The Institutional Progress Theoretical Framework: A Discussion On The Influence Of Sociology On Healthcare
Sociology and influence of social factors on health conditions
Discuss About The Institutional Progress Theoretical Framework.
The essay brings about the discussion on Sociology, and the related concepts and theories in context of the healthcare system. Sociology is the study of social life and it is important for practice to the health care system and practitioners. It is the discipline, which studies about the social relationships of an individual and the institutions associated. The social factors in a healthcare setting are crucial to understand the influence on the occurrence of the health conditions and their treatment in different locations. In addition, essay in the later part also discusses about the biological model of health and the significance in clinical practice. A major explanation relates to the study of impact of hierarchy and power on the health of an individual and the implications of such practices and theories on the health care system. Sociological concepts and theories have acquired major importance as it contributes to a better assessment of the interconnection of the social elements with the larger processes of the environment (Adorno, 2018).
The term sociology derives meaning from the Latin word socius i.e. companion and the Greek word logos (study of), therefore it is the study of companionship. Sociology defines about the social life of a person, which includes social relationships and the study of sociology is diverse, from the family to the state and others. It serves the purpose of studying how the human action and how the cultural and social aspects play a role in influencing the human consciousness. At the personal level, it discusses social causes and the consequences of the concepts such as love, gender identity, conflicts in the family, aging, and the faith in the religious aspects. The importance of the sociology has increased over time because it studies about social relationships, social problems, and the social relationships. According to the author, Robert Stead, the concept of sociology is a social science and not a natural science because it studies about the human beings and the social phenomena. Study of social science or social life is important for the health care and the health practitioners. It creates awareness about the social, determinants of health, leading to the major health problems of, people, thus facilitating healthcare professionals to acquire better understanding in their clinical practices (Kjær,, 2016).
Health defines the state of complete physical, social, and emotional wellbeing, not only describes about the absence of diseases, rather defines complete stability. Healthy environment and living conditions leads to stability of mind, thus helps in maintaining overall wellbeing of the person. An individual throughout the course of life faces number of health problems and diseases. Therefore, there is a greater significance of medical institutions and the health care practitioners. Medicine is a social institution that prevents, controls, diagnoses or treats the diseases or illness. The field or study of medicine includes some other subjects also, in which the study of preventive medicine is importantly playing role in the health sciences. Preventive medicine is the recent or applicable approach to the present healthcare settings, as they relate to adopting healthy habits. These habits include intake of adequate and nutritious diet, proper physical activities or exercises, and living in a safe and healthier environment (Slade, Oades, & Jarden, 2017).
Role of perspectives of Sociology
Sociology assumes that a sound functioning society depends upon the healthy and fit people and the control over illness. Sociologists studies about all the levels of society; society is defined as the group of people who interact with each other, share characteristics, live in a particular area and share culture. Sociology or the social life of an individual is important for the health care settings and the medical practitioners because there are number of social factors that influence the conditions of health of an individual. Sociologists agree that it is also important to consider the social aspects of the health and it has observed that the alcohol consumption, smoking, diet, and exercise affect the health of an individual. There are number of factors that influence the status of wellbeing of an individual. These include social, economic, physical, and the cultural aspects of environment surrounding people. The essay presently discusses specifically about the social factors affecting health and the occurrence of health conditions (Healthy people, 2018).
Social factors are the factors that influence the lifestyle of the individual these include religion, family and the wealth. The social factors of health include a combination of both the social factors and the physical conditions of the environment that covers the aspect of the upbringing and the growth of an individual. These factors include education, level of income, housing, access to the healthcare services. Other factors include discrimination in the society, exposure to crime, violence or social disorder, public safety and the socio-economic conditions of the family such as the situation of poverty. For an instance, the level of education will affect the health of an individual in a way that it serves as the base or the tools of effective decision making for an individual. A person with better education will be able to consider the importance of the healthy eating habits and participating in the activities that would improve their health condition. These activities include physical exercises, taking a regular medical check-up, avoiding bad habits. Moreover, education exerts not only a positive influence on the health conditions but also, facilitate in the treatment of health problems. As education helps an individual attain the higher-paying jobs, which further helps in getting access to the healthcare facilities to an individual (Family doctor, 2018).
There are aspects that are more negative or influence of the social factors on the health conditions, such as inequities created by current structure of the society affects the individual during childhood. These include the unavailability if education, employment opportunities and others. Due to these inequities, differences arise in the social, psychosocial support and behavioural options to an individual. For an instance, the low-level of income and the poor sanitation in the community or society will negatively affect the health condition of a person. Poor sanitation and low income will affect the patient’s ability to acquire the benefits of medical treatment, therefore these aspects play an essential role in the life of every individual (Calnan, 2015).
Sociologists view the society in multiple perspectives, thus there are multiple viewpoints of the sociologists in gaining an understanding of the aspects of social factors, and their relative importance to the health conditions of the individuals. Some sociologists are of the view that the society is diverse, and consist of organised religions and institutions. Whereas, some of the sociologist view the society as the group of people having conflicts with each other, competing for scarce resources. There are four perspectives of sociology that will provide a deeper analysis on the discipline or the study of sociology (Lindsey, 2015).
The four perspectives or approaches to sociology include the Functionalist perspective, interactionist, and the critical perspective. But, there are three major or primary approaches to sociology, which are symbolic interactionist perspective, functionalist and the conflict approach. The approach of symbolic interactionist also known, as symbolic interactionism, guides and directs the sociologists to consider details of everyday life of people. To consider the facts that what the symbols mean and how people interact with each other. In other words, this approach is a school of thought in sociology that explains the social behaviour of the individual; how they interact with each other via symbols. According to this approach, people perceive different meanings of the symbols, according to their perspectives and act accordingly. For an instance, the symbolic interactionist approach has received a great importance in the healthcare settings as they help in interaction between the health care professionals and the patients in the hospitals, for the treatment (Rogers, & Pilgrim, 2014).
Functionalist perspective is another approach of sociology, focuses on the assumption that the society is a stable and orderly system. This approach states and focuses that for society to function efficiently, it is essential to provide people effective medical care, and ensure their wellbeing. The ill health of a person disturbs and the make the person unable to perform a better role in the society; thus the functioning and the stability of the society suffers in whole. As the term functionalist denotes about functions, stated that those functions that do not contribute to stable society, then those functions will not pass from one generation to another (Huang, 2015).
As the term, suggest the conflict approach to sociology emphasizes on the negative, conflicted, and dynamic nature of the society. The sick role in the medical sociology considers the sickness and the rights and obligations associated with the affected person. Social inequality defines about ineffectiveness of quality of healthcare and health of the person. People who belong to the disadvantaged and the backward section of the society suffer the problem of access to the healthcare services, thus these people are prone to poor health conditions and become sick likely to become ill. Thus, the medical practitioners have defined these social problems as medical related problems, and focusing towards solving their issues (Collins, & Sanderson, 2015).
The biomedical model of health represents a medical model of care, practiced by healthcare professionals in the health institutions, to diagnose, and treat diseases. The model focuses on the physical, and the biological aspects of the disease or illness. According to the biomedical model of health and illness, health is defined as the complete freedom or absence of the disease or illness or any defect in the body. The model focuses on the physical processes, pathology, and biochemistry of the disease; therefore, it does not include social factors that influence the health condition of an individual. Thus, this model of health and illness focuses only on the biological factors and excludes the relevance of the psychological, environmental, and social influences (Adler, & Stead, 2015).
Biomedical model of health and illness is important to the health institutions or the clinical practice and research, as the model works to eliminate the problem of illness or the health problems of any individual. The biomedical model of illness is analysed to work towards removal of illness by assessing the pathology of the disease. This means a total analysis of the disease is carried out; followed by listing down number of possible causes of the illness and the strategies or the methods of the recovery. At last, the final plan or action is taken for the proper treatment of the disease; thus ensuring the stability and improvement in the health condition of the patient/individual. The biomedical model of health and illness does not incorporate or include the impact of hierarchy and power on the health of an individual (Collyer, & Scambler, 2015).
The discussion on the hierarchy and power related to the health sociology is intrinsic to the healthcare system adopted in Australia. Australian healthcare system is a mixed system that comprises universal health care (public) and private providers i.e. insurance. Medicare is the Australian healthcare system that focuses on subsidising the medical costs for the citizens of Australia, and all permanent residents. Financed by Medicare levy, the current Medicare is compulsory and administered through the tax system in Australia. The Medicare levy, paid by the Australians, accounted as 2% is earned over certain percentage of their income (Johnson, 2017).
The concept of the power and hierarchy observed as an intrinsic feature in the healthcare system in the Australia. The hierarchy includes the ranking of the members of an organisation according to their relative status or authority. It states about the responsibility, accountability, the hierarchy within healthcare and the healthcare professionals. Medicine in the healthcare system in Australia has maintained a special dominance over years. There are number of social trends in Australia, managerialism, proletarianisation, and the corporatisation of healthcare system creates challenges to the power of medicine and hierarchy system in Australia (Duckett, & Willcox, 2015). In the region of rural Australia, doctors are neither categorised as corporatized workers nor publicly employed. They are important in the cases where the medical power strengthened by medical shortages and the professional autonomy in the healthcare system of Australia (Baer, 2015).
Discussing the impact of the health issues and the sociological aspects and concepts brings about an analysis of the implications on Australian healthcare system. The health care recognised as one of the best in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). However, the healthcare system of Australia has undergone extreme situations of pressure due to changes in the health needs of the people, and the increasing demand, and the costs of healthcare services (The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 2011).
The major health issues observed in the Australian health care system include dementia, obesity, arthritis, asthma, prevention, and control of injury, diabetes type 2, cardiovascular health, and the major mental health problems. The health issues in the Australia have led to the emergence of the disturbance in the effective delivery of services. The problems emerged included the inefficacies and the workforce shortages also, there is an expectation of an increase in reporting of general public for the lack of availability of required clinical services in Australia (Australian medical association, 2011).
Therefore, there has been a major implication, as doctors now need to be aware of the patients healthcare needs, they were not in the position to take leave, and have to work for excessive hours. In addition, they have to follow more specific medical procedures and processes for the treatment of patient’s illness and ensure their recovery.
To conclude the above discussion, it can be analysed that the study of sociology and the health sciences is crucial in the healthcare systems. Specifically discussing about the Australian healthcare systems, a number of issues has observed, and studied in relation to the sociology or the social factors of health. The different aspects of sociology are included in the essay, followed by an understanding on the perspective of sociology, which determines the effect of the social factors on the health conditions of an individual. In addition, the essay also covered the relevance of the biomedical model and the issues affected the healthcare system in Australia. Hence, it should be concluded that the social factors must be given due importance along-with other determinants of life in order to ensure a state of wellbeing and wellness.
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