The Influence Of Domestic Violence On Black, Asian And Minority Ethnic Women In Coventry
Issues Faced by BAME Women in the Work Market
The main focus of this study is to confer the influence of domestic violence on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) women in Coventry. BAME women are surviving under below poverty and facing various issues in the work market involving inconsistent low pay and timid unemployment and a variety of issues to finding a job involving a mixture of sexism and racism (Sandhu, Stephenson and Harrison, 2013). The study will evaluate the consequences of domestic violence on health and well being of the BAME in UK. Domestic violence is the violence in which one person harms other person due to domestic settings such as in marriage and cohabitation. It is also known as the domestic abuse or family violence. Research methodology will be used in this study to examine the support services for victims. Limitations will be discussed in this study to access state services. Research will confer the executions of findings for practices and will provide a multiple recommendations for current support services. The objective of the research is to analyze the influence of BAME in the UK specifically in Coventry.
They are just considered as a part of concerns that influence BAME women involving significant and on-going disadvantages and racism. It has been found that throughout the UK, people from BAME groups are more likely to be in poverty in comparison of white British people (Fielden& Davidson, 2012). BAME women can face a severe option between troublemaking their education of children and losing support networks. There are so many issues faced by BAME women due to amendments in relation to legal advice for employment, asylum, discrimination and immigration (Garicano and Rossi-Hansberg, 2006). Apart from that there are some other processes such as introduction of a telephone gateway and residency test will have an important influence on BAME women. A variety of sources of information is being taken in this research. Research methodology will be mentioned in this assignment which will facilitate to understand the used method while researching.
Research methodology is considered as the imperative component of the complete research study which defines the various techniques, procedures and methods taken for the accomplishment of the research productively. It involves the methods to gather the data, the techniques for sampling and the limitations which give the wholeimpression of the research project and its process (Saunders and Lewis, 2012).
The research on BAME women in UK is accomplished with the help of multiple research designs. There are various designs which have diverse cause in which descriptive research helps in defining the theoretical data which is the topic of the research. The method of exploratory facilitates to identify the reason and result of the research on which it is conducted. Alternatively explanatory research focuses on giving the concise account on the topic and its connected factors. This research is based on the exploratory research in which various components have been argued which is liable for domestic violence (Bryman and Bell, 2015).
Research Methodology and Findings
There are varieties of research approach to carry on the research. Qualitative and quantitative researches are the major research approach to analyze the topic. The mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative is being taken in the form of combination so that the research can be conducted in efficient manner from the examination of prejudiced along with quantitative data.
The numerical data is included in quantitative research in which the statistical data regarding BAME is collected to drive the conclusions. Qualitative data is considered as the loom in which the better understanding is attained on the fundamental causes, motivations and opinions. It facilitates in giving the insights into the issues. Both of the approaches are utilized to make proper conclusion of the research by utilizing both approaches together. It helps to analyze the influence of domestic violence on BAME in the UK specifically in Coventry and to find out the interference support services that are remaining in that area.
There are number of organizations in Coventry that have been influenced by cuts to a various of local and national funding streams which enhance the level of charitable trusts and amends to commissioning of services. It has been analyzed that BAME women are reliable on voluntary organizations to give a range of services and support. These organizations are expertise to provide services to those women who are facing issues of discrimination, faith and poverty in a way that mainstream organizations are often unable to match (Fielden & Davidson, 2012). It has been found that in Coventry there are more than 39000 houses are getting benefits. It has been estimated that more than 9,000 households in Coventry will be influenced by local housing allowances which lead them into big loss that is £13.21 million (Sandhu, Stephenson and Harrison, 2013).
There are some questions which will b answered when the research will be conducted:
Q1- Why men abuse their female partners?
Q2- Why there is less attention from the professionals?
Q3- who did we need to consult with in Coventry?
Data collection is integral component of the entire research. It facilitates in accomplishing the research with verification and gives a applicable conclusion. The secondary research is being opted for this research to gather the data. The secondary sources provide the data which is already utilized somewhere for conducting the research. It can be drawn from magazines, newspaper, journal articles, research papers, reviews etc. this kind of data is taken in use to describe the other research and for correlating other research with own research (Mackey and Gass, 2015). The secondary sources utilized in the study are the previous research papers, official statistical and information from the internet sources and other articles. It has various advantages as it is time saving approach and efficient. However, it has some disadvantages as well is that the gathered data may be inaccurate and outdated. By comparing previous method of secondary research, there are strength and drawbacks in the literature review. The major strength of the literature based study is that the researcher infrequently influence the subject being studied due to books have already published, the records of cases already evidence therefore, the use of literature to describe the chosen topic can have no consequences on them. Apart from that literature based research allows the researcher to study processes that happen over extensive period.
Influence of Cuts to Local and National Funding Streams on Charitable Trusts
It has been found that 29% domestic violence and abuse in Coventry. The police of Coventry have responded on 4717 domestic violence and abuse incidents in which 1666 were crimes. It has been recorded by Coventry police that 3182 individual victims are involved in the abuse and domestic violence. There are more than 75% children are the victim of domestic violence and abuse (Coventry Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership, 2018).
Sampling is the procedure inwhich specific sets of units are opted from the sum of population to make an inspection. The sample defines the entire behaviour of the population which reflects that the sample describes the entire set of population (Zikmund, Babin, Carr & Griffin, 2010). There are multiple methods for sampling. It can be included random sampling technique, systematic sampling, probability sampling, non-probability sampling and stratified sampling. For this research, random sampling technique is used in this research for analysing the conditions of BAME at Coventry. This method has opted for the research due to equal chance of getting opted for the survey.
It is vital for completing the research to analyze the gathered data in adequate manner. The systematic approach is effective approach which is helpful to conduct the research in sequence manner that is why the systematic approach has opted for analyzing the research topic and manage the implementation of the research in sequence manner (Chakrabarti, 2010). An action plan has been made to show the sequence of the done activities with time so that the rectifications can be made if required.
The limitations of the research are considered as that factor which cannot be controlled by researcher. These limitations can be deemed as the drawbacks which hinder the methodology and the last conclusion of the research. The role of research limitations is vital for the research so that the researcher can get the knowledge of such constraints. Limitations have its own style like some limitations have normal sense while some have not proper impact on the outcomes of the research. These limitations can be overcome by the researcher or not but it limits the development of the entire research in the perspective of the researcher (Wilson, 2016).
It has been found that the shortage of the time is the biggest drawback of the research. The sampling technique is effective but due to small size of sample the simplification for the entire population cannot be made. There can be the risk of response of respondents regarding questions which may influence the entire research process.
Organizations in Coventry
The steadfastness of the research is integral in which the research generates the reliable outcomes. It describes the reliability of the research, on contrast, defines the credibility of the research. Valid data has the nature of reliability which can be trusted by others. The research is made by focusing on the reliability of the research (Flick, 2015). The data is kept as confidential and no one allowed sharing the data with unknown. Along with that the data is also prevented with the strong passwords so that no unauthenticated uniqueness can mould the reliability of the data. The reliability makes sure to the readers that the data is secured and did not use by others.
This research involves the ethical consideration in which the way of activities are observed and takes care that it should be conducted in efficient manner. Ethical consideration in this research is being done with honesty and genuineness. It defines that the integrity has been handled and the data which is given in the research is trustworthy in the perspective of users. It defines that the confidentiality has been made in this research at upper level and no alternation has been chosen with the research. It represents that the data is confidential and intend to provide benefits for the reader without any hamper. The conducted research is genuine and trustworthy (Clifton, 2012). It was assured that the data abolished after using it so that misuse of the data cannot be made with the data.
The action plan defines the complete agreement of the activities which are required to be measured in the research procedure. It facilitates the researcher in accomplishing the project on time. The graphical form of this action plan will be presented further to reflect how much time is taken by activities. The graphical form is recognized as Gantt chart.
S. No. |
Taken action in the research |
Time duration |
description of the steps |
A |
preparation of the research |
1 week |
It is the first stage of the research where planning about the rest of the research is been done. It is considered as the roadmap for the entire research. |
B |
Implementations of the planned work |
1 week |
In this step the first step move ahead and execute. It is the step where plans of the research are conducted to carry on the further research. |
C |
Data collection |
3 weeks |
The data will be accumulated to take research at next step for the purpose of analyzing the data and drawing the conclusion. The secondary approach will be considered to gather the data in which the used magazines, journals, books, official publications and internet sources are included. |
D |
Interpretation of the data |
2 weeks |
In this step the gathered data will be managed and mixed. Lastly, it will be analyzed and represented in the shape of tables and graphs so that the consequences can be drawn from the research. |
E |
Argument |
1 week |
The argument and discussion will be made to find out the answers of the mentioned questions. |
F |
Conclusion and Recommendation |
2 weeks |
The conclusion will be drawn as per data analysis and discussion. Recommendations will be provided on the basis of conclusion which will be bringing out the future researches. |
G |
Critical Evaluation |
1 week |
The review of entire research will be made for making improvements in the research. |
The graphical presentation is given below to describe the taken time by each activity.
Weeks |
S. No. |
Actions taken in research |
Time duration |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
A |
Planning of the research |
1 week |
B |
Implementations of the planned work |
1 week |
C |
Data collection |
3 weeks |
D |
Interpretation of the data |
2 weeks |
E |
Discussion |
1 week |
F |
Conclusion and Recommendation |
2 weeks |
G |
Critical Evaluation |
1 week |
It has been recommended that government of UK need to keep focus on BAME women because it is found that black ethnic minority women housing requirements is hard and they are not allowed to access services. It is vital for the government to extend the rule regarding domestic violence to involve all abused women. There is a requirement of the diversity policies and procedures in generic refuges and awareness and training should be developed for practioners.
Bryman, A., and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.
Chakrabarti, A. 2010, ‘A course for teaching design research methodology’, AI EDAM, 24(3), pp. 317-334.
Clifton, S 2012, ‘Ethical Issues in Quantitative Research’, NatCen, UK.
Coventry Domestic Violence and Abuse Partnership, 2018. Information and advice for professionals. Retrieved on 10th March, 2018, from:
Fielden, S., & Davidson, M. J., 2012. “BAME women business owners: how intersectionality affects discrimination and social support”, Gender in Management: An International Journal,27(3) pp.559-58.
Flick, U, 2015, Introducing research methodology: A beginner’s guide to doing a research project, Sage.
Garicano, L. and Rossi-Hansberg, E., 2006.Organization and inequality in a knowledge economy. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(4), pp.1383-1435.
Mackey, A., and Gass, S, M., 2015.Second language research: Methodology and design, Routledge.
Sandhu, K., Stephenson, M.A. and Harrison, J., 2013. Layers of inequality. A human rights and equality impact assessment of the public spending cuts on black, Asian and minority ethnic women in Coventry. Accessed on 2nd March, 2018, from:
Saunders, M. N., and Lewis, P., 2012. Doing research in business & management: An essential guide to planning your project, Pearson.
Wilson, V 2016, ‘Research Methods: Mixed Methods Research’, Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 23(11), pp. 56-59.
Zikmund, W, G., Babin, B, J., Carr, J, C., & Griffin, M., 2010. Business research methods, 8th edn, Mason, Ohio, South-Western Cengage Learning.