The Importance Of Marketing Communication Tools In Driving Customer Decision Making
Chapter 1: Introduction
In the changing market trend, marketing communication tools have become necessary for establishing a strong brand image in the market (Wang et al. 2014). By introducing an effective marketing communication process, not only the customer relationship gets influenced, but also it helps to generate the business revenue in the organization. The set of marketing communication tools can effectively deliver a strong message to the target customers for driving their decision making process. With this initiatives, it becomes easier for the organizations to understand the changing needs and demands of the customers. With changing business trend, direct market, social media, campaigns and others marketing techniques have become popular in the industry. In most of the cases, depending on the marketing activities the customers’ engagement in purchasing the product of the company can be affected. On the other hand, it is true that marketing communication approach implementation can ensure the long term sustainability of the company in a particular market.
Aim of the research is to understand the importance of marketing communication tools and its uses for driving the decision making process of the customers.
- To identify different marketing communication strategies for driving purchasing decision of the customers
- To analyze the issues that can influence the marketing process in an organization
- To provide measurable recommendations for dealing with the marketing challenges
- What are the different marketing communication strategies for driving purchasing decision of the customers?
- What are the issues that can influence the marketing process in an organization?
- What can be the measurable recommendations for dealing with the marketing challenges?
In the emerging competitive market, marketing has become essential for increasing customer engagement (Blakeman 2018). In the current situation, the business success lies on the marketing communication tools. Selecting the right technologies for satisfying the needs of the customers have become challenging for the organizations. Due to emerging competition in the market, the customers have become demanding so that chances of negative marketing have increased in the market. In this situation, the study aims to analyze the different marketing communication strategies for driving the decision making process of the customers (Kim, Kim and Marshall 2016). Through the research project, the researcher will shed light different marketing communication tools that can help to drive the success of an organization in an effective manner. Not only the national audiences, but also targeting the global audience, how the marketing communication tools can be used will be highlighted in this study. By identifying different marketing challenges the study will shed light on the recommendations for dealing with the emerging challenges.
Marketing communication tool is being considered as the complex process, in which the uses of numerous communication tolls are being integrated (Pluta-Olearnik 2018). These tools are being designed for performing diversified programs so that the company can be able to easily communicate with the target market. In order to generate the optimum sales, the marketing communication tools can help to get connected with the customers directly. Therefore, it can be said that the integrated marketing communication tools are thee joint effort of different communication channels. By introducing effective marketing communication strategies, the transparency between the customers and employers can be maintained. It helps to develop a clear picture if the brand on customers’ mind. In the Integrated marketing communication process, the organizations ensure the appropriate concept of linking the messages and communications.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
As stated by Shankar et al. (2016), in the current competitive market, it has become necessary for the organizations to introduce an effective process for communicating with the customers. The communication process between the company and clients helps to develop the effective customer relationship as well as increase the business revenue of the organization. In the integrated marketing communication tools, the various marketing tools such as online marketing, public relation, sales campaign, direct marketing and brand promotions are being involved. Analyzing the current market trend, it can be said that in order to sustain in the market, brand awareness by developing a strong brand image has become necessary (Flørenæs and Dahl 2016). In order to fulfill the needs of the target market, the organizations use different communication tools. It cannot be denied that communication tools are also important for establishing a unique image on customers’ mind so that they show their interest towards purchasing the products from the particular organization. In the process of integrated marketing communication, the brand communication and communication models are being used for promoting products and services for generating higher revenue in the organization.
Marketing communication objectives are being considered as long term goals. By introducing effective marketing campaigns, the organizations are being able to integrate the values of the brand. By introducing different broadcast commercials the image of the company is being clarified to the customers’ mind. The marketing objectives are as follows
Increasing the brand awareness has become necessary for objective of common marketing communication as it helps to sustaining in the market. Not only for the existing organization, but also the brand awareness has become necessary for the new organizations to enter in the market.
In order to change the brand perception, marketing communication tool helps to address the issues of misconceptions in the market. Therefore, in case of avoiding the negative publicity results, the marketing communication tools aims to drive the attitudinal changes in the company.
It is an important communication objective of marketing to encourage the customers towards purchasing the products. The customer engagement is being increased by introducing effective benefits to the users through advertisements.
It is being considered as the specific objective introduced by the organization for driving the brand switching process (Luxton, Reid and Mavondo 2015). In this process the competitive products are being purchased by the customers by switching the organization. Therefore, by introducing an effective marketing communication process, the organizations aim to drive the attention of the customers for sustaining in the market.
Concept of integrated marketing communication
In order to make the smoother business journey, it is very important for the organizations to handle the dramatically changing customer decisions (Karjaluoto, Mustonen and Ulkuniemi 2015). Due to increasing economic and social opportunities in the market, the consumption behavior of the customers have been changed. On the other hand, it is also true in order to generate the sales rate in an organization, the customers decision is the important controlling factor (Tiago and Veríssimo 2014). As the consumers are the centre of different marketing process, therefore, ensuring the positive buying decision of the customers is very important. It is very important for the marketers for understanding the specific influences that effect the nature of decision making process. It is true that in order to make a decision, the customers go through 5 different stages. Those are as follows
In this stage, the customers develop the need, which is required to be satisfied. In this stage, the consumer feels like missing something that needs to be addressed. It is important for the organization to determine the expectation of the target customer.
In this stage, the customer search for the products and services that can satisfy the needs of them. In the 21st century, search engine has become as effective primary research tool for the customers.
After identifying the product for satisfying the needs of them, the consumer began to search for the best deal. The selection is being done depending on the product quality, quantity, brand image and price. By comparing the reviews through different websites, the products are being chosen.
By doing the tally depending on the criteria, the customers decides to select the product, which will be purchased by them finally. In this process, they take the risk into account for purchasing the selected product.
After completion of purchasing, the customers analyze, if the product has satisfied them or not. It cannot be denied that it is aim of the organizations to gain life ling customers. In that case. Offering the good experience to the customers, continuous relationship is being maintained by the organizations.
In this chapter the researcher will shed light 0on the structure, which will be followed for introducing the entire research. By using different methods for data collection and research approaches, the structure of the research methods will be discussed.
In the research philosophy, the set of beliefs are being developed. Depending on the three types of research philosophy, the nature of the research can be examined (Ledford and Gast 2018). In order to identify the research problem in critical manner, positivism research philosophy is being used. In case of understanding the management activities of an organization, the interpretivism is being used. Realism is being considered as the mixed method.
Importance of marketing communication tools
In this research, the researcher will chose positivism research philosophy. As the positivism helps to identify the research problem in critical manner, therefore it can be assumed that by choosing the positivism research philosophy the researcher will be able to investigate the research problem critically. As interpretivism is being developed depending on the human perception, therefore, the researcher will not chose the interpretivism research philosophy.
In two types of research approach, deductive approach is being developed depending on the existing theories and models (Bresler and Stake 2017). New set of theories and m0dels are being introduced in case of inductive research approach.
By choosing deductive research approach the researcher will conduct the research. Depending on the existing models and theories, the researcher will investigate the research topic. Inductive research approach will be avoided by the researcher as the researcher will not develop any models and theories by himself.
Analytical or descriptive, explanatory and exploratory are three research designs. In case of descriptive research design, researcher reaches to the end of the research by using various approaches in a detailed and descriptive manner (Flick 2015). In exploratory design the research is being developed depending on hypothesis. Another way, explanatory research design creates the relationship between the variables related to the topic
In order to get detail information regarding the research topic, analytical or descriptive mode will be chosen by the researcher. By following the research design, researcher will get depth idea of different theories and other information. Moreover, the descriptive research design will help the researcher to achieve the research objectives critically. The other two designs such as explanatory and exploratory will be rejected by the researcher, as those methods will not provide detailed approach to the research project.
In order to get right direction of the research, the research strategy is being followed. Research strategies can be developed in different manner such as case studies, focus group, survey methods, interview procedure etc. In order to collect data from a large group of people interview and survey method are being followed. By introducing appropriate research strategy, thinking and view of the researcher regarding a particular topic can be analyzed.
In order to conduct the research the view point of the consumers will be analyzed through survey and interview method. In order to conduct the research the survey will be done on 100 customers and 3 managers of different organizations will be asked for interview.
In this research both the probability and non-probability sampling techniques will be used by the researcher. By following simple random sampling technique the researcher will choose 100 customers for conducting the survey. On the other hand, selecting 3 managers randomly from three different organizations the interview will be conducted.
Objectives of marketing communication
In the words of Mackey and Gass (2015), the primary data in being collected by conducting various surveys and the interviews. The primary information are being considered as genuine information. The secondary data are the printed information, which are being collected from journals and articles. Secondary information are the existing data introduced by different authors. In this research, the researcher will use both the data collection methods.
In order to collect the secondary information, authentic journals and articles will be reviewed.
As already mentioned, survey will be conducted on 100 customers and 3 managers of different organizations will be interviewed.
Quantitative Data Collection Method:
Simple random survey will be conducted on 100 customers.
Qualitative Data Collection Method
Total numbers of 3 managers from different organizations will be interviewed with some fundamental questions.
Data analysis for the research will be done in the form of tables and charts so that the topic can be properly understood.
In order to analyze the quantitative data the numerical digits will be transformed into percentages and will be represented by using charts, graphs and tables.
In order to analyze the qualitative data, transcript of the managers’ speech will be prepared and will be analyzed properly. Through the thematic analysis the interview analysis will be done.
The researcher will follow strict ethical guidance of Data protection Act 1998. While conducting the research, the researcher will not harm the legal process for conducting the research. Confidentiality of the respondents will be maintained while conducting the survey. None of the participant will be forced to join in the research project. As per the ethical guideline, the participants can withdraw his or her participation at any time. The survey will be conducted for the sole purpose of academic activities. The survey sheet none of the logo or symbol will be used by the researcher.
It can be assumed that while conducting the survey, the researcher may face certain limitations in case of developing various approaches. The research information that will be collected by the researcher will be based on the psychological situation of the participant. In that case, the chances of getting inappropriate information is high. Bias speech from the interviewees can affect the research project.
Activities |
1st to 3rd Week |
4th to 10th week |
11th to 13th Week |
14th to 17th Week |
18th to 21st Week |
22nd to 23rd Week |
24th Week |
Selection of the topic |
Yes |
Data collection from secondary sources |
Yes |
Yes |
Creating layout |
Yes |
Literature review |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Analysis and interpretation of collected data |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Findings of the data |
Yes |
Yes |
Conclusion of the study |
Yes |
Formation of draft |
Yes |
Yes |
Submission of final work |
Yes |
(created by author)
It can be concluded that by developing the research project, it will be easier for understanding the importance of different marketing communication tools in case of driving the decision making process of the customers. On the other hand, the researcher will provide detailed information regarding the research topic by conducting the survey and interview. While redeveloping the research project every points and sub points will be shown with justification so that it can help the learner to analyze the research topic in more descriptive manner. If the researcher can be able to effectively develop the research, it can help the existing and new organizations for developing effective marketing communication strategies for business success.
Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology
References and bibliography
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