The Importance Of Ethics In Decision-Making And Personal Integrity

The Role of Ethics in Decision-Making

Discuss about the Comparative Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.

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Yes, I do agree that well-considered ethics and beliefs could be altered with valid reasons and arguments or any new evidence. My beliefs are solid and strong but they can be altered in presence of logical arguments. I believe that I might always be right, we as human beings have a tendency to take wrong decisions and wrong judgments that can be changed by an intervention. My decisions might be motivated by self-interest and unconsciously I might fail to judge it. Being a human being, I am bound to take unethical decisions at times but that does not mean that my core values are weak. My beliefs are strong but at times unconsciously, I tend to take wrong actions or decisions but if I am shown that my actions are unethical with proper rational arguments that I never hesitate to change my actions.

I also agree with the second statement, as I am very confident about my character and integrity that no matter how difficult the situation is I will always find a way to keep my values intact. In difficult and conflicting situations I thrive to take the right decision, which is not motivated by my selfish interests, rather I consider other people as well. I usually try not to hurt people around me. My character never allows me to do so. If faced with a difficult situation I close my eyes and reflect that what actions should be taken and what are the consequences of my actions. Ethical reasoning always helps me in maintaining a character and integrity. I try to make the right moral choices; my choices are usually based on the impact of my action or decision on other people.

 Every individual can be said to be a nice person and it is important for everyone to maintain a good image. At times there are situations when we have to act in a particular way that is unethical but due to some pressure like the peer pressure or organizational pressure individuals at times takes unethical decision or action but if there is no such pressure then the individuals will act ethically.

There are a number of situational factors that prevent an individual from acting unethically. Even if they do not take unethical decisions, people do find difficulty acting ethically. The situational factors are pressure, like the peer pressure, institutional pressure, pressure from the group in which the individuals belong. In reference to any organization, individuals face a problem when their personal goals and the goals and objective of the organization are different. In most of the cases, we want to take the right decision but the people who surround us compel us to take wrong decisions.

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The Importance of Personal Integrity

Yes, I remember back in school some of my friends used to tease other students. However, I never liked to tease anyone but in order to be a part of the group I often used to tease and make fun of other students. It can be said that to please my friends and maintain the friendship I never stood up to stop my friends to stop teasing and making fun of other students. Rather I joined with them in making fun of other students. The acts of teasing are against my ethical standard but I was often diverted by it.

One of my close friends, who are good in academics and have a record of securing good marks in all the subjects, had fallen sick for a prolonged period of time therefore he could not prepare for the exams. During the examination, he found very difficult to answer the questions as he could not study. He cheated to secure good marks. He is basically a good student and a nice person but just to pass the exams he had to cheat.

No, I do not think it is always possible to think rationally. When an individual takes the decision they have to consider a lot of things and in the course, they might make irrational decisions.

Yes, I have been in a situation where my personal interests and professional interests were in a clash. As an individual, my interests are those that benefit me the most but being a professional, the goals of the organization has to be in sync with the personal goal. In my professional life, I often have to take up those tasks that require me to go out of my comfort zone for the benefit of my team or organization.

If I find myself in a conflicting situation then I would reason and question myself to identify the reason behind the conflict that I am facing. I will have to make sure that my actions do not harm anyone. My actions should benefit most of the people, it should not be motivated by personal benefit, and then only I can say that I am ethical as my personal interests are not in conflict with professional interests.

Often people motivated by their selfish motive try to hurt others emotionally or physically I have also been a victim of unethical treatment. In a group because of partiality many people are unfairly treated. I have heard about the unfair practices in organizations where because of biasness some people are given appraisal even if they do not deserve it.

Situational Factors and Unethical Behavior

Ethical compliance programs are conducted in an organization.  Rules and regulations are made related to the unfair treatment of employees in an organization. Fair treatment of employees is one such policy that instructs the management of any organization to be fair, just and unbiased towards their employees.

Yes, while being with friends under peer pressure I have done what my friends did. I believe many people have faced this kind situation. During the school days, I remember laughing and making fun of other students just to be a part of a group. Yes, I regret that I have made fun of others and bullied them just because my friends were doing the same thing.

Yes, it is true to some extent because in most of the case people cheat without any hesitation because they have a justification that others do the same. Therefore, it can be said that cheating is contagious. This happens because people think that what others do is right and justified. For instance, students cheat on exams seeing their other friends doing the same. People do have the tendency to do things that majority does irrespective of the fact that the action is right or wrong. It is contagious as it spreads amongst others who see their fellow mates doing the same.

Loyalty often requires us to go beyond our ethical standards. When as an individual we want to be a part of a group all we do is adjust with our own values and accept with the group norms whether it is ethical or not. I have been in such situation during my college days when in order to be a part of a group that indulged in a lot of activities that were unethical. Under peer pressure, I used to be with people who used to make noise in the class and miss the classes. The impact of my activities was obviously not good and I got fewer grades. I finally decided to free myself from such pressure and left those friends for whom I had to compromise my ethical standards. Once I left the friends I could focus on my studies and got good grades.

Group thinks occurs when a group of people takes certain actions for their group conformity that is usually unethical. I have been in such situation many times in my college days when missing classes, making noise, disturbing others were group norms.

Ethical fading happens when an individual ignores the ethical aspects of any particular decision. Yes, this has happened to me many times when I consider my personal benefits more important than the interests of the other people. I remember once I was traveling in a bus, the seat in front of me vacated and I was seated but an elderly person was standing next to me. I was selfish enough not to leave the seat for the elderly person standing next to me.

Yes, I have been in a situation when I had been tempted to cheat on the exams for getting good grades. I wanted good grades so I cheated in the exams so that my teacher appreciates me for the grades I secured.

Yes, many business organizations are in news for ethical fading. Recently the owner of the car manufacturer Volkswagen was in the news where the company just to sell their cars claimed that their car had low carbon emissions but when checked it was found that there were no such device or system installed in the car that could reduce the carbon emissions. I think this particular incident is an example of ethical fading was the company completely ignored the ethical aspects of misrepresentation in their advertisements.

To conclude the discussion, I can say that I am a person who is less emotionally driven and believe in being practical I understand the value of principles and ethics I also recognize the fact that in order to survive many times I may have to give up on the principles. Professional or personally I am heavily driven by material luxury which makes, having said that I am also a considerate and an understanding person. 

Gino, F. and Pierce, L., 2009. Dishonesty in the name of equity. Psychological science, 20(9), pp.1153-1160.

Prentice, R., 2014. Teaching behavioral ethics. Journal of Legal Studies Education, 31(2), pp.325-365.

Prentice, R.A., 2011. Moral Equilibrium: Stock Brokers and the Limits of Disclosure. Wis. L. Rev., p.1059.

Smith, E.R., Mackie, D.M., and Claypool, H.M., 2014. Social psychology. Psychology Press

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