The Importance Of Training In Human Resource Development – A Research Proposal
Concept of Employee Training Program
All the organizations in recent era gives priority to the management of the human resource associated with the processes involved. The capital on human in every organization should be done in such a way so that the maximum of profit can be achieved and the organizational also growth increases (D’Netto et al., 2013). Organizations implement many strategies that helps to it increase productivity of the employees including the design of the organization, job done by the employees, motivates the staffs, establish public relation, and give training and rewards for the improvement. Among all these strategies, the training and the development strategy is most important factor that helps to develop and bring out the highest rate of output from employees. Training can be used to develop and improve the performance of employees that are related to the job.
This research proposal illustrates the importance of training in an organization to increase the productivity of an organization. The human resource development can be developed by proper training that are to be given to the employees of the organization. The training and the development strategy is basically a set of programs that increases the job performance of a particular employee. This research proposal deals with all such training related strategies that increases the performance in a business. The data collection method that is carried out in this research paper is secondary data collection method and the methodology that is followed is quantitative methodology of data collection.
The main aim of this research proposal is to study the relationship between Human Resource Development and training program organized in an organization. Training is basically designed to increase the performance of the employees to reach the highest level of profit. Training as well as development program provides wide range of methodologies and theories that helps to increase the organizational productivity. All those methodologies and theories are studied in detailed in this research proposal.
Independent variable: Training program
Dependent variable: Human Resource Performance (productivity, motivation, employee turnover)
- To study the impacts of training programs on the human resource performance.
- To study the details of training program on productivity of an organization.
- To determine the effect of training programs on employee motivation.
- To study the impacts of training programs on employee turnover.
- What are the impacts of training programs on the human resource performance?
- What are the impacts of training program on productivity of an organization?
- What are the impacts of training programs on employee motivation?
- What are the impacts of training programs on employee turnover?
The data that are collected by some other people, and are used in some other research paper is known as secondary method of data collection. In this research paper, secondary data collection is used to get a detailed study about the training program that is held in different organizations. One of the main sources from where the secondary data is collected is “CapitalinePlus Database”. Some other research papers are used as well for data collection method.
Concept of Human Resource Performance
Introduction- There is a number of factors that enhances the employee performance in a workplace. The employees should have job satisfaction, proper management and they should have proper knowledge (Shen et al., 2009). Most of the organizations recently have started to arrange training program for their employees to increase their performance level. There is a relationship between training provided and the level of performance that employees can deliver so that to increase the productivity of the organization (Sheehan, 2014). The training process helps to solve many problems that leads to poor performance.
Concept of Employee Training Program- The knowledge is one of the main factors that is indirectly related with the output or the productivity of the organization (Guest et al., 2003). The better the knowledge acquired by the employees, the better the production rate will increase. Training programs is one of such ways that helps to increase the knowledge of the employees, indirectly increasing the productivity of the organization. The job knowledge of an employee is basically increased by training programs. With increased job knowledge, there will be more satisfaction with employees and they will try to give their highest level of performance.
Concept of Human Resource Performance- As stated by Mostafa, Gould?Williams & Bottomley, 2015, the performance management is basically a process that helps the managers and their employees to work together for the purpose of planning, reviewing and monitoring the objective of the work of employee. Performance management also enhances the contribution of organization or the productivity of the organization. Previously performance management was considered to be an annual performance. However, in recent studies performance management is considered as a continuous process that sets objective, access the progress, and provides coaching and feedbacks from the employees are taken to meet the career and objective goal of the organization. The effectiveness of the employee is improved and promoted by performance management.
Productivity and Employee Training- According to Shen & Benson, 2016, there is a string relationship between the productivity and the training that is provided by the organizations as training programs. Training programs helps to reinvigorates old skills of the employees (Albrecht et al., 2015). The employees that are ongoing with the organization ensure to cultivate talent from the business. Small basic mistakes can be avoided and prevented by retaining the current skills of the employees involved with the organization. Training programs helps the organization to retain current employees of the company. Training also provides new skills for the existing employees. In training, new skills are taught to the employees that help to deliver the production in a fast rate and increase the productivity of the company (Dhar, 2015). This enables the organization to evolve soon. Employee training also gives job satisfaction. The foremost thing that the employee has to confirm is satisfaction of job. If there is no satisfaction of job, the production rate will go low. Employees are to be satisfied by providing training to them so that they can achieve best knowledge and best skills available with the organization. To make the employees performs their best, training is to be provided to the employees.
Productivity and Employee Training
Employee Motivation and Training- As per Budworth, M. H., Latham, G. P., & Manroop, 2015, effective training programs are to be made available with the organizations and are to be made elective and mandatory to meet the overall performance of the company. Saks & Burke?Smalley, 2014, stated that the employees are basically motivated by the career goals and the flexibility that are requested by the training process. The employees design training options so that all types of workers get motivated and the workers are to give feedback after the training process in completed. Employees have intensive training helps to grow the business and bring innovation to the business.
Employee Turnover and Training- One of the major concern of an organization is the employee turnover. If the turnover of an employee is high, then there will a great change in the production of the company, especially if the turnover is on the high performance employees. If training is not provided to the employees correctly, there will be no job satisfaction and the employees will leave the company (Armstrong, Landers & Collmus, 2016). From the studies, it can be stated that there is a relationship between training and retention of traditional employees. There can be an influence on the finance of the company because of the training cost. Even if the training cost is high, the productivity of the worker is basically expected to increase. This will be fruitful for both the employee and the company. The productivity of the customer will increase along with the output of the worker.
Summary- Productivity is the main goal for all the organizations. There are many systems, motivational tactics, and processes for the employees so that they can increase their productivity and the companies have to remember the comprehensive power, training quality that supports the increase of production at highest level.
Data Collection Method
There are mainly two types of data collection method, primary data collection method and secondary data collection method. The data of the primary method is mainly collected from examination region, from some people, or may be from some other sources that have connection with the research subject and the information is essential to carry out the research paper (Reiche et al., 2016). The secondary method of data collection deals with information that are mainly collected from different sources that includes dairies, yearly reports, or may be some new paper articles that are also known as auxiliary information. In the secondary method of collecting data, the data that will be collected will satisfy the exploration research aim. The secondary way of data collection contains subjective information.
Employee Motivation and Training
In this research paper, the data collection method that is mainly used for collecting is the secondary method of data collection. To get a relationship between the training program and the human resource development in organizations, several secondary resources are available. Two types of secondary data collection are available known as qualitative method and quantitative method. This research paper deals with the quantitative secondary data collection method. For gathering the data in a quantitative way, reviews are taken from other representatives of different organizations, which deal with the increasing value human resource development through training programs. Since, the quantitative data collection is a subjective way of method collection, the data will be collected from other sources but will deals with numbers and figures collected from other secondary sources.
There are two types of data analysis method that can be used to analyze the collected data for a research. The research analysis method that will be used in this research paper is quantitative data analysis method. Qualitative research method describes the characteristics of the research aim (Van Dooren, Bouckaert & Halligan, 2015). In qualitative research, there are no figures or data used for exploring the objective of the research. While the quantitative research deals with all the data that are predicted by numbers and figures collected from different organization in some other secondary sources. Other secondary resources that show collection of data in figures and numbers regarding the human resource development is mainly analyzed in this research paper.
Gantt Chart
Task Name |
Duration |
Start |
Finish |
Predecessors |
Research Project |
85 days |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Fri 27-07-18 |
Topic selection |
3 days |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Wed 04-04-18 |
Selection of the topic for the research |
1 day |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Mon 02-04-18 |
Development of short proposal with research aim |
1 day |
Tue 03-04-18 |
Tue 03-04-18 |
3 |
Submission of the short proposal |
1 day |
Wed 04-04-18 |
Wed 04-04-18 |
4 |
Research Proposal Development |
10 days |
Thu 05-04-18 |
Wed 18-04-18 |
Refining aim of the research |
1 day |
Thu 05-04-18 |
Thu 05-04-18 |
5 |
Identification of the variables, research objectives and questions |
2 days |
Fri 06-04-18 |
Mon 09-04-18 |
7 |
Conducting preliminary literature review |
3 days |
Tue 10-04-18 |
Thu 12-04-18 |
8 |
Selecting methodology |
2 days |
Fri 13-04-18 |
Mon 16-04-18 |
9 |
Selecting secondary data source |
1 day |
Tue 17-04-18 |
Tue 17-04-18 |
10 |
Submission of the research proposal |
1 day |
Wed 18-04-18 |
Wed 18-04-18 |
11 |
Final research work |
72 days |
Thu 19-04-18 |
Fri 27-07-18 |
Conducting in depth literature review |
30 days |
Thu 19-04-18 |
Wed 30-05-18 |
12 |
Secondary data collection |
7 days |
Thu 31-05-18 |
Fri 08-06-18 |
14 |
Analysis of the data |
15 days |
Mon 11-06-18 |
Fri 29-06-18 |
15 |
Drawing conclusion from the data analysis |
7 days |
Mon 02-07-18 |
Tue 10-07-18 |
16 |
Providing recommendations |
2 days |
Wed 11-07-18 |
Thu 12-07-18 |
17 |
Preparing the final report |
10 days |
Fri 13-07-18 |
Thu 26-07-18 |
18 |
Submission of the research project |
1 day |
Fri 27-07-18 |
Fri 27-07-18 |
19 |
Figure 1: Gantt Chart
(Source: Created by Author)
The independent variable of this research topic is the training program, and the dependent variable Human Resource Performance that depends on four factors including productivity, motivation, employee turnover. The dependent variable is totally dependent on the independent variable as without the training program, the employees cannot get motivated, employee turnover can be increased and the productivity of the company will decrease.
Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), 7-35.
Armstrong, M. B., Landers, R. N., & Collmus, A. B. (2016). Gamifying recruitment, selection, training, and performance management: Game-thinking in human resource management. In Emerging research and trends in gamification(pp. 140-165). IGI Global.
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Dhar, R. L. (2015). Service quality and the training of employees: The mediating role of organizational commitment. Tourism Management, 46, 419-430.
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Guest, D., Michie, J., Conway, N., & Sheehan, M. (2003). Human Resource Management and Corporate Performance in the UK. British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 41(2), 291-314.
Human Resources Data Set | Kaggle. Retrieved 28 March 2018, from
Mostafa, A. M. S., Gould?Williams, J. S., & Bottomley, P. (2015). High?performance human resource practices and employee outcomes: the mediating role of public service motivation. Public Administration Review, 75(5), 747-757.
Reiche, B. S., Stahl, G. K., Mendenhall, M. E., & Oddou, G. R. (Eds.). (2016). Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor & Francis.
Saks, A. M., & Burke?Smalley, L. A. (2014). Is transfer of training related to firm performance?. International Journal of Training and Development, 18(2), 104-115.
Sheehan, M. (2014). Human resource management and performance: Evidence from small and medium-sized firms. International Small Business Journal, 32(5), 545-570.
Shen, J., & Benson, J. (2016). When CSR is a social norm: How socially responsible human resource management affects employee work behavior. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1723-1746.
Shen, J., Chanda, A., D’Netto, B., &Monga, M. (2009). Managing diversity through human resource management: an international perspective and conceptual framework. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(2), 235-251.
Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015). Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.