The Importance Of Strategy And Methods To Improve Organizational Performance
One Cipal Credo is a global organization that originates from India, Mumbai. Apart from it being in India, it has branches across the globe, and one of the branches is one that is in South Africa, where I do work as a pharmaceutical project manager. The organization is a concern in caring for life and delivering on its commitment, to all of our stakeholders, the ur stakeholders include, patients, regulators, customers, partners, employees, investors and lastly the community. Our production meets the satisfaction of the stakeholders due to our competence and motivation to meet the aim of the organization. The cipal organization deals with active pharmaceutical ingredient which we do sell to other manufacturers, pharmaceutical and personal care products such as Escitalopram this are anti-depressants, Lamivudine which is an antiretroviral medication used to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS. It is also employed to treat chronic hepatitis B when other alternatives are not possible and lastly fluticasone propionate, which used to relieve seasonal and year-round allergic and non-allergic nasal symptoms, such as the stuffy/ a runny nose and scratching. Hence our organization is centered at purposing and inspired by looking at the action and solution that are sustainable and leads to caring about life. Playing my character as a pharmaceutical project manager being required to envision or predict as many risks and troubles as possible; and to plan, coordinate and control natural processes so that the task is completed as successfully as possible in spite of all the dangers.
Start, stop, continues the analysis
start, stop and continue the analysis, is used to collect feedback about the organization or operation in an organization, at the individual level or team level, my analyst team we used this method to gather information in different levels of organization,n and me.(Sekaran,2016) The stop-start and continue method was used to ask peers from different departments in the organization on when to start doing a task, stop doing a task and lastly continuing doing the task in order to achieve the objective of the organization. I set an objective statement on how to provide quality products to our customers, and then I created an online platform for start, stop them and continue the analysis and I invited my team members in the organization to share their ideas an,d rate the top inputs pro,vided by my team members in the organization, the members were asked about what they should start-stop and continue doing in the organization in order to achieve organizational goals. (Crane, 2016)
SWOT Analysis
The member’s ideas included starting to produce products early enough for proper inspection in time in order to produce a high-quality product. They were to stop wasting time while in ,the act, of producing the products and delivering the products in order to avoid the rush to produce a product and deliver services, which may definitely be of low quality. Lastly, members were to continue motivating each other and coming up with new brands to upgrade their product so as to produce and deliver a quality product and in order to compete with other organization. After gathering the information, I had to come up with a smart goal (specific, measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Ti,me-bound goals.) From the start, stop and continue the analysis section which would make sure that the ideas brought by the team member are followed to achieve the goal of producing quality products. (Schön, 2017)
Swot analysis means. Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat that are in an organization. (Kazemi, 2018) I used this method to gather information for improving the organization; this method was enrolled in the following department quality assurance, supply chain, regulatory, creative team, and the marketing team. This method was to help me obtain information both internally, and external information about the organization, strength, and weaknesses was to cater for the internal strength and weaknesses of the organization while opportunities and threats were to cater for the external business environment such technology, relation with the customer and delivery of the product. (Hazzan, 2018) To administer SWOT analysis on internal affairs and external affair, I created a portal that comprised of all the departments of concern and created a table that contained some of the questions that caters for an internal business organization that is the strength and weaknesses of the departments and every team member of each department was to engage in answering the question in order to obtain the answers administered. (Taghavifard, 2018) The left part of the photo contained both positive and negative questions to get information. The positive question to gather the strength of the organization was administered. Some of the major questions were: the strength of the organization, what is going well? , and lastly, what is the organization capable of archiving. In the negative concerning the weakness of the organization included: what hinders the organization from achieving its stated goals? , what is lacking in the departments? , and lastly, what is making the department of concern shrink?. To the question the department team gave inclusion answers about the areas of concern, for the strength of the company, the company has the highest level of technology to cater for customers and its operations; they stated that the supply chain was going well despite few technical challenges that could be dealt with. Lastly, they stated that the company is capable of achieving global market by competing fairly with other companies. (Bull, 2016)While for the weaknesses is that there was a related issue among the department, either due to self-interest which leads to not work as a team, what was lacking in both departments was lack of incentives to motivate workers, which could improve the working power of the employees. Lastly is that there was a lack of innovation which leads to shrinking of departments. For the external factors positive question posted was, what could we expand in the global market? , what are we still capable of doing? , and lastly, what the organization can use in its local setting? For the negative questions, I majored in was where the risk is? , and what negative statements customer may pose for us. For the positive external positive question the member team gave out the following answers; that we could expand branches on the global market to cater to all the customers in need of our product, and that the organization is capable even coming up with new pharmaceutical products at a cheaper price to save a life and cater for the average and below average class in the global society. And lastly, on the external strength, the organization is that the organization could use the upcoming pharmaceutical expert to create new product and also brand the product to attract new manufacturers and also consumers.(David,2017)
For the negative side the team members stated that the organization had to upgrade all the systems of the department to avoid security issues and also to brand their product to be able compete with another organization, they also came with answers to questionable question that the customers could build up from the product.( Bell, 2016) All this question helped in coming up with solution that the company needed to improve their competence and their act to save lives
Pest analysis is used to describe a framework of macro-environmental factors which include; political, economic, social culture and lastly technological.(Drucke, 2017) I used this method to gather information on the effect of external environmental factors and their impact on the environment either positively and negatively. Every member of the team had to dig deep on how this factor influenced the organization either positively or negatively.( Aronowitz, 2014) On political factor, we based on how the government body intervenes with the economy. Because the government had a higher impact on the health sector and controlled which products to be produced, the tax imposed on the organization, labor law, environmental law, and trade restriction and lastly political stability,
All this affects the business either directly and indirectly, the information gathered concerning political factor is that the government was to increase taxes due to a growing economy and also ways to create more relationships with other countries this could lead to expansion of the market for the company’s product, the government could also support new technology, and could support the health sector, for the economic factor it includes economic growth, interest rate inflation rate and lastly exchange rate among the trading countries. (Weaver, 2017) In our gathering of information, we noted that exchange rate could affect our business by increasing the cost of exporting our products we also noted that interest rate affects the firm cost of capital hence it may hinder the growth and expansion of the organization. Social factor as an aspect helped us to gather information mostly on the health of people globally, population growth and also and how to increase our production to cater to the adverse growing population. We also noted technology I a factor that contributes in innovation hence applicable in the creative team, department and also supplies chain department, by always moving with the changing technology, we noted that it leads to competing with other companies fairly and also improving our production and innovation. By gathering this information, we were able to come up with a system that detects economic change, political change, social changes and technological change in order to cope with both external and internal business organization. (Babe, 2018)
I performed a performance pyramid to check on the performance of the different department performance, this involved engaging all the members of the organization and grouping them into groups and in accordance with their job rank, the purpose of administering this method was to check on financial performance and non financial performance, after grouping them everyone was given a handout containing the performance pyramid. (Moskalenko, 2015) Which is used to show the hierarchy of financial and nonfinancial measures, the pyramid contained four levels; the first level contained the Mission. (Riccardi, 2014)
this describes how the organization will be able to achieve its long-term success despite competition, the second level focuses on the market and finance measures and how to be achieved, the third level is concerned with marketing and financial strategy in level two must be linked with customer satisfaction, flexibility and productivity at the next level, the fourth level is how to monitor the third level through quality delivery, cycle time and lastly waste. This level helped in the gathering of information on how to improve the financial sector and nonfinancial sector. (Wilson, 2014) Information gathered showed that the system is stagnant in achieving its mission hence more effort was to be incorporated so as to be on the way of achieving organizational goals, the establishment had to concentrate on client relationships by living up to the customer and increasing the quality of output. (Singh, 2017)
Measurement Deadline Actions and Tactic Objective
50 client |
30th Oct 2018 15th Nov 2018 15th Dec 2018 30th Jan 2018 |
Get approval of the budget used in the project Come up with other methods to be adopted Develop a full strategy program Make sure the strategy is approved s |
Develop , measure, implement and always run the strategy plan regularly 30tth mar 2019 |
15 customers |
30th Nov 2018 10th Dec 2018 25th Mar 2018 |
Create a platform to gain customers ideas Develop a confidential program for customers Contact customers to gather approval of the program |
Implement customer confidential program 30th mar 2019 |
A senior employee from the organization |
24th Nov 2018 30 Dec. 2018 25 Feb 2018 |
Create a contact with the top managers Quarterly visit the head of the department manager Quarterly news flash |
To always make contact and visit the head of department 30th mar 2019 |
15 Dec 2018 14 Jan 2018 25 Mar 2018 |
Get the budget approved Survey if the strategy was implemented Finalize the result of the strategy |
Develop and implement the strategy 30th mar 2019 |
1.Healthcare metric 2.Supply chain metric 3. Marketing metric 4. Financial metric |
Complete the strategy execution plan Exercise 3 days a week Read 2 articles every day about the emerging trend in business |
Best Practices: Daily: every day to go through my emails and greet my team members Weekly: review the [email protected] – 15 min Plan for the week every Saturday witch my session with the team Monthly: review the [email protected] Meet with departmental head every quarter of a month Quarterly: [email protected] , strategy performance review 6 monthly: review and reset [email protected] program Meet with team members and congratulate them on the work done |
To convert to pass the organization should be ready to change in order to comprise the new strategy and programs for the bitterness of an establishment.( Wheelen, 2017) First in strategy plan management consideration to change our company structure, approval processes, existing business processes and technologies, desired criteria and timeline, secondly in configuration and testing what the management needs to change technological changes, configuration and alignment with new processes and technology change, thirdly product training which needs change in management consideration train in new business process and technology change, exposure to support services and contact.( Kerzner, 2017) Lastly, communication and rollout which needs a change in management overview on executing a communication plan, roll out new services, and enhance business processes and recommunicate any update policies related to new technologies or processes. (Bradley, 2016), this will lead to the enterprise achieving its objective after the new strategy and programs have been installed, managers should get educated and learn how to execute the programs for the efficiency of the organization. Communication between the organization and customers should enhance in order to get feedback from the customers on how the organization should improve its service to cater for the satisfaction of the customers, this change in management is important and should take action as soon as possible to support the growing enterprise.-
In my conclusion the organization should incorporate the reviews found on the system in order to improve its services into the following departments this is supply chain, regulatory,quality assurance, marketing, and creative team.I used a different method to gather information this was a start, stop, continue the analysis, swot analysis, performance pyramid and lastly pest analysis.through this method I learned that in the organization there some incompetence and hidden problems among the department hence making the department to stagnate , relation with customer on outside market had to be enhanced in order to meet the satisfaction of the customer as well as overcome any type of competition,the creative team had to be innovative in order to make the products marketable. The quality of the product had to be improved to meet the standards of the market. Also, teamwork in peers has to be encouraged in order to combine the team force to attain the objective of the organization. Technology and global market were also issues of concern; the organization should implement a system that helps in identifying the global market and update their system to the latest technology for efficient and smooth operation of the organization
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