order to maintain the kingdom in the approaching years. This way, Christ has established his spiritual sovereignty in the church and on the earth. So, it may be assumed that, ‘Kingdom of God’ is linked to the church in a spiritual way.

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Along with this, in the views of Ladd (2004) the ‘Kingdom of God’ is the central theme of the teaching of Jesus. It is also the initial message of the Church that was founded by Jesus all the way through his disciples. Moreover, the spirit of the teachings of Jesus emphasizes around the thesis of the kingdom of God. According to Bible, ‘Kingdom of God’ is an actual, genuine and factual government that was founded by Jehovah God.  It allocates lots of characteristics of human governments; however it is advanced to them in every way. Furthermore, the Bible states that God has assigned Jesus as the king of the kingdom and also provided him more rights than any other human ruler. Jesus may use these rights only for welfare of people.[4] Thus, Jesus has confirmed that he can be a reliable as well as concerned leader to the world and also can work for the good of universe.

At the same time, the authors Wagner (2010) articulate that the ‘Kingdom of God’ will never destroy unlike human governments. Human rulers come and go but the monarchy of god will remain the same. Furthermore, a person who does what God necessitates can be a major subject of the ‘Kingdom of God.’ In addition to this, the laws of the kingdom play a significant role in order to forbid wrong behavior of people. The laws of God’s Kingdom improve the moral characters of people. For case, according to Bible, “you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” This is the first and supreme rule of Bible. Moreover, “You must love your neighbor as yourself” is the second commandment of Bible.[5] In this way, the rules of the Bible signify that love and neighbor are the major subjects of the ‘Kingdom of God.’

The Kingdom of God as a Wide Conception Beyond Church

In addition to this, Goldsworthy (2008, 4-15) states that, the ‘Kingdom of God’ sets high standards for its subjects and also edifies people how to meet up those standards in an appropriate and a proper manner. Moreover, the sovereignty of God is active in human history all the way through Jesus Christ. The main purpose of God’s Kingdom is to save the people from offense as well as demonic powers and also set up the new heavens on the earth.[6] On the other hand, in the views of Grisez (2008, 38-61), the ‘Kingdom of God’ is inside the people. But, people have restricted the God’ Kingdom only to a philosophical perspective.  Moreover, the kingdom is very broad and also greater than what is within the souls as well as minds of the followers of Jesus.[7]

Apart from this, Swinton, John, Harriet, and Susannah (2011, 5-19) argue that, the ‘Kingdom of God’ is not related to the church. It is because of the kingdom of God has been established before the church. God’s kingdom is perpetual, but the church is not. The other fact is that the church completely reliant upon the king as well as his rule. For that reason, the rule and sovereignty of God takes priority over the church. Furthermore, the relationship between the God’s kingdom and the Church is frequently misinterpreted by the people. Christians believes that the Kingdom of God is only the other name for the church. [8] But, in real, they both are different from each other; and the God’s kingdom is more important than the Church.

On the other hand, Marshall (2015) contends that God’s kingdom is very wide conception rather than the Church. The kingdom of god takes in each and every area of life that is under rule as well as influence of God. For case, if god rules a domicile then it is a component of the Kingdom. Moreover, a commerce that is runs on biblical principles also a division of the Kingdom. God’s kingdom contains every human activity that is completed in accordance with his spirit. The church is also a part of the kingdom of god. Hence, the kingdom of God does not relate to the church. The authors further say that Christians has been expanded the kingdom by offering different aspects of lives under the spirit of God. But, in reality, the Church is just one area of influence within the kingdom of God.[9] In this way, it can be said that, the kingdom of god is a major subject of debate for the people. Some people believe that it is totally related to the church while some people are against it. But, the study and analysis illustrates that God’s kingdom has a strong relationship with the Church.


On the premise of the above conversation, it can be concluded that, the concept ‘Kingdom of God’ is very wide.  It is the spirit and heart of the message of Jesus Christ for humanity. Along with this, it is also observed that, the concept God’s kingdom is linked to the church. People believe that Jesus come on earth only to establish the kingdom on the earth. Moreover, it can also be said that, God’s kingdom has numerous different aspects. The God is the only monarch of the universe and also relates to all the religions in an equal way. The kingdom of God engages repentance as well as the new birth. As a final point, it can be assumed that God lives in the hearts of people in this world and they work according to the will of God.


ap Siôn, Tania, Leslie J. Francis, and Sylvia Baker. “Experiencing education in the new Christian schools in the United Kingdom: listening to the male graduates.” Journal of Beliefs & Values 28, no. 1 (2007): 1-15.

Goldsworthy, Graeme. “The Kingdom of God as Hermeneutic Grid.”.” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 12 (2008): 4-15.

Grisez, Germain. “The true ultimate end of human beings: The kingdom, not God alone.” Theological Studies 69, no. 1 (2008): 38-61.

Joubert, Stephan. “Not by order, nor by dialogue: the metanoetic presence of the kingdom of God in a fluid new world and church.” Acta Theologica 33, no. 1 (2013): 114-134.

Ladd, George Eldon. “Kingdom of God.” Article in Baker’s Dictionary of Theology (2004).

Marshall, Christopher D. Kingdom come: The kingdom of God in the teaching of Jesus. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015.

Moore, Russell D., and Robert E. Sagers. “The Kingdom of God and the Church: A Baptist Reassessment.” The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 12 (2008): 68-87.

Swinton, John, Harriet Mowat, and Susannah Baines. “Whose story am I? Redescribing profound intellectual disability in the Kingdom of God.” Journal of Religion, Disability & Health 15, no. 1 (2011): 5-19.

Wagner, C. Peter. Strategies for church growth: Tools for effective mission and evangelism. Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2010.

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