The Importance Of Providing A Positive Environment For The Cognitive Development Of Children
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Young children always learn in their growth stage and they easily adopt the process and system around them. In this stage, they not only grow physically, but also grow mentally that shape the future state of mind. Therefore, it is very important to provide the proper environment in this age where they can grow with a positive approach in their life. This stage of growth among the children continues to happen through several observations and interactions with the external environment (Jaswal & Malone, 2007). In this process, they also associate, store, use information within them from the external environment, and implement them in their life. In recent time, the world has changed from and different aspect and children’s are getting lot of technological entertainment that have no existence in the real life. Particularly several television programs that are not associates with the real life scenario influence the magical thinking of the children (Skolnick Weisberg & Bloom, 2009). Sometimes the influence become do extensive that affect the mental growth of the children and they fail to adopt the real life situation.
Cognitive development is the procurement of mental procedures that are required for speculation and understanding your general surroundings. According to the view of Skolnick Weisberg & Sobel (2012), cognitive development incorporates various abilities including coherent thinking, collaboration, handling and storing information whether it is necessary of not irrespective of positive or negative sense. To figure out cognitive progression it is important to understand, identifies kid’s activity among different age, and compares them with the realistic and normal behavior. If the behavioral changes are too different from the common characteristic then it needs serious intervention with positive influence. Sharon & Woolley (2004) has opined that timely recognition of the cognitive behavior will provide the parent to rectify the situation. However if the child is continuously getting the influence of negative activity then it will impose the negative picture in the child’s mind that will develop against the reality. Several studies have revealed the fact that every activity in front of a child is developing the image of real world. During the growth, stage if the children is associated with the imagistic environment then somewhere in the mind of the children it will remain for life long, that may in the future contradict with the thought of reality.
Piaget’s Cognitive Theory
According to Corriveau & Harris (2015), power of imagination in a magical way is much more active in the children’s mind because they do not know the real world. Therefore, their thought and imagination always contradict with the real life situation and they feel upset. Children as young as three comprehend the idea of what is genuine and what is not, until they are around seven. Children can be effortlessly deceived by grown-ups tempting words or by evidence. They grab their convictions about some fantastical characters like Santa or some others longer than others do. Therefore, once the children mind is attached with the magical elements during the growth stage it becomes very difficult to make them understand the reality until the adult age. On the other hand, Shtulman (2009) has opined that creative energy was considered as a path for kids to escape from reality, and once they achieved a particular age, it was trusted they would push dream aside and manage this present reality. In any case, progressively, kid advancement specialists perceive the significance of creative ability and the part it plays in comprehension reality. Creative energy is fundamental for finding out about individuals and occasions we do not specifically experience, for example, history or occasions on the opposite side of the world. For youthful children, it permits them to contemplate the future, for example, what they need to do when they grow up.
To support this view Martarelli & Mast (2013) has stated that, it is critical yet unnecessary for guardians to boost dream play among their kids. On the off chance that the youngster as of now has a imaginary friend, for occasion, guardians ought to take after their kids lead and offer consolation in the event that they are happy with doing as such. Additionally, if it appears to be encouraged by the thought, guardians can empower it. Nevertheless, if guardians pick not to present or support the confidence in imaginary characters, they ought to search for different approaches to energize their youngsters’ creative impulses, for example, by playing well-groomed up or perusing imaginary tale. On the other hand according to the viewpoints of Bunce & Harris (2008) a kid’s improvement includes passionate, physical and intellectual advancement. Being a guardian, it becomes always critical to comprehend the diverse ways that your kid grows so one can track progress, strengthen progression and recognize issues. Rational progression affects your kid’s training and by comprehension the diverse stages. Therefore, you can be steady of any educational contractor working with your kid and thus, have dynamic influence in your kid’s improvement at home.
Formative Variations
Several theorists have pretend different view on the cognitive development of the children mind and most of the theory has emphasized on the environmental aspect of the children. The future of the children is highly associated with the functional environment of his or her family which also dependent on the shape of the society where the family lives. If the family is living among the higher class society then there is a high chance of growing the magical imagination due to lot of influence. However, middle class society is more aware about the real life situation and they provide the basic environment to their children (Milligan, Astington & Dack, 2007). Therefore, the tendency of getting the magical imagination among the richer is more as compared to middle class. Due to this environmental difference during the growth stage middle class child’s adjust more quickly with the real world whereas children’s from upper class struggle to understand the real situation. Piaget’s Cognitive Theory, which comprises of three fundamental segments. The first is patterns, which are the building pieces of a kid’s learning and how he forms and classifies data. For instance, a youngster has an arrangement of data about steeds that he can recover when he sees one that helps him recognize it as a steed (Browne & Woolley, 2004). He first arranges a zebra as a steed as it fits with the data he has. Nevertheless, when he discovers this is not the situation, he will store extra data, for example, that a zebra has stripes. At that point, he will make another classification. The second part incorporates the procedures that occur for the move to happen starting with one phase then onto the next. At last, the third segment incorporates the phases of improvement themselves.
Formative variations and the formative transformations represent unique difficulties to educators. The varieties among kids propose a need give exceptional help to the individuals who are behind, maybe by offering more prominent chances to play or by platform and supporting starting play for kids unused to maintaining it all alone. In the meantime, the individual changes empowered by play challenge instructors to see play for what it is and where it leads, and to disclose this information convincingly to others, for example, guardians or kindred teachers (Wellman, Cross & Watson, 2001). These different grown-ups may see just the instantly noticeable contrasts amongst play and genuine considering, and not the formative associations fundamental them. Early youth instructors confront the assignment of developing such understanding and disclosing to them how play adds to the fates of youngsters, socially as well as psychologically too.
Vygotsky’s Theory
Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development among the children is different that focus on two perspective one is the social speech and the other is private speech. In effect with the social speech, this theory is associated with the zone of proximal development. According to Woolley, Boerger & Markman (2004) zone of proximal development is associated with the components that help the kid to move from one state that is what the kid can do of his or her own to the other where the kid can do only with the support of others. Both the state is important for the children to overcome the growth stage. In such situation, the growing children will be able to understand and identify the situation that he or she can manage. On the other hand, Boerger (2011) has opined that scaffolding is the stage that needs support across the zone of proximal development that is related to the private speech of Vygotsky’s theory. In this situation the external and internal environmental of the kid do not provide the proper infrastructure that will make them self-dependent. To establish both the fact Carrick & Quas (2006) has conveyed that tutor of the kid plays a great role in this stage. Here tutor means that person whom the kid believes most and tries to follow his or her activity influence the behavioral aspect. Cognitive development also works as the storage of information through different process of encoding decoding and transformation of data. As the children grow, they start to realize the external situation and develop a analytical tool within them by developing various logic. All the logic is simple and straight to them and they start to believe their eyes. The fantasy tool works in this stage and along with the real view, they start to develop a imaginary view in their mind. This two state of mind often makes them puzzle and they start to mismatch the things in the real situation.
Mind of growing children carries full of enthusiasm since they are learning in that stage. Each and every step help them to understand the external environment and starts to remember every situation they face. Growing children learn very fast and they try to adopt the situation and behavior around them. The process of learning happens in such a way that do not have immediate outcome however all the learning of the child is reaming in the dormant stage that may be triggered in any stage of life. From the above discussion, it can be summarized that cognitive development incorporates various abilities including coherent thinking, collaboration, handling and storing information whether it is necessary of not irrespective of positive or negative sense. However if the child is continuously getting the influence of negative activity then it will impose the negative picture in the child’s mind that will develop against the reality. They grab their convictions about some fantastical characters like Santa or some others longer than others do. Therefore, once the children’s mind is attached with the magical elements during the growth stage it becomes very difficult to make them understand the reality until the adult age.
Boerger, E. A. (2011). ‘In fairy tales fairies can disappear’: Children’s reasoning about the characteristics of humans and fantasy figures. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29, 635–655.
Browne, C.A., & Woolley, J.D. (2004). Pre-schoolers’ magical explanations for violations of physical, social, and mental laws. Journal of Cognition and Development, 5 (2), 239–260.
Bunce, L., & Harris, M. (2008). I saw the real Father Christmas! Children’s everyday uses of the words real, really, and pretend. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26(3), 445–455.
Carrick, N., & Quas, J. A. (2006). Effects of discrete emotions on young children’s ability to discern fantasy and reality. Developmental Psychology, 42(6), 1278–1288.
Corriveau, K. H., & Harris, P. L. (2015). Children’s developing realization that some stories are true: links to the understanding of beliefs and signs. Cognitive Development, 34, 76–87
Jaswal, V. K., & Malone, L. S. (2007). Turning believers into skeptics: 3-Year-olds’ sensitivity to cues to speaker credibility. Journal of Cognition and Development, 8, 263–283.
Martarelli, C. S., & Mast, F. W. (2013). Is it real or is it fiction? Children’s bias toward reality. Journal of Cognition and Development, 14(1), 141–153.
Milligan, K., Astington, J. W., & Dack, L. (2007). Language and theory of mind: meta-analysis of the relation between language ability and false-belief understanding. Child Development, 78(2), 622–646.
Sharon, T., & Woolley, J. D. (2004). Do monsters dream? Young children’s understanding of the fantasy/reality distinction. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22, 293–310.
Shtulman, A. (2009). The development of possibility judgment within and across domains. Cognitive Development, 24, 293–309.
Skolnick Weisberg, D. & Bloom, P. (2009), Young children separate multiple pretend worlds. Developmental Science, 12: 699–705. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2009.00819.x
Skolnick Weisberg, D., & Sobel, D. M. (2012). Young children discriminate improbable from impossible events in fiction. Cognitive Development, 27(1), 90–98.
Wellman, H. M., Cross, D., & Watson, J. (2001). Meta-analysis of theory-of-mind development: The truth about false belief. Child Development, 72, 655–684
Woolley, J. D., Boerger, E. A., & Markman, A. B. (2004). A visit from the Candy Witch: Factors influencing young children’s belief in a novel fantastical being. Developmental Science, 7, 456–468.