The Importance Of Leadership Coaching: A Mixed Method Approach

Leadership coaching and its importance

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The research article being discussed is based on the topic related to Leadership. The primary points which have been mentioned in the given article stresses on the importance of leadership coaching and how the managers tend to learn under the coaching which is provided by the leaders. It has been effectively described as the relationship which exists and the issues which come out from the operations at the workplace and how these can be improved effectively using leadership effectiveness and exercises (Mertens 2014). The article stresses upon the fact that the terms like leadership coaching and executive coaching are taken in the same context but often it is not so. The review of literature also analyses different articles and the recent studies based on the coaching in leadership. It was understood from the review that, a majority of the study which is based on leadership coaching is based just on the perception of the researcher and hence, the entire academic based on this is not sufficient and outdated.

The article outlines an example relating to this which examined the fact that the Return on the Investment on the coaching which is based on leadership is approximately 545%. The different variables which were defined were based on the discussion relating to the focus group and it assisted in analysis of the two phase exploratory design which is sequenced based (Antonakis and House 2013). It followed a mixed research technique which further assisting in understanding whether the coaching based on leadership is a progressive tool for leadership or not.

In order to further support the theoretical concepts and data, a focus group was formed so that the efficiency of role relating to the leader in an organization could be analyzed. It was believed that a construction of the self-efficacy is primary and a leader needs to have this inbuilt. This self-efficacy then goes a long way in determining how capable and efficient a leader is. This often comprises of factors like motivation and cognitive thinking. According to the author, there exists certain indications which are salient features of the LSE. It was present in the literature and it contributed to the knowledge that the effectiveness of the particular leader is strongly a factor of the performance and the related indicators of leadership along.

Along with this, it was also witnessed that the self-efficacy or the effectiveness of the leader is strongly correlated to the personality of an individual and that the author has presented certain empirical indications belonging to the organizational contextual types of antecedents (Smith 2015).

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It can be stated that the author has conducted an effective investigation and that the different studies which have been examined in the given article based on the coaching in leadership tends to present that the coaching is largely dependent on the efficacy of the beliefs of leadership and the coaching depends on the creation of a certain level of confidence which as a quality is very important to be present in the leader in order to be able to carry out the different jobs efficiently in a firm. Hence, the literature review, although had various gaps due to the fact that the study was biased, it has contributed towards helping to identify the fact that there exists a positive link between leader efficacy and mentorship.

A mixed method of research can be effectively defined as a research method which makes use of both qualitative and quantitative methods of research. It takes the best of both the techniques and helps a research to become a complete package.           

The use of a mixed method of research comes with various advantages. These advantages are the ones related to the use of the positive aspects of both the methods. This helps in offsetting the negative aspects of both the qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Hence, when a research takes place sing the mixed research method or technique then the researched is bared from all weaknesses and the results or the outcomes are unbiased and highly accurate (Avolio and Yammarino 2013). Another reason why the given approach is important is that it assists in understanding the value of knowledge which is then formulated by using means which are qualitative in nature and s highly based on true facts.

Additionally, the commendable point about the examined research method is that it tends to use a mechanism which is highly based on the rejection of dualism and this goes a long way in assisting a researcher in setting pace with other methodologies which are based subjectively. This helps in creation of value which is then exclusive in nature. In the given study, an exemplary application of the mixed research method has been used whereby both qualitative as well as quantitative measures have been used. It helped in application of the two phase exploratory design which went a long way in analyzing the effect on leadership coaching on the subordinates in the organization and even on the different leaders as well.

Impact of coaching and ROI

The research in the given article followed a systematic pattern which made use of the mixed method and this contributed towards the understanding of the relationship that lies between the coaching and the impact on organizational relationships. The manner adopted by the author was quite simple (Banks et al. 2016). The research conducted by the authors was based on the implementation of the mixed design which consisted of focus groups whereby both the quantitative as well as qualitative researches were conducted.

After using a mixed design, a positive result was achieved which helped in understanding through focus groups and achievement of the objectives. It was found that coaching was an effective tool based on leadership and tends to have a huge impact on the employees working in a firm and the organization on the whole as well.

Moreover, the mixed design research also helped to analyze the different activities related to leadership (Mayoh and Onwuegbuzie 2015). Hence, a study which is required to be comprehensive in nature needs to be based on a mixed research method which makes use of both quantitative and qualitative methods thereby opening the path for different opportunities for the further development of studies.

The given article makes use of varied theories which build up substantial knowledge based on the concept of leadership and the related theory based on leadership coaching as well. It stresses upon the fact that leadership coaching is a major component of the leadership development tool package. This has been possible only because the recent developments in the given aspect and the different leadership theories which are available to the different researchers. The given studies have been successful in suggesting that leadership is enabled using relational processes and cognitive theories (Lewis 2015).

The view based on the leadership concept is also cleared by the given relationship theory based on leadership as it reflects the mutual influence which is present between the subordinates in the organization and the leaders who are involved in the given scenario.

The article is deeply analyzing the theory that the leaders and their confidence is highly impacted on the competency of the subordinates and this is what fosters an effective relationship.

Based on the respective leadership theory, it can be stated that the level of trust which the different leaders place on their subordinates strengthens the relationship of their subordinate leader combination and only the trust can help in building long term relationships (D’Innocenzo, Mathieu and Kukenberger 2016).

Study design and its effectiveness

This aspect is sometimes also linked to the self-efficacy aspect and is largely linked to the trust which the different leaders place upon their subordinates.  Hence, it can be stated that it is this relationship which has made the understanding of the requirements of the leaders and the students highly transparent and understood. It also assists in fulfillment of the fact that the primary focus of the given study as to ensure that substantive theory is crucial and that the effectiveness of coaching as a leadership tool can be understood well.

The article highlights mainly the recent developments which have been taking place in the field of leadership and states that the leadership theories have evolved greatly and that leadership is largely determined by the relational processes. The author analyzed the different theories related to leadership and related concepts but was able to identify that there must exists ample trust in the leadership and subordinate relationships (Day et al. 2014). If the trust is not present the risks of team work being hampered increases considerably.

Hence, after examining the outcomes and theories stated in several articles it can be stated that coaching under leadership has a very strong impact on LRE and that the trust between the subordinates is crucial but often nonexistence.  In order to combat against the given aspect it was stated that a relational theory is effective and that the different leaders who have applied this empirical set of studies, have predicted that in order to build trust among the different employees, one can view the positive impacts on the outcomes. The propensity of the leaders and his trust on subordinate should be high to have a different analysis on the stations existent. 

The primary outcome of the part was to establish the fact that the coaching based on leadership is an effective component of other similar tools of leadership. The study also acts as an addition to the knowledge available in both formative as well as summative kind of relevance. This tended to argue whether leadership coaching was an effective management tool or not.

The study uses a systematized fort whereby the main strength of the study is based on the use of the mixed method design which comprises of quantitative as well as qualitative method. It has made use of the given concept on various opportunities for the expansion and development.

Moreover, the use of the data and other sources of information used have had an impact on the image of leadership coaching and its impact and presence among the leadership development tools. Although the different researchers tried to prove their point there were certain challenges and limitations faced (Dinh et al. 2014). The primary challenge which was met with in the given scenario was the one which is based on selection bias.  

Trust and relationship between leaders and subordinates

According to the previous studies based on the same it was witnessed that there exists a separate outcomes of the studies and that based on generalization backgrounds the concepts and study outcomes were limited and that a better research could have been conducted for the same. The study under scrutiny proved to be a limitation based on the different leaders and their motivational aspects named on organizational relationships.

After analyzing the article it can also be stated that the main objective of the given research was understanding the contribution to the development of varied concepts relating to team development and understanding how the participation done by the employees help in aiming a difference in the decision making and the outcome of the decision being made (Junker and van Dick 2014). It aimed to examine whether this was positive or not. However, after the analysis on the methodology, it could be stated that as the study related to the research was based in Norway, the outcomes of the study are culturally biased and that it cannot be applied to other counties.

The design of the selected study was made in a way such that it was only comfortable with the culture of Norway and not the other countries (Creswell 2014). If the study is applied elsewhere, there would take place difference in national aspects as well as the cultural aspects which tends to spoilt he entire objective of the study. Hence, along with this, the perception of the different set individuals also served as an individual whereby the outcome thus reflected was due to pre-post design and control group. It can be stated that Norway is culturally quite different from other countries which can then result in a difference of the varied opinions which existed in the given domain. 


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